And so, I know that this ending does leave out a few details from the story. However, I feel like, short of continuing with this story until the girls are both in their late 60's, there's no way that I could bring the story to a sense of complete closure. There's a part of the reader's job where they just need to take the author's word and accept the story as it is. Unlike Those Green Eyes, which I have seriously considered writing a sequel to (which has like, a 60% chance of happening, actually), this will be the end for this story. But for those readers who wanted a bit more closure out of this, and because I've received a plethora of questions that I know I didn't fully resolve in here, I wanted to give you that bit.

Firstly, just because Cat was brought into the West's home does not mean that Mrs. West is going to adopt her. It's the opposite. Cat is a foster child. She went into the foster system because she was 17 and would only need to be in the system for a short while before she could be out in the world on her own. So, she is not in any way, shape or form "sisters" with Jade.

The way I see it, after Cat and Jade both graduate, they attend college together. Jade goes on to study psychology. It helps her with her passion for film and screenwriting because she gets to learn more about the way people's minds work. Cat studies theatre and finds herself in her passion for music even more so than she already knew that she belonged in a musical career.

Cat does still struggle with her panic attacks. The history of her life with her parents haunts her. Jade is there for her in whatever way possible. Cat sees her therapist as often as she needs to and is on anxiety medication, but is learning techniques to cope with the nerves and the panic.

And from there, it's up to you to decide. At that point, the story is not mine any more. I only captured a fictional snippet in the lives of equally as fictional characters. Their lives can go in whichever direction you choose for them to go, whether they get married or have a huge fight and never speak to each other again. Your imagination is as good as mine.

But my story ends here. Again, thank you for coming on this ride with me. The story was actually very hard for me to write the more I got into it. As with most everything that I write, parts of my real life began to appear in this story. And as events in my life unraveled, there came the huge pause in my writing this chapter. Without going into too much detail, I related with Cat extremely. For those of you who may know me personally, then maybe you understand what I mean.

I cannot wait until I start writing my next story. I have tons of partial ideas floating around in my head. It's all a matter of when I find the time to sit down and put these thoughts into coherent words and sentences.

And so, I bid thee all farewell. For now, at least. I start college in exactly two weeks from today (the excitement is unbelievable) so I know that it will be a while before I get to writing again. But I will. I promise.

I love all my readers and I will AlwaysAndForeverAfter 3

Sincerely yours,
