-Chapter 3-

Amy now in total shock jerked against her chain once more as the sight of Sonic make her stomach drop.

"Sonic...I...I...I can explain!"

The blue hedgehog chuckled as he slowly started walking around the pink hedgehog's trembling body. Slowly he drug his riding crop around her torso applying a little pressure so the corner of the leather would leave a fine mark.

"No Amy, there's no need to explain. This whole thing, was my idea in the first place."

A smug closed smile came a crossed Scourge's face, like he was holding back a laugh.

"But I thought you said you couldn't-"

"Do none of it? Because I'm living in my mother's house?" he smiled, "Look around," Sonic laughed while pointing the riding crop in the air circling their surroundings, "Are we at the house?"

"Welcome to my humble abode." Scourge chuckled, as he threw himself into a lone chair.

"But you didn't seem to like...what I showed you. You didn't show any interest, why here, why now?" she looked at Scourge, "Why Scourge?"

"Why me toots?" Scourge huffed, "Because Blue knew you wanted to be dominated, to be treated like a mere slave, but yet, by some one who, strangely enough, cared for your well being as well."

"Besides, you did give into him quite quickly when he impersonated me years ago, so I knew I'd be a synch to do it again."

Amy choked up, "Why didn't you just do this yourself, I would-"

"Stop right there." Sonic let the riding crop come down crashing on her rear, "Not another word. You don't need to tell me what YOU would have done, let me explain HOW this is, and HOW I'm doing it."

Scourge leaned up in the chair, "Story Time." He chuckled.

Sonic began circling Amy Rose again.

"You see, I had never relished the though of ever laying a hand on you, so you know it came to a compleate shock when you came to me, wanting this, the one thing you claim that you are not wanting now. So, I figured, I'd do my research. I read up, A LOT. I read, and I read, but it never clicked for me. I didn't care for it that much, BUT I knew this is what you wanted. So..." Sonic paused looking at Scourge.

"He came to me." the green hedgehog laughed, "Yeah seems strange isn't it? Two enemies, actually coming together for something that well... interests us both. "

"He wasn't too happy when I tried getting in contact with him."

"No, I wasn't." Scourge leaned back into his chair."But Hey, I couldn't turn down his offer." The green hedgehog gave an evil smirk.

"Offer?" Amy broke the silence again, only to feel the wincing pain of the leather crop come down again.

"I said hush."

The pink hedgehog just nodded.

"Now, the offer was, if he helped me in showing how to be domninate, and give you want you wanted, then he, as well, could do the same."

"Meaning toots, you've got two male hedgehog's now." Scourge's voice was minacing.

Amy was about to protest, but remembered that riding crop Sonic carried in his hand.

The blue hedgehog knew she had something to say, "Go on Amy, you can spit it out this time."

She hesitated for a moment. So Sonic laid the riding crop on the floor and took a step back, "Go ahead."


"Amy. Amy. Amy."


"Will see him in his birthday suit too?" Sonic laughed, "Amy, he is me. I am him. The only difference is colors and home demensions."

Scourge stood up and got in Amy's face, "Besides, he's become quite dark, after all that I've showed him."

"What you-"

"I'm not gay if that what you are asking Amy, this only expand my horizons in giving you more pleasure than what I alone could give." Sonic sighed looking toward the ground, "Amy, I love you, but that doesn't mean...I'm gonna be treating you as nice from now on. Besides..." A dark chuckle emmited from his throat, "I think you'll like what I've got planned anyways. Won't she Scourge?"

The green hedgehog laughed, "I thought you'd never ask."

The pink hedgehog's eyes narrowed and Scourge dashed and threw on the blind fold again.

"Oh god, Sonic please..."

"There's no use in begging now Amy, cause promise..."

The blue hedgehog grabbed her from behind caressing her breasts and leaning into her ear, "We will having you beg for more, before the night is over."

"Hey blue look." Scourge laughed while he drug his fingers inside of Amy's inner thigh,causing her to jump, "She's wet again."

"Well now." Sonic slightly tugged on her nipple clamps, making her cringe a little, "We should do more to help that along shall we?"

The blue hedgehog nodded as Scourge stood up from his crouched position.

Walking around to the front of the pink hedgehog Amy Rose felt Sonic's hand grasp her inner thighs with his now gloveless hands, his thumbs prying her vaginal lips open before he thrust his warm tounge in.

"Ah!" the pink hedgehog cried out, but instantly noticed Scourge was standing behind her, with his body pressed against hers, breathing heavly down her neck, right before she felt a small pain, one after the other.

He was biting her. The pain wasn't unbearable, it just sent a sensation through her that she'd never felt before.

She felt like she could give way, but Sonic's now lashing tounge was still buried in her flower. He hummed a bit, sending more sensations running through her.

The green hedegehog would take a couple breaks to lick the base of Amy's neck. Scourge's rough tounge made her toes curl as well as what Sonic was doing to her.

"Are you liking this Rose?" Scourge's dark voice rang in her ear, "There's so much blue and I can do with your body. So much pain and pleasure at the same time."

Scourge took his claws and ran them from Amy's rear all the way up her back, digging them in to where scratch marks were now visible.

"GAH!" Amy cried out again. She didn't know what to think, this mixture of pleasure and pain. She gasped slightly as Sonic pulled away, causing the surrounding air to blow on her sending a cold chill through her body.

Sonic licked his lips. The blue hedgehog then nodded to Scourge, "Lets give her what she really wants."

Amy felt herself being unchained as she felt both Sonic and Scourge pick her up.

Before she knew it she was sitting on to her what felt like a mattress only softer, a sigh of relief came to her cause the coldness of the sheets releived some of the pain she had from being whipped so much by the riding crop.

She then found herself being cuffed again. Only by her wrists this time, and a small rope was being tied at her ankles.

"This should hold you for now."

Things then became silent. Amy listened for a moment, she then heard the sound of metal hitting the floor as she tried pin pointing where the sound was coming from. Her blind fold didn't help the situation.

The then realized that was Scourge's jacket hitting the ground. She heard the sound of snaps coming undone, and shoes being dropped.

She also heard them chuckling, and whispering to each other. She couldn't make out what they were saying, except for one thing.

"You ready for this Blue."

"You know it."

Amy felt the blind fold come off, and before she could even look away, she blushed. Her eyes were now widened, standing before her, still in candle light was both Sonic and Scourge. Standing less than a foot away from her.

Both nude, both erect, and both about to give Amy what they felt is what she not only wanted, but give themselves what they needed as well.