Author's Note: So I'm pretty upset about how everything has happened on the show recently and I needed to write this fan fiction out of pure love for Charming family fluff. Disclaimer: I own none of the characters or ABC's Once Upon a Time, if I did the second season would be going in a completely different direction. (Note: Tamara & Owen DO NOT exist.) Also the song referenced is Tiny Dancer by Elton John, look it up.

Emma's point of view

Emma Swan awoke to the loud thud of the apartment door. She looked around bleary eyed and swung her feet out of bed. Pulling her phone off the nightstand to check the time, she saw the post-it note on the back of her cell phone. "Em- Taking Henry to lunch and running some errands. Be home around 3:30. Stay safe! Xo" Emma looked at her phone's clock, 11:46. She got up, feeling quite cold in the New England chill wearing only her running shorts and Neal's favorite old t-shirt. She decided she would hop in the shower, make some lunch, then feel free to go back to bed until dinner. Emma had no intentions of leaving the house, she feared seeing Neal. Of course, she still loved him, she missed him. Emma Swan quickly pushed away her feelings and began to undo her golden hair from the ponytail as she wandered to the bathroom.

Neal's Point Of View

He had to go talk to Emma. He'd run into the Charmings and Henry on his way to the apartment, they told him she was still home. After receiving a death glare from David and a hug from Henry, Snow sent him to the apartment. He reached the door when he heard the water running and the voice on top of it. His emotions came over him in a flood and he silently opened the apartment door, leaning into it as it shut. He listened to Emma singing a song from when they were together. His heart melted.

Emma's POV

She stepped into the hot water, the warmth running over her. The pulse of the water gushing and her heart beating reminded her of an old favorite song. One she and Neal loved. DAMN IT! She was thinking of Neal again! She pushed Neal out of head, but he was stuck there like the image of her parents in bed. She decided to let her guard down, no one was here, and Emma began to sing. Her sweet singing voice was something she had gotten from Snow, and Emma knew how to work it. She picked up the sweet old Elton John song from her favorite line, her voice ringing.

"...Ballerina, ya must have seen her, dancing in the sand, now she's in me, always with me. Tiny Dancer in my hand..." Emma's voice was strong, the memories with Neal bringing out the love in her voice. She finished washing her body and just stood in the hot water, her wet hair making the curls look dark, like her father's hair. She kept singing.

Neal's POV

He fell against the wall. Emma's voice, the same voice, the same song, she was still there. He loved her. He still felt his heart pulling him towards her. All he needed was here in Storybrooke. He'd make amends with his father, Cora had fled back to the Enchanted Forest, Regina was locked up, and Emma was here. His Emma, her parents, and HIS son. He'd never leave. Neal didn't realize where he was until he felt the steam from the shower on his face and saw the sight of a naked Emma Swan in the shower, oblivious to the intruder.

He sucked in a breath quietly. She looked happy and she was still so beautiful, her eyes shut, singing loudly. Yet at the same time she looked sad. Alone. Neal shut his eyes and the shower turned off. Without really thinking he coughed. Emma looked at him as she quickly wrapped her body in a towel. "WHAT. THE. HELL." She managed to get out, looking embarrassed. Neal just managed to remain calm and spoke exactly what was on his mind. "Emma, I-I-I um.." Damn it! She knew he only stuttered when he was nervous! "I love you. I always have. I always will. Just let me back in. You were singing our song Em, you can't hide your true feelings from me. Please just, let me be with you again and I'll never leave ever again." He face was truthful, so was his heart. He waited for her to respond.

"Neal, it hurt me so badly when you left. I went to JAIL for you. I gave up OUR baby because I couldn't take care of him WITHOUT YOU. I shut myself off to the rest of the world, no friends, no love. You were gone." Those words hurt. He moved closer and she did too. "But Neal, I don't think a day went by that I didn't miss you or feel you. I, love you too. I really do."

Emma's POV

She didn't remember exactly what happened after that, there was some more talking then Emma's towel disappeared and Neal's shirt vanished. Emma came back to her senses as she heard the door opening from her position on Neal. She quickly jumped out of the bed and threw back on the pajamas she was wearing earlier. As she watched Neal hurriedly put back on his shirt, she noticed her own shirt. "Yes Emma, I notice that it's my shirt." She blushed at Neal's comment. Then they heard the commotion down stairs. "Emma?" She heard her mother's worried tone from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm up here with Neal, be down in a minute."

Snow's POV

She noticed her husband tense when he heard Neal's name. Things were about to get interesting, especially when she saw the quick kiss at the top of the stairs, shared by her daughter and Rumple's son. Oh things were about to get very VERY interesting.

What do you think? Reviews and comments are always welcome!