"Bets & Consequences"

Summary: Hogwarts staff have made a bet over whether Severus and Harry are in a relationship. What happens when the Potions and DADA professors find out about this bet? Will their friendship be strained or develop into something more?

Warnings: Snarry! Don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: Whatever you recognize, I don't own.

Chapter One

Friday afternoon

Severus and Harry left the dungeons and made their way towards the Staff Room for the mandatory meeting. They were, much to Severus' irritation, a few minutes late, as they had been brewing a potion (or rather, Severus was brewing an experimental potion while Harry took notes that Severus dictated to him) and lost track of the time.

Losing track of time was occurring more frequently lately.

It was Harry's second year as the DADA professor. At first Severus had tried his best to ignore the young man; any attention he gave him was dismissive at best and scathing at worst. He had been utterly convinced that he was correct in his assessment of the Gryffindor's personality and lack of teaching ability. How or why it began to change, he wasn't quite sure, but he certainly didn't care to dwell on it. He didn't care for the idea that he had been wrong or that Albus and Minerva were capable of knocking sense into him.

Harry's persistent attempts to engage him in conversation eventually became tolerable. And if it were more than tolerable, he didn't allow his mind to linger on the thought. And now, this year, they have been spending more time together. Severus, of course, tells himself that it is useful to have Harry around to take notes (however messy), to help with brewing (after much instruction), to complement the ideas he was brainstorming for potions (who doesn't want their ego stroked?), and to listen to him complain about incompetent and wayward students (it's better therapy than firewhisky). Harry must have grown a brain because it wasn't common to find someone that Severus could tolerate for great lengths of time. In fact, lately they have found themselves engrossed in conversation or potion-brewing, unaware that several hours had passed.

Severus didn't mind this. But he didn't like to think about how much he didn't mind. And even more than that, he didn't like that not only was his former-student-now-fellow-colleague becoming quite pleasant to be around, but quite pleasant to look at. He was ashamed at his thoughts, dreams, and bodily responses. It was like going through puberty all over again. He had settled for the explanation that it must be a normal phase for a man in his forties. Of course he didn't know whether this was true, but the theory gave him comfort.

"I'm sure we haven't missed much," Harry mused. "First everyone fusses over preparing their tea and then the Headmaster – I still can't get used to the idea of calling him Albus! – will insist that everyone accept a sherbet lemon, licorice snap, or biscuit. A plate of jam biscuits will get passed around, and a few will be disappointed that the last black current or raspberry biscuit was snatched up by their neighbor. They probably haven't noticed that we're running late!" Harry grinned at Severus.

Severus turned his head and caught the grin thrown his way. His heart quickened and throat tightened. He looked away. No, it's just hormones, just a phase. "Perhaps," he verbally agreed, but he thought it was as likely as the absence of the sun in the sky or of thorns on a rose bush going overlooked. Of course, Harry was the sun. He snuck a quick glance. Yes, he truly is like a ray of sunshine. He swallowed hard, forcing the thought away.

They reached the Staff Room. Severus opened the door and they strolled in together. Every head immediately turned their way. The room was dead silent. He knew that just a second earlier the room was buzzing and now had hushed because of them. Even a fool would know that they had either been talking about either one of them, or the both of them, or that a secret was being kept from them.

Severus narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips, and walked further into the room. He felt Harry following not far behind him. "Well…? Have we missed much?" he asked with an accusatory tone. He scanned the room to find uncomfortable downcast eyes and furtive pairs darting at each other. He crossed his arms impatiently.

"It's nothing, Severus – "

" – were just commenting on how much happier you – "

" – chatting about this and that – "

" – spend so much time together – "

" – just the usual – "

The cacophony of voices was overwhelming. "Stop," he commanded. He looked over at Albus. "Pray tell me what this is about?"

The Headmaster stirred his tea. "Now, Severus, you've been coming to staff meetings for many years. You know we always begin with a bit of chit chat. Today's topics were really not very different from any other day," he said delicately with a soft smile.

"And what were these topics?" he asked sternly, looking at Minerva, Filius, Poppy, and the rest of the lot in turn.

"Well, uh, you and Harry," Filius squeaked, whose eyes then darted to the others as if in apology.

"What about us?" Severus articulated slowly, punctuating each syllable with his most threatening tone.

"Oh, Severus," Pomona said brightly. "You've taught here beside most of us for years. Don't you know that we would be happy for you if something good came in your life? We don't know why you insist on hiding this or pretending that we don't notice!"

Severus narrowed his eyes. "There is nothing to hide- "

"Told you," Aurora muttered smugly.

He whipped his head towards the witch and then slowly looked around the room, seeing curiosity, doubt, and a range of other expressions marked on their faces. Sybill was staring intently into her teacup mumbling to herself. Albus sipped at his tea and smiled at him, blue eyes twinkling. Severus was angry that his colleagues had been talking about him and was frustrated that they wouldn't get right to the point. He breathed deeply. "I will ask only once more. What exactly is this about?"

The room was silent for a few moments and then Minerva finally spoke up. "Severus, some of us have reason to believe that you and Harry have formed a romantic attachment. We… were only just now discussing whether or not we thought this was really true and… expressing how glad we are that you seem much happier this year. And Harry, you as well. I've never seen you so happy as you've been this year."

Severus stared in disbelief at the Transfiguration professor. He became extra aware of the Harry's presence beside him and the heat he seemed to generate, but he dared not look at him. Finally he found his voice. "Well, I would appreciate if you lot would keep your debates out of my business. Just so you know, there is nothing between Mr. Potter and I but a manageable collegial relationship. There is nothing to hide."

"So, there is nothing at all romantic between you and Harry? You are not together?" Septima asked.

"No." Severus closed his eyes tight, trying to keep a lid on his temper.

"Alright, that settles it. Don't forget to pay up," Aurora chortled.

Severus heard the soft triumphant voice. He opened his eyes and glared at her. He looked at the rest, feeling more anger and hurt with every expression of eyebrow-raised doubt, frowned disappointment, poorly concealed satisfaction, and eye-averting embarrassment that he took in. "You made a bet over this?" He shook his head in disgust. He turned around quickly, away from Harry so as not to see him, and strode out the room, slamming the door behind him.

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