Who the hell is that? Talking to MY Harry? MY Harry! Blaise 'bloody' Zabini, that's who! I have to put a stop to thins right NOW! I strode over to where they were stood, slid my arms tight around Harry's waist from behind.

"Hello my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, amazing, brilliant, wonderful boyfriend..." I greeted him, smirking at Blaise over Harry's shoulder. Blaise shook his head and walked off, looking confused.

"Hey," Harry laughed, turning round to face me. "What was that for? Not that I don't love it when you tell me how amazing I am but still... What was that?"

"He was too close to you, he was touching your arm, he was flirting with you! You're my boyfriend," I said, pouting.

"He wasn't flirting with me, he knows I'm yours," Harry laughed, he kissed me lightly. "He was thanking me."

"What for?" I asked, confused. He just taped the side of his nose and shook his head. We made our back to the shared Gryffindor and Slytherin common room. To see the Weasel, sorry Ron, wrapped up in the arms of none other than Blaise 'bloody' Zabini! Blaise smiled, actually that's not a smile that's a full-on grin, and bent his head to kiss Ron lightly on the lips.

"This," Harry whispered. I knew exactly what he was talking about. "What do you think?"

"It is all rather... romantic... But don't tell anyone I said that. I have a reputation to uphold," I whispered back.

"Your reputation went out the window when you started dating the boy-who-lived Drakey-Boy!" Blaise called out as we went past him and Ron, who were now dancing round the room.