Despy's Note: Eheheee. See, told ya I'd rewrite et. e w e

Pairing/s: No pairings yet.
Genres: Humor, Friendship (and maybe Romance later, it depends kjaskjdad)
Warning/s: OOC, OC, typographical and grammatical errors, Language

"It is an inversion which is quite ambiguous to them."

Ambiguous Inversion

Chapter One

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes. I promise."

o o o

Sanada Genichirou wondered what would the 'new manager' seem like.

Sanada just went to the principal's office after receiving a message from a student that he w as looking for him. The principal told him that they were having a 'new manager'. Though he didn't show it, Sanada became shocked about it and asked him why politely. The principal said that he wasn't exactly pleased with the results from the Kantou Tournament. He was expecting them to get first place, but the team got second only. He also reminded Sanada about their school's motto, which was 'to win', and in the letter that the 'new manager' sent him, it said that 'she' could help them meet victory. The principal didn't tell him anymore details but he approved her request.

Their captain, Yukimura Seiichi, was still at the hospital. Sanada was the acting leader/captain of the team. The principal seemed confident about his decision. Sanada knew him. This man would never let something like this slip away easily from his grasp. As much as Sanada hated having a girl in the team, he had no other choice but to approve of it as well.

He hoped he wasn't going to regret his decision.

And before Sanada left, the principal told him that Sanada would meet 'her' later at afternoon practice. Sanada didn't know if he felt excited about it or not.

As he was walking in the hallways, Sanada thought of picturing the 'new manager' in his mind. Well, it would hurt to imagine anyway.

Considering that she caught the principal's eyes, he could see a beautiful yet fierce; graceful yet powerful girl standing tall and proud. She was about 5'6" or 5'7" in height, and physically fit and healthy. She was someone who was very disciplined, complete with the proper manners and posture. She could also be-


Before he knew it, the student he accidentally bumped into was about to fall, but as quickly as he could, Sanada grabbed her arm and pulled her up with ease.

How silly of him. He had been too occupied with his thoughts.

(But good thing he has fast reflexes.)

"I'm sorry," they said in unison.

There was a pause.

She looked up at him with her wide, blue eyes. He looked down at her with unfazed, brown eyes.

An awkward silence filled the air between them.

She blinked. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, are you... Sanada Genichirou?"

"... Yes. Why do you ask?"

She grinned a bit. He frowned slightly.

(Sanada didn't know why but he just saw a malicious glint in her eyes.)

"Hi, I'm the new manager. Nice to meet you, Sanada Genichirou-kun."

Sanada almost gaped. That caught him off guard.

She held her hand out. He stared at it.

(Well, Sanada was very surprised.)

(This girl is the-)

"... Glad to meet you, too."

(-new manager?)

She was still holding her hand out. He was still staring at it.

He just couldn't believe it.

"What? Something- Oh, I forgot!"

She laughed as she bowed. He deadpanned as he stood perfectly still.

"Sorry 'bout that. I'm still not used to the things around here..."

And, wait, she was a... foreigner?

"... Okay."

"Yeah... so, uh... I have to go now! See you later at afternoon practice!"

And she jogged away.

With a face as straight as a line, Sanada stood there, wondering what in the world just happened.

First, he just met the manager with a broken Japanese accent.

And that was when realization splashed him a bucket of cold water.

Sanada Genichirou was very wrong about his description of the 'new manager'.

(Wait, he didn't even get to know her name.)

o o o

As much as he could remember, it was August 6 when Yanagi Renji first saw their 'new manager'.

She was his classmate during his second year. Though Yanagi didn't have much information about her (he wasn't interested in collecting data about a female specie in the first place), he just knew she was a transfer student from Los Angeles, California. Also, he didn't know why but the girl didn't last long. She immediately went back to America after three months for some unknown reasons.

Then, after approximately eight months, she's back again. Well, since she's somehow a part of the team, why not gather data about her?

And Yanagi did.

He found out that she is from 3-B, wherein she is classmates with Marui and Niou. She is 5 feet and 4 inches high, and weighs for about 45 kilograms. She is usually seen eating strawberry-flavored Pocky and/or playing with a Rubik's cube. She likes to read books, mostly about sports, and to take pictures of whatever she finds interesting.

And with the rest of his data about her, she didn't quite match the kind of manager he had in mind.

Oh, wait. He had a short conversation with her this morning. It was quite awkward but nonetheless, he acquired a little knowledge about her.

"Yanagi Renji-kun, right?"

While he was walking to school, she just suddenly popped out from his side. Her sudden appearance surprised him a bit, but Yanagi remained calm.


"I'm the new manager, by the way."

Out of the corner of his eyes, Yanagi studied her. He kept silent for a moment as if he was waiting for... something from her. But her face was straight, her eyes were blank and her lips were shut.

Oh, well. He already knew it anyway.

"I know. Glad to meet you, manager-san."

She stared at him with skeptical, blue eyes.

For a second there, Yanagi caught a certain glint of malice.

"You're the data person...? So you have... all of your teammates' data then?"

He smiled a thin smile as Yanagi chuckled inwardly. So he's not the only one who's been doing research, eh?

"Yes. You can say that."

"I see... Well, see ya later at afternoon practice!"

And she jogged away.

(She was a 'data person' just like him.)

o o o

The 'new manager' is a girl. Blech.

Kirihara Akaya was dreading for afternoon practice. Their vice-captain, Sanada, told them they were going to meet her later. Kirihara didn't want that. Kirihara didn't like that.


The answer is simple.

It's because the manager's a girl; meaning, she's one of those girls who just signed up for this just because she wants to join the boys. She will be all like, "Hey, look! I'm the manager of these boys! I'm so lucky and happy and so pretty! LOOK AT ME! I DEMAND FOR SOME DAMN ATTENTION!"


"Um... Hello... I-I... am just here because... I like insert-name-here-senpai-or-kun..."

And maybe...

"Yes, be jealous, bitches! I'm the most popular girl in the school now 'cause I'm so beautiful and I'm the manager of this fuckin' team!"


Kirihara made a face close to disgust. He will not hesistate to kill that girl with his hands (or maybe he will hesitate a bit because that'll be too messy). Ah, he'll just tie a rope around her or put duct tape on her mouth or throw her to a cliff or burn her alive.


And with that, Kirihara enjoyed eating his lunch (ten pieces of sushi made especially by his mom and onee-chan, sucker) as he imagined all the possible ways to kill the manager in a less messy way.

'Hm, what more? I can pour acid on her... or just throw pies! No, not just pies... Pies with poison-'

"Hello, Kirihara Akaya-kun."


Kirihara stumbled backwards. Wide, emerald eyes met amused, sapphire ones. He wasn't expecting a girl suddenly popped out from nowhere. And wait, she knew his name...?

(Well, he is popular anyway, he thought.)

Letting out a small grin, Kirihara finally regained his composure. The girl sitting opposite of him just chuckled.

"Who are ya?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

Kirihara began observing the girl. She was a bit small and pale- wait, she was too pale for a regular Japanese. Was she a foreigner then? Plus, her accent was weird.

And the glint in her blue eyes wasn't something Kirihara normally notice in a typical Japanese girl's eyes.

"What if I tell that I'm gonna be your manager this afternoon and the following days and months?"

Kirihara almost gaped. Was she serious? She has gotta be kidding. Yeah. She sounded funny anyway.

"Then I'm gonna kill you."

He just gave her a grin. She laughed at it.

"I'm looking forward to that."

This time, Kirihara's face went like 'What-the-fuck'.What the hell did she just say? It was in fucking English!

"What the hell did you just-"

But he was immediately cut off with a sweet smile and a pat on the head. Before he could even react, she was already standing on her feet and told him, "I have to go now, Kirihara-kun. Nice meeting you, by the way. See you later at afternoon practice!"

And with that, she walked away rather briskly and disappeared from Kirihara's sight.

Silence filled him for a moment.

Kirihara broke into a huge grin.

Oh, he can't wait for afternoon practice. Kirihara swore he was so going to get her for that.

o o o

"Hey, dude! I heard the manager is a girl."

"And, oh! She's a freakin' foreigner!"

After hearing that short chit-chat from a pair of non-regulars, Marui Bunta got very excited. He wanted time to move faster and meet her soon. Oh, don't give him that look. Who wouldn't be excited to meet the boy's tennis club's 'new manager' anyway?

Marui wondered how she'd be like. Maybe she'd be awesome? Or cool? Was she cute or pretty? Beautiful?

Oh, he didn't think about her being dumb and all. She got accepted by Sanada freaking Genichirou. Yanagi freaking Renji approved of her. And for Pete's sake, the freaking principal welcomed her with open arms!

That meant she wasn't just a girl. She was something.

As Marui just finished his lunch, he decided to go find the 'new manager'. Yeah, that'll be awesome! He'll definitely get along with her. Maybe they'll be friends and... even best friends! Or more than-

"You're Marui Bunta-kun...?"

The male redhead blew a bubble as he blinked. The female redhead fixed her huge, black-framed glasses as she blinked back.

Marui began wondering. Who is she? What is she doing here? And more importantly, where did this girl come from? He was sure he came here at the back of the school's main building all by himself. And no one was following him, this genius made sure of that. So... how?

He shrugged. Oh, well.

"Yeah, I am. Why?"

With his short reply, the girl just smiled a short, sweet smile. Marui also happened to catch a small glint of malice in her blue eyes.

'... Okay, now that is... weird.'

"Ah, as I thought. I'm the new manager, by the way."

Suddenly, all of his 'new manager' dreams and fantasies went poof! This small and unhealthy-looking girl was the new manager?

Somewhere, something inside Marui began crying.

"Well then, see you later at afternoon practice!"

And as she jogged away, Marui wished time or the universe would move slower than a hundred-year old tortoise.

o o o

Jackal Kuwahara was okay about having a new, female manager.

Jackal wasn't the type to go around whining with complaints or jumping with excitement about it. In fact, he was kind of thankful now that a girl would handle them. He just wished she wasn't like his teammates. Not that he was complaining about their attitude but...

Aside from him, Jackal just wanted to have at least another one normal being in the team, his friends/teammates weren't anything close to that.

One redhead is a food addict, especially to those things called 'cakes' and 'sweets'.

One second year is a possible serial killer in the future. He may seem... adorable but when once he steps inside the courts, the kid turns into a devil quite literally.

One brunette is a slight maniac. He'll collect data from you- and data from you means everything about you.

One violet-haired guy is a gentleman, but little did some people know was he has a sadistic side.

One is a trickster, and he can think of a prank in an instant and he can do it to you any time and any place.

One has anger management issues, and once you make a mistake, he'll slap you hard-core.

One is an unconscious sadist. Plus, he's merciless creäture.

And Jackal himself isn't safe either. So having a normal manager might keep him and the rest of the team-


Jackal jolted upright by the sudden appearance of a small girl in front of him. Has he been too occupied with his thoughts and that he didn't even notice her?

"Um, hi."

That came too awkward. With a person you didn't even know was staring right into your eyes... It was hard to speak for Jackal, you know.

"You're Jackal Kuwahara, the Brazilian tennis player...?"

Okay. Who is she? How did she know his-

"I'm the new manager. Nice to meet you."


"N-Nice to meet you, too."

He was quite surprised. Jackal's wish wasn't exactly granted but... The manager looked slightly okay to him.

"Okay. Well then, see you later at afternoon practice!"

Never mind about everything that Jackal just said. The new manager wasn't okay. Why?

The glint of malice in her peculiar, blue eyes told him so.

o o o

Yagyuu Hiroshi just met the 'new manager'.

She was quite small and thin, with a face composed of two huge, blue eyes behind those thick glasses and a pointed nose above her tiny, pink lips. She looked almost as innocent as a child, but then again, based from his past experiences, Yagyuu knew she wasn't who she appeared like.

But according to Yanagi, she was interesting.

The 'new manager' Yagyuu met was rather eccentric. The way she just appeared right in front of him and how she stared at him during their conversation almost ruined his collected composure.

"Hello, Yagyuu Hiroshi-kun," she said with a thin smile.

He acknowledged her presence with a nod. "Good afternoon."

Though he didn't express it, Yagyuu was wondering how this girl knew his name. He knew himself that he wasn't popular anyway.

Then, as she was gazing at him, Yagyuu couldn't point out but there was something odd about her.

"So you're the so-called 'Gentleman'," she grinned. "Nice to meet you. I'm the new manager, by the way."

Yagyuu remained calm even after he saw the glint malice in her blue eyes.

"A great pleasure to meet you," he said, fixing his glasses to get a better view.

"Well then, I'll see you at afternoon practice!"

Yagyuu just watched her as the girl jogged away.

'Indeed,' he thought. 'The 'new manager' was... interesting.'

o o o

With a weird, lazy girl around, aternoon practice was quite awkward.

Niou Masaharu was silently sitting on the bench after running thirty laps ordered especially by his loving vice-captain. He was just waiting for Yagyuu, so Niou, who was bored, stayed there to watch the manager.

And the scene before his eyes was amusing to watch.

Unknown to the non-regulars, the one they were giving awkward looks and deadly glares was the 'new manager' they were so excited about. She hasn't introduced herself to the non-regulars yet, he thought. His teammates though, namely Sanada and Kirihara, looked like they were about to explode while Yanagi and the others were only keeping an eye on her.

Niou looked at the manager. And all those people with an intention to strangle her to death, she looked as if she didn't care while she lied on the bleachers.

Meh. He just shrugged. Like he cared about that girl.

For the last time, Niou glanced back at the manager. And would you look at that? She was staring at him.

Niou kept a straight face on. The manager broke into a small grin.


o o o

Each of them were unique and she liked it a lot.

Sanada Genichirou was a rock but he could still melted and molded into a clay. Yanagi Renji was cool. His data were simply perfection. Kirihara Akaya was a cute brat. Period. Marui Bunta was adorable. His imaginations were adorable, too. Jackal Kuwahara was sweet. He reminded her of chocolates. Yagyuu Hiroshi was 99.9% CCC*. She knew. Niou Masaharu was Niou Masaharu. Another period. Yukimura Seiichi was still in the hospital but he'll be out soon.

She couldn't wait anymore.

Just before afternoon practice was about to end, she finally hopped off of the bleachers with the microphone she brought and headed towards Sanada and Yanagi. The non-regulars, as well as the other regulars, were already lined up in rows just as she got to the pair. Though annoyance was clearly written on his face, Sanada just raised an eyebrow at her as if he was asking her what in the world she was doing here. She just smiled at him and kept it until she turned to Yanagi. When he got her message, the brunette just nodded. She just grinned, and Yanagi explained everything to Sanada with one look.

After she got Sanada's great nod of approval, she turned her microphone on, cleared her throat and said...

"I'm Kagami Aika, the brand new manager! Echantée!"

*CCC - Cool, Calm, & Collected.

Despy's Note: Mehehe, that's all for chapter one. Pairings aren't decided yet. Maybe I'll let you readers decide. Mehe. e w e Anyway...

Comments, opinions and critiques are very welcome! :D Reviews, faves and alerts are very much appreciated! X)