Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, not /Collaboration with Lost to the Hoping. (Some really sporadic and sketchy editing. Gahhh. Meant to get this out weeks ago!)
Note: [Text messages are in square brackets now!][It's a thing!]
The dual notice of an incoming text and a knock at the door would have been an automatic Ino assumption, but there was no way Ino-pig would be up at seven am if she could help it. Not on a Sunday morning.
Sakura scowled at the shuffling in the hall she checked her phone… and then lurched for the locks a moment later.
"Gaara-kun!" she belted out as she pulled open the door because there stood Gaara alright. Hair shaggy and perma-frown in place. "Hi! Naruto said you'd be dropping by. If you give me a minute? I can get dressed."
"... Fine. Hurry up, I'm getting you breakfast," he said, and made himself comfortable against the wall.
Rolling her eyes, Sakura took two steps forward and hugged him tight. And just as quickly, she let go, stepping back to grin. "It's good to see you again. Be right back!" Holding back a giggle at his huge eyes and slack mouth, Sakura slipped back into her dorm, shutting the door.
In the other bed, Konan was a lump of blankets and sapphire hair. Thank goodness. Sakura tiptoed past, picking up leggings and a dark green dress from the open closet. Another moment was spent grabbing a pair of socks and her boots—it was pouring outside—and she managed to sneak into the washroom without waking her roomie. Not that Konan was bad… Okay, who was she kidding, Konan was terrifying before eleven am on a weekend. But she also had a habit of oggling Sak's ass if they ever changed in the same room.
A few minutes later, Sakura was snagging an umbrella from under her bed and was bouncing out the door, purse slung over her shoulder. "Okay! All set! Where did you wanna go?"
The redhead shrugged and started down the hall with her. "It's up to you," he replied, which probably meant the only restaurants in town he knew of were Naruto's favorite ramen stands.
"Hmm… Let's go this way." She led the way to the west entrance and out, popping open the umbrella so that it shielded both their heads. Gaara of course didn't offer to take the umbrella, but by now Sakura only smiled and hefted it a little higher. The rain was sheeting down, obscuring most of her view, but thankfully there wasn't any wind. Diagonal rain was just sadistic. "So? How are the spiders?"
His smile was the same as always, quick and severe, and then not there anymore. "They're good. Naruto tried to name half of them 'Geko'."
Sakura snorted. "And how many did you end up with?" Deidara hadn't told her how many were to begin with and Naruto kept adding to the number as the texting continued. Three hundred, pssh sure. Threading her arm through his, she pulled them around a small but deep puddle and down the cobble path towards the tiny plaza. I feel like pancakes…
"Twenty four," he answered, not shifting her. He hesitated, but went on shortly. "How has school been?"
She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and lifted a brow. "You ready for this?" she challenged, mocking a grave tone. Her friend didn't react and she looked forward again—no sense in getting mud on her boots. "It's brutal," Sakura confessed, nose wrinkling. "The only reason why I'm coming out this morning is because I'm still in first year and I've already finished what work I could. They really don't seem to care if the students pay attention. Maybe it's the size of the classes? The number of classes on their rotation?" She shrugged. "You only get attention if you go to them out of class hours, otherwise you're on your own."
Beside her, she could feel the scoff building, but she bobbed her head pre-emptively. "Yeah, I know. I know. It's part of growing up. Being an adult. Yadda yadda." She nudged him sideways and skirted another puddle. "It's still so different though."
He made a noncommittal noise and fell silent as they paused on a street corner.
"Hey, you did ask." Sakura was still content though. It had been months, and while he did send texts and emails… Well, distance did make a difference. "What about you? How's home life? I hear Kankuro moved out, though I haven't seen him here yet."
"He works at Hyuuga's cafe," he replied with an puckered brow, not answering her question.
Sakura waited for a moment, quietly enjoying the stoic stroll towards fresh pancakes. A bit longer, and then she shook her head. Fine then. "I'll have to ambush him soon then," she said, spotting a smiling face and jiggling the umbrella in acknowledgement. "It's nice to know that there are other people beside me and Hina who have been sucked into a coffee house."
He nodded. "I think he's overworked." He slanted a glance her way, then looked ahead again. The restaurant she was aiming for loomed ahead of them, a haven of dry warmth and breakfast goods. "IHOP?" He sounded so incredulous that she had to laugh, which predictably made him frown.
Grinning she pulled him inside, collapsing the soaked umbrella to the side. "I figured, you could get a traditional breakfast any time you wanted back home, but I have never seen a western breakfast nook over there. So. Yes. IHOP." Beaming at the girl at the welcome counter, Sakura held up two fingers. "For two please. Corner by a window if possible." As the girl, Nariko, nodded and pulled two menus, Sakura eyed her reticent friend. "Have you even had pancakes before?"
"Of course I have," he muttered, a bit too quickly. He eyed the waitress like she might bite them, but followed Sakura without complaint. Even so, the redhead gave off an aura potent enough that nobody got in their way enroute to the table.
Sakura hummed. "Oh, of course." She let the matter drop, thanking Nariko as they sat down. Tucking her umbrella and purse to the side by the wall, Sakura flipped open a menu and allowed herself a few leisurely seconds to peruse her options. Across from her, Gaara scowled and copied her… She affixed a look of bland self-preoccupation and ignored him.
A few seconds longer and he set his down. "I don't like this."
"Hmm?" Sakura raised her eyes from the bright pictures and waited.
"Living so far away from you and- Naruto." He scowled. "I don't like it."
Sakura blinked and sat up straight. Okay, not the pancakes then. "Are you gonna move in with Kankuro-kun?" It would make the most sense… temporarily.
The boy snorted but seemed to be considering it. "Maybe. Naruto also says he has a spare room. Apparently no one wants it."
"He always was threatening to kidnap Sasuke and keep him there," she said, thinking it over. Naruto's place would work well… if Gaara didn't kill Jiraya right from the beginning. Sometimes Jiraya had made rumbling noises about Kakashi staying in that room, but the teacher had always nixed those ideas fast. "That would be fantastic! And Kank—Oh! Quick, what do you want to drink? The waitress is coming over."
He blinked and turned his head to watch the woman approach. "Jasmine tea," he announced promptly.
"IHOP, Gaara. They don't… Actually, you know what? I don't know if they don't." Sakura let her bemusement show and shrugged. And when the waitress smiled and asked for their drink choices, Sakura learned that, yes, they did in fact have jasmine tea. Huh. And off Uno went with their order. Sakura had gotten orange juice.
"But yeah, it would be great if you could move over here," Sakura picked up her menu again. "Kankuro wouldn't complain, but sharing his "tiny-ass apartment" probably wouldn't work well for longer than a month." Naruto had been dismayed about the bachelor pad, but Sakura knew about rental prices and wasn't surprised. "Do you want help figuring out how to transfer?"
He shook his head. "No, the principal will help, gladly." He shrugged. "And if not, it shouldn't be too hard."
Sakura frowned for a moment. Gaara looked… uneasy. Stoic was his default setting, awkward was not often. "Well… if you ever had questions, just ask, okay?" Giving him another meaningful look—hopefully to really pound in her sincerity—she waggled the menu. "Now pick your pancakes already. I wanna see what you end up with."
Gaara almost smiled at that.
At some point in the last ten minutes, Sasuke had begun to regret his decision to team up with Shikamaru, Zetsu and Kisame. Not because any of them were particularly bad at this game, no. In fact, under any other circumstances, the Uchiha was relatively certain they would decimate the competition. Under any other circumstances.
Today, in the near-darkness of the laser tag room, they were being systematically destroyed. Their opponents? Ino and Deidara, of all people, on a team with the apparently diabolical Yuki-san, and Sai.
He wasn't sure how they were doing it, but Shikamaru had already "died" for the round, Zetsu was down half his hit points, and Sasuke had one left himself. Kisame was the only one with most his "life", but the pair of them had been forced to take cover from Ino-or-Deidara (it was impossible to tell which it was in the dimness of the room). "How the hell?" Sasuke muttered, eying in front of them, and the left "hall" while Kisame beside him traded shots with the blond keeping them pinned.
Kisame grunted and lurched to the side with a curse. "Fuck. That was close." Still hadn't lost any points though. Bastard. "I think it's both Yamanaka and Dei over there," Kisame said, grinning. "They pop up and down like fucking demented groundhogs."
Sasuke couldn't help a laugh at that. "Maybe we should leash them."
As he spoke, a shadow loomed to his right, gun aimed, and shot. Sasuke swore and ducked a second too late, taking the shot to the shoulder. His armor lighting turned red, signaling his "death", and a laughing Sai dove away from Kisame's trailing shots, only to take two from Zetsu a second later.
"I die with dignity!" the bizarre artist proclaimed as his blue lights flashed red too.
Snorting with laughter, Kisame rolled his eyes and nudged the downed Sai with the side of this boot. "Hey corpse, get up and get out." He glanced up at Sasuke and grimaced. "Shit. How is this even happening?" Shaking his head, Kisame stealthed past Sasuke with a consolatory pat to the shoulder. "See ya in half an hour." And he disappeared around a corner.
Shaking his head, Sasuke helped Sai up, and they headed out to join Shikamaru in the armor room. "I have a new respect for Haku-chan," Sai said as they passed into the brighter light.
The door swung shut behind them as both paused to let their eyes adjust. Sasuke waved to Shikamaru, heading for the frames set up to hold the armor.
"You have no idea," Shika drawled from where he sat in front of the monitors. "That guy is ridiculous. More so than the terror team that is Ino and Toji." He didn't sound happy.
Curious, Sasuke detoured to watch over Shikamaru's shoulder, absently undoing the buckles and straps of his armor as he did. His eyes widened as the slender boy actually scaled one of the dividing walls to get a shot in at Kisame, right in the back of his armor, then let gravity pull him back to safety, and quickly got out of sight. Instantly, Ino began firing to cover for him, and Deidara distracted Zetsu.
Sai sounded amused behind Sasuke. "We took Shikamaru out first on purpose. Haku-chan said you were the biggest threat."
"Gee, thanks."
Shaking his head, Sasuke went to divest himself of the foam and plastic body gear. Sai went on. "Ideally, Kisame or Zetsu should have been second, but opportunity came, so I executed Sasuke without mercy."
There was a beat of silence and then Shikamaru coughed. "Yes, I see." Then, "Oh for fuck's sake, Kisa. You're an idiot." And another pause. "Okay, granted, a successful one."
Sasuke had just gotten the last of his armor off when Ino slammed through the door, pouting. "You abandoned me, Sai!" she accused petulantly.
He beamed. "Come here, I'll make it up to you!"
"Pig!" she snapped, but didn't stop him from helping with her armor.
Sasuke dismissed the pair from mind and went back over to watch with Shikamaru. It was just the older boys, and Haku, now, and there seemed to be some kind of lull. "Where are they?" He could see Kisame there, hunkered down and waiting, but none of the others were on camera.
A hum from Shikamaru and then he pointed to a screen down to the right. "Zetsu is lurking up there a few feet from the ceiling, that's why it's hard to find him. You can see his foot on the edge. It took me a while to realize there was a gap there." Then he gestured at another screen, top middle. "Haku is underneath one of the stairs… There, you see the glow reflecting off the gun? As for Toji…"
There was a flash across the camera, blond hair and a shout loud enough they heard it through the wall. Deidara was racing right for Kisame.
Zetsu suddenly dropped down right behind him, the blond grinned madly... And ducked down as Zetsu fired. Three shots, right into Kisame's vest. Haku had come up behind the comically alarmed green haired boy, and took him out.
"And that's the game," Shikamaru groaned as he sat back. "That was very well played."
On the screens, Kisame was throwing his hands up and apparently ranting. However, even though his arms were waving, his grin was wide enough to see across the board.
Sasuke watched Haku revert to sheepish modesty, watched Deidara clap him on the shoulder, and Zetsu shake his head before heading for the doors. "I'm so glad Haku is our friend."
Beside him, Shikamaru snorted. "Can you imagine if your brother were here? I can't decide which scenario would be worse, them on opposing teams or on the same one."
"Can you not give me nightmares? Thanks." Sasuke rolled his eyes and looked to the door as the four came through.
Sai handed high fives out to his teammates, and Ino even hugged Haku in congratulations. "Let's get pizza, now. On the losers!"
Kisame heaved a loud sigh at Ino's demand, but shrugged. "Fuck. Yeah, okay, I can respect that." He turned and pointed at Zetsu. "You though—you bastard—are buying me beer, because what the fuck man? Line of fire. C'mon, you know this shit." Racking his gear, Kisame started to laugh. "But damn, Yuki."
Coming up behind Kisame, Shikamaru rolled his eyes and shoved the older teen towards the food court. "You can talk while walking, Kisa. Move already."
Haku beamed. "I think it's cute that you have nicknames!"
Sasuke eyed him. "You're terrifying."
Sai threw his arm around the girly male's shoulders, grinning. "Don't be jealous, Sasuke-kun. It's not very attractive."
Sasuke twitched. Bastard.
Ahead of them, Kisame was letting Shikamaru push him out the door, Haku keeping pace. "I'm calling you "General" from now on, Yuki," the big idiot was blathering on. "I mean, how the hell did you get those two to work together?"
"What two?" Deidara and Ino yelped in unison.
Haku just laughed. "Oh any explosive can be managed, Kisame-san!"
Kisame tilted his head back in consideration, or maybe just to lean back further onto the grumbling Shikamaru. After a few steps, Kisame straightened up and looked down at Haku. "You know, Yuki, I think I'd be scared shitless, but I'm really curious to know what your sex life is like."
Haku batted his eyelashes and looked ahead, lighting up. "Kakashi-sama!" he chirped and hurried ahead.
Sasuke blinked. 'Sama?' he mouthed at Shikamaru.
"I notice he didn't answer you," Sai commented to Kisame.
"It really... wasn't a question," Kisame replied, clearly distracted.
Shikamaru rolled his eyes at Sasuke, shoved his boyfriend forward, reached up and slapped Kisame upside the head. "You are buying me pizza."
Sasuke shook his head, eying Haku and Kakashi, the latter of which was smiling curiously down into Haku's face. And then he was smirking. Sasuke didn't want to know and hurried to catch up with the others.
Zetsu was obligingly buying a beer for himself and Kisame, while Kisame got a couple pizzas for everyone. Ino asked Sai for a soda and was granted it (though Sasuke noticed his payment was in the form of a boob-grope).
They'd just sat down when Haku rejoined them, sans Kakashi.
Across from Sasuke, Shikamaru wordlessly pushed the hawaiian towards the newly minted "General".
Haku beamed. "Thank you!"
"So, another round after this?" Dei asked eagerly.
Shikamaru traded glances with Sasuke. "That was the plan," Shikamaru said nodding. "We'll just have to wait for the current group in there to finish."
"That'll give us some time to come up with a different strategy, right, Shikamaru?" Kisame followed up with a sharp grin.
"Several actually," Shikamaru responded, and then added lowly, "and I think we'll need all of them this time."
Haku, across the table, only smiled.
This is a stupid idea. Tenten bit her lip and eyed the clock. It wasn't too late in the evening. She was pretty sure Kuzu was still awake. Hell, knowing him, he was probably either doing paperwork or … Maybe she shouldn't bother him right now. He might be conning some unfortunate into playing pool with him.
For a moment, she sat back and smiled at nothing, remembering the night she and Hinata had gone to the bar to tease Hidan. Briefly she wondered if Kakuzu had been interested in her back then, but dismissed the thought. Not likely.
Tenten gazed down at her phone and sighed. What am I doing? She made a face in the screen's reflection and felt a little more horrible. First, I'm telling him I need time, then two weeks later I'm trying to ask if I can borrow him and his means of transportation for my benefit?
It really didn't paint a pretty picture of herself.
He'd say yes. Of course, he'd say yes. Oh, and isn't that decent of me, already taking him for granted?
Tenten rubbed a hand over the soft material on her knee and tilted her head back to thud against the wall. If she did ask him, she'd be taking advantage of his feelings. If she didn't ask him, he'd find out somehow—because he just would—and then be upset that she didn't ask him.
Of course, she could try asking someone else… Try being the key word there, as for the past few years, absolutely no one was available to drop three days to make the trip. Even her old dojo mates weren't interested in going anymore. All too adult now. Far too childish to dress up and fight for candy.
And besides, what would he even do while we were there? If, theoretically, we did go. By ourselves. For three days.
Honestly, it was a miracle in itself that Xi wasn't poking his nose more into her sudden interest in an old adventure and leaving her to figure it out on her own..
Or, at least, almost all on her own. Whoever was driving her would have to pick her up from home… and say hello to her cousin.
Kakuzu and Xi. Tenten groaned. This really was going to be a huge favour. Usually Xi would be easy, but… There was definitely down side to being a girl and youngest in the house.
Tenten groaned again and slumped over on her bed, curling to a fetal position. Maybe he'll say no? She brought her phone up to her face and pulled up her text messages. Hina-chan's were at the top, but Kuzu was right under.
[Hey, I've got a really selfish request to make of you. Are you free to chat atm?]
She stared at the draft for a moment, sighed, and hit send. Brownie points for being upfront?
Five minutes of watching her phone later, Tenten shook her head and went to take a shower. When she came back again, rubbing the water from her hair, she sat and stared at her phone some more.
She was just contemplating homework when her phone lit up, Kakuzu's text tone chiming.
[What is it?] So simple, so to the point.
[There's a martial arts tournament out of town on the weekend before Halloween and I want to go. But it's a day of driving just to get there. No one can take me, so—]
Tenten paused. Well, obviously, he knows what I'm going to ask. But she still had to ask. Making assumptions was not something she wanted to encourage.
[—would you be up for going on a road trip with me?]
"Gah…" Tenten muttered and hit send.
Several minutes passed. Then, [What time am I picking you up?]
"Uhm," said Tenten. And then, "Damn, man." She knew he'd say yes, but… He didn't even ask for payment. For anything. Like gas.
[I should mention it's a three day event… You sure?]
Technically, it was just Saturday and Sunday, but they'd have to leave Friday morning… and book a hotel for two nights. Oh my god, what am I doing?
Several more minutes of anxiously peering at her phone later… [I'll have to move something, but yeah, it's fine. Bring food.]
She only had enough time to blink at that once before another text came in. [Also, we're splitting gas. You're doing me a favor. Believe me.]
Ironically, the mention of money made her relax. She raised her eyebrows at the favor bit though. I get that he wants to spend time with me, but I don't think that's the only thing.
[Splitting gas is no problem. I still have a fair bit saved up from working with Sai, and my cousin has already agreed to give me enough to cover hotel fees for two rooms.]
She hit send, then huffed at herself and sent another message: [We'd be leaving my place Friday morning if we want to be in town at a reasonable time. It's over in River Country, Kentori.]
[Hang on, getting paid.] Five minutes after receiving that text, Kakuzu sent another. [Okay. You still haven't answered my question.]
Blinking, Tenten checked his previous messages and realized what he meant. [Details, details. You have a say in this too. I can leave anywhere after 8am. What works for you?]
[I'll be there at 8:30,] was the quick response. Another text followed it. [Should I be expecting to meet your family?] Because of course Kuzu would think of everything. Sometimes, that was just uncanny.
[Um… just to say hello. Yeah.] Tenten cringed internally and added, [Xi might be… uh… protective.]
A full minute passed. The clock on her wall ticked annoyingly. Then, [I'll be there at 8. Also, if Hidan ends up dead, you're my alibi.]
Tenten snorted. [Yeah, okay. Thanks, Kakuzu,] she sent back.
Blowing out a breath, she dropped her cell down onto her bed and rubbed both hands over her face. Now she had a ride and a fellow driver and… She was going to Kentori for Halloween! "Eeeeeee!" Tenten squealed and jumped up.
She needed to tell Hinata. And then they were both going to find costumes. And then she was going to start stockpiling snacks for the trip. And talk to Sai to see if he wanted anything extra.
"Taka-chan?" Oops.
"Guess what!" Tenten opened her bedroom door to find her cousin standing on the other side, looking amused and curious. "I've got a ride to Kentori!" she announced.
Xi grinned. "That's great!" he said, giving her a hug. "Good for you!" Leaning back, he tilted his head. "Soo… who is it?"
Like he didn't know already.
"It's Kakuzu-kun," Tenten told him and then straightened. "And you can't call me Taka in front of him!" she added, pointing at his wide grin. "It's embarrassing!"
"Awww! But it's true!"
"Don't you dare!"
"But Taka-chan!"
"You know, as your acting guardian, I am officially under the obligation to educate your boyfriend on the proper way to address—"
"No, you don't!"
A/N: Right, so like I said earlier... Meant to get this posted last month, but life got in the way.
At some point, we'll get back to the main plot...