The Ghost Princess and the Trio Swordsman

~A/N~ Set midway through the Mugiwara's two year split. Zoro has trained himself ragged for a whole year so he will be stronger. Perona has been watching him and she can't figure out why. I don't own One Piece this is purely fan made. This is NON-CANON and I apologize now if the characters in the story don't seem like the ones in the Manga.

Zoro sat in his room doing pushups as Mihawk had forbid him from fighting while his eye healed. He wasn't sure if he would ever be able to see out of his left eye again. He slowed his pushups noticing a presence watching him.

"What do you want Perona?" Zoro asked.

"Nothing just bored," Perona replied as she floated into the room.

"So you feel a need to watch me work out?" Zoro asked as he now sat down his gaze moved to the floating pink haired girl.

"It passes the time," Perona said starting to get defensive.

"You should wear your hair down more often," Zoro said as he started doing sit-ups. Perona froze she hadn't expected him to notice that she had changed her hair into four spiral braids.

"You like them?" Perona asked blushing lightly.

"The look suits you more," Zoro replied continuing his sit-ups.

"You think so?" Perona asked as she floated in front of the mirror.

"Yeah, but the tiny crown thing doesn't fit the new hair," Zoro said as he switched from his sit-ups to a handstand and started to do pushups with his feet in the air.

"I do have a hat I could wear but it doesn't look good with my skirt and shirt," Perona said.

"So wear a dress or something," Zoro said as he moved to a one handed standing pushup.

"Maybe I will," Perona said defiantly.

"Whatever it's your choice," Zoro said as he started to mentally count.

Perona floated out of the room after glancing at Zoro one last time. She noticed most of his clothes were tattered and more or less becoming useless.

"You really need new clothes," Perona said as she floated away.

"Whatever," Zoro said returning to his workout.

Perona stood in her room Mihawk had allowed her to have within his castle. She looked out to the court yard seeing Zoro battling the some giant monkey with a copy of Mihawk's Yuro. "Stupid green haired muscle bound stud…" Perona froze and thought over her words.

"I didn't say stud. I meant dork," Perona said trying to convince herself.

"Perona," Mihawk's voice caused her to jump.

"I said dork not stud!" Perona said turning to see Mihawk standing with one eyebrow raised.

"I didn't ask what you said," Mihawk replied.

"What do you want?" Perona said quickly changing the subject.

"Zoro is going to need to medical treatment once he is done fighting," Mihawk said.

"So." Perona retorted.

"Earn your keep or leave," Mihawk said walking away.

Perona sighed then went back to looking out the window. She saw Zoro strike down the monkey then hit the ground. He was badly wounded and bleeding. Perona dropped to her feet and took off running down the hall grabbing a medical kit Mihawk had left for her to fix Zoro's wounds with. She reached the courtyard seeing the monkeys moving into kill the unconscious swordsman.

"Horo-Horo No Mi: Negative Hollows," Perona shouted as her negative ghosts shot out of her body and flew through all the monkeys causing them to drop to their hands and knees whining. Perona sighed then dragged Zoro into the castle.

After a rough hour Perona had managed to close Zoro's wounds and stop the bleeding. She paused looking him over seeing he had lost a lot of color. "He's not waking up," Perona said looking to Mihawk whom was sitting in his chair reading the newspaper.

"He's lost to much blood," Mihawk said glancing over.

"So he's gunna die then?" Perona asked.

"Unless you have the XF blood type like him," Mihawk said. Perona looked at him strangely wondering how he knew Zoro's blood type.

"I don't know… how do I check?" Perona asked.

"Give him some of your blood and see if it gets kicked back," Mihawk said.

Perona did as Mihawk said and connected the transfusion tubes to herself and Mihawk. Yet another thing Mihawk had that confused her.

Zoro awoke fully rested he saw Perona asleep in the chair next to the bed. This was the second time he had come to find her at his side while he healed. He sat up slowly he saw Mihawk standing in the door way awaiting him. Zoro quietly moved to meet Mihawk as to not wake up Perona. The two waked through the hall. "You have gotten a lot strong in your year here," Mihawk said.

"Thanks," Zoro said following Mihawk.

"I will be leaving for a few days so rest and be ready for my return," Mihawk said reaching the main hall.

"I have a favor to ask," Zoro said looking at Mihawk.

"What is it now?" Mihawk asked.

"I was wondering if you could help me find a doll for Perona," Zoro said.

"A doll?" Mihawk asked.

"Yeah I' not sure how to explain what the doll would look like," Zoro said.

"Have you fallen for the girl?" Mihawk asked.

"No simply returning her kindess," Zoro said placing a hand on his chest.

"I would assume it would be only like that bear," Mihawk said pointing to a drawing of Perona's large companion Kumashi.

"Yeah that thing," Zoro said.

"It will cost you," Mihawk said leaving his mansion.

Another few days had passed and Zoro sat in his room doing his workout before his real training for the day started.

"Mihawk said to rest today," Perona floated in. As she floated she couldn't help but wondered if Zoro would notice her wardrobe changed. She was now wearing a black strapless dress that had lavender ruchings and rather large top-hat with white flowers on it but she managed to keep her pink boots. She waited for Zoro stop his work out or at least slow down.

Zoro sat up and instantly noticed a bag she was holding. "Nice dress," Zoro said seeing the dress hell how could he miss it she went for a short skirt to a full blown dress. Zoro shook his head for a moment trying to shake the fact that he actually noticed or even gave a flying fuck that she changed her clothes.

"Here some new clothes," Perona said tossing Zoro the bag. Zoro opened the bag to find a long dark green coat, red sash and a new pair of pants and boots.

"Umm thanks," Zoro said standing. He pulled off his shirt and tried on the coat, it fit perfectly.

"Yeah no… Oh my god," Perona said spinning around seeing him drop his pants to try on the pants she had gotten him.

"What? I'm wearing boxers," Zoro said sliding the pants on fining that they also fit him perfectly. "Did you measure me when I was sleeping or something?"

"As if, just got lucky," Perona said refusing to let him know she had done just that when she was wrapping up his wounds.

"Well thanks," Zoro said running his hand through his now shaggy green hair. Perona tossed him a comb.

"Here comb that mess," she said floating over to the window.

"Yeah yeah," Zoro said combing his hair back. He looked over to the pink haired girl just as the moonlight hit her. He stopped her pale skin almost seem to shine in the dim light. Perona turned to see him staring at her.

"What? Do I have a cockroach on me?" Perona asked getting frightened.

"What oh no I was just thinking," Zoro said turning away. What the hell was that?" Zoro thought to himself as he dropped to the ground and started doing push-ups again.

Perona floated over her feet just above Zoro. "What were you thinking about while you stared at me?" Perona asked.

"I wasn't staring," Zoro said trying to ignore the floating girl.

"Oh sure you weren't staring at me and I don't watch you work out just to see you sweat," Perona said. She froze a second later noticing what she just said.

"Wait what?" Zoro asked now standing.

"Nothing," Perona said turning away to hid her blushing face. Zoro grabbed her wrist, Perona quickly pulled away and moved to the door. Zoro moved and grabbed her wrist again and forced her to face him. Perona spun around to shout at him but came to find he was much closer than she thought and ran straight into him. The two fell to the floor that's where it all went wrong… or maybe where it went right. Zoro stumbled backwards as Perona fell forward, she tried to catch herself but only found Zoro to grab on to. As they fell Zoro grabbed a hold of Perona so she would not hit her head or hurt herself in away way. Perona pushed back just as they hit the ground, her hands slipped and she fell onto the green haired swordsman their lips firmly planted together. Zoro didn't react at first, he wasn't sure how to. Perona on the other hand quickly pulled away her face flushed red.

"Ugh my first kiss and it was an accident," Perona said standing up.

"Well then let me make it up to you," Zoro stood and took Perona's hand into his and got her to turn and face him. Perona's face flushed as Zoro pulled her in bringing her lips against his Zoro let go of her wrist and gently grab a hold of her waist. Perona pushed back at first but quickly sunk into the kiss her arms moved up around his neck.

After several long moments the two parted. Perona slapped Zoro and ran away. Zoro rubbed his chin for a moment. "I didn't think it was that bad," Zoro said as he started to work out again. Perona resting against the wall she held a hand to her chest feeling her heart beating.

"It wasn't bad at all," Perona said softly before she started to float again then move down the hall.

Zoro walked down the hall straightening his coat as he opened the door to the main hall. He saw Perona sitting in Mihawk's chair holding a newspaper she looked on the verge of tears.

"Mihawk still not back?" Zoro asked.

"He is still with the World Government for a meeting," Perona said whipping away tears.

"What's wrong?" Zoro asked as he adjusted his swords.

"Moriah is dead," Perona said as her tears fell freely.

"You mean the big blue zombie dude?" Zoro asked.

"Yes Gekko Moriah. He would still be alive if you stupid straw hats hadn't beaten him up!" Perona shouted. Zoro stood letting her lash out, he figured it was her way of coping with the loss of someone she cared about. Perona threw the newspaper down and stomped over to Zoro.

"What do you have to say," Perona shouted. Zoro remained silent and looked at her. Zoro moved faster than she could react and wrapped his arms around her. Perona tried to hit him and push away but his strength easily stopped that. After a few more attempts she broke down into tears. Zoro held her as she cried.

"I understand what it is like to lose someone important," Zoro said. Perona finally started to regain her composure. Perona looked up at Zoro her deep brown eyes still held so much sorrow.

"What was he to you?" Zoro asked.

"He was like a father to me," Perona replied.

"Then I was wrong. I couldn't know a pain like that I was orphaned at birth so I never met my real parents," Zoro said.

"I'm sorry I lashed out at you," Perona said.

"It is fine I understand your rage," Zoro said his strong eyes locked onto her. Perona leaned up and pressed her lips against Zoro's. Zoro wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close to him. Perona wrapped her arms around Zoro's neck for the second time, this time however she pulled into the kiss more. The two finally pulled away. Perona looked up at Zoro and gave a slow sigh.

Zoro let go of Perona and stepped back, he turned away and started to leave. "W… Wait," Perona said stopping Zoro.

"Why do you want to slap me again?" Zoro asked.

"No I'm not going to slap you," Perona said her face was becoming flushed.

"Then what?" Zoro asked.

"I don't want to be alone right now," Perona said quickly before she became too embarrassed.

"Very well… come with me," Zoro said. Perona paused then followed.

Zoro reached his usual work out area and started his routine work out. Perona sat down and watched him.

"So umm do your other swords have names? Ryuma once said his sword was called Shusui," Perona asked.

"Yeah I know he gave Shusui to me when I beat him. As for the other two I have Sandai Kitetsu one of the Wazamono grande swords and the Wado ichimonji given to me by the father of one of my closest and dearest friends after her death," Zoro said pointing to the three swords that sat against the wall. Perona got up and picked up the Wado Ichimonji looking over the white scabbard and hilt. She didn't hear Zoro stand as she drew the blade from the scabbard and held it as if she was a swordsman.

Zoro wrapped his arms around her causing her to freeze. "You're standing wrong," Zoro said as he narrowed her stance and moved one of her feet forward. He even straightened out her usual inward pointing feet.

"Uh thanks," Perona said. Zoro nodded then pulled on her shoulder straightening her stance slightly.

"There that is the basic Kendo stance," Zoro said before he went back to his work out. Perona looked herself over before she started to swing the blade. Zoro quickly got up and grabbed her again.

"What?" Perona asked.

"Kendo is about clean straight strikes not wild swinging," Zoro said as he guided her hands up and down showing her the basic swing.

"Oh ok," Perona said her face heavily blushed as she felt Zoro's arms around her. Perona looked up at Zoro seeing him smile at her. He seemed to like showing her the ropes. Perona let go of the sword letting it fall. Zoro grabbed the handle catching it as he leaned down Perona pressed her lips against his locking the two together. Zoro dropped the Wado Ichimonji to wrap his arms around her forcing her body against his.

Perona ran her hands down Zoro's chest pulling at his coat. Zoro let go of her long enough for his coat to be pulled off and tossed away. Zoro ran his hands up Perona's sides until he reached her chest. Perona stepped back with an audible gulp she looked up at Zoro.

"We can stop here if you desire," Zoro said picking up his Wado Ichimonji and placing it back into its scabbard.

"I'm sorry I'm just really nervous," Perona said blushing heavily.

"It is fine," Zoro said kissing Perona on the cheek before he left the room. Perona bit her lip as she smiled lightly.

Zoro sat in his room cleaning and polishing his three swords. He focused on the Wado Ichimonji that he had dropped while kissing Perona. Just as he finished cleaning the blade he noticed Perona standing not floating in his doorway.

"Zoro," Perona said.

"What do you need?" Zoro asked.

"Can you teach me the blade?" Perona asked.

"You want to use a sword?" Zoro asked.

"I don't have any way to protect myself other than my ghosts. And should I run into someone who is immune I need to be able to fight," Perona explained.

"Ok let's see if we can find you a proper sword," Zoro said placing his three swords on his hip.

"A proper sword?" Perona asked confused by Zoro.

"Yes a sword that works with your style. Like my three sword style, Mihawk's two-handed sword, Brook's cane sword and Ryuma's single sword style," Zoro said leading Perona through the halls of the large castle. Perona started to float rather than walk down the hall.

"Where are we going?" Perona asked not having been in this part of the castle before.

"Weapon room to see if we can find a weapon suited for you," Zoro said stopping at a set of double doors. Zoro walked up to several of the weapons on the wall looking over the choices.

"I doubt it but let's check," Zoro said handing Perona a Claymore. Perona took the sword and nearly dropped it instantly. She couldn't lift it in any way that would be useful.

"Too heavy," Perona said. Zoro took the blade back and hung it up.

"I figured just wanted to see where around your strength was. Here this is lighter," Zoro said handing her a thin light Katana with a curved blade.

"Not bad but I'm not sure," Perona said. Zoro looked her up and down trying to decide what to try next. He saw her floating her other hand still holding her umbrella.

"Ah let's see," Zoro said looking around until he found what looked like a stick against the wall.

"What now?" Perona asked.

"Try this," Zoro said handing her the polished stick.

"I like the weight and length but this isn't a blade," Perona said.

"Is it?" Zoro asked grabbed the stick and pulling it causing it to snap and a hidden blade within was revealed.

"Oh like that afro guy," Perona said looking at the hidden sword.

"If you like it we can probably make it into a hidden blade you can keep in your umbrella," Zoro explained. Perona looked at him a smile came over her face.

"You can do that?" Perona asked.

"I can't but I would bet Mihawk knows someone who can," Zoro said.

"I like the sound of that," Perona said floating in closer to Zoro. Zoro took the sword from her and then pulled her into his arms.

Perona bit her lip as she now looked up at Zoro. Her eyes slowly closed as they gently pressed their lips together. Perona held fast to his coat her desires finally winning over, Zoro started to run his hands through her long pink curls. Perona pressed herself against Zoro their cloths started to become obstacles to them. Zoro hoisted Perona into his arms keeping their lips locked as he started to stumble through the castle aiming for his or her bedroom.

Finally the two managed to find her room. The instant the door closed Zoro's coat was off and forgotten along with Perona's hat and boots. Zoro dropped down onto the bed placing Perona over him.

"We will only go as far as you want," Zoro said as she smiled and leaned in starting their kisses again. Zoro ran his hands up her legs hiking up her dress as they went. Perona sat up her hands went behind her and unzipped her dress; she quickly grabbed the dress as it went to fall. Her nervousness was catching up with her again.

Zoro laid under the pink haired girl, he could see how nervous she was. Even with that he could see her desire to continue, He placed a hand over hers that covered her chest. He slowly pulled away her hand letting the dress fall showing a black bra with little pink bats on it. He gave her a reassuring nod letting her know she had full control of the situation.

Perona once again bit her lip as Zoro finished pulling off her dress letting it fall away to be forgotten. Perona's hands started to run down his chest her gentle fingers ran over his scar. Her hands reached his haramaki sash it only lasted a few seconds before it was added to the pile of forgotten clothes. Zoro kicked off his boots as Perona unbuttoned his pants. Zoro glanced down to her covered womanhood, her panties matched her bra. Pitch black with a singular pink bat, He let out a small chuckle then moved his hands up her body caressing her pale skin. Perona reached back and unclipped her bra letting it fall away; she still nervously bit her lip.

"I feel like my heart is going to burst from my chest," Perona said. Zoro ran a hand behind her neck pulling her into another kiss.

"It will be fine," Zoro said his hand moved down her back stopping on the ass giving her a gentle squeeze. Perona giggled slightly feeling Zoro's strong hand.

"Be gentle please," Perona said she unzipped his pants.

"Of course," Zoro said. Perona floated upwards for a moment pulling away Zoro's pants and underwear. She stopped seeing his hardened manhood, Zoro couldn't help but grin seeing her face.

"You are big," Perona said her hand slowly moved to his cock, she wrapped her hand around his length. Zoro watched as she nervously started to stroke him.

"I just figured I was average," Zoro said.

"I've seen others and no you aren't," Perona said as she again bit her lip.

"Have you now?" Zoro asked.

"Well not on purpose," Perona quickly defended. Zoro lost it and started to chuckle as she still stroked him.

"It's not funny that freak Absalom tried to have his way with me," Perona said.

"Moriah stopped him I would assume?" Zoro asked.

"His shadow doppelganger did so I guess yes," Perona said.

A thunderous smash echoed through the entire keep stopping the two. "What the hell?" Zoro said sitting up.

"Mihawk is back?" Perona asked.

"Are you telling me or asking me?" Zoro said as he got off the bed and put his pants back on. Perona grabbed her dress and nearly threw it on. Once the two were clothed they opened the door and stepped into the hall. Zoro held a hand on his sword while Perona floated behind him holding the stick sword. The two moved down the hall weapons ready.

"Shit the monkeys," Zoro said pulling out his three swords. Perona fumbled her sword then drew the stick blade. Zoro ran at the monkeys his swords at the ready as moved.

The monkeys saw Zoro and Perona and moved their swords, axes, and maces all at the ready to fight him. Perona's hands shook as she tried to work up the will to attack.

As Zoro battled he felt some of his wounds start to tear open again. Perona finally lashed out cutting an unsuspecting monkey down. Instantly three turned on her, Perona panicked and floated out of their range.

"Horo Horo No Mi: Negative Hollosws!" Perona shot out of her dropping most of the attacking moneys.

"Someone explain to me why they are in my home?" Mihawks voice came from the door making everything freeze in fear.

The monkeys quickly darted away their fear of Mihawk beat their hatred of Zoro. Once the place was clear Mihawk walked up to the two. Perona sheathed the sword and floated down beside Zoro.

"I don't know why they came in. We were… training," Zoro said.

"I see you have started teaching her the blade," Mihawk said looking at Perona.

"I was wondering if you could get a sword put into my umbrella." Perona asked.

"Possible but expensive if you want both to work properly," Mihawk said.

"How expensive?" Perona asked.

"I would have to check with a sword maker I know," Mihawk said his gaze locked onto Perona.

"Thank you… I'm going to go clean up," Perona said floating away.

"The item you asked for," Mihawk said tossing Zoro a bag. Zoro looked at him confused for a moment before it finally dawned on him.

"Oh, Thank you," Zoro said.

"Work harder you have seven months left," Mihawk said walking away.

Perona moaned loudly as his tongue slid over her femininity, her back arch upwards as his tongue flicked over her clit. She gripped the sheets tightly as he continued to please her womanhood.

"Oh don't stop!" She moaned out. Her toes curled as the waves of passion washed over leaving her soaked in her ecstasy. The pure amount of pleasure she sent through her body was more than she could handle. With one final slid of his tongue send her over the edge, her entire body seized up as if she was frozen by her climax.

"Hey Perona," Zoro's voice shattered her sleep and she shot upwards to see the green haired swordsman standing in her doorway.

"What?" Perona asked her breathing was fast as if she had just run a mile carrying some immense weight.

"I got you something… A little thanks for taking care of me when I was hurt," Zoro said tossing her a bag.

"When did you have the chance?" Perona asked.

"I had Mihawk pick it up for me," Zoro said. Perona opened the bag seeing a dark brown doll inside.

"Kumashi!" Perona shouted holding up an exact replica of her zombie guardian.

"You like it?" Zoro asked.

"Yes thank you!" Perona said running over to Zoro. She wrapped her arms around him holding tightly.

"Well you're welcome," Zoro said returning the hug. Perona looked up at Zoro a smile came over her face, Zoro gave a light smile in return. Perona took Zoro's hand leading him to her bed; Zoro kicked the door behind him shutting them in the room. She dropped the Kumashi doll back into the bag.

"Nothing to stop us this time," Perona said pulling at his coat. Zoro rolled his shoulders letting the coat slid off his shoulders. Perona tossed away her hat and kicked off her boots, Zoro ran a hand up her leg caressing her soft pale skin as he hiked up her dress.

"Thankfully I've wanted this for a while," Zoro said seeing Perona nod in agreement.

"Just be gentle you are still my first," Perona said unzipping her dress. Zoro undid his sash and tossed it away along with his boots, Perona removed her dress leaving her in just a pair of pink panties with a black bat on them.

"Oh what's this no bra today?" Zoro asked.

"I didn't think I needed one," Perona replied.

"You don't Zoro said kissing her neck slowly starting to trail his way down her neck. Perona moaned loudly as his kisses reached her collar bone and down onto her breasts. Zoro slid his tongue over her nipple causing her to moan louder.

"Ah that feels amazing," Perona moaned her back arched pushing her breasts into Zoro's face. Zoro moved between her breasts for a few minutes licking, nibbling, biting, squeezing and caressing before he started down her body. He kissed over her smooth stomach and down her naval.

"You taste good," Zoro said with a grin his lips reached her waist. Perona moaned over and over each time his lips met her flesh and loud each time he got closer to her femininity.

"Oh don't stop," Perona gasp as Zoro's kisses reached her womanhood. His tongue slowly slid up and down her lips pushing in ever so slightly. His hands moved up her thigh caressing her legs as they neared her virgin core. Perona let a loud long moan out when his fingers reached her and his tongue slid as far in as it could.

Perona's body seized up as she came and came hard. Zoro lapped up her juices then started kissing his way back up her body. Perona moved her hands to his pants the moment they were in reach. Their lips met again and she could taste remnants of her taste on his lips as they kissed. Zoro felt his pants unzip as Perona drew forth his steel like cock.

"You are so big," Perona said as she slowly started to stroke him. Zoro gave a light grunt as she stroked letting her know it felt good. Perona looked at Zoro as she lined his hardness up with her entrance.

"Are you sure about this Perona?" Zoro asked.

"I am so please take me," Perona said. Zoro gave a nod and pushed his head into her folds.

"Inch by inch or would you rather take it all at once and adjust?" Zoro asked.

Perona paused thinking it over. "Shove it all in, I'll adjust," Zoro gave a slow nod then gripped her waist and took a slow breath. Perona braced herself knowing it was going to hurt at first but after she adjusted it would get better… at least she hopped it would.

"Ready?" Zoro asked. Perona nodded and a second later she felt Zoro's long thick cock burry itself inside her hymen torn and her walls stretched her to an almost painful extents to accommodate his size.

Perona gridded her teeth as she slowly felt her walls start to relax around the intruding member. "That hurt more than I thought," Perona smacked Zoro's chest. Zoro chuckled for a moment then slowly started to withdraw.

"At least you knew it would hurt," Zoro said. He nearly pulled the whole way out, his and Perona's eyes met and a knowing nod gave him the ok to start thrusting. Zoro slid home again her walls nearly adjusted to him. Perona gave a deep moan as he started to thrust slightly faster. Zoro moved one of his hands from her side to her breast caressing her.

"Oh faster Zoro," Perona moaned out. Zoro obeyed and sped his thrusting up more each time he plunged himself into her she would nearly cum. Perona wrapped hooked her arms under Zoro's her nails digging into his back as he continued. Zoro gave a grunt as her nails drew blood, his thrusting didn't falter even once.

"Damn it you are tight," Zoro said as he was almost slamming himself into her. Perona felt herself getting faint from the constant pleasure. Perona's back started to arch upward with each thrust, each time Zoro planted a kiss her toes curled.

"Zoro… I think… I think I'm going…. Going to faint," Perona said her mind was going blank her eyes started to roll back.

"I can't last any longer," Zoro groaned. Perona looked up her eyes met Zoro.

"Inside," Perona managed to moan out. Zoro happily obliged and let his seed spray into her now welcoming womb. Perona's body seized up a second time her nails dug deep into Zoro's back she had never come this hard before. Her body finally eased as she dropped her arms, she was barely still awake.

"Damn," Zoro said flopping down beside her both of their bodies covered in sweat. Perona rolled to her side placing a hand on his chest.

"That was the most amazing thing I have ever felt," Perona said softly. Zoro smiled holding back a chuckle.

"I'm glad I could help you with that," Zoro said placing a hand over hers.

"I'm going to take a nap now," Perona said.

"Sounds good to me," Zoro said seeing Perona cover them.

"Good," She replied curling up beside him as she quickly drifted off.

A few months passed and Zoro's training was coming to an end. And in the months they spent together Zoro continued to teach Perona the basics of the sword and help her adapt her own style. She knew he would soon be off to reunite with the rest of the Mugiwara and restart their journey. As she floated into his room her eyes met his.

"Just about time huh?" Perona asked.

"Yeah I'm going to head soon," Zoro replied as he slid his three swords into his belt.

"I'll go with you to make sure you get there on time," Perona said floating over to him.

"I would like that… You know you could join me and become a Straw Hat," Zoro said now turning to face his pink haired fling.

"I have some stuff I need to do but maybe one day I will take you up on that," Perona replied.

"Perona your weapon is here," Mihawk's voice called out to her.

"My umbrella sword," Perona said excitedly as she dropped to her feet and ran down the hall followed by Zoro.

Mihawk stood holding a deep pink umbrella in his right hand. Once Perona came into view he tossed it to her. Perona caught the umbrella and looked it over. It had a pair of horns and eyes on it, she pulled on the handle and released the sword from the umbrella sheathe. The thin sword felt perfect in her hand, the weight, the length, the style it was perfect.

"Thank you Mihawk," Perona said looking over the blade.

"Use it wisely," Mihawk said.

"I will," Perona said sheathing her sword then turning to Zoro whom shrugged.

"It's time I go," Zoro said looking to Mihawk.

"Very well your training is complete use the skills I taught you to grow stronger," Mihawk said sitting into his chair.

"The next time we meet I will take your title," Zoro said turning away.

"I look forward to a real challenge," Mihawk replied. Zoro picked up his pack and left the mansion with Perona beside him. Their destination was Sanbaody Archipelago where Zoro would meet up with his friends once more.

"It was fun Zoro," Perona said floating next to him on their boat as they set sail.

"I look forward to when we meet again," Zoro replied kissing her cheek. Perona lowered to her feet and took his hand as they sailed. Zoro gently squeezed her hand knowing they were going to be split for what would most likely be for good.

~End Notes~ I have no idea what Perona's eye color so I went with a dark brown and as for her age I just put her at the same as Zoro which during this which would make her twenty years old. As for Perona's relationship with Gekko I made it into a makeshift father daughterish one to give some kind tragedy. As for the Zoro parent thing I just made it up no real proof.

Please let me know how I did.

~P.S.~ if you would like me to try my hand at something give me a message and I will see what I can do for you.