Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, or anything in it.
NOTE: This is an alternate universe, where Harry and Ron are NOT best friends, they are only small acquaintances. Harry and Hermione will meet first, and because of that things will be very different, sometimes without explanation. Also, chapters may be all over the place. Ex: Chapter 1, Hogwarts Express, Chapter 2, Quidditch World Cup. Just try to bear with me, please. I would also LOVE reviews, as I hardly ever get them. THANKS!
Harry had no idea had to get to Platform 9 3/4 Quarters. He looked around for some sort of, "magical door", though there wasn't one. He saw a family of three walk by.
"I don't think there is a Platform 9 3/4 Quarters, Mione," The father said. "Maybe we should ask someone."
"It's okay, Dad, this is it." The daughter, Mione, said. She looked around, quickly said goodbye to her father and mum, and then she ran straight through a wall.
"I guess I just run through it, then." Harry said to himself. He closed his eyes and ran, and when he opened his eyes he was in a completely different room. He saw the girl, Mione, stepping up a staircase onto a train, the Hogwarts Express. "Excuse me, Mione." She looked back at him, with a weird look.
"Umm… What?" She said, confused.
"My name's Harry. I'm kind of lost."
"Oh," She said. "Well I suppose we could sit together. You know, I've been reading heavily on Hogwarts, I know all there is to know." She gave Harry a look full of pride.
"You know I spent ALL last night reading, I wanted to be prepared." Harry gave a sheepish smile. Mione looked amazed.
"I LOVE READING!" She exclaimed. She grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to a seat. "Have you read, "Hogwarts, a History"?" She asked. "That one's my favorite!"
"I'm not for sure… but I do have a question," Harry said.
"Oh, okay, sure! Ask me anything," Mione smiled.
"Do you know anything about Voldemort?" Harry suddenly remembered he wasn't supposed to say his name. "I mean You-Know-Who- Must-Not-Be-Named-Guy…" He heard laughing.
"It's probably a stupid Mudblood." He heard a familiar voice say. Mione looked mad.
"What's wrong, erm, Mione?" Harry said.
"My name is Hermione, and Mudblood is a derogatory name for a Muggle-Born wizard," Hermione said.
"Are you going to answer me, or what?" Harry asked.
"Okay, he gained a bunch of followers, because he used forbidden Dark Magic. He killed many innocent people, and he tried to kill a boy named Harry, when his curse counteracted, and killed him instead," She said. "I think he's starting this year, too. I'd really like to meet him. He might be able to show me some counter-curses." Hermione gave Harry a weird look. "Hey, what's your name? You never said."
"Um, Harry," He parted his hair. "Harry Potter."
Hermione gave him a strange look. "You're Harry Potter, and you're lost?"
"Well I was raised by Muggies." He heard more laughing, when a blonde haired boy sits next to him.
"The famous Harry Potter, raised by *snicker* Muggies!" He said. "The name's Draco, Draco Malfoy." Hermione glared.
"Can you leave us alone, please?" She said.
"Ooohhh, Potter's already got a girlfriend!" Draco said. "I'll bet you'll be a heavy-studying-Ravenclaw, won't you?" He said to Hermione. She started to cry.
"Get out of here, Malfoy. Go somewhere!" Harry said, trying not to curse. Draco snickered again before he left. "It's okay, Hermione, he's just a bully. I've dealt with them before." Hermione looked up.
"You too?" She asked, timidly. Harry nodded. A few minutes later, a red-haired boy came to them.
"Mind if I sit here, there aren't any other seats available," He asked. Harry almost sad yes, but then he saw about five other empty seats.
"Um, there's a seat over there." Harry said. The boy looked disappointed.
"Oh okay, thanks." He walked away.
"So, as you were saying, Hermione," Harry said. She was rambling about how people thought if you came from a wizard family, than you are better than being Muggle-Born. Harry took this time to look at her. He noticed that she had rather large front teach, but other than that, she was very pretty. He even loved her name, Hermione. He could tell she was very shy, and she was easily hurt. He felt kind of good looking at her, he just hoped she felt the same.
"Um, why are you staring at me?" She asked.
"Oh, sorry, I just noticed how…" Harry struggled at answering this question. "I just noticed how pretty you are." Hermione seemed particularly delighted at this, blushing.
"Well, you are pretty handsome yourself," She told him. She looked around, and then she got up, and sat down right next to him.
"I am?" Harry asked while Hermione nodded. Hermione smiled, and then grabbed his hand. "Um, Hermione, what are you doing?"
"I'm holding your hand, why? Do you not want me to?" She asked.
"No. I want you to." Harry smiled, and held her hand too.