Naruto: Her Secret
Hey all, hope you enjoy this new story. And if any of you are readers of "Send her in" don't worry I plan to work on both of these stories; I'm not going to stop the other one.
I do not own Naruto in any way shape or form… wish I did though :3
This is a Naruko adventure. One year after the war.
Chapter One: Into the Night.
The rouge shinobi ran with everything he had, weaving around the trees of the forest. He moved with every fiber of his being trying to lose his pursuers. Just as the sun had gone down they had come out of nowhere and forced him to flee from his camp. It had taken all of a few moments for them to render him helpless, and now all he had was a kunai left. His breathing was starting to get ragged and his limbs were getting sore. He had been running for at least an hour from these monsters. Damn who were they he thought to himself.
A noise from above caught his attention just in time to see a kunai headed straight for him; turning slightly, but enough, the rouge managed to dodge the weapon and kept moving on. He grimaced as the pain in his arm throbbed in pain. His pursuers had injured his arm earlier and now he could barely lift it. It bled all down his arm as he ran leaving drops of blood on the ground.
From his side he saw a glimmer as two more kunai came flying for him aimed at his legs.
"Damn!" he yelled as he jumped to a branch in the trees above and tried to lose them in the thick brush. It was a mistake on his part as a fist came out of the shadows and collided with his face.
The rouge went sprawling to the ground with a crash. He lay there for a moment before sitting up, he tried to get up but before he could he felt a present behind him. A cold drop of sweat ran down his neck as a shiver ran down his back. Slowly the shinobi turned to look at the person behind him.
The man was about five foot five wearing a Jounin vest and garbs. His skin was white, and his dark black hair hung down in the front but was spikey in the back. On his forehead was a headband of the Hidden Leaf village, but what really held the rouges attention were his eyes. The Leaf shinobi had eyes that were cold calculating, and held no fear. They held something that told the rouge that this man had seen hell and more and lived through it all triumphantly. Those eyes truly scared the rouge.
"Sasuke, you don't have to glare at the guy, I think you might make him piss himself." Came a girlish voice from above.
"Tch. Then why don't we take care of this so we can go back, this was a waste of a mission if you ask me." Sasuke said crossing his arms over his chest.
The rouge heard two more people come jumping down from the trees. They both wore the same outfit as the other, except for their head gear. The man wore a mask over his mouth and a Leaf headband that covered his left eye over the rest of his face leaving only his right eye showing. The man stood at about five nine and the way he held himself the rouge could tell, he was a veteran, battle hardened through a lifetime of fights and war. The other one was a young women at five two with pinkish hair, pulled back and held by her Leaf headband. Though she looked innocent enough she had a look in her that said she was ready for anything.
The women headed for the rouge. She knelt next to him and gave him stern look. "I'm going to heal your arm but I warn you now; you try anything and my teammates will cut you down, understand?"
The rouge just nodded.
"Why bother Sakura? We're just taking him back and then his going to prison for interrogation, what's the point of healing him now." Sasuke said watching the rouge.
A laugh came from above the group making the rouge look up to the trees. It had been the same voice from earlier.
"That's just Sakura's kindness Sasuke, you should know that by now Teme." Laughed the voice.
Sasuke looked to the trees and smirked "Yeah yeah; now get down here ya dope." The rouge looked behind him as moment in the branches above shook.
Out of the brush above Sasuke a person jumped to the ground. They landed next to Sasuke kneeling then rose giving Sasuke a look like she was saying "shut it.". The newest of the shinobi stood at about five foot and seemed to be the strangest to the rouge. Unlike the others she didn't wear Jounin vest or even chuunin. No the young girl wore a open black and orange jacket with a fishnet shirt and a blue tank top underneath, revealing a bit of her midriff. Her pants were orange and went to just above her ankles; on her right thigh she had a kunai pouch. Her hair was a golden yellow and tied up into long twin tails that went down to her lower back. Though it was dark he could see that her eyes were a blue color that matched the sky in both wonder and glory. On her cheeks she had three marks on each side that made it look like she had whiskers. Then lastly the rouge notice the Leaf headband properly placed on her forehead.
She made her way over to the rouge and Sakura. The rouge couldn't help but wonder about the girl. Out of all the shinobi there, she seemed… harmless. What was she doing with a group of elites? This could be it.
"How's it looking Sakura-chan?" the blonde asked bending over to see.
Sakura sighed "Not long, we can get him moving in a few minutes."
"Just let her work Naruko. We'll be back in the village in no time, and then we can head down to Ichiraku's for some ramen." Said the cyclopes shinobi.
Quickly turning and putting her hand behind her head Naruko turned towards Sasuke "Now that's what I'm talking about. Kakashi-sensei, that's the best news I've heard all day." She said with a grin.
Sakura stopped her healing and looked to Kakashi "You shouldn't jinx us like that, you never know when we migh…"
That's when the rouge decided to act. Jumping up he came up behind Naruko and held last kunai he had to her neck. Holding her one arm roughly and sticking the blade in just enough to make her neck bleed a drop, the rouge turned her around so he could watch the others, who were all watching him but hadn't moved an inch.
"Back off! I'll cut her pretty little throat if you come any closer."
No one moved. But at the same time, the rouge got the impression that the others weren't worried either. "What's wrong, aren't you scared for your little friend here?"
Someone sighed. The rouge looked to Sasuke who looked bored and was yawning. When he had finished he looked at them with a plain expression "Can we hurry this up, I want to get back to the village ya dope."
Furiated the rouge yelled "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DOP…"
"Oh shut it you Teme." Was all the rouge heard before he felt a great force hit him in the chest that sent him flying into a tree behind him, breaking his ribs and the tree at the same time.
Barely able to sit up the rouge looked at Naruko. She turned and he saw her eyes had changed; now they had red around them and they had gone golden, while her pupils were square.
Coughing up blood the rouge asked one question "Who are you guys?"
Her eyes changing back to normal, Naruko smiled and put her hands behind her back "Us? Why just Konoha's Shinobi Team 7."
Three hours later -Hokage's office-
"Good work out there. Capturing that rouge shinobi and bringing him back alive all in a matter of hours. I would expect nothing less from our top shinobi." Hokage Tsunade said with a prideful smile upon her face.
Tsunade sat at her desk facing the four shinobi as they bowed thanking her.
"Well I'm sure you're all tired, go and rest I'll see you all in two days, dismissed." She said waving them off.
As they stepped out of the office and closed the door, Saskura took a big stretch "Well that was eventful, you guys want to do something before heading off?"
Kakashi brought his hand up "Sorry, going to pass tonight guys, I've got to get ready for another mission tomorrow." And without another word he vanished in a cloud of smoke.
"Tch, that's so him, vanishing like that. I'm in, so what you got in mind." Sasuke looked at Naruko and Sakura.
Putting a finger to her chin and looking up "How about…. oh hell, we can just go to Ichirakus, bet you're up for that huh, Naruko?" she said smiling to Naruko.
Naruko normally would have been jumping up and down for joy but she wasn't. Instead she just shook her head and gave them a small smile "Sorry guys I have… something to do."
Both Sasuke and Sakura were a little shocked and before they could say anything Naruko gave them a small wave, muttered "Later" and ran off.
They watched as she descended the stairs before looking at each other with questioning looks.
Sasuke spoke first "What's up with her?"
Sakura shrugged "I don't know. She's never turned ramen down before." She thought about it for a moment then popped her fist on her hand "Oh!" she smiled at Sasuke.
He gave her a looked "What?"
She linked her arm with his and snuggled into him "Maybe she finally found a guy."
Sasuke thought about that. It never seemed like she had ever looked. "You think?" he said as they began walking, heading out arm in arm.
After Sakura thought about the idea more, she wasn't so sure. If it was true then who was it? She had never mentioned anyone. Truthfully Sakura had once thought maybe she had a thing for Sasuke but she had never said anything. And when Sasuke and her had started going out, Naruko had been nothing but supportive. Well we can ask her tomorrow thought Sakura.
"Let's go grab a bite." She looked up at his face.
He smiled down at her "Sure."
Five minutes later -Naruko's Apartment-
Naruko opened the door to her apartment and stepped in. As she closed the door she put her back to it and slid down until she sat on the floor. Slowly she pulled her knees up and sat there hugging her knees, her face buried in them. After a few minutes, she looked up, her eyes with small tears in them. She quickly wiped them away and got up.
Her apartment was set; all that was left was her bag. Walking into her room she started gathering some clothes and tools; then began to pack them in her backpack. When she was finished she was sitting on the floor, her bag between her legs as she sat kneeling on the floor. She just sat there hugging her bag until she noticed the photo on the dresser.
Getting up she picked up the photo, walked over to her bed and sat on the corner. Holding the photo in both hands she traced the lines of the face on the photo with her thumb. It was the photo from the day she had join team seven; Sasuke on the left; Sakura in the middle; her on the right and Kakashi behind them with a hand on both Sasuke's and her head. Naruko remembered that day so well she could replay it in her head over and over.
A tear fell onto the photo, and before Naruko could stop them more flowed from her eyes. She never looked away from the photo remembering all the things that had happened to them over the years. The land of waves, the chuunin exams, the fight with Gaara, Sasuke leaving; that memory truly hurt when she remembered it. The years between that and then the war; finally after all that struggling she had got Sasuke to return and for the village to accept him. It had been a year since then and she had truly treasured every moment since. But now…
Wiping her eyes she set the picture back onto the dresser and reached under her pillow. She pulled out an orange book out that had the symbol of the Hidden Leaf on it. Taking it to her desk she opened it and began to write. As her last entry she wanted it to be full of spirit but halfway through she had to put down some of her grimmer thoughts. She wrote for about an hour, when she was done she laughed a small chuckle; if only Master Jiraiya could see her now, writing just like him.
"I bet he would have been proud." She thought to herself as she got up and set the book back under her pillow.
Turning to the clock she noticed it was about nine, she gave a small simple smile. Just enough time to grab a bite to eat before seeing Granny. Grabbing her bag she headed to her door but as she reached for the doorknob she stopped. She turned around and looked at the room. Her first room had been destroyed in the attack by Pain but this one was an identical match. It held many memories. For a moment she let the memories flood into her; then taking a deep breath she opened the door and left.
Few moments later -Ichiraku's-
Naruko entered the ramen stand with a grin that put all others to shame "Hey pops!"
Teuchi turned to see his favorite customer and gave her a greeting smile "Naruko! Welcome, glad you could make it. I was just getting ready to close but I could make one more dish."
Naruko cheered "You're the best pops!" sliding onto the end stool she put her bag next to the bar. She looked around but didn't see any of the others. "Girls gone already?"
His back turned to her making the ramen Teuchi nodded "Yea, they headed out early today, gonna have a girls night or something. Why? This old man not enough company?" he said with a smirk.
Giving him a smirk back "All the company this girl needs; as long as you make the ramen." She said with a laugh.
Faking being hurt he put a hand to his head "Oh the pain, no respect for the chef."
They laughed together. Teuchi turned and brought over the bowl "Here you go, enjoy."
Naruko licked her lips, grabbed some chopsticks and put her hands together "Oh I will, Itadakimasu!"
That's when Teuchi noticed the backpack. "Hey, you headed out on another mission already?"
Naruko's eyes twitched as she had hoped he wouldn't notice the bag. She took a bite of food then answered "Not exactly."
He gave her a questioning look "Oh?"
She wouldn't look him in the eyes and kept eating. Teuchi knew Naruko well enough that he knew she was hiding something.
"Look kiddo, if ya need someone to talk to I'm here." He said leaning on the counter a bit.
She still didn't look up "I know; I'm just going away for a bit. Taking some time off ya know."
Sighing he let it go, she wasn't a child anymore, even if he felt she was just like a daughter to him. "Ok, but just remember that I always have ear open." He said giving her a sincere smile.
"Naruko? That you?" They heard a similar female voice say from outside. Next thing Sakura and Sasuke popped in. Before they noticed Naruko slide her foot to her bag and slide it behind the counter more, making it harder for them to see it. Teuchi took notice.
Naruko gave them a half wave "Hey guys."
Sasuke had that normal look but Sakura looked annoyed "What the heck Naruko, you said you had plans. We were going to come here together." She said as she approached pointing at Naruko.
Giving a worried laugh and raising her hands defensively "Ya sorry about that, plans got canceled."
That seemed to calm Sakura down a bit "Oh. Sorry to hear that." She sat down next to Naruko and Sasuke next to her. Sasuke looked to Teuchi "Two more ok?"
Teuchi gave him a grin.
"Sure, no problem, who could say no to you three?" he said with a laugh and turned to whip up some more ramen.
Sakura looked back to Naruko "So who was it?"
"Who was what?" she said taking another bite.
"Who was your date with baka, what else?" This even got Teuchi's attention.
Naruko ended up choking and spitting out a bunch of her noodles "HUUUHHHHHHH!" she said with a noddle hanging out of her nose.
Sakura and Teuchi laughed while Sasuke gave a small chuckle.
"You had a date with someone didn't you, that's why you ran out on us earlier wasn't it?" Sakura asked as she started to calm down.
Taking a napkin and wiping up her mess she shook her head "No. I have no idea where you got that idea from."
"Oh… I just figured that what it had to be for you to pass up ramen. If it wasn't that what was it?"
Naruko thought about how to answer, she really hadn't thought about an excuse, so her brain scrambled up the easiest answer "I had to clean my room."
Sasuke looked over at her with a look saying he found that hard to believe "You, the ramen queen of Konoha, no wait, the world; passed up ramen to clean your room?"
Teuchi brought the ramen for Sakura and Sasuke "Ya little hard to believe there."
Naruko shrugged "I had been putting it off for a while now, and it really needed to be done, sorry."
Sasuke and Sakura seemed to believe it as they dug into their bowls, but Teuchi looked down to behind the counter at the bag that Naruko had brought in. It made him worry a bit at how she seemed to be lying to her closest friends. He was about to say something but Naruko looked at him and her eyes asked him not to say anything, so he stayed silent.
They ate in silence for a while when Naruko broke the quiet "Do you guys remember when we first joined Team 7?"
"Well of course, it was one of the best days of my life." Sakura said. Sasuke just nodded while chewing on a mouth full of food.
"Ya it was one hell of a day." Naruko laughed and started going into the events from that day; the bell test and all the lessons that Kakashi had taught them. From there they went on to talk about all the adventures that had shared; most of the time they laughed at the silly things they did as young ninja. They talked for a couple of hours until Sakura started to yawn.
"Well this was fun, but I think we need to head out." She said getting up.
Sasuke pulled out his wallet and paid for the two of them and gave Teuchi a thank you nod. Sakura linked their arms and they started out "Later dope, cya round tomorrow?"
Naruko felt a tug at her heart at the lie she knew she had to say. She gave him a little wave "Sure, cya around."
Sakura looked over her shoulder as the reach the exit "Night Naruko."
"Night." She said, but not loud enough for anyone but Teuchi to hear. She stared at her empty bowl with her arms crossed on the counter.
"You okay with that?"
Naruko looked up at Teuchi that was looking at her with worry.
She took a deep breath and looked back at the entrance "I'll have to be."
As she pulled out her frog wallet to pay Teuchi raised his hand "On the house tonight kiddo."
Naruko could feel the tears trying to come up but she held them back and gave him a smile "Thanks pops, you really are the best." She grabbed her bag from behind the counter.
Teuchi came up to her and put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm smile "You be careful out there. And remember there's always warm ramen waiting here for ya."
She nodded and gave him a smile back then gave him a hug. Teuchi was taken aback for a moment then just returned the hug.
Without any other words Naruko left Ichiraku's. When she was outside she looked back at the ramen restaurant and remembered when she was young and all the time she ate here. She would always remember this place.
Turning in the direction of the Hokage Rock and the Hokage's tower Naruko headed off to see Granny Tsunade.
Few moments later –Outside the Hokage's office-
Naruko stood there frozen in front of the door to Tsunade's office. She knew she was still her, there was a light on inside and she had always been here late recently. Finally bringing up her courage she knocked on the door.
"Come in." came Tsunade's voice from the other side.
Opening the door Naruko stepped in and closed the door behind her. Tsunade was at her desk reading a scroll and writing something on papers to her right. The light flickered and Naruko noticed the bottle of sake resting next to the lamp. She gave a silent giggle.
But remembering her reason for being there sobered her up and in a low small voice she addressed Tsunade "Hey there Baa-chan."
Tsunade looked up then back to her work "Naruko I've told you before, stop calling me that."
Naruko stood in front of her desk and waited.
"So, what is this about? You've never come to my office so late before is something wrong." Tsunade asked without stopping her work.
Naruko stood there, unable to speak. She put her hands behind her back and then back infront. Finally she put her arms to her side and clenched her fists and looked down at the floor.
"Naruko if you're not going to say anything…"
"I'm leaving Konoha."
Tsunade froze at these words and slowly looked to Naruko. She was frozen in place, her hands going white from gripping. Placing her work aside, Tsunade out her elbows on the desk and set her chin on her hands.
"Whats this about?" she asked plain and simple trying not to let any emotion out. She needed to have a clear head.
"I have to leave. I… I just have to leave." Naruko said, still staring down at the ground.
"You can't just leave Naruko. As a kunoichi of the Leaf you have responsibilities. Let alone the fact that you're a hero in the shinobi world. You are an important person to the Leaf and its people. And then there's the Nine-tails, I know you work together now but as Hokage I cannot just le…"
"Granny, I came here because I wanted to let you know and to ask you to let me go. I didn't come here for permission. If you can't let me go I'm going to have to run, and I really don't want to have to do that. I promise that I'm still loyal to the Leaf, and that one day ill return. I just… I just don't know when that will be." Naruko looked up at Tsunade with eyes that pleaded, begged, and even maybe cried for her help.
Tsunade stared into those eyes and saw something in them, but was unsure of what it was. Naruko wasn't lying to her, that much she could tell she would remain loyal and return, and if she had to leave she would do it no matter who tried to stop her. Tsunade weighed the options in her mind.
She sighed and stood up putting her hands flat on the desk "Theres nothing I can say that will stop you?"
"Will you tell me what this about at least?"
There was hesitation but only a little "No."
Tsunade sighed again then pulled out a small scroll from her desk, opened it and wrote down Naruko's name and a mission.
"Naruko Uzumaki, you are hereby ordered to leave the Leaf on this important mission." Naruko stood at attention.
"You are to wonder the world and gather information. Information that will be helpful to the village, whether it be common inventions, sciences, crop conditions, spy networks, or threats to the village, you are to send reports back to the village. In this way we of the Leaf will grow from the things that you learn of out in the world. Is this understood?" Naruko nodded. "You are to return, when you feel you have helped to improve the village enough." She finished the scroll and rolled it up, tying in tight.
She placed the scroll that the front of her desk, then turned and walked to her window "Will that work for you?" She said in a sad tone.
"Yeah." Naruko said grabbing the scroll and placing it in her pocket. She watched Tsunade for a moment before walking over behind her and giving her a tight hug "Thank you."
Tsunade reached up and held onto Naruko's hands "You better send plenty of reports, you hear me?"
"I will." Naruko let go and headed off to the door. As she opened it she gave a slight bow to Granny Tsunade who just gave her a small wave.
Naruko left the office and grabbed her pack. She was set, she headed for the exit.
Little did she notice the person that had heard the majority of their conversation standing in the shadows.
Ten minutes later -Gate of the Hidden Leaf-
Naruko walked with her pack on her back, scroll in hand toward the gate entrance to the village. She stopped a ways away and looked at the gate. She had passed by it so many time she had taken it for granted, but it was the door, the door to her home. Remembering back when she had left for training, it hadn't seemed so hard, but this time it was damn near impossible. Thought this time she knew it would be a lot longer that just two and a half years before she returned.
Breathing in the cold air of the night she took a step toward the gate.
"Leaving Naruko?"
Naruko turned to the voice that came from behind and saw Kakashi walk out from the shadows.
"Kakashi-sensei?!" Naruko said surprised.
He walked up to her with a look in his eye that she couldn't tell if it was disappointment or sadness. She looked away.
"Why didn't you tell me." He asked.
Naruko turned away from her teacher but didn't try to move away. "Because…you…would…" she could feel the tears trying to surface, but she refused to let them.
"Try to stop you?" he finished for her.
Naruko nodded.
He sighed then walked around in front of her "Yeah, your right, I would have, and I should now too but… I won't. You seem rather determined and after what you told Lady Hokage, well…" he put a hand behind his head and looked at the gate. Kakaashi figured she hadn't told Iruka either, he would have tried to stop her too.
"Did you tell anyone?" he asked looking back at her.
She shook her head "Just Teuchi, sorta."
"And Sasuke and Sakura?" he saw her flinch at the names as he asked.
Again she just shook her head.
For a minute they just stood there, her head down and him watching her.
"Naruko is this about…"
Before he could finish her head shoot up and she looked at him with those blue eyes that normally sparkled with life, but tonight they held fear.
"You know?" she asked, fearful of the answer.
"I figured I out a while back." She took a step back from him. "You know they wouldn't hate you right?"
But he could see it in her eyes; she didn't know that, not for sure.
"Okay." He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Just remember, this is your home, you can always come back. You don't have to stay out there alone." Then just like that he walked back into the shadows of the night. "Good luck"
She watched as he left, and unsure of whether to smile or cry she made her way to the gate.
After showing the Jounin her pass they let her through and she made her way down the path. She walked for a few minutes then turned and looked back to the village. She was high enough where she could just start making out the buildings on the other side of the wall, and in the distance the Hokage wall stood proudly.
"Sure about this kit?" Naruko heard a voice from within herself. Closing her eyes she followed the voice to a forest like the one she was in, only difference was everything was huge. She was the size of a bug compared to the trees around her.
"Kurama." She called out into the woods.
"Over here kit." the voice rumbled from behind her. She turned to see Kurama relaxing in a hole in the base of one of the giant trees; his tails curled around him and his arms crossed under his head. She gave a small smile and trotted over to him. She stood in front of him, patted him on the nose then walked around and sat on his paw.
"How you doing Kurama? Shouldn't you be out catching some rabbits or something?" she teased.
He huffed at her question "Funny, like there's really anything to do here, though the scenery is better than that damn cell." He focused his huge eye on her "You didn't answer my question."
She was silent for a moment, pulling one of her left knee up and hugging it to her chest "It's the only thing I can do Kurama. Anything else I do will just cause trouble."
He moved his head closer and pushed her to him. She fell onto his snout and leaned back into his fur between his eyes. "You think this won't cause trouble?"
She curled up and leaned closer to him "No, I know it will, but I figure this way is a lot less to deal with for everyone."
He huffed "You're going to be lonely."
She sat up and patted him on the snout "What are you talking about? I've got you don't i?" She said it with a half-smile.
He gave a light grunt "That you do kit, that you do."
The world around Naruko started to fade and she found herself back on the trail outside the village. She looked back at the Hokage Rock one last time.
She let all the memories of the good and bad times in this place wash through her. She gave a sad smile and then bowed to the village. "Thank you."
She stood up, turned and walked into the night.
Hey guys thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. I got a few messages and just so people know and don't think they missed it, I didn't say why she was leaving. You're just going to have to keep reading the story to find out. Please review and comment :3