Finally!I've had this idea for such a long time,and finally I've posted it!My first FT fic!Anyways,go ahead and read people!

Disclaimer:I'm a girl. N'uff said.


Everyone was chattering and laughing , and congratulating the newly-wed couple . The garden was decorated with many kinds of flowers . The walls of the large house were covered with green vines , with tiny flowers blooming on them.A light spring breeze was blowing , adding beauty to the scene.

"Congrats Mira!"Evergreen patted her back."Now you're not only my sister-in-law , but the wife of my best friend too!"She said referring to Elfman , her husband and Mira's older brother , who was currently chatting with some other guests.

"Yeah,you're right."Mira was wearing a white gown , reaching just below her knees . Her waist-length snowy hair tied elegantly into a bun , with a few strands let loose , framing her face.

"Speaking of which,I'd better go check on that man!"Evergreen decided.

Mira smiled contentedly , hands filled with different bouquets .She wobbled a bit, as Evergreen handed her another one but a pair of strong arms steadied her.

"Careful now"Laxus said from behind her,"I wouldn't want my wife to fall now would I?"

He was wearing a black tuxedo . He took all the flowers from her hands and placed them on the nearby table.

Bixlow and Freed approached the two . Bixlow at once gave Laxus a huge hug , "Can't believe you actually did it man!"he laughed.

"Yeah!Didn't know you had it in you!"Freed added weakly.

"Well its a good thing I did."Laxus said as he wrapped his arm around her waist , "Or someone else would've done it."Freed stiffened.

"...right"He fidgeted,and then excused himself.

"What was that all about?"Bixlow muttered."I dunno.."Mira shrugged.

"Hey wanna take a walk around?" Laxus asked."Sure!"She replied.

"See you Bixlow!"She waved at him as she and Laxus walked foward.

Afterwards , MiraJane and Laxus received further greetings as they walked across the garden.

"Whats the matter?"Laxus asked , as Mira was looking around worriedly. "Nothing its just..."She trailed off nervously , "...Layla isn't here.."She finished off with a sigh.

And as if on queue ,a blonde figure came running over to them.

Layla was wearing a rosy-pink gown that reached just below her knees with frills a lighter shade of pink . Her blonde hair were done up in a bun.A small white tiara was on her hair , knee-length boots the color of her dress.

"Hey!"She shouted and tackled Mira into a hug.

"I cant believe you made it!"Mira gasped and hugged her back.

"Yeah!I know I missed the wedding , so I decided to surprise you two!"Layla laughed.

"I'm glad you made it too.."Laxus coughed a bit . He and Layla glanced at each other awkwardly."Yeah..well.."Layla started , "Sorry I missed the wedding though."

"Its okay!"Mira beamed , "It was just two days ago!Don't worry!I'm just glad you could come!"

"Yeah I came running all the way here ya know!I mean , look at my boots!"She pointed at her shoes , which were covered in mud.

"Yeah,The Adventurous Layla!"Laxus commented.

All three shared a laugh.

"H-hey Mira,you wouldn't mind if I talk to Lax , do you?"Layla said nervously and looked at her . Mira sighed inwardly.

'Its inevitable',she thought gloomily."Sure!"She chirped , "After all , you guys have been friends long before me!"

She walked ahead and talked with some guests , leaving the two to talk.

When she looked back , Laxus and Layla were chatting away happily . Occasionally Layla would smack him on his back.

Mira looked at the two sadly .

They looked


Could this marriage even work out?

Winning against Layla?

No!This wasn't a competition!She loved Laxus and Laxus loved her!

Or did he?

Or was this marriage...

..just a compromise?

Chapter #:1

20 years later...

The bell rang loudly , indicating that another day was over.A large number of boys and girls were rushing out of the large building . The end of the first semester was nearing and everyone was relaxed.

Two figures walked outside the large prestigious building of Sabertooth University . One figure was blond while the other was a black-head.

Sting ran a hand through his hair , "Ahh , finally school's over."He sighed lazily.

"Yeah"Rouge grimly looked at his friend,"And my last day here too.."

Sting faltered and sighed guiltily , "Yeah , look I'm sorry man I never meant to-"He turned to the raven-head who cut him off , "It wasn't your fault Sting . Jinnema deserved what you did to him."He crossed his arms across his chest , eyebrows raised." Now , why are you so jumpy today?"

Sting grinned , as he really was very happy . It was the the end of the weekend , which meant that he could go back to his home . He sighed happily , he could't wait to meet his parents and younger sisters!

Sting studied at the prestigious Sabertooth University . His real home was in Hargeon , but the university there didn't offer the course of Adavnced Dragon Slayer magic , so he'd moved to the Magnolia branch.

He wanted to learn the same kind of magic as his father , Laxus Dreyer . Laxus specialized in the Lightening type but Sting wanted to do the Light branch.

Rouge was doing the Shadow Dragon Slayer course , which was opposite to Sting's , but nothing-the-less , they had become best buddies on the very first day , which was three years ago.

His father was well off , so he could afford a house here along with Rouge , who due to peculiar circumstances , was transferred back to his home branch.

Sting shrugged nervously , if it wasn't for Rouge,he would've gotten expelled , but for the time being,he didn't want to think about the scandal that had taken place a mere week ago.

They got in a car parked outside the building . Sting sat in the drivers seat and lazily threw his bag to the back . He ignited the engine and they set off . Hargeon was a 3 hour drive from Magnolia.

"So where are you stayin' man?"Sting casually asked , one hand on the steering wheel . Just last year had his father bought him a car , though he was 19 already!

"Well.."Rouge looked outside the window , "Since mom and dad are still abroad so I don't really know.I don't even know if they sold the old house there or not , so I'll just crash at some hotel till then."

Sting grinned"No way!You're staying at my house!"

"You'll have enough room?"Rouge raised an eyebrow , "What about the whole 'living with three sisters thing?"

"Nah.."He waved nonchalantly , "I'm sure we'll have room!"

"Though one thing.."His eyes turned serious,"You'll be living with my three sisters , so you'd better be careful!"

Rouge chuckled slightly , "A bit protective , are we?Don't worry , I wont do anything.."He trailed off wryly.

But Sting just laughed loudly , eyes on the road , "No , it's you I should be worried about ! My sisters are rowdier than I am!"

"Well then , "Rouge crossed his arms , "It's better for me to stay away from your house then."

"Ah well , even if you can avoid Lisanna and Lucy , I'll remind you that Yukino studies at Sabertooth High , so you can't avoid her , plus , she's got the most temper out of all of us."

Rouge leaned back and tapped his chin,"Well now that you have me a bit freaked out , why not tell me a bit about them?I have never met your sisters,considering I never came to your home."

Sting nodded . During the holidays , Rouge would go abroad to visit his parents , so the two friends never got to see each others' home.

"Next to me is Lucy , two years younger"Sting started explaining.

"The one who looks like you?"Rouge had seen in pictures , Lucy looked a lot like Sting , and both of them looked like their father.

"Yeah!Lucy's very kind!Just like mom is!"

While the youngest two Lisanna and Yukino , are twins." He continued. "They both look like mom . They're a year younger than Lucy . Lisanna's a little reserved and less talkative , while Yukino's the opposite and is quite a hothead . All the more reason that you'll be in for trouble!"

Both the boys laughed.

"I see you must all get along well."Rouge mused.

"Well...we did,now we just don't have time for each other.."Sting glanced sadly at the setting sun.

Earlier That Day:

Lucy Dreyer yawned as she walked down the stairs of her house . Even though she had woken up an hour ago , showered and changed into her school uniform , she still felt sleepy.Maybe It's 'cause I kept texting Natsu and the others all night..

She sighed and resolved to quit late-night texting as she reached the bottom step and turned to her left to a spacious kitchen.

Laxus Dreyer was rich , to say the least . But really,who could afford to give the best education to 4 children ad still live in a mansion?Lucy always felt lucky to be born in such family.

As she entered , she saw her mother , Mirajane , setting the table for breakfast , along with her younger sister , Yukino , who was drinking some juice.

"Good morning mom!"she sat down across from Yukino.

"Good morning!"Mirajane placed a plate full of pancakes on the table . Lucy bent forward and placed some on her plate."Hey Yuki , where's dad?And Lisanna?"she asked while taking a bite.

"Your father's in the shower."Mirajane replied from the stove,and seemed to be making tea.

"Don't know about Lisanna though.."Yukino placed her empty glass on the table , wiped her face with her sleeve and stood up.

Lucy verily knew Lisanna had spent the night studying for oh-who-knows-what.

"Now where did I put my bag..?"Yukino muttered and went to the living room to look for it.

Just then , there was a sound of mumbling and shuffling coming from the stairs.

"Damn I'm so late!"Lucy heard as an exasperated Lisanna entered the kitchen . She was holding a book and bag in one hand while zipping it by the other.

"Hi mom , hi Lucy-nee!"She quickly grabbed a piece of bread and shoved it into her mouth,while mumbling something about a test.

"Finish your breakfast Lisanna!"Mirajane frowned as Lisanna was exiting , "No time mom!"

"Slow down Lis!"Lucy leaned back in her chair."What's with the rush!"

"I over slept!" She fussed , "And with the big test in school and the assignment due-and oh! I completely forgot about the other one at the academy "She quickly slung the bag over her shoulder while frantically opening her book and rushed out of the kitchen.

"Lisanna , your breakfast!"Mirajane called but was silenced with an 'I'll have some on the way!'

"That girl!" Mirajane shook her head in annoyance while Lucy nodded . Yukino popped her head through the kitchen entrance , "Looks like the hurricane came and went!" She went over to her mother and placed her hands on her hips , "Seriously!She always does that!"

"Yeah , she barely spends time with us,always the studying..."Lucy stood up.

Lisanna was in her third year of high school , along with Yukino of course , while Lucy herself was in her first year of College , but still , Lisanna would barely leave any time when she wasn't studying.

"Maybe it's the entrance exams..."Mirajane trailed off.

"No way!They're two months away mom!"Yukino huffed , "She just likes to keep herself busy!And its been like this ever since she fell and-!" She cast her eyes downward.

Since she fell..

An uncomfortable silence engulfed them.

It was an accident , and though Lucy blamed herself for it , and Natsu...The thought of her salmon-haired friend just made her sadder.

"Well.."Lucy said , breaking the silence,"I'd better go now , the others'll be waiting for me.."With that she grabbed her bag and left , not wanting to be in the now suffocating room any longer.

"It's so annoying mom!" Yukino huffed looked at her daughter , "Sting's not here because he has to go to Hargeon for his studies , Lucy always hangs out with Natsu , Gray and Erza , not having time for us , and Lisanna always engulfs herself in her studies!The little time she has left she spends babysitting that Jellal's sister!"She stomped off , "It just never leaves time for me!"

Mirajane sighed ,"Well,don't you have friends?You can hang out with them.."

Yukino faltered,but quickly regained her composure,"O-of course I do!W-why wouldn't I?I just don't get why we don't have time for one another anymore!"Yukino said as she stomped out leaving a sad Mirajane.

"Oh..wait!"Mirajane called after a moment but Yukino had already left , "I forgot to tell them that Sting's coming today..."

I hope this time we get to spend time with each other ...


I just hate the fact that we don't have time for each other anymore!

Oh my gosh!I'm so late for school!


This will be a LONG story,and so the pairing wont be revealed until later yeah,like it?Hate it?Tell me in a review!
