Okay, so my other story is on hold right now as this idea was constantly on my mind. Its a new story and some characters might be a bit OOC. I hope you like it :)
I was currently standing in Walford train station, heading to the South of London in hopes of finding my two long lost cousins, Joey and Alice. I could feel my self shaking as I gripped on to the railings at the train station. I knew roughly why I was feeling this way, I mean I was literally going to knock on a strangers door and tell them that we were related. How weird is that? .But from what Uncle Derek has told me, alice is really kind and very shy, but Joey is the complete opposite, a compulsive liar and would do anything to take Uncle Derek down, but thats what Uncle Derek told me and I do believe him. He would lie to me, would he? . No! I scolded at my inner voice, Uncle Derek has been the only person I could talk to through mum's cancer battle and he was the only one helping me out through my binge drinking problem. Anyway I'm getting ahead of myself so here's the story about how my Uncle Derek and I had become so close.
Dad and Uncle Derek had been back in Walford for a whole week and already dad had took over everything; Hospital appointments, cooking, cleaning, taking care of mum, holding her hair back when she was sick, comforting her when she cried.
Even though it did feel like most of the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders, I did however feel like my dad was trying to push me out of his life. And the only thing I thought I could turn to was alcohol. Did I have a problem?. No!. Was I damaged goods?. No!. I just needed someone to comfort me, be there for me. But there was no one. The only thing I could seek comfort in was alcohol. It didn't judge me or give its opinion on my life. It was just there.
That's when I decided to go to the Vic to rid my mind of all those sad thoughts running through my mind. I arrived at the pub and instinctively walked over to the seat I sat on everytime I was in the pub on my own. Uncle Derek was alone too and he came over and sat next to me.
" What's wrong, love?" He questioned. I genuinely thought he was asking for the truth, and he was the only one who had asked me if I was okay. I felt so vulnerable and alone at the time, and he was the only one there for me. And so I answered truthfully.
" Everything. Mum lying in bed alone and sick, dad taking over thinking he controls us all, this pub making me think about Bradley's death EVERY SINGLE DAY!, and me; I feel like there is no one here for me any more and I feel like no one needs me screwing their lives up with my drinking habbit" I replied, out of breath. I couldn't stop once I started talking and I actually couldn't believe uncle Derek was still listening to me after I had blurted all of that out.
" Well that's a lot of things, darling. But I want you to know I'm always gonna be here for you, okay?. I'm your old Uncle Derek, and if it helps there is one thing I can help you with, you know?"
" Yeah?. Whats that? " I questioned, quite intrigued at what Derek was going to come out of his mouth next.
" Your drinking. I had a drink problem a long time ago and I did some really nasty stuff that I'm not proud of. One of the worst things was leaving my kids."
I was relieved when Uncle Derek told me he'd help me out. Someone actually put me first for once in my life. But I was quite shocked to find out he had kids. No one mentioned anything about him having kids.
" Kids?. You have kids, Uncle Derek?" I questioned
" Yeah. Two. Joey and Alice." He replied, sounding kid of hurt at mentioning of their names.
" So where are they now?" I questioned.
" With their mother in the South of London." Derek replied
" Tell me about them" I coult tell it was hurting Uncle Derek not being able to talk to them or see them.
" Well Joey is twenty-three years old, he was seven the last time I saw him, and Alice is twenty years old. Your Auntie Suzy talks to their mother, Lilian. Suzy keeps me informed on how they are doing. She says Joey is a bit of a looker and is very 'friendly' with the ladies, and Alice is kind but very shy and doesn't go out much. Not like you, ae?" Derek replied, chuckling a little at the last part of his sentance.
I knew Uncle Derek was having a laugh, so I joined in, laughing with him a little. He was obviously hurting inside but tried to hide it with a laugh, but that wasn't working very much.
I was curious as to why he hadn't seen them in sixteen years. Why weren't they here with him?. All sorts of questions rushing through my mind.
" Yeah I do go out a lot, dont I?" I laughed inwardly at myself, just ackowledging that I really did go out a lot.
It had been exactly 5 months, 1 week and three days since that day in the Vic. I had virtally counted everyday being sober, although I had a few moments where I was almost begging on my knees for a drink because everything just got on top of me, but everything is better now. Mum had the all clear, dad was finally noticing that I was changing for the better and Uncle Derek kept to his promise and he helped me with my drinking; He took me to counceling sessions, sat beside me in the bathroom as I was being sick from the withdrawel of the alcohol, he even convinced dad to throw out all the alcohol in the house. During my progress, Uncle Derek opened up about Joey and Alice, and had told me that he wanted to see them again. He had their mother's address that Auntie Suzy gave him. I asked him if he wanted to go see them but he was scared incase they rejected him and never wanted to see him ever again.
And that's how I found myself on my way to find my longlost cousins, Alice and Joey. I was finally sober and I was helping Uncle Derek reunite with his kids. Life was finally looking up for me and it felt amazing!.
So I hope you liked it. Should I keep writing this story? . Please R&R, I really appreciate the reviews. :)