Naruto in JAPAN
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: Oh god I know I know what you're all thinking but…. Hahahaha I just had to write this one hahahaha. It just came to me and I was like how the eff is it possible that no one has written an xover for these two verses. God I love my perverted mind….
And that above is me cracking under the stress off 4 Papers for 4 different classes, A bell ringer exam, unruly residents in LTC setting, and the Final Exams slowly approaching. I seriously wrote this to just try and take my mind off that stuff. I don't even know how I managed to type this out in 2 and a half hours while venting… I don't know..
On that note, no updates this coming weekend due to me typing out said papers sigh… life such a bitch….theres a whole note on that on my profile feel free to read it. I'll try as hard as I can to update by at least early next week with the newest chapter of Ashes to Ashes and Right Hand of God but I won't promise anything...
Pairing: Naruto x Harem (This is ranceverse nuff said)
Tags: Violence, Gore, Lemons, AU [starts a year or two before Rance arrives in Japan]
-Naruto in JAPAN-
Play Sengoku Rance OST- Dignity
Honnouji Temple
Inside a dark and foreboding room within the Honnouji temple stood a man no a demon surrounded by dark miasma that gave all a feeling of absolute dread.
"Die" the demon calmly said as he shot forth a burst of darkness that sent the men and women surrounding him into various states of unconsciousness. They were those foolish enough to notice the change in the man. The ones who banded together to try to vanquish the demon and sadly all of them did not even pose as a threat to the demon.
"Kukuku hahahaha foolish humans is that it?!" asked the once kind ruler now possessed by the spirit of an ancient evil. His eyes were no longer that of a mortal man as his sclera turned black and his pupils were crimson red. Even his pet monkey now sported a dark cape and glowing black aura.
"Is that all your kind can do against me?" he boasted out as one of warriors slowly stood up. The teen was beaten, wounded, and bleeding yet he steadily stood up while glaring at the demon before him.
"Hahaha as expected of the man who has been a thorn to my side" the demon pointed the palm of his right hand at the teen and fired off another one off his dark ball of energy.
"…" the teen opposing him didn't reply he just shakily stood and quickly unsheathed his blade and deflected the shot. The teen had to bight down a yelp of pain as he sheathed his blade once more and looked around the area. His allies were all on the ground wounded and unconscious after being thoroughly beaten by the demon's last attack.
"Oh don't worry about them kukuku hahahaha I will make sure to take good care of them after I kill you" the ever demonic man said as he released more of his thick dark miasma into the air.
It was chocking and teen was trying his best not to falter"…I won't…." the teen said as he held his still sheathed blade. It was an ordinary weapon and he knew that it wouldn't have any effect on the demon but he can't give up. He already gave up once and he promised himself never to do it again.
"What was that mortal?"
"..lose" the teen kicked off the ground and ran towards the demon his hand holding tight on his blade. In an impressive show of skill the man drew his sword in a speed that only the best of the world can even attempt to comprehend. A speed carrying strength unsurpassed among this land. It was the fruition of all those years of training. So with all his might the teen slashed the demon in the chest.
The sound of something shattering echoed in the room.
Along with it shattered the last remaining hope for a victory.
Echoed once more as half of the teen's blade flew in the air and landed afar. "It's over" the demon said as he watched the teen's blade shattered and break upon contact with his demonic chest. The demon smirked as he pulled his hand back before trusting it forward landing knife hand directly at the teen's chest piercing through front and back.
"…urghh" the teen gurgled out as blood began pouring out of his mouth.
"I expected more from you" the demon said as he pulled his hand out of the teen's chest before kicking him away.
"No...can't… lose…" The teen thought while blood poured out of his mouth as his body slowly fell to towards ground, from his now wavering vision he saw the demon grinning madly at him.
"This is your limit human" the demon cockily said as he looked down on the now dying teen.
"It.. can't end… like this…. not… again…." The teen thought as his vision turned dark.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
Story Starts:
Chapter 1: The World of the Warring States
Play Sengoku Rance Ost: Lamentation
Two figures appeared within a sea of flames. One was leaning against a wall blood dripping down his stomach. The other was kneeling in front of him in tears as he silently cursed the situation they were.
"Naruto…" the silver-haired man with gravity defying hair wearing tattered anbu clothing said weakly as he coughed out blood.
"Kakashi S-sensei…" the blue-eyed spiky haired blonde jinchuuriki wearing anbu clothing complete with a ninjato strapped to his waist cried out as he looked at his dying sensei.
"It's over Naruto…. Konoha… has fallen… we've lost the war…." the copy-nin said weakly.
"No.. not yet I can still fight!" he snapped back only for his sensei to place his hand on the younger shinobi's head and ruffle his hair gently.
"Naruto… everyone's dead…. It's just the two of us against… Madara…" he coughed out more blood as he clutched a wound in his stomach. The war was already lost.
"But… but…" he tried to rebuttal but he couldn't think of an right response. His sensei was right. There was no way the two of them were going to win this. Even if they managed to defeat Obito and the Juubi it left behind a livid Edo Tensei Madara who proceeded to spam his gigantic meteors to annihilate majority of the Allied Shinobi Forces within minutes. Those who lived through that and escaped to regroup died shortly after the Uchiha began hunting down the Shinobis, destroying one nation after another until made his way to his last destination.
The once 80000 strong shinobis and samurais from the entire elemental Nation were cut down to only a hundred.
A hundred who made their last stand against Madara in the city that the man cofounded.
They didn't last an hour even with the man toying around.
But despite that he still wanted to fight, but even if he could his tenant Kurama was currently incapacitated inside having used majority of her chakra to block an Amaterasu infused Meteorite that almost killed the blonde jinchuuriki.
Throughout his live this was the only time that the blonde felt so helpless.
It was the one time that despite not wanting to he was forced to give up.
They have already lost and he knew it.
Kakashi smiled sadly underneath his face mask as he made his decision. He was going to die that was for sure but Naruto still had a whole life ahead of him seeing as he just turned nineteen a few days ago. "Naruto…" he called out weakly as the blonde was snapped out of his thinking.
"Yes sensei?" Naruto frantically asked as he held on to Kakashi.
"I promised every…one… that… if it came… to… this…. I'd…. use…. Kamui on you" he said weakly struggling to say those words as he felt himself losing more blood. They have already concluded during the match against Obito that Kamui was in fact connected to another dimension, which dimension they did not know but as of now anywhere else was better than being here.
"Wait what do you mean sensei? If you use Kamui on me doesn't that mean you're sending me to another dimension? Why? I want to stay here and fight until the end" the teen argued back.
The silver-haired jonin placed his bloodied hand on Naruto's cheek as he found his second breath "You really grew up to be a great Ninja Naruto… but remember all the sacrifices…" he didn't need to add anything as he saw the boy's eyes suddenly widen.
"Don't throw away the life they protected like this… the life Minato-sensei, Kushina-san, The Kages, The whole Shinobi Alliance protected…." he eye smiled "Neh Naruto… a life that you want to live…. live a happy life for everyone okay.."
"Kakashi-sensei" the blonde closed his eyes. His sensei was right, he was being foolish. There were so many that died for him. That die so that he could live, it would be insulting their sacrifices if he just stayed here and died. So through his sobs the blonde forcefully chocked out his response "Hai… sensei…"
"I'll see you later Naruto…." Kakashi said as he activated the Mangekyo Sharingan in his left eye. "Kamui!" he shouted out as a small worm hole appeared in the fabric of space and time slowly absorbing the younger shinobi in it.
"Just don't be late Sensei" Naruto replied still in tears as he slowly disappeared into the void of the technique.
"Heheh… I won't be late… just make sure you don't come back early Naruto…." said the dying Shinobi as he coughed out more blood. The man looked up to around as his vision wavering as he saw another figure coming from the sea of flames.
"Uchiha Madara…" Kakashi thought as he placed his hand over his left eye. There was one more thing that he had to do before he could pass on. Biting down as hard as he could Kakashi placed his fingers inside his left eye socked and with one swift stroke pulled out his left eye. He had to muffle down a scream of pain as he quickly channeled Raiton chakra into his hand and crushed the eye-ball. With that Madara had no way of following Naruto.
He chuckled dryly even in defeat he managed to find a small semblance of victory. 'This isn't such a bad way to die' he thought as looked up to the skies ignoring the footsteps from the man who promised his death. His life flashed before his eyes as he smiled "Sensei… Rin…. Obito…Everyone… I'll be seeing you guys soon…" he coughed out harshly as he finally felt his body giving up on him.
"I hope you find happiness Naruto…" Kakashi whispered out as he closed his eyes.
With the death of Hakate Kakashi, Uchiha Madara ceased his rampage. Satisfied after finally achieving his twisted wish of peace the man dispelled his Edo Tensei and went back to the realm of the dead.
The Shinobi Era ended that day with its only survivor thrown to another world.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
It was night-time in Yamato, a forested mountainous area ruled by the Iga House of Japan. The land was well known for throughout Japan as being the den of ninjas.
On top of the roof of the main house of the clan hidden within the forest of Yamato was none other than Inukai, the young leader of Iga who wishes to protect the right and status of the now fading ninja dynasty throughout Japan.
"I feel a foreboding future for our clan" he said as he looked at the night sky despite his wishes to help his kin he knew it was impossible. For his dream to be achieved they needed to unite this war torn era under the banner of the Ninjas. Inukai sighed as he looked at the map sprawled beside him; it was a map of Japan and labeled in it was four distinct houses.
The Mouri house of the west was steadily gaining power as Mouri Motonari and his daughters continue to lay waste upon the western side of Japan. On the opposite side were the Takeda house led by the ever powerful Takeda Shingen and his four generals who constantly clashes against Souun's Houjou House with it powerful Shikigami practitioners and the goddess of war herself Uesugi Kenshin of the Uesugi House.
Those four were the four most powerful houses in Japan and were currently the major threats towards his wish for the continuation of the ninja legacy .The man sighed again he just knew as they were now it was impossible for them to even last a month against those great nations.
He looked at the other nearby nations as he began thinking out the House's next course of action.
Beside their House were the Hara, Oda, Ashikaga, and the Tenshi sect.
Oda would be easy pickings because of the constant in fighting happening within the nation but they still did not have enough funds for a continued war against that nation.
The Ashikaga House despite being led by an incompetent man still had enough resources and man power to last a whole war against Iga; He knew that fighting Ashikaga would eventually lead to a battle of contrition which he was fairly sure their side would lose.
Hara on the other hand was a perfect nation to attack. Its ruler was rather incompetent and week and from his spies he has heard that the man's wife is wasting their land's resources.
They could also attack the Tenshi but it would be a foolish endeavour. The Tenshi sect is almost untouchable less they want to be branded as the enemies of all the members of the religion which made up at least 50% of the whole nation of JAPAN.
The man sighed again "This is certainly not good… we need time… a year or two too get enough resources… but I fear that by then one of the other nations would have conquered the land" he took the maps and rolled them up.
"Perhaps this our era was meant to end with me…" the man said sadly as he looked over the horizon.
*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*
Suddenly the several sounds of several explosions came from a far shocking the Iga house leader. "What was that? Report!" the man shouted out.
"Sir. Someone is invading our territory." A ninja who suddenly appeared in a swirl of leaves beside Inukai said.
"Is it from another house?" Inukai asked as he stood up from his seat.
"We don't know sir but as far as we can tell it's a male foreigner with blonde hair who uses Ninjutsu"
"A foreign ninja is attacking our clan" Inukai growled in anger he despised foreign ninjas since it was known that they stole the art from Japan and bastardized it to their own needs.
Inukai whistled as he called out his trusted companions the wanwan ninkens "Is there anyone in the scene?"
"Yes but I am sorry to say that the Goninjai has already fallen while Suzume-sama is busy dealing with the ninja. Inukai-sama I fear that Suzume-sama needs back up."
"Why is that?" Inukai asked shocked that the ones he considered his elite ninjas would be needing help to fight against some unknown foe.
"The report we got from Blue-san said that their group were effortlessly defeated…" said the ninja who kept his head bowed down.
"Very well lead me to the way" Inukai said as he and the ninja disappeared in a swirl of leaves.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
Earlier, somewhere near Yamato
In the forested mountains of Yamato a tiny wormhole appeared in the air and from it fell an unconscious spiky haired blonde shinobi. With a loud thud the teen plummeted to the ground creating a small crater beneath him. As expected from a filled with nothing but ninjas, not even a minute has passed before five ninjas dressed in what looked like sentai based ninja wear surrounded the unconscious blonde.
"A foreigner?" the one wearing the red asked as he looked at the teen.
"Hmm from the looks of thing he's a ninja…" the green clad one added.
"He doesn't look like he's from our clan" the rather stout fellow wearing yellow said.
"No duh fatso he's a foreigner" the one in blue said as she started checking out the teen.
The one dressed in Black shared his opinion. "How about we kill him"
"No it looks like he's wounded… and he's kinda… hot…" Blue interjected
"No! Blue!" everyone cried out knowing the blue clad ninja's rather .
"He is! I dare you to tell me that he doesn't look hot" the girl defended.
"Well he is pretty handsome…" their leader red said.
There was a small moment of silence as everyone except the still unconscious Naruto stared at the red clad ninja in shock.
"Wow red.. I didn't know you swung that way…." Green said as he took a few steps away from red.
"So you finally came out of the closet huh? Good for you" Black cheered him on as he patted the man in the back.
"Wait no that's not what I meant… come on guys you know I'm not gay I'm married for Tenshi's sake." Red defended himself as he waved his hands in front of himself.
"Hehehe I always knew you went for the other team" Blue teased.
"I said that's not true!"
While blue, green, and black were busy messing with red the one clad in yellow was slowly inching his way towards the unconscious teen. You see the one in yellow had a bad habit of stealing stuff and after seeing the ninjato strapped on the man's back he knew he just had to steal it. The man licked his lips underneath his yellow mask as his left hand slowly inched towards the blade. It was really a bad case of judgement on his part.
The yellow ninja looked in shock as he heard something falling on his side. Looking to his side he found that his left hand was already in the ground surrounded by a pool of blood.
"ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH!" the kleptomaniac ninja screamed out in pain before he found a kunai jabbed through his helmet with such strength that it went through the other side of his helmet.
Red, Blue, Black, and Green stopped arguing almost immediately as they watched their close friend and ally Yellow fall on the ground.
The four directed to their attention towards the once unconscious teen. It was already late in the night so they did not really notice the man's features but as the moon shone down on him they finally got a full view of the teen.
He was probably around eighteen or nineteen with spikey blonde hair and cold cerulean blue eyes holding an unsheathed ninjato in hand. The teen was wearing a white armor like vest and black gloves that went to his shoulders underneath a pair of white arm guard. He was also wearing a matching pair of plain black pants and black boots. He looked pretty impressive for a teen his age but that really wasn't what caught the fours' attention. Neither was the fact that he effortlessly killed their friend. No it was the facts that despite standing in front of them they could barely feel the man's presence and that was a trait only shown by the best in their profession.
"…." The teen didn't say as he slowly stood up from the crater. He looked around and saw the other ninjas and ignored them for a moment as he prompted to look at the night sky instead. "Kakashi-sensei" the teen said bitterly as he realized that he was in fact in a new world.
He closed his eyes as a few drops of tears flowed down into his cheeks. "I promise.. I'll live… a happy life…" he said as he broke his gaze from the moon and finally looked at those around him.
He then proceeded to sweat drop when he saw what he assumed were ninjas in front on him "Oh kami… where the hell… Did that Kamui send me…." Naruto groaned placing his hand on his head the teen started rubbing his temples as he looked at the four individuals in front of him. Suffice to say he had to rub his eyes a few times not believing that he just saw what looked like ninjas wearing sentai like uniforms. How he even knew about sentai uniforms he didn't know.
Sighing Naruto said "Good evening would you guys mind telling me where I am?" he asked.
Play Sengoku Rance OST - Drive back the enemy!
Their response was to start hurling shurikens at him.
"Huh? Why are they attacking me?" the blonde thought as he held his ninjato with one hand in a reverse grip and started parrying all of the bladed projectiles. "What the hell? Is this how people here answer a simple question?" he shouted at them.
"You killed our friend!" the man in red replied as he stopped throwing shurikens and opted to pull out his tanto and hold it firmly in his hand as he charged towards his friend's murderer.
"What?" Naruto asked as he swung his ninjato and blocked a swipe from the red clad man's tanto. Naruto then used his free hand to punch the Red clad ninja in the gut forcing him to back away. The blonde then jumped to avoid a well-coordinated two-pronged attack from the green and black clad ninjas that attempted to slash him with their respective tantos.
"You killed Yellow!" the one clad in blue shouted out as she met Naruto mid-air. Holding a tanto in both hands the only female member of the group began her assault as she tried to attack both high and low aiming for both the man chest and leg's simultaneously.
Emphasis on try as the man effortlessly blocked her blows with his ninjato.
"Huh? I just woke up… how the hell could I-" he twisted his body to avoid a trust from the girl's tanto aimed for his chest. "Kill someone!" he added as he kicked the girl in the shoulder. "Ouch that's going hurt" Naruto though as he heard a loud crack coming from the girl's shoulder before she was sent spiralling down towards the ground.
"Blue!" The one in red shouted out as he quickly caught the girl in his hands before jumping away as the one in black and green ran towards where they predicted the blonde would land.
"Die!" the two shouted in unison as they jumped towards the blonde tanto already aimed for the teen's chest.
Naruto saw the two coming at him in slow motion; they were slow, chuunin level speed if he had to grade them. Sheathing his ninjato back in it's sheathe the blonde closed his eyes as he slowly felt the two moving through the air.
The blonde kept his eyes closed as he recalled a technique secretly passed on to only a hand few within Konoha. A technique honed by the Niidaime Hokage. A technique he mastered and tried to use against Madara. It didn't work well against the immortal Uchiha but he was pretty sure it would work on any other ninjas.
"Hiraishingiri" the blonde silently muttered out as he drew his sword in an incredible speed and sliced both of ninjas.
Naruto gently landed on the ground as he quickly flicked the blood off his sword and sheathed his ninjato.
There was a loud squirting sound in the air as both ninja's that were flying at him only moments ago screamed out as a large gash that squirted out huge amounts of blood appeared across their chests.
Naruto heard two loud thuds coming from behind him and did not bother to turn around as he looked at the Red-nin still standing in front of him.
Naruto sighed "I'm really sorry about that but you guys attacked me first…"
"What the hell are you talking about you killed Yellow!" the man shouted out as he pointed at their companion who was lying dead on the ground.
"Huh?" he looked at the Yellow clad ninja that had a kunai sticking out from the opposite side of his helmet. "I have no idea who that is and how he's like that…" Naruto defended but internally he winced. The man probably tried to touch him when he was passed out meaning his battle honed instincts probably instantaneously kicked in defended himself from the man. "Not even a day has passed and you already killed someone in this new world… good job Naruto good job…." He didn't really have any qualms with killing he was a ninja for Kami's sake of course had already killed in the past he didn't live in some kind of fantasy world where you can talk people in to surrendering no he lived in a world of ninjas where killing was second nature but he did prefer not to kill needlessly so this one was definitely his bad.
"Grrrr…" Red growled out as he cradled Blue in his arms. "Blue… run and call for help" the man said as he gently dropped the girl on the ground.
"But Red!" the girl tried to argue back.
"No buts I'll hold him back go!" Red took held tightly on his tanto in his left hand while holding on a kunai in his right.
"Wait Red don't!"
"Blue, you have to call for help…" he looked at the girl "Call for Suzume-sama, call for Inukai-sama"
"Think things through you have a family! Don't just throw your life away"
The man in red let out a dry laugh "You guys are as close to me as my real family. I'm willing to die for you guys as much as I am willing to die for my real family"
While this was happening Naruto was just standing in the side sweat dropping. 'Should I attack them?' he thought as he watched the drama between the red and blue clad sentai ninjas. 'Nah I'll give them a few minutes to sort it out'
"But Red! I love you Red!"
"I love you too Blue! But Go! Go! I'll hold him back" he shouted out.
"Promise me you'll come back"
"I promise now go!"
"Goodbye Red" the girl replied as she started running away leaving behind her team mate to his fate.
The man clad in red then turned around and faced the rather impassive looking blonde shinobi who was really contemplating about if he really just witnessed that whole dramatic scene in front of him. If they were back in his world the two would've been dead already.
"You shall fall by my blade"' red proclaimed as he held on to both his weapons. The man then made a rather exaggerated pose as a he was suddenly covered by red flame like energy that enveloped him. "Hiiiyaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" the man shouted as the energy surrounding him got bigger and brighter.
The former shinobi of the now destroyed Konoha raised an eye brow as he felt the man's chakra increase. It wasn't much but the man went from a measly chuunin into a jonin.
"This is the secret technique passed down through hundreds of generations of Goninjai Red" the man crouched on the ground as he held both of his weapons back handed.
"Goninjai Hissatsu: Akairo Senko (Red Flash)" the red clad man said as he vanished in a blur of red light.
"Yellow, Black, and Green. This is for all of my fallen friends" the man shouted as he swung his blades towards the blonde in a cross like manner. "Die!" he shouted out in the top of his lungs.
Naruto just sweat dropped as he took one step to the side effortlessly dodging the man's rather straightforward attempt to kill him. The blonde just shook his head as he unstrapped his still sheathed ninjanto from his waist and held it up in the air before smashing it down on the red ninja's head just as he passed by.
"Ghhhhaaaaaaaccckkkkk!" the man cried out as he dramatically fell to the ground. "I'm sorry.. Blue… I can't keep… my promise… my… friends… … we'll see each other soon…." the man silently said as he fell on the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with this world?" Naruto asked to no one really as he palmed his face. Okay the world had ninjas but if all the ninjas here are as irritating as the ones he just fought then he was pretty sure that Kakashi-sensei must have killed him with the Kamui and he's now in hell.
"Mohohoho.… you're good Nin-nin" Naruto heard a feminine voice from someone a nearby. He tilted his head towards the direction of the voice. The blonde shinobi had to force back a blush as he saw one of the most beautiful kunoichi's he has ever seen sitting on top a nearby tree. She was probably around his age, the girl was a head shorter than he was, and her skin was slightly tanned matching her long blue hair that gave her that was styled to make it look like she had to blue cat ears like ears. She was wearing a very short dark blue kimono that barely covered her chest and stopped just right above her thighs. To finish of her attire she was also wearing dark blue stockings that went just above her knees and black slippers.
"Um… thank you?" he scratched the back of his head "Um.. I just want to ask are all the ninjas like the ones I just defeated or is it just them"
"Just them… they're a pretty weird bunch" the girl replied as I internally sighed in relief. 'Thank Kami' Naruto thought.
"Ano Onee-san mind telling me where I am right now?"
"Hmm you don't know? You're in Yamato territory of the one and only ninja clan in Japan the Iga House! Nin-nin!" the girl cheerfully responded
"I see…" the blonde said no he didn't see, he still had no clue about where this Yamato or Japan is he just knew that he somehow stumbled on a hidden village in a different world and judging by the way the girl in front of her was acting she was probably one of the stronger ninjas from the village.
"Umm… would you be kind enough to just let me leave in peace?"
"Nope." The girl said as she threw twelve shurikens at me,
"Figures" Naruto mumbled out as he once again blocked all the shurikens with his ninjato. He then narrowed his eyes when he saw the shurikens. They looked like normal shurikens but they had a weird shine to them. 'Poison?' the blue-eyed shinobi thought as he quickly sheathed his ninjato. He then back flipped away from a few barrage of shurikens coming from the kunoichi before stopping and jumping behind a tree for cover.
'Hey Kurama-chan are you already up?' Naruto asked only to get no response. Damn without his tenant channeling her chakra in him, he was susceptible to poison. This did not bode well for the jinchuuriki. Placing a hand on his vest Naruto pulled out three Kunais with explosion tags wrapped on them.
He then left his cover as he looked for my target and found her jumping from tree to tree as she kept throwing more and more of her poisoned projectiles at the knoha-nin forcing him on the defensive. He grinned the kunochi is good, definitely Elite Jonin material.
"Let's see how you deal with this" With a flick of his wrist Naruto quickly threw the tree Kunais one was aimed towards her and the other two were aimed at where she was possibly going to jump away to.
Naruto did not however expect her to stop on her tracks and suddenly throw a barrage of glowing shurikens at his projectiles. "Chun-chun shuriken!" the girl shouted out as to my surprise her Shuriken's blocked the Kunais and forced them to detonate mid-flight.
The sounds of his kunais exploding filled the air as dust covered the area and hid the two combatants from each other.
Naruto whistled "She's good" he said as he ducked down on the ground to evade a kick aimed for his head. The blonde shinobi then twisted his as he kicked upwards "Kage Buyou" he said as he felt his feet hit someone through the dusty filled.
"Arrgg~" he heard as he pushed himself off the ground and towards the voice in the grinned as the dust began to clear, he was just underneath the kunoichi and was in a perfect place to either copy Lee and do an Omote Renge or copy Sasuke and do a Shishi Rendan both of which he was sure would incapacitate the girl.
Deciding to go for the Shishi Rendan Naruto placed his hand on the girl back signaling the beginning of the attack only for his eyes to widen when he felt something was wrong.
Terribly wrong.
Following his instincts Naruto quickly made a Kage Bunshin and had it grab him mid-air and made it throw him far away. He was glad he followed his instincts as a moment later the girl vanished in a puff of smoke as several of her shurikens sailed pass her and hit the exam same spot he was in moments ago.
"You know make clonesas well Nin-nin?" the Kunoichi asked curiously as she jumped out of a nearby tree.
"Kage Bunshin actually" Naruto corrected her. "You're pretty good Onee-san what's your name?" he asked as he tried to hide the fact that he was exhausted. He did just come out of a wormhole after just battling and losing against the strongest ninja in the entire history of the Elemental Nations. Safe to say that one Kage Bunshin depleted what little chakra he had left. He had to finish this soon and escape before more of them arrived.
"Suzume" she replied cheerfully as she threw another barrage of shuriken.
"My name is Naruto" the teen introduced himself as he channeled chakra into his legs and disappeared in a burst of speed surprising the kunoichi. The teen vanished in a burst of speed as he then reappeared in front of the kunoichi. The blue haired girl barely had any time to put her hands up and guard her vital areas as the teen began his furious assault of sharp jabs that pummeled her body.
The blonde pulled his left fist back as he channelled his chakra into it "Nice to meet you Suzume" Naruto told her as punched her guard blowing it away as the Kunoichi flew through the air because of the sheer power of the blonde's blow.
'Strong' she thought as she winched in pain while using her now bruised arms to grab onto a nearby tree branch and pull herself up on another tree. "Hnn nice to meet you too Fishcake-san!" the she replied as she shook both of her arms to try and ease the stinging pain that she felt.
"It means maelstrom Kami damn it!"Naruto complained as he stomped the ground before stopping and frowning as he felt another nearby presence land on top of a tree just beside the Kunoichi.
He sighed "Let me guess you're the leader of this place?" Naruto asked as he looked at the new comer. A man with silver hair slicked back wearing purple ninja garbs with a katana strapped firmly on his back. He has really tanned skin as well as several scars all over his rather muscular body. On the man side were a few dogs that Naruto assumed were some kind of Ninken.
"My name is Inukai" the man said as he looked at the blonde haired shinobi. He was slightly unnerved by the fact that he did not feel the man's presence at all until he came to this area. The leader of the Iga house looked around and like what the reports said all the other members of the Goninjai were already defeated. From the side of his vision he could see that Suzume was breathing rather heavily as she too focused her eyes on the teen below them.
"I'm really sorry about what happened with those…" Naruto paused as he thought of the proper words to use and decided to go with "unique ninjas but do know they attacked me first"
"Blue said you killed Yellow and started the whole fight" Inukai replied sternly as he kept his eyes on the teen.
"Lies" he instantly replied.
"No you pretty much killed Yellow first and started the entire thing in your sleep…" Suzume added as she saw the blonde suddenly look at her with slightly widened eyes. "You were watching?" he asked as the Kunoichi nodded in response.
Naruto sighed as he visibly deflated "Umm.. sorry?"
Just for the second time that day Naruto was answered by a hail of shurikens all flying towards him at high speed.
"Figures" Naruto jumped back a few times before drawing his ninjato and used it to furiously block the barrage of poisoned shurikens. The blonde clicked his tongue as he saw both ninjas vanish from their respective trees.
Naruto placed his hand on his Ninjato as he channeled chakra into his legs. Naruto closed his eyes for a few moments as he tried to hone in to the location of the two opposing ninjas. "There" Naruto whispered as he kicked himself off the ground and ran towards as nearby tree. Naruto began zigzagging to evade more shurikens thrown at him. He then drew his ninjato channeling Fuuton chakra along its blade as he let out one slash before slowly sheathing it once more. "Fuuton: Shinkuken"
*Click* came the loud sound of his ninjato being returned to its sheath echoing in the air as dozens of nearby trees were sliced in half forcing the cat like Kunoichi to jump away from her hiding spot within one of the fallen trees.
Before the kunoichi could even land and find another hiding spot she found herself entranced as she saw a pair of cerulean blue eyes looking right at her. Being a Kunoichi she was already used in seducing men, so she was used seeing one or two pretty boys like the blonde in front of her, but for some reason she felt something strange about the teen. She looked closely at the teens eyes as her own suddenly widened. "So… powerful…" she whispered out before feeling a sharp pain in the back of her head. "Yet… lonely…." The girl added before her vision went black.
For the first time in years the Kunoichi known as Suzume known for her 100% mission success rate and unparalleled strength when it came to the way of the ninja lost in the hands of a certain blue eyes shinobi.
Naruto caught the kunoichi's body mid-air as he landed on the ground; he then walked to a nearby tree and gently placed the girl underneath it. "Rest for now Suzume"
"Assassination" Naruto's eyes widened as he heard those words behind him "Fast" the blonde said as he quickly spun around and drew his ninjato to block Inukai's tanto before it could slice through his jugular. Judging from the purple clad ninja's surprised expression he wasn't expecting Naruto to block that attack.
"Hmm… so would you mind letting me go now?" Naruto asked as he pushed against Inukai's tanto before purposely weakening his grip and making the Iga-nin tilts towards him. Specifically towards the knee that the blonde brought up and smashed into the man's stomach forcing him to jump back as the Naruto sheathed his ninjato once more.
"..grh" Inukai grunted out as he placed a hand over his stomach the teen was definitely strong and based on how he easily defeated Suzume he was really at huge disadvantage right now. Placing two fingers in his hand the man let out a loud whistle as his three ninken started running towards Naruto.
"Huh.. cute dogs…" Naruto couldn't helo but mumble out as he looked at the three small dogs. They were really cute and tiny, how can they even hurt him. He then saw the dogs opened their small and cute mouths and revealed that they had monstrous canines that made Akamaru's look like a puppy. For Kami's sake those teeth were comparable to the scales of Samehada, how was that even possible.
Immediately channeling chakra into his feet Naruto jumped towards a nearby tree and started walking up but to his surprise the dogs were walking up the tree as well. Halfway through his climb the former shinobi of Konoha kicked off the tree and landed in another to evade another barrage of shurikens heading his way.
"Well at least theres only three of them" Naruto smiled as he looked at the dogs as long as there were only three of them they wouldn't be much of a problem considering he could out run them.
"Huh?" the blonde said as he felt dozens of small vibrations converging towards the area.
*Wan* *Wan* *Wan*
"What the h-" he didn't finish as he saw dozens of those same cute yet monstrous dogs running from the forest towards as they made their way towards him. "-ell" the blonde said gulping as he desperately resisted the urge to palm his face.
"Me and my big mouth…" He really just had to tempt fate. 'Stupid Naruto' he thought as he placed his hand closer to his ninjato ready to draw it at any moment. "Umm… good doggies?"
"Sick'em boys" he heard from Inukai before the man vanished in the shadows of the forest.
"Well… fuck…" Naruto cursed as the dogs jumped off from the ground towards him mouth open wide. The blonde swung his still sheathed ninjato towards one dog smashing its teeth before spinning around and hitting a few others with punches, elbows and kicks before any of them could even get close to him. He then ducked to avoid one that tried to bite his head off.
This was going to be annoying.
Clicking his tongue Naruto jumped off the tree and landed in another. He did dare look back as he knew that those dogs were jumping from the tree as well and heading towards him. Stupid ninja trained dogs.
Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself down as he started jumping from tree to tree to avoid the dogs, he needed to take these dogs out in one blow before he could even deal with Inukai and then possibly escape this place. Speaking of Inukai the man a few meters away from the blonde shinobi and ones again began raining hails upon hails of poisoned Shurikens at him forcing Naruto quickly sent three high speed slashes sheathing his ninjato in between to block the man's assault.
'There' Naruto though as he saw a small clearing nearby it had just enough space for him to use one of his attacks to take out all the ninkens.
Channeling what little of the chakra he had left into his feet Naruto kicked off the tree he was standing on and flipped through the air as he landed on the clearing.
The moon was shining down on him as Naruto took another deep breath and closed his eyes before getting into a basic stance thought to him by Mifune. His feet was spread a part, body slightly leaning towards the direction of the dogs as he held his still sheathed ninjato on his left hand while holding it in its handle with his right.
Right now it was life or death and he was pretty sure that those dogs shared his idea of just letting bygones be bygones without hurting or possibly eating the other.
"Sorry…" he whispered as he began focusing his senses towards each and every dog running at him, one hundred and one in total. Truth be told the way he is now Naruto preferred using his ninjato over his fists. Why wouldn't he? Having been thought in the ways of the sword by the best kenjutsu experts around the Elemental Nation's during the war he could proudly say that he was one of the if not the best kenjutsu expert in the whole nation at one point in time. Hell even Uchiha Madara despite the rage induced douche that he was acknowledged the blonde's prowess with a sword when he took down Obito with the Hiraishingiri.
Too bad his sword and jutsus were still too weak when compared to the Edo Revived Uchiha, otherwise he wouldn't be getting hounded on by a pack of dogs right now.
And so Naruto kept his eyes closed as he recalled a lesson from Mifune: Draw quickly, Move Gracefully, Strike Powerfully, before sheathing the blade as quickly as one draws it.
"Iadou:" Naruto whispered as he carefully honed on all one hundred wanwans carefully noting the slight shift in the air coming from several shurikens heading his way as well. The blonde shinobi slowly channeled chakra all over the sword and his body before kicking off the ground.
From his hiding spot Inukai blinked.
That was all it took for him to miss the teen's attack.
With a blink of an eye the teen was already behind the pack of dogs holding a ninjato drawn from its sheathe. There was a small moment of silence as he slowly sheathed his blade once more. "Iaigiri" he whispered out as he fully sheathed his blade while the moon continued to shine down on him.
Inukai who was hiding nearby watched in shock as the teen sheathed his blade. He heard the silent clicking sound before it was slowly followed by the sounds of several loud thuds, a hundred and one thuds to be specific that came from the wanwans. The purple clad iga-nin gulped as a bead of cold sweat rolled from his forehead.
"That is…. Impossible…" he muttered in disbelief as he could not believe that his wanwans known throughout JAPAN for taking down armies was destroyed by just one man.
He looked back at the clearing and saw that the teen's back was now facing him.
Inukai closed his eyes and shook his head trying to calm himself down as he took another set of shurikens. Opening his eyes ones more he looked at the clearing only to find that the man has already vanished from his spot.
Before he could even react Inukai saw a pair of cerulean blue eyes looking directly at him.
It is said that by looking at ones eye can give you a grasp at a person's thoughts, feelings, and even personality. Iga-nins are thought at a young age to read a person through their eyes being ninjas that specialized in gathering information, stealing, and assassinating, having a good grasp on their target is imperative to their working prowess. So like Suzume before him he marveled at the sight of powerful yet somewhat lonely eyes but beyond that he saw the eyes of a warrior who has lived through war, the eyes of one who knew how to lead his men into combat the eyes that had a making of a good leader.
"Don't worry I didn't kill them…" Inukai heard from the teen before he felt as sharp pain in his stomach courtesy of a punch from the teen before he was blown back into another tree by a kick in the face.
There was a loud cracking sound that echoed in the air as the tree that caught Inukai started breaking.
*tap, tap, tap*
Inukai coughed out as he heard the silent sound of footsteps heading for him. It didn't really take a genius to guess who it belonged to and as predicted only a few seconds later the blue-eyed foreign ninja was standing in front of him.
Inukai gulped despite being the leader of the Iga clan he knew that his rank was a high level ninja with Suzume being one or two notches better than he was. Taking one glance at the man after their short battle –if it could even be called a battle, he knew this man in front of him surpassed both of them.
The teen had a ninja rank only comparable to the founder of the clan the very first ninja of Japan. In front of him is a man worthy of the title of a Kage a man who is truly one with the shadows. A light bulb flashed inside the purple-clad ninja's head. Screw being a foreigner or not, if this man joined their clan, No if this man leads their clan he was sure that the Ninja would prosper once more throughout JAPAN.
"Who are you…?" the Iga-nin asked as he stared at the teen.
Naruto looked at Inukai as various memories of the previous war flashed before his vey eyes. He smiled sadly "Naruto Namikaze, a failure of a ninja" he replied as the wind suddenly blew making his clothes flutter with the wind as he took a few steps towards Inukai before slowly falling face first on the ground unconscious.
"What the..?" Inukai dumbly asked as he saw the now unconscious teen in front of him.
"What happened nin-nin?" the now conscious Suzume asked as she walked towards Inukai while staring at the unconscious teen.
Inukai stood up and slowly walked towards the boy before kneeling down in front of him and looked at the teen noting several injuries in his bodies that he knew neither the two of them or the Goninjai were responsible for.
"He's exhausted… and wounded. He was probably already tired when he fought us…" Inukai said as his respect for the teen went up. To fight and defeat the best that Iga could offer when you were already badly wounded and injured if that wasn't impressive then he didn't know what was.
"Mohoho we lost to a wounded man?" Suzume asked as she looked closely at the unconscious teen and couldn't help but be impressed in his performance as well. He was the first to have beaten her since she remembered. Her eyes then focused on the teen's face "Are those whisker marks?" she asked as she pointed on the boy's cheeks.
"Who knows" Inukai answered as he grabbed the teen only for the boy still unconscious to let out a jab that nailed him in the chin making him drop the blonde on the ground.
"Hahahaha~ you got punched by a sleeping boy Nin-nin" Suzume laughed out as she held onto her stomach. The teen way really interesting but her defeat at his hands left her a bit displeased about the teen. 'Hnn… if I can't beat him in combat then….' She thought before stopping when she looked at Inukai who was growling.
"Grr" Inukai growled out as he spat out a tooth, even unconscious the blonde proved himself to be both strong and troublesome. He then looked at Suzume as a tick marked appeared on his head "Mind helping out?"
"Hai hai boss" Suzume said as she crouched down and picked the teen up, on her side Inukai was already grinning ready to see the girl get punched as well only to be surprised when the man did nothing.
"What the hell!?" he complained as Suzume placed the teen on her back piggy back style. He could have sworn that for a split second he saw the blonde teen smiling lecherously when his hands landed on Suzume's chest for a moment.
"Let's go~" Suzume told the Iga leader as she started running back towards their base.
"Uggh… troublesome…" Inukai complained as he ran behind Suzume.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
Within the recesses of the shinobi's unconscious mind stood a small field along with a hill that was filled with flowers and various greenery. It was a warm, kind, gentle, and peaceful place to be in. The teen was calmly sleeping on top of the hill as the slightly cold breeze of the wind gently hit his skin. Beside the boy was a wonderful woman, long crimson hair, red eyes, bomb shell of a body, and let's not forget the two cute red ears, six whisker like marks in her face as well as the nine tails swinging about behind her.
The girl smiled as she watched the rise and fall of the boy chest but as much as she wanted to let him rest she had to wake the teen up. "Naruto-kun…" she said as she gently tugged the teen's shoulder.
"mhmmm…" came an unintelligible grumble from Naruto.
"Naru-kun…." called the red-haired girl as she gently tugged the boy in his shoulder once more.
"hmhmm.. .mhmm… boo…" mumbled the blonde.
"Oi Naru-kun" she said slowly running out of patience.
"hahah mhmm heheh… jiggle… jiggle…." Naruto said with a perverted grin on his face.
"WAKE UP GAKI!" shouted the red haired beauty as she punched the boy in the forehead. She tried it to do it gently but it seems that her tenat really preferred to be awoken like this.
"Arrrrrgggghhh!" Naruto woke up and immediately placed his hands over his forehead. "What the hell Kurama-nee!" his eyes then widened "Kurama-nee?" the blonde smiled as he stopped rubbing his forehead and immediately hugged his tenant.
"Nice to see you again Gaki" the bijuu replied as she hugged the blonde teen back.
"I thought you were dead!" yelled Naruto as he broke the hug.
"Just run out of Chakra Gaki…." She answered with a smile on her face. "It will take way more that that to kill me" she added.
"Heheh you're just as stubborn at me when it comes to dying" Naruto teased back as he recalled several experiences that he should have died in yet survived nonetheless.
"The Shinigami hates us" his tenant joked before her smile slowly dropped "Your sensei sent you to another world" she said shifting the mood of the conversation from a more serious one.
"Yeah… tell me something I don't' know" Naruto replied as he rolled his eyes.
Kurama grinned mischievously oh she was going to enjoy this "Well this world is called the Continent a giant land mass floating in the void of the universe supported in the back of four holy beasts. This world was apparently created by a gigantic whale god and is currently divided in to five or six nations if nothing has changed since I last came to this world with the old man and judging by the looks of the people you saw you're probably in JAPAN right now."
"What….?!" The container asked as he processed the small info dump.
"Yeah… take that all in…." his tenant smugly replied.
"How the hell do you know so much about this place?" Naruto asked.
"Well let's just say Rikudou Senin liked to travel… a lot… and he may or may not have used Kamui to go here and enjoy life every now and then…" she answered neglecting to mention that time moves differently between the two dimensions.
"Enjoy life…. You mean?"
"Yep to get drunk, high, laid, he was quit a kichiku you know? Pretty violent with the ladies" she then placed her hands on her chin "Heck I remember the last time he was here he lost an arm when he tried to get too kinky with some girls." she then laughed "Last time we were here he even adopted this one boy for a while before dumping him off in some town and returning to the elemental nations."
"…" Naruto rubbed his temples as he sensed a headache coming along. The one considered as a Kami amongst they're world had a secret life style similar to that of his old sensei Jiraiya. He really didn't need to know that. "Well that's a lot to take in…" Naruto admitted as he scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah and add to the fact that I can't give you any chakra right now so that means none of my immunities and regeneration until I get back at full power" Kurama added.
"How long will that take?" Naruto asked.
She shrugged as she crossed her arms beneath her chest "I don't know… days? Weeks? Months?"
"Great…" Naruto replied as he rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples. Things were going to be hard without Kurama's chakra for a while but hopefully he'll manage.
"Yeah… oh and you might want to wake up right about now."
"Huh why?"
"You'll see…" Kurama said with a girn on her face as Naruto just gave her a weird look before leaving his mind scape.
"Heheheh I wonder if I should have mentioned that people in this world are really different than the ones back in the Elemental Nations" she shrugged "Meh… he'll figure it out…" the kyuubi said yawning as she laid down on the grassy hill and curled up into a ball before sleeping.
Outside the Mindscape
Play Sengoku Rance OST - My Glourious Days (v2)
"Uggghhh….. the hell…." Naruto groaned out as he opened his eyes only to find a very naked blue haired Kunoichi straddling him. He had to blink his eyes a few times as his eyes focused on her perky pink nipples and pink areola that stood amidst her luscious c-cup breasts. His eyes then trailed down as he carefully examined her curves before his eyes landed on her unshaven snatch.
If he was any other man he would have already started nose bleeding or grinning madly ready to jump out and pounce on the naked Kunoichi in front of him. Around the Continent two brown haired men sneezed as both their respective pink haired companions looked at them.
Let it be known though that through his life Naruto Namikaze developed a rather healthy appreciation towards the female body. How could he not when majority of his role models in life were very appreciative of the feminine body as well. But in no way was he a pervert, yeah not a pervert. Just a healthy teenage male and he will fight tooth and nail to prove so.
"Hello Fishcake You've been asleep for a whole day Nin-nin!" the girl greeted cheerfully as she waved her hand as if to say hi too bad the blonde's focus wasn't in her hand but rather certain parts that waved along it.
"Hello Suzume…" the blond replied as he tried processing what was happening. "Umm Suzume, can you tell me what you're doing?"
"Kukukuku. I couldn't beat you in combat so I'll beat you in bed Nin-nin!" the girl replied as she fist pumped in the air.
There was a few seconds of still silence as Naruto just stared at the Kunoichi. For some reason he wanted to yell out about eroge logic but he'd rather not to keep the fourth wall intact.
"…" Naruto looked at his hands and found that they were bound.
He then looked at his feet and found that they were bound.
He finally looked over his body and found that he was in fact naked.
"Hehehehe I'll make you come so much nin-nin" the girl playfully said as she grabbed hold of the teen's hyper weapon making him yelp.
"Wha- where are you?"
"Mohohohoho" the girl laughed out as she slowly aligned herself on the teen's hyper weapon ready to put within the recess of her slightly wet crevice. She was actually exited since the teen was so far the biggest she has seen in her career as a kunoichi. She licked her lips slowly descending as the hyper weapon met her entrance, but before she could even start what she was planning on doing, she stopped as the sound of loud footsteps approaching the room got progressively louder and louder.
Both of them looked to the side and saw the Shoji doors suddenly sliding open to show a rather pissed off looking Inukai. "Suzume what doing you're doing to our guest?!"
"About to have sex with him~" the girl replied as if it was the most rational answer in the world causing the two men in the room just sweat drop at her remark.
"Do it later. I need to talk to him!" Inukai ordered.
"No buts This is important, sex later, talk now!" he snapped at her making the blonde think whatever it is the man wanted to talk about was probably important. He did deem it important enough to interrupt the konoha-nin from getting a happy ending courtesy of the kunoichi, much to his disappointment.
"Wait not a pervert" The blonde thought as he shook his head. He was not a pervert, just someone who admires the female body. He then suddenly paused as he could've sworn he hear the familiar laughing of a certain perverted toad sage from the afterlife. "Stupid… Ero-sennin" he whispered.
"No buts Suzume"
Deciding he was bound for long enough Naruto threw in his own two cents into the conversation "Can you guys untie me first or better yet… give me some clothes?" he asked as the two stopped arguing for a minute and stared at their blonde captive as if they forgot about him.
"Oh" both said comically as they bopped their hands on an opened fist.
"Ugghhh.. just… give me some clothes…." Naruto groaned as he felt another headache coming along. This was really not how he expected to spend his first day in this world.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
Secret Iga Base in Yamato
Within the Iga house's rather fortified and hidden base was a wide four-sided room with four shoji doors in all sides. Despite its size it was a rather simple room with little to no decoration except for its floors that were made of high-grade tatami. The room itself was often used as a meeting hall for the Iga-nin.
Within the simple room Naruto sat on the floor silently he was now clothed and even armed. He just had to wonder who gave them the idea of giving a weapon to their supposed prisoner. Then again he could sense almost a thousand presences nearby and judging from the KI they were emitting all of them were ready to cut him down if necessary.
Naruto sighed as he then looked at the purple-clad ninja who was sitting just opposite him. "So since I'm not yet dead I'm guessing you need something from me."
"Yes" Inukai replied before bowing down into a Dogeza.
Judging from the sounds of gasping Naruto heard apparently he wasn't the only one surprised at the silver-haired man's actions. "Naruto-sama I wish for you to become the new leader of Iga!" Inukai almost yelled out as more silent gasps echoed in the area.
"Wait we just met and you want me to take over your country and lead your people! Why the heck would you do that!?" Naruto snapped back a bit shocked at the man's request.
"Because we need power" Inukai replied as he kept himself prostrated. "And despite attacking and showing yourself superior to us you have not killed any single one of my men"
"Huh? I thought that they said I killed the one in Yellow?"
"He got better" was Inukai's only reply as he decided to cut that conversation there. "Naruto-sama, times are changing and I am sad to say that our kind, the ninjas are on a brink of slowly being fading away. With the rise of the samurais during this war-torn time we have been getting less and fewer jobs and I'm afraid that war may eventually reach my land, a land that wishes to protect the right and social status of ninjas throughout JAPAN. "
Naruto frowned as he processed what the man said. Asking to make him their leader aside it shocked the blonde to know that this new world he was currently in was in the midst of a war. "Will true peace ever come…" he thought as he remembered the horror he has experienced through his own war. Safe to say his innocence died somewhere along the line. How can he live the peaceful life his dying sensei wished for him if this world was engulfed in war?
"So you want me to be the new leader of Iga?" he repeated the man's question to clarify the offer.
"Hai, Naruto-sama"
"Why me?" he asked once more.
"Because Naruto-sama, you show strength that has not graced our land since the time of the founders of Iga, the strength of a man who is one with the shadows, the strength of a Kage."
"And how can you be sure that I can lead you and your men? For all you know I maybe an enemy sent her to exterminate your clan."
"If you were you would have done so already" Inukai said still prostrating.
"You got me on that one…" Naruto chuckled dryly letting out a goofy grin as he scratched the back of his head. "But how can you put your trust on someone who you just met?"
"Your eyes…" the man answered.
"My eyes?"
"Yes. You're eyes showed great power as well as strength befitting that of both a warrior and a leader." Inukai answered for the man once more.
"So that's why you want me to be your leader?"
"Hai" the man sternly replied.
Naruto closed his eyes for a moment before looking at his ninjato, he knew that with his strength now that he can make a difference in this new world but should he take up his blade and fight with Inukai to lead the Ninjas to a new future. "No" he internally shook his head, he knew little about JAPAN and about the war itself, it would be foolish to pick one side immediately. He had to get a good grasp of the situation first before he acts.
Making his decision he looked at the prostrating leader.
"Rise Inukai" he started as the man slowly got up from his Dogeze.
"Does this mean-"
Naruto sighed as he shook his head "I am not from around here Inukai-san." he said as he looked at the man and saw him nodding he thought the man might have already made a conclusion that he was foreigner or something because of his hair color. "I don't know anything about this land…" Naruto frowned slightly "I don't know anything about this war…" he then paused as he took a deep breath "I want to see the land first before I make my decision Inukai-san. I wish to this war and how it has affected the people before I make a decision."
"Is that okay with you Inukai-san?"
The silver-haired ninja closed his eyes before answering "Very well Naruto-sama, seek out the land and known that my offer shall stand until the end of time"
"Thank you Inukai-san" Naruto politely replied as he gently bowed his head as a sign of respect.
Inukai snapped his fingers as a ninja carrying a small bag appeared by his side "I somewhat knew that it would turn out like this. So I have prepared this beforehand" Inukai took out the contents of the bag and placed it in front of the blonde shinobi.
"A map of JAPAN and some Gold that is all that I can offer you Naruto-sama" the man said as he gave Naruto the items that he will need for his travels.
"This is more than enough. Thank you for your kindness" Naruto bowed once more as he kindly collected the map and deposited the small bag of gold in his pocket.
"May your travels lead you back here to Yamato" Inukai then clicked his fingers once more making two other ninjas appear by his side "If you wish to leave these two will kindly escort you out of Yamato. Do know that they have to blindfold you along the way since we are at one of our secret bases"
Naruto nodded in understanding "No problem." He then looked at the ninjas "If you wouldn't mind I would like to leave now" he said as he slowly stood up. With his sheathed ninjato in hand the teen followed the two ninjas and left the room.
"Is this wise Inukai-sama?" the remaining ninja in the room asked as he looked at the current head of the house hold.
"Yes… I am sure that he shall return…" Inukai closed his eyes. "I just hope he has found his answer by then" he added as he ordered the man remaining ninja to leave him alone. Did he really make the right decision? Or should he have coerced the man in to joining; only time will tell if the seeds he plated this day will bear fruit.
-Naruto in JAPAN-
After a rather rough half hour or so of traversing the forested mountains of Yamato -blind folded if he may add, Naruto was finally relieved of the restraints on his eyes and was allowed to see the warm rays of the sun seeping through the heavy leaves of the forests. He assumed that he was at the foot of the mountain but he did need someone to confirm his thoughts. Turning around the blonde shinobi tried to both ask and thank his two companions only for one to grunt at him while the other hissed before leaving him alone not bothering to answer his question.
They must have been mad at him.
Naruto sighed as he started walking a nearby path that lead down. He definitely set a bad first impression to the Iga-nin.
Beating the crap out of their elites and leader tends to do that.
Speaking of elites he could have sworn he saw one of them nearby but then again it might have been his eyes playing tricks on him. Shook his head Naruto continued to walk down the path with no real destination in mind.
The blonde shinobi had no idea how much time has passed by as he walked down the only road. The scenery has changed a bit with the trees getting a fewer while various bushes sprung about in between the trees. He couldn't help but let out a sad smile. The place reminded him of the forests near Konoha before they were burned to the ground.
He momentarily stopped walking and closed his eyes.
The sun was bright and warm.
The breeze was cool and gentle.
The birds were chirping happily in the air.
It was peaceful.
It was a perfect day to be alive.
And just by that Naruto knew that something bad was going to happen soon. Despite not wanting to admit it Naruto knew that he was a magnet for trouble. Let it be known that there is never a peaceful day in the life of one Naruto Namikaze, only varying degrees of chaos.
The Namikaze teen sighed for the third time that day when he heard the sounds of twigs snapping and rustling of bushes from nearby.
"Even in a new world trouble seems to always find me… can I ever find peace dattebayo?" the shinobi complained as like what he expected several figures walked out of the bushes. There was six of them, men of varying strature and postures all carrying weapons of different kinds.
"Bandits huh?" Naruto snickered these guys didn't really pose much of a threat.
"Oi oi oi Onii-san" the biggest, baldest, and most muscular of the bandits said as the others slowly surrounded Naruto. "You have fancy looking clothes there… " he added Naruto had to visibly wince at the stench coming from the man.
The thick stench of blood.
Strike One.
Naruto ignored the man and tried to walk away while the rather large bandit continued his banter.
"Hey I'm talking to you! are you stupid or something? Dumb blonde!" the man shouted out making his companions laugh.
Strike Two.
"I don't really have time for this…. Can you and your friends get out of my way before I start killing people"
"Pffthahaha good one Onii-san but you now that I got a better look your quite pretty" the bandit said as he smirked while Naruto felt shivers running down his spine. "So why don't you give us your sword and strip so We can all take turns giving you ours" the bandit said with a perverted giggle as the others cheered on.
Screw Strike Three
Strike Infinity.
Naruto take in a lot of things before boiling over. The teen was repressing the feelings of frustration from losing the battle against Madara and being sent to this world where he had to fight against four weird ninjas, Suzume, Inukai and a hundred and three monstrous dogs while almost getting raped by Suzume was slowly pushing him over the edge. Apparently getting hit on by a rather happy bandit that wanted to sodomize him was enough to push the blonde over and make him snap.
And snap he did.
Before the happily grinning huge bandit could even notice it, his head was already rolling off his body spilling blood along the air asthe man's now lifeless body fell to the ground.
"What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD!" Naruto cried out in frustration as he then began killing all the remaining bandits who stood dumbly in shock when they saw the pretty boy kill their boss.
They didn't have a chance.
"Kamidamn bandits!" Naruto said shivering as he flicked the blood off his ninjato before sheathing it. Somehow he felt that he really needed that.
"That was brutal nin-nin"
"They wanted to rape me" the shinobi said as he looked towards the source of the voice. Sitting and kicking her legs on top of a nearby tree wearing her ever then as kimono was none other than the cat like kunoichi Suzume.
"So mind telling me why you're following me?"
"I just want to come with you on your adventure nin-nin! It's been a while since I've travelled JAPAN" the girl answered with a rather cheerful tone.
"Really are you sure it's not because Inukai ordered you to look after me?" Naruto asked as he looked at the blue-haired girl and studied her. Sealed Hatred mode or not he was quite good at reading people not as good as the Yamanakas but still good enough.
"Nope" she said. Sensing no lies in her simple words Naruto then asked one more question. "Then why are you following me?"
"Because I'm bored and your interesting nin-nin" the girl said as she jumped off her tree flipping through the air before landing just right next to the Namikaze.
"Really that's it?" he asked as he just looked at the girl with a rather confused expression.
Naruto closed his eyes and paused for a moment to think of the situation at one hand the girl tried to kill her before trying to rape him and there was still an off chance that she might try again. On the other hand he knew nothing about the geography of this place called JAPAN aside from the map Inukai gave him. It would really be useful to have someone who knows the land to come along with him.
The pros just outweighed the cons on this one since he really needed someone to show him around.
"Okay you can come…" he told the blue haired girl before he started his walking once more, preferably away from the pile of corpses near him.
"So where are you going?" Suzume asked.
"Hmm I looked at the map earlier… and I'm thinking of visiting Ise, Owari, Mikawa, Kyo, Texas, and this place called Miko Institute"
"Mohohoho so you already had everything planned out nin-nin"
"Yep, but which place do you think I should go first?" he asked the kunoichi.
"Mohoho there's really nothing to see in Ise so I think you should go to Owari first" the girl replied.
"Hmm okay then…" Naruto said as he looked at Suzume "So which way is Owari?"
"If you continue walking here we'll reach a small village. From there I can point you to where Owari is." Suzume replied as she tossed her fists in the air before folding them in the back of her head as she walked.
The two walked silently for about five minutes before the Suzume decided to brek the ice.
"Neh Fishcake wanna have sex nin-nin?"
Naruto almost face faulted but stopped himself just in time. The blonde shinobi from another world just let out a rather silent groan as he rubbed his temples "What the hell is wrong with this world…" he whispered out as he slowly walked towards the nearest village his newest companion walking just a few steps behind him.
This day would mark the day that will forever change the history of the warring states.
The day the Naruto Namikaze with his new companion Suzume began his journey around JAPAN.
May Kami have mercy on JAPAN.
-Naruto in JAPAN END-
AN: Naruto will be direct foil of Rance for this story but he will not be a dumbass pussy or a pre-pubescent boy who can handle seeing some skin without jazzing his pants or nose bleeding. This Naruto is smarter and stronger than his canon counterpart and since he was already trained under perverts and thus grew up a closet pervert he knows how to appreciate a woman's body. That being said Naruto will get laid in this story probably get laid a lot (wth do you guys expect this is an xover with an EROGE!) and for those who thought Naruto was already in a 180 and was like I'm already okay with this whole stuff since I'm in a new world and I don't really remember about how my friends died in the last one. I'd just like to make it clear that he is not okay about it. there will be angst from time to time but not that much hopefully his girls in this verse can help him recover from them *wink wink*.Skill set wise this Naruto will be a ninja/swordsman [iaidou style why iaido blame rwby black trailer] so skill set would be bunshins, rasengan, iai techniques, fuuton, and probably meiton since I haven't written a meiton naruto personality wise smarter and more mature than his 16 year old self… yeah war can change people especially being on the losing side of one.
So yeah this is the result of me cracking under pressure hahahaahhahahah
Now I have to go back to write my papers….
Fuck T.T
On and please Review Right