Gene-splice Harry

Disclaimer: I have no property rights to any published or copyrighted material that is reserved to those that make money from ideas which I do not. Crossovers: Harry Potter, Stargate SG1, Buffy

Summary: Harry Potter Fifth Year, before summer gets a job. Crossover with SG1primarily and Buffy in the future, SG1 is a bit ahead by an indeterminable amount of time, however the NID portion is completely AU/OC to SG1. Warning – H/G possible Harry/Ginny/Female Character, but if so much later

Beta by rugoing2writethat (RUG2WT)

Chapter 1: NID Agent Goes Rogue

James Hathaway was a thirty eight year old scientist for the NID. He was currently running for his life. This was not drawing the general attention that an NID agent going AWOL would cause, which might have been because they didn't realize he was running but it most likely was because even if they thought he was running he simply wasn't valuable enough of a commodity to warrant such attention. If they realized he was running however they might have killed him on principle alone.

Recent events at the SGC had Hathor, a Goa'uld queen, attempting to utilize some advanced technology to secure a foothold. In this case it was biological in nature, pheromones which override all thought of fighting the Goa'uld control. During the altercation that saw her defeated they crushed a sarcophagus which was retrieved and sent to Area 51. James had complete understanding that if the sarcophagus was whole they'd likely have kept it on base for emergencies situations as it was much easier to have the use of it than it was to come up with cover stories for the loss of soldier's lives.

James hadn't really wanted any part of the technological exploration of the sarcophagus because he'd recently been denied the funds to advance his rather minor project on biological manipulation. He had postulated a number of differing theories that were somewhat contradictory but all completely true with taking into account the qualifiers for those particular theories. It was the qualifiers that he was sure that turned them away from his ideas but he was still working on them on the side.

His lack of enthusiasm was what warranted him being given the most inert and boring portion of the broken up sarcophagus. He'd right away identified the item as some kind of node on the inner workings of the 'stupid coffin box'. It was similar to nodes in other areas of the sarcophagus but by observational accounts was completely inactive. The same reason they gave it to him was the same reason they wanted it investigated; they had no real understanding of its purpose.

What James learned, admittedly by accident and stupidity, was the understandings the others had on the sarcophagus technology was quite inaccurate.

The uninteresting node was in fact one of the most important pieces of the whole and obviously overlooked. The fact was that it was likely left unused at all. The sarcophagus had numerous nodes connected to power sources inside it. The fact that this was seemingly disconnected from the other parts unlike the other nodes was a plus.

For seven days he'd done generic testing before the accidental discovery had been made and it was only because he'd left the small node connected to the full charge seemingly forgetting to end the active energy flow. This was a bit humorous because he'd not even realized that the active energy field was charging the node, but the EM field was at a frequency that did just that. He'd been playing with it and how it was affected by electromagnetic fields when he'd set down the supercharged electromagnetic wand directly near it, not really paying any attention to his own actions. If the ole boy had been focused on the tedious testing or simply paying attention it might not have happened.

Instead he was busy in the unauthorized testing he was doing with his side project. This unauthorized testing was his form of rebellion, the 'attitude he copped with his superiors.' It wasn't like they care so long as he showed up to work and did his job and if he messed up they'd simply assign him a task which was even more tedious and demanding which would be even further away from what he wanted to do. The testing wasn't even that big of a deal simply a bit of creative lab work and a shot in the arm.

James arm nearest the device started to tan from pale white to tan in seconds. It took James almost a full three minutes of staring to realize the Melatonin in his system had multiplied and why. He'd never tanned; at the most he'd gain annoying freckles that made him look stupid as they were dark brown freckles on his pale smooth skin. The reason he was suddenly tan was that side project, the shot he'd taken the day before had altered his genetic make-up to have a general level of melatonin as a base minimum. Now as he watched his skin nearest the node had slowly changed to be tanned. The alteration to his genetic make-up was done with a retrovirus he'd manipulated and grown from at what they called a blank virus.

The NID had access to the CDC's virus for quite a while and the term 'blank viruses' was somewhat of an inaccurate description but then again it was the closest description you could have as a description of what it was; the blank virus was easily turned into a blank retrovirus with a bit of the proper probing and nudging.

James made a program and designed a machine which would manipulate these viruses. They were essentially 'blank retroviruses' waiting for command with the eventual setup he'd designed. What it did was help to manipulate a virus by the RNA of the bacteria it consumed. The phrase, 'you are what you eat', was essential to the process. It took loads of adjustments and small amounts of electrical current to kill off the virus cells which didn't follow the proper pattern, mutation in a controlled setting was essential to the process but in the end the program and the set up worked. He was sure with time he could transform even the chlorophyll in plants. That however would be some time and testing which wouldn't likely get much attention from people who would want it for living beings.

The reaction time he'd estimated for the physical change to DNA for humans was between a year and a year and a half. For plants he might see a change in days depending on the plant's growth cycle. Of course that was also dependent on how much chemical changes needed to take place for the physical outcome, he was fairly sure he'd have to burn before he tanned, but his eye color change should have been the precursor for the tan.

James had figured that he could have time to be 'accidentally exposed' over the course of the next year and half if the changes worked. He figured that by then he'd have had some approval to go ahead with some minor testing and be able to say 'hey it works' or simply ignore the breach of protocol. Now he realized how dangerous this was, he could easily end up with a round in his cranium or a long stay in one of the locked rooms where that lock was on the outside of the door.

However the combination of the personal success mixed with what he realized the node could accomplish… he was flabbergasted. The old James wouldn't have really cared one way or another but with the new influx of ideas this could speed along and the desire to try them out; well he was no longer indifferent to a long stay or a gunshot to the head. He knew that the retrovirus would take hold within hours of it being introduced to the blood, by that time it would have incubated enough to be throughout the body even if the body itself was slow to change. Knowing this he set aside his research on the retroviruses and such and proceeded to work on the node. It seemed that the node's 'healing factor' or 'accelerated healthy cell production' was programmable. A cut on the hand and he could heal it slowly over a course of a half an hour, in five minutes, or in thirty seconds. Knowing the addition properties he realized the potential for this and wondered if the stupid coffin box bombarded the node with the instructions on how quickly it was to heal.

It was a thermo-electro stimulus that affected the radioactivity at a level that caused not only healing but healthy cell production at the cost of the energy stored in the user's fat cells. This is the reason the body finished adjusting to the changed DNA. It took some doing but attaching the retrovirus re-sequencer to his personal computer, he was able to utilize it instead of the lab to create and store his personal changes as well as what they were by appearance sake. The retrovirus was programmed to destroy itself or die out after the changes were made it prevented wide spread exposure which would mean that it was all the more obvious to those paying attention.

He wondered if the retrovirus or viruses in particular would be dealt with by the sarcophagus's healing technology, but he was fairly sure it would only treat the symptoms. He wondered if things like HIV would be affected by letting the body heal itself. He wasn't about to propose that though.

He recalled seeing the tan and checking the mirror that first time. At first, completely fresh ideas he'd not had in a long time had formed just then; he wasn't regretting it even now, running was the thing to do. He shivered at the thought of his bosses having super soldiers.

The eighth day he had the node, he'd smuggled it out of the lab. His lab wasn't high on the security end of the budget so it wasn't a problem. He'd gotten the node home and set up a number of tests to verify the time it took to heal a simple incision on his arm. He did the same to a small rat and noted the differences in the amounts of time it took at the various 'settings' he managed to set for the node.

The time it took was dependent on the exact frequency the node was exposed to. How magnetic the EM field was would determine the correct amount of healing power it would make use of. He did use the death of five rats and a sparrow that a neighborhood kid shot with a bb gun to test the minimum 'setting' needed to return them to the living. It took forty three seconds to heal a two inch cut with a scalpel at that same setting.

He formed a hypothesis for his understanding of why excessive healing has a deteriorating effect on the human mind. The ancients' abilities meant they existed at a higher energy state which of course was true when comparing humans in general to that of rats and sparrows. This meant the energy state of the being which is using the device would need to be taken into account to ensure the proper amount of the energy triggering the accelerated healing factor and reviving necrotic flesh.

"Most assuredly the energy needed to heal a human is far greater than that of a rat. The energy required to heal an ancient or even a Goa'uld, would be more than a common every day human. It has already been proven that every human has a slightly different energy state according to their bio-electric or biometric pattern. This unique pattern often has similarities to others and is measurable using techniques to observe EM fields, even with the current publicly available technology they can still tell who a person is by their energy pattern because every single person's pattern, even identical twins and I would assume clones, is unique to their own being."

Taking a breath he stated to the recorder, "Depending on the size, energy state, and complexity of the organism the variance of the healing energies is extremely detailed on what is needed. It will take further testing to determine the energy states and their effect on the needed statistics to heal. I believe the sarcophagus utilized a type of EEG Scanning that would feed that information into the different nodes, but as this node has never been utilized in the designs we had available instead the sarcophagus simply flooded the sealed area with the energies without regard to the needed manipulation done by the nodes. I must assume that the design was not completely understood before it was utilized. If it was calibrated to heal an ancient, then a Unus which would take less energy than an ancient and this would start the addictive use of the item and put the user through withdraw which would have encouraged them to keep this flaw the way was when future sarcophagi were produced. It should be noted that overuse or overestimation of the required healing energies needed for a single use or to repair extreme damage would not cause irrevocable harm."

It took some doing but he realized the node had the technology, when instructed to, to actually utilize the scanning needed, which made sense to some degree. After all, the nodes, one and all, needed to have some basics in that area and if this was the only one not connected then it was entirely provable that it was the only one with the scanning ability, ironically enough.

Once that was determined James was able to set it up to secure an EMA, the aura of the electromagnetic fields in the body. This couldn't be done with a dead creature or with one that was healed just recently, as that would completely over-estimate the energy pattern but it could be done other wise and with that information communicated by radioactive bursts it was simply a hassle deciphering it. Math was a key as was finding the signal frequency and setting up an oscilloscope at first to catch the frequencies transmitted.

The Nodes inner workings when taken apart had lead James to a number of key components in understanding how it did its scan, the deep MEG and EEG, Magneto Encephalopathy and Electro-Encephalopathy. It was a mix of MRI and several other tomography like types of scanning fused into what he called the EMA or Electro-Magneto Aura and that was a marvel current level of technology even stuff they got from the other races.

It was simple enough to rig up a new node with current tech base which wasn't quite as advanced but proved about half as efficient, including the resonant healing energies, though he did have to utilize a small amount of refined Naqahdah he'd lifted from the lab. It really was just a matter of communication with the Node and now he had the small adapter on his lap top that had the oscilloscope feature on it and a program to interpret the signals or even transmit them. It wasn't perfect but it worked.

The EMA was only the first step in the larger scanning ability, once he got the secondary and third node made by hand he'd had an entirely new program that he called the Invasive Everything Personal Scanner, IEPS (eeps). It was a very small scanner and program that worked in unison to record and store the information including the EMA and DNA. With plans to advance the IEPS a bit more he tweaked the part of the nods and scanner that sent information and got it to send a longer burst that could more easily be broken down. This included not only the body but the reproduction as well, both Meiosis and Mitosis.

His viral adjustments were mostly for the current body but with the node on healing it would slowly adjust the reproduction as well. He'd been so busy and excited that he'd not realized that he'd not turned in the normal every day work on the 'uninteresting node'. That was what had made the decision for him; he had loads more to do before he slept, as a poet might say. He set up a small bomb in the office to destroy one of his fabricated nodes and was on his way to Hong Kong before the lab was destroyed.

He would get for tickets and adjust the times to make it seem that he was still there and leave on the second flight out of Hong Kong; maybe he could get someone else who needed the flight to take it for him.

James stretched as he woke. He'd not been any kind of special agent with the NID but he'd heard enough horror stories to know not to trust them and have escape funds that could be accessed without NID knowing it. This was what he'd used to get here. He was in Surrey, England in a nice small suburb, about an hour and half south of London, named Little Whining.

He was thrilled with the location. The Zoo was not too far away and he was hoping he wouldn't need too tight of any type of credentials to join their education and research section. He wanted access to the DNA of the animals so he could study the aspects that would help in the human body.

First thing first he had to set up a lab. That was not that difficult and he had more than enough money to do it. But he still couldn't get a job at the Zoo; he instead worked on advancing the computer hardware and software. He smiled down at the screen he was working on finally completed.

"Finally" he said and put the small spider into the EIPS scanner and typed in the command. "Analyze sample and store DNA profile as Spider Zero-Zero-One; god I need a voice program too." He smirked, it wasn't a priority.

It took almost two hours because the spider kept moving it, he was sure, but it was scanned and stored. He smashed the spider and stored its genetics as Spider 002, to compare the time it took and the accuracy. The accuracy was the same but the time only took an hour this time. He put his blood in a small glass jar and did the same. It took an hour he put a hair from his head and did the same. The DNA was similar but not completely the same as his blood. The discrepancy was noted and he found that if he pulled the root of a hair with the hair that the follicle had the same DNA as the blood but different DNA than the hair itself.

Over the next week he took his 'jars' out to collect natural occurring specimens and found he wasn't a nature loving man. So far he'd collected two feathers, a dead rat, and now got scratched all to hell by a rather large house cat that didn't take kindly to having his or her fur pulled.

"Damn it" he cursed, he'd lost the patch of fur, "Is it so hard to get a few samples?"

"Samples?" a boy asked that James hadn't seen. He turned around quickly with surprise. He normally was a bit more paranoid about his surroundings.

"Yes," he nodded, "You see I'm a scientist, and I'm trying to catalog as many genetically variant samples as I can." The boy scrunched of his nose in thought.

"Like blood?" he asked confused. He remembered genetic meant blood in the muggle's school it wasn't a term brandied about in the wizarding world.

He nodded pleased to share something with someone, "Blood, hair, claw, skin; really it's anything that has recently come from the body as a whole."

He glanced at the cuts that seemed to be all over and sighed, "The manner of collection I'm currently using is problematic. I need to have the samples unmarred by other samples as the method I'm using is unproven. That is to say that they couldn't use it in court to say the blood or whatnot belongs to this person. It's not admissible, but maybe in the future it will be, hopefully."

Harry shrugged. "I'm Harry, Harry Potter" he said and held out his hand.

The man's smiled. "James Pennington" he said and shook the hand.

"I could help with the cat." He said and glared at that cat that seemed to turn its nose up at Harry before it turned its body to show the boy his or her arse. It was entirely too inelegant for James and he shivered at the thought of an alien cat.

"Tell you what." He sighed, "I've been at this for a week, at least four or five hours a day!" …and it wasn't at all productive, was left unsaid this time. "If you want, I can show you my lab and pay per sample you enter into the system." If he had to pay for samples collected he might as well include the tedious part of the process as well.

Harry looked at the man as though sizing him up and then shrugged. "I can't go more than five miles away from home without telling my aunt, but sure." Harry had been told to stay out of the house while his uncle was home, which seemed to Harry at least was more than the last few summers. This was a perfect opportunity.