So this is my first attempt at writing a fanfic. Please review me so I know how to make things better. :)

Chapter One:

Rain. That's all it ever did in Seattle. There wasn't a day in her life where she didn't remember it raining. Eponine Thenardier was walking to work when the skies chose to open up and pour down on the still sleeping city.

Eponine Point of View:

It was 4 am on a Monday of all days when I had rolled out of bed and took a shower, making sure to be gentle with my now forming bruise on my ribs. When I got out, I combed through my long brown waves and put on a simple pair of black jeans and her brown Café Musain work shirt. I looked in the mirror as I was brushing my teeth and looked at my big, brown doe eyes as papa used to call them. I grabbed my school back and put some things that I needed inside. I got ready to sneak out for work, my parents didn't know that she had a job and I'd like to keep it that way, to help the elderly man who owned the café carry in heavy bags of beans and boxes filled with the essentials for coffee: sugar, cream, milk, caramel, chocolate sauce. The works pretty much. The only reason why I was the one doing this, was because I was the one who lived the closest and could be there when the truck got there, which was frequenting less often now because summer was over and school was beginning today.

School, I thought. Finally I can see Marius again. I smiled to myself and began putting everything in its correct place. By the time I was finished it was 6:45 in the morning. The man I was working for, Mr. Faucher, was kind enough to give me a cup of coffee and a muffin on the house for all the work I had done, even with school later in the morning. With my chocolate chip muffin and coffee in tow, I was off to catch my bus to the Bishop Myriel High School.

Bishop Myriel High was a melting pot for kids of the Seattle area. With a population of nearly 3000 students, there was bound to be rumors galore. The rumor this year? Eric, or well, Apollo as every girl called him, Enjolras was quarterback of the Varsity Rebels. Some title rarely given to anyone lower than a senior, but come on, with his talents and good looks, he was bound to get the position. He brought the JV team to state finals, and even won those. Undefeated last season, most likely the same this season.

When the bus pulled up to the bus stop, my brother Gavroche, a wonderful blue eyed boy with a kind heart, and my sister Azelma, an older carbon copy of Gavroche with a personality that isn't the friendliest, got on.

"'Ponine!" little Gavroche shouted and ran towards me. "Where were you this morning? I went to go wake you and you weren't there..." he stated with an upset look on his face.

"No need to worry 'Roche, Mr. Faucher needed me to come in this morning to help with dealing with some unloading of the shipment." I said as I retrieved the muffin and broke it into thirds. I had offered a piece to Gavroche, who happily accepted since he hadn't eaten that morning, and another piece to Azelma, who shook her head in refusal and looked out the window at the rain coming down. Being the sister I am, saved it for her and put it into her backpack while she was distracted with the rain coming down.

"So little Gav, are you excited for your first day in middle school?" I asked as I picked at the chocolate chips in my muffin chunk.

"Not really," Gavroche replied while putting muffin into his mouth.

"You'll love it." I reassured him. "I did. It's just one year closer and getting out of the house and away from dad and his gang. That's something to look forward too." I said the last part in nearly a whisper so Azelma wouldn't hear and go tell on me when she got home, resulting in another beating for "defying papa".

As the bus pulled up to the middle school, I said goodbye to Gavroche and gave him the yearly speech: Stay out of trouble, make sure to eat, do your work, and pay attention. He simply waved her off a laughed.

I'm glad I don't have to worry about him. I thought. I looked over at my sister who was gingerly eating the muffin that she had found in her backpack. She'll thank me later.

As I was stepping off of the bus, I was greeted by a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my neck; I could only guess it was Cosette. Cosette was my best friend. Brown haired blue eyed mystery all in herself. She was one of the nicest souls I was able to acquaint myself with throughout my childhood. She was one of the people who I could tell everything too, the other being Marius, a boy who rescued me when I fell into a river and then proceeded bought me lunch.

"It's so good to see you again 'Ponine!" the Lark of my best friend nearly sang in my ear. "How was your summer?"

"Good." Lie. It wasn't good. I was involved into many gang things, but I couldn't say that out loud. Hopefully my facial expression gave her the real answer. She gave me that look that she understands. She knows not to push it. I'll come to her when I'm ready to say what really happened. "I'm excited for classes this year. I have AP Euro with your dad." I told her while we were heading off the office to get our locker assignments.

"Me too! We'll finally have our first class together!" she laughed her perfect sounding laugh. "Anyways, I have cheer practice later and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after that?"

"Can't, Mr. Faucher needs me at the café. He has a feeling that it's going to be busy tonight."

"Oh, well I guess I'll have to stop by then." She smiled and opened her locker which was next to mine again this year, and the past 2 years, and pretty much since 1st grade. She bids me goodbye and heads off to her statistics class, while I head off to my gym class.

Gym. Just what I need to make day awesome. Can't I just use me pre-school job shift as gym today? That was enough exercise for the day for me. In my midst of thinking, I ran right into someone, knocking them over, and myself, along with all of our stuff.

"Why don't you watch were you're going?" That voice… I know that voice. And that is NOT a voice you ever want to come in contact with. "Oh, Eponine, just the girl I was looking for."

"Montparnasse, just the guy I was NOT looking for." I collected my stuff and tried to hurry off as quick as possible.

"Hey!" He grabs my arm and spins me around. By this time, the hallways have cleared out and everyone's in class. "I wanted to see if you wanted to…. Hang out later." He threw in a wink and kissed my neck.

"How about no?" I tried shoving him off of me but he wouldn't move. Instead he hit me right where my bruise was and sent me falling to the ground, that's when I blacked out.