Disclaimer: I do NOT own POT

Pairing: Atobe Keigo x Echizen Ryoma

Note: This is the first chapter of my second fanfic entitled The King's Brat. Well, actually, this here below is more like a prologue. You know, just to get the story started. There's no smut or anything sexy, yet , so you'll be disappointed if you're actually expecting some. Even so, please continue reading below. Give the story a chance. I'm not sure if it will be interesting enough. This is only my second fanfic after all. I don't have much experience in delivering good stories. Anyway, enough talk. Please continue reading and enjoy. . .

Chapter 1

"Are you sure it's fine that I go?" asked Nanako to Ryoma, guilt evident in her voice. "I could stay."

"It's fine. I can take care of myself. You don't have to worry." Ryoma assured her. "Besides, you'll only be gone for three days, right? I can survive that long."

"He's right, Nanako-chan." Nanjiroh said, he's hands resting at the back of his head. He's wearing his usual dark yukata. "Seishounen might be a brat but he's a responsible brat. He can take care of himself. Right, brat?"

"Tch. Baka-oyaji." Ryoma said under his breath. He's hands resting behind his head as well.

"I'll leave you some of my precious magazines so you won't get bored."

"I don't need them."

"Oh. Come on. You know you want, too."

"I don't. I'm not a perv like you."

Nanako smiled as she watched father and son mirroring each other's poses while arguing with one another.

"Come now, dear. Before we miss our plane." Rinko said from behind them. "The taxi's already outside."

Nanjiroh, after ruffling his son's hair, started to collect their luggage. Rinko and Nanako turns to Ryoma to give him last minute instructions and advices.

"I've already prepared something for lunch and dinner. It's Japanese. Just heat them up before eating, okay? I've stack up the fridge as well so you can eat whenever you're hungry." Rinko said.

"The medicine cabinet is filled up as well. There's ointment for minor scratches and bug bites. And tablets for stomachaches and headaches. And for muscle cramps, too. And there are some aspirin, as well," Nanako said. "I labeled each medicine and wrote some instructions so you won't get confused."

"Hai," Ryoma just said.

Hearing the taxi blared its horn, Nanako and Rinko immediately went to get their purses before hurrying outside. Ryoma followed quietly behind.

"Seishounen, since we won't be here, you don't have to be shy. You can bring your girlfriend over." Nanjiroh said in his most encouraging indulgent-father voice. He was already inside the taxi, all the luggage inside the trunk.

Ryoma pointedly ignored his father, watching his cousin and mother instead. This will be the very first time that Ryoma will be staying at home alone. So, even though he's showing a cool, uncaring façade outside, he is still just a 12 year old boy inside. And so, the child in him was feeling betrayed and abandoned. He doesn't show it though. After all, he's still Echizen Ryoma – the cocky and arrogant brat. So when the taxi slowly drove away, Ryoma raised his arm to wave goodbye.

"Maybe we shouldn't leave him, after all." Rinko told her husband as she watched their son moping sadly in front of their house. "Look at him. He looks so forlorn."

"Nah. He'll be fine, Rinko. Don't worry too much." Nanjiroh said, then winced slightly when he heard the worry he was feeling crept into his voice.

"Ah!" Nanako suddenly said from her seat beside the driver. "I forgot something."

Ryoma frowned when he saw the taxi stopped. He saw his cousin got out of the car then run towards him. She must have forgotten something, he thought.

Nanako stopped directly in front of him. Then, panting to catch her breath, she reached into her pocket before handing him something. Ryoma looked down at his hands to find that he was now holding a mobile phone.

"I forgot to give this to you," Nanako said when she can breathe normally again. "This way, we'll be able to call you even when you're in school." She said with a smile. "And you can call us, too when you feel lonely."

"I won't get lonely." Ryoma said with a pout. He took the phone anyway.

Nanako just smiled before running back to the car. Ryoma watched until the taxi turned the corner before looking at the phone clutched in his right hand. Smiling, he placed it inside his short pocket before walking back inside the house.

Ryoma sipped the last of his ponta before lying back on the soft grass. He's under a sakura tree near one of the street courts. He had been there since after lunch. At first, he had wanted to call Momo-senpai to hang out with him but decided against it. He wasn't really in the mood for company. So, with nothing else to do, he just played tennis against the walls like he usually do. Just to get rid of the boredom. After a while, he got tired and decided to just walk around. He ended up resting under the shade of a sakura tree where he is currently now. It was nearing five in the afternoon but he doesn't want to go home yet. There'll be no one there, anyway. (And no, he is not getting lonely. Nor is he sulking.)

Ryoma pulled his white cap low over his eyes to protect them from the orange glare of the setting sun. Then, deciding that his position is safe and comfortable enough, he closed his eyes to take a nap.

Atobe Keigo spent his afternoon in one of the street courts. He didn't play though. He just watched his ever faithful friend, Kabaji played against the rookies and amateurs who frequented the place. It was Sunday and he was feeling uncharacteristically bored. He supposed he could have called Oishitari and the others to hang out with them like they usually do on the weekends. Or he could have stayed at home, lie in his magnificent bed and read, or maybe swim a few laps to further toned his already beautiful, lean body. However, Atobe found himself walking to one of these street courts with Kabaji trailing behind.

After watching Kabaji played a few quick games, Atobe decided that he had enough. It's already late anyway, around eight in the evening. So he decided to just go home. "Let's go, Kabaji."

"Usu." Was, of course, the reply.

Taking the lead, Atobe made his way outside the tennis courts. He took out his phone to call for his chauffeur when something caught his eyes. There, under a sakura tree, he could see a familiar silhouette. A car passed, its headlight reaching the shadow under the tree before quickly passing by. Is that. . .?

Atobe made his way to the tree. And sure enough, the brat from Seigaku was sleeping there, as pretty and soundly as you please. He stopped directly beside the brat. Atobe knew Echizen was sleeping for he could hear the soft snore coming from under the white cap. What on earth is he doing in this kind of place this late at night?

Atobe sat on his heels. Then, very gently, he removed the cap. The sight that greeted him was very endearing that a soft smile immediately stretched across his lips. This is the very first time that Atobe was able to see Echizen so closely. Smiling widely now, Atobe watched as Echizen breathed in deeply then scrunch up his nose ever so slightly. He looks like a baby when he sleeps. Looking at him, you'd never know that the brat have such a sharp tongue and annoying cocky attitude. That is, unless you look real closely. And look real closely Atobe did.

The brat has long, spiky eyelashes. He has a cute button nose. His cheeks are high but slightly round with baby fats. And he has soft, pink lips that are slightly open. His skin looks soft and smooth and healthy. All in all, Echizen Ryoma is one pretty arrogant spoiled brat and he looks like it, too. Even his chin looks arrogant, Atobe thought.

After a few more minutes of looking (no, he was not staring. Why was he looking, anyway?), Atobe used his right index finger to poke Echizen on the cheek.

Soft, like a baby skin, Atobe thought vaguely. He frowned. Then, using more force, he poked Echizen again to wake him up.

Ryoma eye's fluttered open slowly when he felt something poking his cheek. He rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand, then looked to where something, or someone? Is poking him. Focusing his gaze, he saw a face hovering over him.

"Hmm. I wanna sleep some more," he grunted before pushing that something, apparently a finger, away from him. Ryoma closed his eyes again. He's never been one to wake up fast. No matter what time of day it is, his body always took its own sweet time to wake up.

Atobe frowned. Did the brat just pushed him away? After he, oh so kindly, tried to wake him up? This, simply, will not do. He was quite aware that the brat together with his loud senpai, Momoshiro, frequented this place and thus, most people here are familiar with them. But even so, that doesn't mean that it was safe for him to just lie there and sleep, defenseless. In the middle of the night, no less.

Atobe poked Echizen again, much harder this time. He even called out, "Brat," grudgingly to try to wake him up.

Ryoma just stirred in his sleep. Who on earth was trying to disturb his beauty sleep? He opened one eye to survey his surroundings. Where on earth is he? He remembered his parents and cousin leaving him. Then he remembered watching TV, eating lunch, playing with his cat, Karupin. Then he remembered going out and heading towards the street tennis courts. He remembered buying ponta and sleeping under a shady sakura tree. Then . . .

Atobe watched as Echizen's big, golden eyes suddenly opened before the brat jumped about a foot in the air. He was amused to see a look of surprise across the brat's face. Then he frowned when the look turned into that of small fear. He was right. Echizen was indeed defenseless. Just what would have happened if someone dangerous was the one to see Echizen sleeping there?

Ryoma's eyes landed on Atobe, immediately recognizing the Hyoutei's captain. He felt his heart slow down. Boy, he thought he was in danger for a few seconds there. Relaxing visibly, Ryoma flashed one of his smirks to a frowning Atobe. "Monkey King," he said by way of greeting.

"What are you doing here, brat?" Atobe said without returning his greeting.

"I was sleeping." Echizen answered then he stretched his arms above his head like a cat.


"No. Of course not." Sarcasm drips from Ryoma's words. Geez. Is the Monkey King blind or something? "Can't you see my friend George over there?"

Atobe didn't appreciate the sarcasm. He scowled. "It's getting late. Go home."

Ryoma scowled as well. Was the Monkey King ordering him around? He was about to say something smart when he realized what Monkey King said. "Oh." He said when he saw that it is indeed getting dark. How long had he been sleeping? A quick look in his mobile phone told him that it is already eight eleven in the evening. Yap. He should probably go home, now.

After one final stretch and a wide yawn, Echizen started to gather his things. Then he noticed something missing. He looked around. Then he saw it. He scowled. Why was the Monkey King holding his cap? He started to reach for it, but Atobe pulled it out of his reach.

"Monkey King, give me back my cap," Ryoma said with a glare.

Atobe just smirked at him before he placed the cap on Echizen's head himself. Then he saw that the cap was placed askew which made Echizen looked like a pouting, spoiled child. He looked adorable.

Atobe scowled. He pulled the cap lower on the brat's head, harder than was necessary. "Go home." He said again before turning back to his friend. "Let's go, Kabaji."


Ryoma glared at Monkey King's back. What was his problem? He glared some more. Then, deciding that he doesn't really care, he gathered his stuff again. Guess it's time for him to go home.

Ryoma Echizen is sulking. He's on his way home. He doesn't want to go home. There'll be no one there except Karupin. And his dinner will be cold. And the place will be quiet and lonely. And his mother hasn't called him yet. His cousin hasn't called him yet, either. He supposed he could call them but he doesn't really want to. Sometimes, he hates his own pride. He sighed. He doesn't want to sleep alone in his house. Maybe he could call Momo-senpai and ask him to sleep over.

He was about to reach into his pocket for his phone when a car stopped beside him on the road. Frowning, he stopped to see whoever was inside the car. He felt a little surprised when the car's window climbed down to reveal Atobe. Okay. Make that a big surprise. What does the Monkey King want now?

"Brat. Get inside. Ore-sama will drive you home." Atobe said without preamble.

Ryoma's frowned deepened. "Yadda." He said before continuing on his way.

"Echizen." Atobe called.

Ryoma ignored him. Why on earth was Atobe chasing him like this? Last time he checked they weren't friends at all. They weren't even on normal speaking terms. So why does he want to drive Ryoma home?

Atobe sighed. Does the brat really need to be so stubborn? Why can't he just say yes? Atobe is being really nice and generous here. And what on earth is Atobe thinking, anyway? Offering to drive Ryoma home like they were buddy-buddy or something?

Okay. So he is a little worried. It's the middle of the night and Echizen is walking home in the dark. Alone. Anyone would be worried, right? After all, the brat is 12 years old. Yeah, That's right. He was just being a good senpai to his kouhai. Doesn't matter if they go to different school. He is still older and thus, he have to protect the little ungrateful brat.

Atobe climbed down from his car and told his chauffer to wait for him. Then he jogged to Echizen. "Brat. Ore-sama said he will drive you home." He said when he caught up to the brat.

Echizen looked at him suspiciously. "Why?" he said after a moment.

Atobe paused. "What do you mean why?"

"Why do you want to drive me home?" he asked patiently. "Last time I checked, we weren't even friends."

Atobe frowned. Does he really need a reason to? "Because." He said after a while.

"Because what?" Echizen asked incessantly.

"Because Ore-sama is feeling really generous at the moment. And Ore-sama thinks that you should just be grateful that Ore-sama offered to drive you home."

Echizen raised his right eyebrow.

"Ore-sama also thinks that it is dangerous for a child like you to be walking home alone this late at night."

"I'm not a child." Echizen countered automatically. Then he realized that the Monkey King was actually concerned about his safety. Hmm. Maybe the Monkey King wasn't so bad after all. "Yadda." He said again.


"We're already here, anyway."

Atobe frowned. Here where? He looked to where Echizen was pointing. He saw a big gate. Beyond, he can see the silhouette of a big house. He looked at Echizen, his brows arched in question.

"That's my house." Echizen opened the gate then gestured inside to reveal a traditional house. At least, Atobe thinks it's traditional. "It's dark."

"Yeah. I forgot to turn on the lights before I went out this afternoon."

"Where are your parents?"

"They went somewhere. They'll be back after three days."

"So, you're staying here alone?"

"No. Of course not." Ryoma said with a small smile.

"Let me guess. George?"

"No." Ryoma's smile widened. "Karupin."

At the sound of his name, Karupin jumped to Ryoma's arms from out of nowhere. Ryoma was surprised. He caught his cat but he lost his balance. Atobe quickly reacted. He reached out to grab Ryoma then pulled the younger boy against him.

Ryoma wasn't exactly sure what happened. He was falling down unceremoniously on his butt then suddenly, he was being enveloped inside strong capable arms. His eyes widened. No way. Atobe Keigo, the King of all Monkeys, is hugging him. And he smelled nice. Ryoma felt his heartbeats quicken and his face heat up. What the-? Where did that thought came from?

Atobe realized that he's holding Ryoma. Then he felt something real disturbing. No way. There's just no way. . .Right? It couldn't be.

He quickly let go of the younger boy. "I have to go." He said, his expression blank.

"What?" Ryoma asked, confused both by his feelings and Atobe's sudden coldness. "Oh. Uhm. Okay."

Atobe turned on his heels. He took a step. Then another. Then another. Then he paused. What in the hell is he doing? No. He is not going to say it. "Come with me."

". . ."

"Ore-sama have decided. He will allow you to stay over at his house until your parents come back."

"What? Are you serious?" Ryoma finally asked, his eyes widening a little.

"Ore-sama is always serious."

Ryoma looked at his dark house. He really doesn't want to stay there and sleep alone. He looked at Atobe. Is it really a good idea to go with him? He looked at Karupin then asked Atobe, "Can Karupin come, too?"

"Of course." Atobe said without hesitation.

"Alright, then. I'll stay with you." He said then smiled at Atobe.

Seeing that smile, Atobe felt his heart skip a beat. He knew he should not have said that. Damn. What was he thinking?

"Should we go?" Ryoma asked, completely ignorant of Atobe's confused feelings.

"Of course," Atobe answered regally. Then, sealing his fate farther, he said with conviction, "Let's go."

So? Did you enjoy it? Are you interested to know what will happen next? I sure hope so. Tell me what you think. Please, do waste your effort and time. I'll appreciate it and be really grateful if you could leave a review, however short it may be. Suggestions are also welcome.

Oh. And I just posted my first fanfic yesterday entitled Close To You (it's KHR) please check it out.

That's all for today. Ja ne!