Day 4: After School

Non-Cannon. AU.

Pairing: Amorralok (Amon x Korra x Tarrlok) .

Rating: M+

Warnings: Smut, smut, smut, smut. Polygamy. M/M/F with a dash of incest.

Word Count: 8.1k

Note: This is probably not my best work but I did what I could (and I'm happy with it). I don't often find an AU I like and this is pretty much the first time I wrote one so… You be the judge (feedback is appreciated).

EXTRA NOTE: Only days 1,2 and 4 are posted here as fanfics, days 3, 5,6 and 7 were submitted as fan art and are in my tumblr.

AU Overview: (I'll give a taste of this world but remember this one-shot is not focused on the big picture but on one specific romantic scene.)

'In a modern alternative world were bending is a rare well-kept secret, people who can manipulate the elements are forced to hide their skills in order to live in a society that sees such powers to akin to evil sorcery, those that are discovered are generally snuffed out by hate groups or taken to labs to be studied and turned into human weapons. The Avatar, master of all elements and bridge to the Spirits, secretly fights to maintain the delicate balance between the secret bender society and the rest of the world; she tries to ensure that all rights are respected even if she has to risk herself along way. But even the Avatar has a personal life and hers is almost as unorthodox as her birthright- she lives with not one but two lovers, one that happens to be her college professor and part of the secret Council that aids all benders, and the other who is a clandestine revolutionist fighting to bring bending out of the shadows so that a new era may begin for benders and non-benders to co-exist without secrecy.'

One-Shot Plot: After the last day of class before Spring break, Korra waits in her empty classroom for someone… Shenanigans soon follow.


The rays of golden red glow spill into the empty classroom through tall windows and crimson curtains like a wave of some grand Spirit's blood rather than just simple sunset light. But that classroom isn't really that empty, there's someone there, someone who doesn't really care about watching the sunset no matter how much nature means to her, someone who isn't bothered by the bloody hue that dyes everything with its glow because she is more than used to the color of blood in her life.

Korra is hunched over her desk, the last one in the first row that is right next to the window, she wears the school's ochre and red uniform but adds her own cobalt anorak, she doesn't care about the stark contrast, she just wants a little something of her own personality to shine through other than her triple hair ties, she wishes this private college was like any other university but instead it's this strict place that makes her feel like she's in high school all over again, she just wanted to enroll in Republic City's public college but no, Tenzin had to make her go to his private school, the most exclusive place for her to attend in order to protect her secret from the masses… Oh, if only he really knew what went on within those walls, if only he had any clue of how going to that school had change her life he might have let her enroll somewhere else after all.

Her hair is still damp from showering after kickboxing practice, she has an unisex inter-city match in two weeks but she's not really worried since not many can take her in a fight much less beat her; her head is in her arms and she's almost asleep with her headphones in her ears to drown out what little noise there is around while she listens to her favorite song of the week, before another pops up to steal her attention. She knows she's probably one of the last people in school, only the rockball team outside and the Pai Sho club are still around finishing up their activities along with a few teachers who still have work, good thing there aren't any night classes today.

She finally drifts off to sleep and dreams the same dream again- she loves this dream world were bending isn't something to be hidden from society, where people actually have sports for benders to use their skills, where the elements and the Spirits are worshipped rather than forgotten, where the Avatar is looked up to by all rather than being a lonely vigilante of the shadows, holding the world's balance in secret as to not ended up like some guinea-hare in a lab. The only thing she doesn't like about that dream is the enemies she has there- the politician that irritates her so much instead and the man of the mask that scares her in that dreamland rather than fascinates like he does in the real world; the politician is so power hungry and manipulative compared to the counterpart she knows well in her reality and the masked man is a monster that seeks to destroy her and eliminate bending from the world as opposed to the Amon in her life that wants only to bring benders out of the shadows, so that their skills need not be hidden ever again. Given the choice she doesn't know which world she'd pick to live in, she loves her dreamland even with its old fashioned technology but to have those two as enemies would be agony of the worst sort.

Korra jolts awake when someone touches her shoulder, the music is still playing in her ears- something about loving someone after they're gone- and she tugs off the blue headphones and sits up blinking against the dying light, she mustn't have slept more than a few minutes, the sun isn't even completely down yet.

"Should you really be sleeping in here?" The person that woke her is crossing his arms over his chest and eyeing her with critical pale blue eyes.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was just listening to music." Korra defends with a yawn.

"And snoring along with the tune?" The man enquires sarcastically.

"Well maybe if my teacher hadn't kept me waiting so long I wouldn't have dozed off." She gives the man a pointed glare but there is no real anger in her voice.

"Ah yes, I apologize. My meeting with dean Tenzin ran late." He leans against the desk next to hers quite casually.

"It's fine." Korra stretches lazily and her damp hair sticks to her skin and glistens in the last rays of blood-toned sunlight.

He catches her wrists in the motion and examines her scraped and bruised knuckles with concern and irritation before commenting rather bitingly- "I take it practice went well."

"It was decent, yes." She pulls her hands free with another frown.

"Obviously." He nods at her wounded knuckles. "Did you under-wrap or did you burn through the tape again?"

"It's not my fault that the fights get heated!" Korra snaps defensively.

"But it's your fault that you lack control." He scolds as usual, she hates it but she knows he's right.

"Nobody noticed. Besides, my opponent was Mako, he's one of us so he wouldn't care even if my hands burst into flames." Korra rolls her eyes with frustration, knowing full well that Mako, her ex-high-school-sweetheart as well as a firebender himself, would probably just say the same this man is if that happened.

"He wouldn't but half the club would." He pointed out wisely.

"…The point is- nobody noticed." She dodges the subject, he is right and she hates being on the wrong end of an argument.

"But that must hurt." He gently grabs her hands again.

"I've had worse." Korra shrugs the matter off.

"Let me heal it." He is already unscrewing the water bottle she always keeps at the edge of her desk and in seconds he's bending the liquid around his hands until they glow with delicate blue light.

"Here? Feeling brave today, professor Tarrlok?" Korra smirks smugly but holds out her hands that he holds between his glowing ones, slowly healing the stingy scrapes on her knuckles.

"Afraid, Avatar Korra?" Tarrlok retorts just as smugly.

"Don't call me that here. What if someone hears?" She hisses at him with a glance around the empty classroom, hoping that nobody was passing by in the hallways.

"They wouldn't understand it and nobody is here right now." He finishes with her hands and despite the fading white scars on her cinnamon skin, the wounds are healed and the water is returned to its translucent bottle with a flick of his hand.

"Are you sure?" Her eyes narrow suspiciously.

"I'm sure, Korra." Tarrlok replies confidently.

"Then you don't mind if I do this?" Without standing from her chair Korra stomps her foot on the ground and despite being on the third floor the stony surface moves just enough to make Tarrlok stumble to his knees in front of her with his triple hair tails flying all over the place and his casual blue suit rumpling with the motion, she grabs by the jaw and kisses him rather provocatively.

She expected him to sulk, push her away and scold her but instead he kisses her back before he slowly gets up to sit on her desk, pulling her up to him and gluing his lips to hers again as his hands wrap tightly around her waist. Korra likes this, it's very rare to get Tarrlok to forget the secrecy of their complex relationship, it's a chore to get him to kiss her if he thinks anyone might see him kiss a student almost half his age, something that would damage his career considerably, so she loves when her snarky overzealous professor tosses caution out the window and gives in to the wild side like they both crave to do whenever they are together.

The kiss is long and languid, she is lost in the delicious peppermint taste of his mouth as their lips mold together like puzzle pieces and their tongues dance a wet, intimate, well-practiced waltz of their own; her body is pressed so eagerly to his that she can feel the hard lines of his chest against the generous slopes of her breasts, his buttons dig into her skin through her red and ochre shirt and her hands play distractedly with the coils of his hair. She wants it to go on forever even though the sun is almost gone and the classroom is dipped in gloomy twilight already.

"Getting bold, aren't you?" A deep rusty voice from the door startles them apart abruptly and they turn to the intruder quite flustered but the man smirks almost as self-assuredly as Korra usually does at their reaction. "Oh, don't mind me. Please continue the little show."

"You idiot! My heart nearly stopped." Tarrlok's panic was melts into irritation and relief when he recognizes the intruder; he lets out the breath he had been holding.

"Maybe you're getting old?" The man slips into the classroom, locking the door behind him and turning on only the blackboard light.

"Not as old as you, big brother." Tarrlok retorts at the bad joke.

"Please don't startle us like that again." Korra orders with a slight pout, she was flushed with embarrassment and perhaps something else to.

"I wouldn't have done so if you weren't rubbing together like cats in heat in the middle of campus." The intruder walks up to them, surreptitiously eyeing the shifted rock from Korra's bending with amusement.

"Jealous much?" Korra teases with a grin replacing her pout.

"As a matter of fact…" He swoops down and captures her mouth in a brutal kiss that sucks the air right out of her before he pulls back with that lopsided smirk of his. "Yes."

"What are you even doing here, Noatak?" Tarrlok still has an arm around Korra and he doesn't seem jealous at all, maybe a little annoyed at the interruption but not jealous, not even as he watches her grin and lick the taste of tobacco and dark chocolate from her lips, she's used to it now and she's learned to love it just as much the peppermint flavor of Tarrlok's breath.

"I came to pick you up, remember? You took so long that I came looking for both of you." Noatak replies, slipping an arm around Korra's shoulders until she was surrounded by the presence of those two powerful men, if she were any other woman it might have made her feel small but Korra was Korra and such a situation just made her feel more powerful than ever.

"Sorry. We kinda lost track of the time." Korra smiles apologetically, sticking the tip of her tongue out playfully.

"I noticed." Noatak sounds amused.

"Speaking of which, is everything ready on your end?" Tarrlok looks at Korra questioningly. "For the break, that is?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" She smiles but she knows what this is about- she's supposed to be living alone for the past two years and not with two highly attractive older men, one of which happens to be her professor, and while her life is her own, her guardian still often tries to persuade her to move back in with his family at the safe, secluded and secret Air Temple and will constantly try to check up on her.

"Well, Master Tenzin was already highly reluctant to let you live "alone", will he really not bother you for the entire Spring vacation?" Tarrlok enquires with a hopeful note in his clear voice, they have been planning a trip to the North Pole together, just the three of them, to celebrate the vernal equinox in the native land of the brothers.

"I took care of it. Told him I was going to Fire Nation with Asami but she's going with Mako, Bo and the twins. Though honestly I wouldn't care what he thinks either way, I've been a legal adult for years, I'm almost twenty-two, I can do what I damn well please." Korra crosses her arms with that slight frown of her face again.

"True. You can." Noatak agrees with her, he usually does. He's holding Korra from behind now with his arms snuggly around her.

"Don't give her ideas, brother." Tarrlok chides halfheartedly.

"Why? Afraid she'd leave you for me given that freedom?" The elder brother begins kissing up Korra's neck quite provocatively, her frown evaporates and she bites her lip and tips her head just enough to let him continue.

"Very funny." Tarrlok frowns this time and leans closer, compelled to press to Korra's front and kiss her jaw just so he won't be outdone by his brother in this little game.

"Why would I chose either if I can have both of you dummies wrapped around my pinkies?" She chuckles to end the argument but her voice is breathy and aroused, she just loves being pinned between those two hard bodies and the thrill of a public place makes her head swim with naughty ideas.

"Even truer." Noatak replies with a soft bite to the curve of her shoulder that makes her breath hitch.

"You're both so witty today, aren't you?" Tarrlok sounds a little sulky but licks the shell of her ear in a way he knows always makes her turn to putty in his hands.

"Come on Tarrlok. Don't be a sourpuss." Korra murmurs playfully but her voice is so husky by now that it just sounds like some sort of shameless challenge.

"As you wish." The professor kisses her again- it's no longer slow and languid, now it's deep, hot, urgent and needy.

She's lost again, her lips feel almost swollen from the bruising kiss but she can't stop, she just can't unglue her mouth from Tarrlok's no matter how much she needs more air and her tongue rolls around his in a playful demand for more. He tugs off her anorak and Noatak's hands crawl under her uniform shirt, gliding across her flat firm stomach and over her ribs to grope the clothes mounds of her breasts possessively, kneading into her supple flesh with eager fingers. This kiss breaks at last but only because Korra can't stop herself from gasping and squirming at Noatak's demanding touch.

"Are you sure we should do this here? We could continue at home." The elder brother doesn't let go of her breasts and his tongue traces a line up her throat provocatively enough to make her shiver but he does seem a little concerned.

"No. I want more. Now." Korra commands almost immediately, her hands are already deftly undoing the buttons of Tarrlok's shirt and pulling it open quite aggressively. Night has long since fallen outside.

"I say we give the girl what she wants, brother." Tarrlok replies casually and unbuckles the belt that keeps her ochre pants in place, letting them fall and pool around her ankles to reveal indigo undergarments beneath.

"Are you sure nobody will come?" Noatak asks, more to tease Korra than because he actually cares. To him it wouldn't be the least bit intimidating to be found, it fact it might be quite entertaining and the perfect excuse to make their relationship public rather than sneaking around all the time but he knows that would cause problems for Korra and Tarrlok and their safety is always the first thing on his list after all.

"I don't care, stop stalling!" Korra complains because they are too slow and she feels about to combust from the inside out, she's already fumbling with Tarrlok's pants too and grinding back to Noatak with her perfect heart-shaped ass that she knows he adores.

"I'm sure." Tarrlok nods at his brother and watches Korra's eager attempts to strip him with a grin, they both love riling her up, it's fun and she's easy to tease but he also knows that if he's not careful she'll get back at him and Noatak will probably help because if there's one thing the elder brother likes more than teasing Korra, it's teasing Tarrlok, which is why he doesn't deny her for long.

Once his pants are out of the way Tarrlok watches her shrug off her shirt and kick off her slacks, he then pulls her to him until her breasts are crushed to him in that indigo brassiere of hers and he wraps his arms around her, letting his hands slide to grope her rear as he lets her kiss and nip on his jaw, neck and collarbone, it makes him shiver but he loves every second of it while Noatak takes the opportunity to toss off his own clothes. In minutes there are garments strewn all over the floor and the desks, if anyone walked in now it would be a total scandal already but they are far past caring.

Korra's hands slip into Tarrlok's boxer shorts and he lets out a groan when her skillful fingers wrap around his hardening length, by now she knows exactly what makes him tick and his own fingers dig into the soft flesh of her ass cheeks from the effort to maintain his self-control as her teeth scrape own his chest and her hands trace up his shaft and rub over the sensitive head of his cock. Noatak doesn't let himself get left behind and presses up to Korra from behind, one of his own hands reaches for her bra pulling it down so her breasts are exposed and pushed up by the cups of the crumpled garment, his other hand slips around between her body and Tarrlok's to slide into her panties, he finds them damp already and snickers into her ear.

"Is this setting really turning you on this much?" Noatak whispers darkly in her ear and that makes her moan almost as much as the way his fingers slip between the folds of her sex to caress her sensitive pearl. She's speechless. "Well? Answer, Korra."

"Yes, ok? Yes!" She gasps out the words as he taps that pearl like a button and gropes one of her breasts roughly. Tarrlok ends up groaning too because all the teasing is making her stroke him almost frantically.

Noatak snickers again and pulls his fingers out of her panties licking them seductively on the periphery of her vision, Korra knows he likes this a lot, he doesn't mind delaying his own gratification so long as he gets to control their pleasure, he enjoys having them both at his mercy almost as much as the sex itself, giant control-freak that he is. She doesn't mind though, it's one of his sexiest points and it's one of the many things that makes their three-way relationship work so well.

Tarrlok pushes her back gently into Noatak's body, she's forced to stop touching him but she doesn't think about her disappointment for long because soon he's pulling off her panties and he's on his knees in front of her licking up her smooth thighs almost hungrily while Noatak grabs her by the jaw, forcing her head to tip back so he can kiss her, it's a harsh crushing kiss and his tongue plunders her mouth possessively while both his hands pinch and twist her nipples- she loves every second of the rough treatment just as much as she enjoys Tarrlok's more submissive and gentle disposition.

One of her legs is hitched up over the professor's shoulder as he finally reaches the prize and starts to slowly lick his way into the slippery folds of her cunt, almost kissing her sex as if it were her mouth until she's panting and breaking the kiss with Noatak while moans spill out from her lips. It's delicious, being worshiped and pleasured by two powerful men that would do anything for her is Korra's idea of paradise and she's become thoroughly addicted to it in every way.

One of her hands is tugging at Tarrlok's hair for more while the other slips back to grab Noatak's rock hard cock, stroking for her own little bit of control, she loves their groans and strangled moans so much that she could hear those sounds all day and never get tired of it. Tarrlok complies with her demands and his tongue traces magical infinity symbols over her throbbing pearl while Noatak twists the dark chocolate pebbles of her nipples so hard that she nearly squeaks at the clash of sensations, she keeps stroking Noatak though and she can tell Tarrlok is doing the same to himself as he thoroughly tastes the most intimate corner of her body, their heavy breaths are almost hypnotic and the pleasure is making her dizzy- it's too much to handle and yet it's still not enough, she needs more and she needs it now.

"Ah!" Korra gasps and jumps when Tarrlok's fingers invade her core, digging into her deepest recesses of her body so that they are covered in her slippery honey but he slips them out after a few exploratory prods and she whimpers at the empty feeling, her body is just begging to be filled. "Don't stop!" She complains heatedly.

"Patience, Korra." The professor chuckles and sucks on her pearl hard enough to make her bite her tongue and tremble from the sparks of pleasure.

Tarrlok watches her with lust filled eyes, still sucking and licking but his wet slick fingers glide to her rear and prod her nether entrance, invading her all over again but with more slow calculated touches this time, always melting her tension away with his talented tongue. Korra knows this ritual well- he's preparing her to take them both at once and while she always enjoys such a thing she appreciates the foreplay as they are both large in every sense and she might be absurdly strong but she is still physically petite next to them.

Her head tips back onto Noatak and she moans even louder, she can't really focus on stroking him anymore because she's lost all rhythm as Tarrlok teases her by prodding his tongue deeply into her cunt and letting his fingers slowly stretch her rosebud while Noatak continues to take his time with her breasts, practically keeping her up by her nipples, sparks of feeling hum on her nerves and a tingly sensation of accumulated pleasure is building up inside but it gets even worse when the elder brother starts whispering in her ear in that dark rusty voice that makes her tremble. He's crude, he narrates exactly what they plan on doing to her with the filthiest wording and he describes her lewd body and debased beauty with a dirty eloquence that electrifies her skin and drives her almost as crazy as the way they play her body like a finely tuned instrument, they do so much more that please her physically, they invade her every sense and her very mind with those touches and words.

Korra can feel herself right on edge, walking that razor-thin line of pleasure from which she can tip over at any second but it's still not enough, not now that's she become so deeply addicted to these two men that she loves more than she ever thought possible; her body feel so hot, she could almost combust from the sheer intensity of her arousal but she still feels so empty, so needy.

"Oh Spirits, please just fuck me already!" Someone demands breathlessly and Korra realizes it's her; she's the one grinding to them like a beast in heat and begging to be filled.

"My, my, someone's in a hurry…" Tarrlok comments mockingly, between shallow licks to her pearl that just make her squeak.

"I can't take it anymore!" She complains. "I need more!"

"What do you need, Korra?" Noatak hums the words and she flinches at the way he twists her nipples almost brutally.

"Damn it, you know exactly what I want!" She growls trying not to let her knees give in from the overload of provocation.

"Tell us or you won't get it." Tarrlok stands at last, licking his lips to savor her salty sweetness.

"Damn your little games…" Korra is blushing, the delay is just making her more self-conscious and frustrated and she can barely think, she tries to squeeze her thighs together to relieve the burn but they are so slippery with her fluids it just makes matters worse. "Why are you teasing me like this?"

"This is a school, Korra. You're a student and right now we are your teachers, so be a good girl and ask for it nicely." Noatak orders darkly, he stopped his own teasing and has her hands pinning to her sides just to keep her from giving in to the temptation of touching herself for some relief.

"…I…But…Ok…" She's flustered at first but she understands the game now and she wants to play along because it's so deliciously forbidden that she can't resist it. "I need you to fill me up! Please? Please fuck me. Both of you?" She pleads with a meek needy voice that is almost lewd mockery of innocence.

"This obedient side of you is so lovely…" Noatak nuzzles her neck lovingly, still holding her still.

"Even though we adore the bossy side too." Tarrlok completes the thought with his hand cupping her sex to force her legs apart as he kisses the corner of her mouth.

"Please!" She begs loudly, all the stalling is driving her insane but she feels so surrounded by love that she can think of nothing more clever to say.

"Shall we give her what she wants?" Noatak looks at his brother quizzically, of course they always planned on giving her exactly what she desires but a few more seconds of mischievous teasing are always fun.

"Yes, why not? She's been a good girl, after all." Tarrlok replies with a smirk of his own.

He surprises her by forcing her to turn, her body spins so fast that she's dizzy for a second and falls smack onto Noatak but when Tarrlok covers her back, petting down her spine with tenderness; she stops caring about anything, she arches her hips to him and feels the hard length Tarrlok's cock rub between the slippery folds of her sex, bumping against her pearl until she gasps and once he has sufficiently coated his shaft in her honey he slips the broad velvety head of his cock into her nether entrance, slowly filling her up from behind until she's panting and clinging to Noatak for support. Tarrlok pulls her back to him until their bodies are flush against each other, his skin is so warm that she could melt into it; he sits over her desk without ever disconnecting from her and she's forced onto him so his cock slides into her all the way to the base and he groans along with her. It's tight an intense and yet it's still not enough.

Tarrlok's hands glide to her thighs and spread her legs so wide that her feet rest on the windowsill and the desk next to hers, she has to plant her hands on the table top behind them for support and she feels so exposed as Noatak's eyes rake over her body that she can't stop blushing. The older brother moves closer, he's hard as rock and throbbing from the simple sight of her but he still takes his time, he kisses her with the same brutality of before, invading her mouth his forceful tongue as his hands travel down her parted thighs, when he finally pierces her drooling hot cunt with his cock she's crying out into the kiss, it's as rough as all his other touches and his shaft slams into her all the way to the hilt in one smooth stroke.

Noatak has only been gentle with her once, and that was during their first time together, since then he hasn't held back his more savage and aggressive nature not because he isn't a generous lover but because he knows she loves it, he knows it drives her crazy and it's the perfect way to balance out Tarrlok's naturally tender and affectionate approach to sex. When all three of them are together, Korra feels like the balance is so perfect that it was meant to be and she doesn't believe she could ever pick just one of them to love.

The brothers are so used to working together by now that they soon find a perfect rhythm to take her, it's slow but deep and quite rough, they have her panting and sweating in no time. One of her hands wraps around Noatak's neck forcing him flush against her body as her nails dig into his shoulder, both of Noatak's hands are on her breasts again, he truly enjoys how he can make her squeal by kneading the mounds or pinching the nipples just right and as for Tarrlok, he still holds her thighs apart and kisses up the back of her neck.

Screams are echoing in the empty classroom and it takes Korra several minutes to realize that they're coming from her, she feels like she's melting from the waist down and the sensations are so intense that she sees sparks with every thrust they make, the pleasure is building up inside her like a dam and she can't think about anything other than how perfect it all feels… And then Tarrlok decides to push her further and mimics Noatak's earlier idea- he narrates exactly how her body is making them feel, he points out every wet sucking sound until it's ringing in her ears, he describes every blushed curve of her body in vivid detail, he tells her how they are going to fuck her senseless and how much they will enjoy it; he's not as crude and vulgar as the words of the elder brother but he's much more descriptive and the emotion and pleasure in his groaned voice flip some switch in Korra that makes all rational thought fly out the window, she craves this like a drug and they know every single one of her weaknesses.

What makes the whole scene even more intense than normal isn't just the public setting they are in, it's also the fact that this is unusual for Korra, she's not used to having Tarrlok behind her and Noatak in front because Tarrlok likes to look at her eyes and see her face contort with passion when she losses all composure, and Noatak doesn't mind taking the rear because he enjoys worshiping her flawless back and using any excuse to spank her perfect ass; and yet today they chose to trade places, a rare occurrence that was always guaranteed to throw her off guard completely, she likes it though- it's amazing to see Noatak's face flushed with restrained emotion as drops of his sweat drip onto her skin and it's just as incredible to feel Tarrlok's tall physique anchoring her from behind and enveloping her in his arms as his own perspired body glues with hers. She truly does enjoy it, she knows she'll have to shower again once they are done but she doesn't even care, she always loved their scent on her, it makes her feel marked and bonded to them, connected by something invisible but more physical than any emotion.

The pace gets faster and harder, it grows frantic and so wild that Korra just can't stop screaming anymore, she hears static over everything, her eyes are heavy and half-lidded and her pupils are dilated with lust, she's panting for air, she feels her hair stick all over her damp skin, her breasts feel swollen and overly sensitive from rough treatment as they bounce against Noatak's body, her cunt is so slippery that her honey is pooling beneath them and dripping off the desk and she can sense their cocks stirring the depths of her body and rubbing against spots she barely ever remembers she has.

Something is happening between the two men, they aren't just focusing on her anymore, they are also looking at each other with burning eyes over her shoulder in some silent form of communication and suddenly they kiss, it's a hungry gnash of lips and teeth but it's dizzyingly sexy nonetheless. Korra is crushed between their bodies but their frantic thrusts never stop and the erotically forbidden view of that simple devouring kiss is driving her insane, once upon a time when such a thing happened she would feel like an awkward conductor of pleasure for whatever strange relationship these two brothers had but that had been years ago and now when such acts of spontaneous intimacy happened she actually enjoyed them, she knew that the emotions all three of them shared were reciprocal in every sense and to be perfectly honest it was just so damn hot to watch those two get sensual on each other that it became an addicting turn on for her.

She wants to hold back because she knows that they aren't even close to done yet and won't stop no matter what happens but it's the last drop, Korra feels completely overwhelmed, she's drowning in them, consumed by a whirlwind of sensation and emotion so powerful that her eyes screw shut and her nails scratch across Noatak's shoulders hard enough to break the skin as she tips over that razor line of sensation, the built up dam of pressure inside her cracks wide open and pleasure washes all over her body- her every muscle seizes, her screams come in echoed bursts, her nerves are electrified, her skin feels like fire and she sees white behind her shut lids.

"Climaxing so soon? Selfish little Avatar." Korra hears Noatak growl the playful words in her ear through all the static in her brain, she can almost feel his growled voice rumble through her entire body.

She can't answer but it doesn't seem to matter because both brothers are groaning at the sensation of her cunt and ass clamping down on them, yet they don't stop, they keep hammering into her so hard that the sensations just don't fade and in a matter of seconds she's climaxing again even harder than before, she can't even scream since her voice and breath are stuck in her throat, her entire body is tight and spasms with the mind-shattering orgasm and she's clawing blindly at the desk and Noatak's back for any little of purchase. At last, when she thinks she's about to faint from the pure primal concentration of passion she hears their cries, she senses their bodies tense like taut wires, clinging to her so tightly that she's crushed between them again while she feels their pulsating hard cocks spill spurt after spurt of thick molten essence into her body, it's like all three of them are melting and melding together from the waist down and she can't even think anymore through the cloud of passion that smothers them.

Korra isn't sure how long it takes for their bodies to unwind, she's not even sure when she and Tarrlok collapsed flat onto the desk with Noatak hovering over them but eventually the elder brother pulls them both down and all three lay out on the floor over the mess of clothes with Korra between both their large bodies. They are panting and the sound of ragged breaths fills the silent air, all their tangled limbs feel rubbery and sapped of strength, they are all perspired and flushed but Korra really has no idea of how gorgeous she looks in their eyes right now- her hair is plastered to her skin or spilling around her, her skin blushed with love marks blooming on it under the glow of the artificial lighting in the classroom, mingled frothy fluids that are the proof of their passion seeping from between her legs, her bright cerulean eyes still wet from the tears that came with the sheer mind-numbing intensity of pleasure and almost closed with her dark lashes fanning beautifully over pinked cheeks, her swollen lips parted ever so slightly and her breasts rising and falling with harsh breathing. She is a goddess in their eyes at that very second and, Avatar or not, they would follow her to the darkest pit of the underworld if she so much as asked.

"Stop staring…" Korra mumbles weakly and closes her eyes, snuggling to her two lovers.

"We can't help it, you are so eye-catching right now." Tarrlok chuckles at his murmured words.

"Understatement of the year." Noatak retorts huskily and smirks.

"Uh-uh…" She mumbles in playful agreement.

Korra is drained, her whole body feels worn out and tingles pleasantly in the afterglow of pleasure, she's so blissed out and relaxed that she can barely move but before she can slip into the sweet oblivion of sleep Noatak starts kissing all over her cheeks, her lips, her jaw, her neck, and Tarrlok does the same up her spine, between her shoulder blades, the back of her neck and even her ears as they press her warmly between their large bodies in the rapidly cooling air of the empty classroom. She practically purrs with contentment but this is another little ritual she knows well- they aren't just being affectionate, they are also trying to keep her awake while they all regain enough stamina to get dressed and go home, after all it's late and they are still in the college campus, they'll have to leave before security shuts the gates for the night. Sure, she could always bend a hole in the outside wall and leave either way but she'd rather avoid the mess of triggering any alarms late at night.

After several long minutes, she's not really sure how many, basking in comfortable afterglow and sharing tender little kisses, Korra finally feels awake enough to sit up and the brothers join her, everyone is too blissed and drained to actually want to leave but they promise each other they'll cuddle some more once they get home and the compromise seems to lift their moods.

"What time is it?" She asks as she watches Tarrlok slip on his trousers while Noatak buttons his shirt, she's still buck naked on the floor enjoying the view.

"Ten-fifteen." Tarrlok replies with a glance at his watch before he eyes Korra's delectable state of nudity. "We have forty-five minutes before they close the gates. You should hurry."

"I know, I just…" She's cut off by a knock on the door.

Tarrlok and Korra jump in shock and face the locked door, Noatak freezes in the act of putting on his boots and exchanges a questioning look with his brother. Has a security guard or a janitor heard them?

"Who's in there? Campus is about to close." They all know that voice a little too well and it makes them grimace. Of all the people that could catch them…

"Oh shit, it's Tenzin." Korra whispers out anxiously.

"It's only me, dean Tenzin. I had some work to finish." Tarrlok replies loudly and clearly.

"Professor Tarrlok? Why not work in your office rather than a locked room?" Tenzin sounds confused but not suspicious…yet.

"Well… I needed a silence and had forgotten something here anyway so I chose to finish up my work in this classroom." Tarrlok improvises the excuse as fast as he can but the hesitation is still there.

"I see…I thought I heard somebody else in there?" Now Tenzin sounds suspicious and Korra remembers with dread that airbenders had a unique talent for hearing any sound that could be carried by the wind.

"Ah… No, I was just thinking out loud." Tarrlok improvises again, trying to silently shoo Noatak into hiding and Korra into dressing.

"May I come in?" Tenzin enquires politely but it's not really a question, they know he has all the keys to every door in school an even if he didn't he could blow that door open in seconds.

"Ah, screw it!" Korra shrugs and throws on Tarrlok's shirt, it's big enough that it covers her down to her knees and she walks up to the door before either brother can stop her and opens it just enough to face Tenzin, the man that has been her guardian and mentor for almost eight years, with a flushed grinning face and still smelling of sex and sweat. "Hi, uncle T."

"Korra? What are you doing here? Is that Tarrlok's shirt?!" Tenzin eyes her from head to toe, looking completely appalled. "What's going on here?"

"What does it look like?" Korra tries to smile but looks away a little bashfully.

"It looks like my best professor is sleeping with my protégé on campus!" The bald man snaps with a mix of shocked surprise and ire.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this, I really, really, really am. And I'm sorry we got carried away in school, it wasn't on purpose, I swear." She apologizes quickly but her proud stance doesn't falter.

"How long?" Tenzin asks sternly.

"A while…?" She grimaces avoiding the question, he wouldn't like the answer.

"How long, Korra?!" The airbender's voice rises in irritation.

"A little over a couple of years." She replies with resignation.

"Excuse me?" Tenzin's jaw drops. "Is that why you wanted to live alone?"

"Well, I'm not exactly living alone." Korra retorts rather sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head.

"You're living together?!" Tenzin looks so shocked that his face is completely drained of color.

"Yes." Tarrlok finally steps into the conversation, placing a hand over Korra's shoulder but still bare from the waist up.

"How could you?! She's almost half your age!" Tenzin accuses with his bald head starting to turn red with rage.

"I know but that has never been an impediment for us. I truly do love her, Master Tenzin." Tarrlok replies with his usual steady lecture voice, as if this was a simple fact proven by time.

"She's your student!" The other man gesticulates in all his apprehension.

"Hey, hey, woah there a sec!" Korra raises her hands to interrupt them both and points an accusing finger at her guardian. "First of all, you and Pema have almost the same age difference I have with Tarrlok, give or take a few years, and secondly, we have always kept our private life separate from school, if anything he's even harder on me when it comes to grades, so don't try to pull that title crap on us!"

"Korra, this is unacceptable!" Tenzin shakes his head, still obviously in shock.

"Why? Tenzin, I've been an adult for a long time and I'm in a safe loving relationship in which there are no secrets. Can't you just be happy for me?" She looks at the bald man with determined eyes, she doesn't care if he accepts the relationship or not, she'd be damned if that stopped her, but she would like to believe that Tenzin cares enough for her happiness to respect her wishes. She does, however, chose her words carefully because she refuses to lie and say that she is only with Tarrlok, she refuses to say anything that would disregard Noatak and by what she can see of his hidden form he picked that up in her words and appreciates it.

"Korra… You are the Avatar, it's my job to protect you, you're like a daughter to me and this is all very jarring." Tenzin wavers in his anger, still quite distressed.

"Sir, I assure you I always do everything in my power to keep Korra happy and like you I am fully aware of the implications of her title. With all due respect, you aren't the only one who protects her and cares for her." Tarrlok intervenes with so much intensity in his voice that Tenzin is taken aback.

"You are still her teacher and doing such inappropriate things on campus is grounds for dismissal." Tenzin isn't really threatening, just playing whatever cards he still has to protect his dignity and moral ground in this matter.

"You can't fire your best professor, especially not when he's a member of the Council too. If you want, go ahead and expel me instead, I'd be more than happy to enroll in the public university for the rest of my studies." Korra crosses her arms in challenge, from the corner of her eye she can see Noatak smirk, he's hiding were Tenzin can't see him and seems to be enjoying the show.

"…" Tenzin hesitates but after a moment staring at Korra he sighs. "Seeing as there was nobody else at school due to the beginning of the holidays I will let this pass so long as it doesn't happen again."

"Great. Can I get dressed and go home now?" She snaps sassily.

"Korra, be polite." Tarrlok nudges her, trying to get her to show some decorum in front of the dean.

"Can I please get dressed and go home now?" Her voice is playful.

"That's not what I meant." Tarrlok rolls his eyes.

"I know." Korra sticks out her tongue at him.

"Would you please take this seriously?" Tenzin looks a little surprised by their playful banter.

"Why, Tenzin? I don't see what is so serious- this is just you freaking out when you should be happy for me." She smirks self-assuredly, she can already tell that her guardian will crack and accept this, he just doesn't know it yet.

"Korra…Can we at least talk about this?" Tenzin pleads.

"No. I'm happy, I'm love, I've made my choices and you've got to deal with it." Once again she chooses her words well and once they are out she snaps the door closed in Tenzin's face and walks up to where her clothes are piled up, she notices with a little embarrassment that her heated clawing has left a burn print on her desk.

"…Alright. But Korra…" Tenzin mutters almost inaudibly from the other side, he could always open the door but he seems reluctant to make things even more awkward.

"Go away, Tenzin!" She sings out the words mockingly and tosses Tarrlok his shirt before she starts slipping hers on.

They hear the airbender sigh in defeat and trudge away with quiet dragged steps. After several minutes, when Korra is done dressing and they are sure Tenzin is well away, Noatak takes a seat next to her while Tarrlok tidies up the mess they made with waterbending, the elder brother has already placed all the scattered desks back in place.

"That was gutsy." Noatak comments nonchalantly.

"Tenzin was just shocked, he's a big softy deep down." Korra smiles and earthbends the floor back into its original shape to cover up what she had done earlier.

"What if he finds out about me too?" The elder brother asks this with the tiniest hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Then I'll be happy to brag about how lucky I am to have two sexy lovers." Korra sits on Noatak's lap and kisses his cheek.

"You are incorrigible." It's Tarrlok that makes the comment as he finishes waterbending away the mess and leans over his brother's shoulder to kiss her forehead.

"I know." Korra chuckles and kisses Tarrlok's lips in return then she smiles and kisses Noatak the same way.

She's afraid that he's feeling left out and apparently Tarrlok has the same fear because he also pecks Noatak's cheek and says- "You know we love you, right?"

"Yeah, we do. I for one can't live without both of you by my side." Korra agrees immediately.

"I know, I feel the same way." Noatak reassures them, he seems to find their worry for his feelings cute but unnecessary and his lopsided smirk grows significantly. "Maybe we should invite Master Tenzin for our three-way wedding?"

"Woah there! Who ever said anything about marriage?" Korra looks a little disconcerted by the topic.

"He's just teasing you, Korra." Tarrlok replies halfheartedly.

"No, I'm not. I fully intend for us to make an honest woman out of this lovely Avatar someday." Noatak chuckles at her shocked expression. "But not yet, you're still a student after all."

"…" Korra is staring at them, waiting for them to laugh at the joke but they both just wait for her reaction with expectancy and she realizes that she really doesn't hate the idea, just the timing, so she asks- "After school?"

"After school." Tarrlok and Noatak reply in unison with curt nods, both of them beaming and it's so contagious that she can't stop smiling all the way home.