A/N Sorry for the long wait with this update. It's been over a month and a half since I've posted to this fic. I was waiting for my muse. But here's the latest and final chapter of this erotic fic with Carter and Reese. Please enjoy! I do not own Person of Interest or its characters.

It was something more, she thought looking up at him. Could it be that their mutual trust, dependence on and understanding of each other over time had developed into something deeper?

"What do you want, Joss?" He'd asked her the same question earlier tonight when they were in the bathroom. She'd replied only based on her desire for him, she couldn't think of anything else at the time. But now his eyes bore into hers and the question meant so much more.

"What do you want, Joss?" He repeated and she felt him slide into her ever so slowly. He pushed her legs up, balancing himself on his knuckles, but he didn't move. Not one inch. It seemed he was holding his breath, waiting to hear what she would say.

He wasn't moving, she thought, but he filled up every inch of her. She felt him pulsing within, fitting her snugly and she felt a current shoot straight through her.

"I want you." she said softly putting her hands behind his neck, teasing the hair at his nape. His eyes closed for a minute and she knew he was exerting control not to move within her.

"Do you want just this?" He said and thrust into her slowly. His tongue snaked out and he ran it over her mouth before sucking on her bottom lip. She moaned as he plunged in deep and stopped again. "Or do you want more?"

"I want you." She said capturing his lips with her own. "All of you." She said staring up at him while her legs went around his waist.

He started to move then and it was different this time. He was slow, deep, and he was putting all of his weight behind his thrusts. He watched her face, studying every expression; he wanted to see every reaction to him being inside her. She grabbed at the back of his neck as he ground into her. She could barely get a moan out; the feel of him was so intense. She bit hard on her bottom lip and her fingers continued to bite into the flesh of his neck.

She was captured in his eyes, captured in his gaze. He would not let her look away. She felt as if she was frozen in a moment with him. At a standstill where nothing else mattered or existed.

His hands moved underneath her, down her back and underneath her butt. He was pulling her closer and the penetration now was almost mind blowing. He felt so slick inside, so deep and so tight, and with every thrust he pulled her up to meet them.

She pulled at his face, pressing her lips to his, biting at them. Licking them, sucking at them.

He moaned her name into her mouth, and his eyes fluttered closed for a moment. "Joss…." he whispered again. "Take all of me." He said, as he pushed further into her still.

She hissed between her teeth as he pulled her up by her wrists and put her on top. She rode him hard, and deep. And he looked at her with all the desire in the world. His lids were hooded; his mouth open and she grabbed his hands putting them on her breasts.

Reese looked up at carter as she rode his cock. Slowly she moved her hips over him, taking him all in, moving over him till he felt like he was being consumed by heat. He reached up and ran his hands over her breasts, squeezing her nipples. She moaned and reached down to touch his face. She ran a thumb over his mouth, slowly, slowly, then she pushed two of her fingers inside. In an out she moved them, making him suck on them as she moved up and down his shaft.

His hands were at her waist and she closed her eyes. Her skin, her face, her mouth, all glorious in his eyes.

She moved faster now on top of him, bucking over him wildly. He could feel her walls start to tighten and he knew her orgasm was building.

She mewled on top of him, fondling her breasts, squeezing her nipples and he felt his own release was near too. He watched her face contort, heard her cries echo in the room and she collapsed on top of him, totally still. He was glad she was satisfied, but he wasn't done, not just yet.

He flipped her over again and put her on her belly.

"John….." he heard her moan and he smiled. He ran his tongue over her butt, biting her cheeks and licking them. He reached around massaging her clit, tenderly. She was still sensitive from her orgasm and she groaned a little at the touch.

With his cock still standing at attention he kissed the back of her thighs, all the way down to her knees. He pulled her a little leaving her chest against the bed and licked her over her folds. She moved against his tongue.

"John, I can't take it." He rubbed her back soothingly and ran the tip of his cock up and down over her opening. She moaned again.

"It's okay, baby." He whispered. He parted her legs and slid into her. Slowly he went in at first and she gasped. As he began to pump into her steadily she moaned aloud once more. She buried her face in the bedding, her cries were muffled. She extended her hands backwards and he held onto them twining their fingers together.

She was hot and so wet on him and he continued to move. Fire was building in his chest, hot and fast. She was swallowing him up, taking all of him as he asked and he couldn't remember a time when he felt pleasure like this.

He was close, so close right now and a growl built up in his throat. He heard Carter muttering his name, felt her squeezing tightly onto his fingers, she was about to come too. He pulled her up against his chest, running his fingers over her clit again. She reached around to palm his butt and he pumped into her faster and faster, grinding and pounding, until finally he came. He bit down hard onto her shoulder, gritting his teeth, feeling almost like he couldn't breathe.

He turned her face around to kiss her, his tongue sliding into her mouth and she screamed as she reached orgasm again.

They collapsed onto the bed together, holding on to each other. They were a mess of glistening bodies, tangled limbs and erotic whispers.

They held each other close, both feeling finally exhausted, finally spent and satisfied with each other.

Carter felt secure in his arms. She felt safe and she felt comfortable. She reached up to caress his face, idly tracing her fingers over his cheekbones, his eye lids, his lashes and his mouth. He captured one between his lips, sucking on it again.

"You are a very talented man." She said and heard him chuckle.

"I think you should take the blame for bringing all of that out of me." He replied.

"I have taken it, John. All of it, I'm sure." He laughed again.

"Did you mean what you said, about wanting more, than just – this?"

She gazed up at him and nodded. "I did. What about you?"

"I do. A whole lot more." He bent down and kissed her, his lips lingering on hers. "I think we've both wanted more for a while."

She realized he was right. It hadn't been openly acknowledged by either of them, but she couldn't deny in the back of her mind she'd thought about the two of them together from time to time. Today was just a huge step in the direction of something they had both desired.

"Thank God for that closet and being stuck in there with you." She laughed, pinching him on the arm.

"Ow!" He said pretending to be hurt. "What was that for?"

"That's for getting me into the most embarrassing position I've ever been in, in my entire life. I thought those two were never gonna stop, John."

"Nope." He said shaking his head. "That definitely wasn't your most embarrassing position. I'm sure I can find another one to put you in that'll have you blushing like a schoolgirl."

Sweet laughter came out of her throat but it earned him another pinch on the arm.

"Well at least he's a man who takes his time. I'm sure whoever she was, she left there happy." He said. "I want you to leave here happy too." He kissed her then and she felt that she was already more than halfway there.

"Get some sleep. We've both got work in the morning, and I just might give you a wakeup call tomorrow."

She smiled as she closed her eyes and felt him press his lips to her temple. Her sleep was sweet and she felt rested. As promised he did give her that wake up call. His hands and mouth were all over her and she was caught up in him all over again, kissed, caressed and made love to passionately.

Afterwards they showered together and he made breakfast and the best coffee she'd had in a while. She got dressed and he sat and watched her, enjoying the view and making small talk about the silliest things. This was a new side of him that she liked and she felt glad that they had waited till now to finally confront what had always been brewing under the surface.

It felt like this was the right time, the perfect time.

Reese watched as Carter loaded their dishes in the dishwasher and walked towards him. It was time to leave. This was the first time he wasn't interested in the new number, he just wanted to stay at home and spend time with her. He pulled her close, and held onto her hand as they walked to the front door together.

But he realized as they walked out of his loft and onto the elevator that they had all the time in the world. Last night was merely the beginning.