A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! I have my 7th one-shot to present to you! I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT! Now.. read on!
Disclaimer: I don't think it's legal for 12 year olds to own TV shows... but maybe Phineas and Ferb could do that!
One Shot #7: Autograph
Kim P.O.V:
My school year is about to end. That's right, I'll graduate from 12th grade next week. I'll be moving onto college, and then everything about my school life will be forgotten. So, I'm taking signatures… autographs… whatever you call it! I made a little booklet for me; making everyone I know sign something.
Most of the people wrote down their numbers and Facebook names. Some of them wrote down cute little letters. Rarely, people drew smiley faces. But only one of them wrote that I suck. And that one is the one I love.
Jack Brewer. Even his name gets me excited! I remember when I first saw him. I was in a dojo when I was 10 years old. I did my usual moves of karate for practice, and a few push-ups as a punishment. Punishment for something I didn't do. Punishment for something the new kid named Jack did. Ha! I still laugh a little when I think of that.
The next day I told his mom, getting him in trouble. The day after that, he made me apologize to him. I liked that. And so, I accepted him as an acquaintance.
A few months passed by, and Jack's birthday fell on a Saturday. Surprisingly, I was invited to his party. I bought him a basketball for his birthday. He then accepted me as a friend. A few months later, so did I.
Then for 6 years, we just became closer and closer. My normal smiles turned into admiring and loving smiles. My days turned into clouds as I never was able to focus on anything. There was this weird feeling in my stomach that made me not so hungry. I liked all of it, but I never knew what they meant.
Then the next year, in 10th grade, Jack asked me something. "Will ya go on a date with me?"
I, obviously in love, said yes. Then came our one month anniversary. Then the 12 month anniversary. Soon the one year anniversary. We had been going real strong. And I liked it.
I sighed and put the little booklet in my locker.
"So, how's my love doing?" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw him. Jack.
"I don't know. Somebody said that she sucked. And that somebody is apparently her boyfriend." I said smirking.
"Ha ha, I wouldn't be surprised if you drew hearts around that!" he told me while placing his arms around my hips and his forehead on mine.
I giggled a little and whispered, "You know me so well!" he smiled and connected our lips.
"Ewww… too much kissing going on here!" I heard the guys say. We broke apart, looked at them and rejoined our lips. They groaned. I broke the kiss and laughed.
"C'mon, let's go home." Jack said, pulling me with him.
While walking, I turned around and glanced at my locker. I don't think good memories end.
A/N: So, how was that? Haha! I hope you guys liked it. I will do all the idea you guys already gave me. BUT DON'T STOP GIVING ME IDEAS!
~ Mrs. Kicky Kicky Chop Chop