Disclaimer: Touhou belongs to Zun, and the only things that belong to myself would be Usagi the Mimic, and Moegi the Japanese Beetle. Everything else belongs to their rightful owner.
A/N: Welp, it has finally come to this, hasn't it?
Y/N: ...Indeed, it has.
A/N: Ohh, cheer up, Yukari!
Y/N: When I have such a scene before me, how can I possibly cheer up...?
A/N: ...Okay, fine, don't. But still, atleast it's not direct. Only a slightly vague jounal entry, and nothing more.
Y/N: Still...
A/N: Yeah, I know, I know. It's still gonna hurt a bit.
Y/N: ...Well, let's get it over with.
A/N: Right. On with the show.
A/N2: Also, as a side note, I'm not planning on proof reading the journal entries, for obvious reasons.
Winter of the 148th year, Moriya Shrine, Kogasa's PoV:
I made my way into Sanae's and I's room, and looked about with an odd sense of calm. I noticed the diary that Sanae had given me just a few weeks ago, and a tear slipped from my eye. "I'm sorry I never used it, Sanae... Will you forgive me?" I listened to silence, before replying, "Thank you." I sat my umbrella down on the bed, pulling my giant tongue in, before sitting down at the desk, one of Sanae's mechanical pencils soon in my hand.
With my thoughts in order, I turned to the first page, and began to write.
Dear diary- that sounds so strange to write. Is it alive, like I am? No, doesn't seem to be... Just tickled it, and it gave no response.
Dear Diary, today something horrible happened... Sanae went out to exterminate a man-eater, and when she returned... She had a chuck of her side missing. She said that she took care of the youkai, but... at what cost? Nothing so small should have been worth her life... An army of youkai threatening to devour the human village? Sure! But just an ordinary, weak, lesser youkai? How did it even manage to get such a blow in? I can never even get a surprise in on her; she's always expecting me!
Well, I suppose what's done is done, even if...
Seeing as Sanae taught me how to read and write, I figured I'd make use of these skills, and keep a record of any events of note in this gift she gave me just the other week. I think she called it a diary, so that's what I shall begin reffering to it as. A diary.
Having finished with the page, she flipped to the next.
With that said, Sanae had a request of me. I was to become the acting shrine maiden of the shrine, as I already carry out many of her duties. ...Well, I did, when she was alive... I used to carry out the duties for her when she was away, which have now become my own, I guess. I'm kinda glad that I can fit in her clothes, though.
...I wish Yukari could have saved her. She came out of nowhere, and tried her best, and yet... even she couldn't help Sanae. Why did she even know that she needed help?
With everything written, I closed the book, and headed off to start on dinner, picking my umbrella up on the way to the door.
A week later:
With a sigh, I sat my umbrella on the bed once again, and grabbed the book for the desk, before sitting in the chair again.
Dear diary, I'm... a bit confused today. Yukari came by again, while I was sweeping snow from the grounds, and said that she would teach me to do as she does. That being to make those gaps of hers, and to alter boundries. I asked her why, but... she had no answer but that I would know what to do with it. Why does she have to be so cryptic...?
Hey, now that I think about it, I wonder if there's some sort of way I could use the power to bring her back?
With that done, I headed for bed, with a small plan prepared for the next day.
The following day:
Today, I asked Yukari just what could be done with this power she wanted to train me in. She said that anything, and everything, can be done a power such as hers. And so I asked her about raising the dead. She simply sighed, obviously knowing what I truely wanted, and gave a nod. However, she did add that even she was not strong enough to do such a thing. I told her that I would simply surpass at me, which earned me a chuckle. I don't know why it was so... sad, but there was something about it... Did she too say something like that to whoever taught her? Did she too lose someone important to her?
With that, she began to teach me math. Math's really hard... However, by the end of the day, I could atleast feel the presence of boundries. When I asked what she feels, she simply told me everything. I can't imagine feeling everything at all times... Wouldn't that get in the way of feeling other things?
I sure hope not...
My training's going well! I finally managed to open one! Sure, it was a crude gap the size of a coin, but still! Yukari stopped me from putting my finger in it, and then I saw some scythe-like finger came poking out of it, clawing at my general direction. Needless to say, I was greatfull that she stopped me from doing that... Although, I had to wonder if she had to close it on whatever it was, cutting off the finger. Creepily enough, the finger continued to move after being removed... Still, she was nice enough to return it to the creature, or so she said.
Been a little while since last I used this thing... Well, today I finally made a true success in my crude gap making, which involved opening two points beside eachother. They hummed with energy, and the rim gently shook as if it would close at any second. Master dared me to jump through, and when I did I nearly lost my legs! The thing suddenly closed as I passed through! I think I won't take that dare again, if she ever makes it again... I'll wait untill she doesn't dare me to...
After all this work, I finally managed to smooth out the rim, and make it more stable! ...With the help of master, and a pair of ribbons. They were a pretty torquiose, too! Maybe with their help, I'll be able to make true gaps between two points at a distance! Now I'm able to manage mostly stable gaps on my own, although I'm still a tad afraid to actually use one... Over the past few years, the math's been getting harder and harder, to the point that I'm now doing math that would have broken me before. Nothing as impossible looking as what Master does, but still. Ahh, and today I found out that Master is going to start teaching her daughter, some vampire, and a satori how to make gaps!
Has it really been a decade since I last wrote? Between my duties, and my training, I simply haven't the time to write! I mean, I'd love to write about things, and it's right beside my bed, but... well, I'm susually too busy and/or exausted to do more than think about it... Kurumi, Reimu, and I have each gotten pretty good at making gaps, and I've even started work on altering simple boundries! That satori, though... She's already finished her training! It was insane watching her learn... Anyways, I look forward to what might come next, and hope I can start work on something other than simply switching the color of my eyes. On that note, I found that the color of my real eye changes the color of my left eye, and vise versa. Pretty crazy, really... So now my eye is blue, untill I switch it back.
Also, recently the goddesses have been getting a tad lazy on their side of things... At the rate they're going, they'll be without any believers soon enough!