
Derek returned to the car to find Sarah fast asleep. He drove back to his house where a pleasant surprise awaits his arrival.

"Wake up sleepy head." Derek said as he gently shook Sarah until she woke. She was already starting to regain her strength, and her wound was healing.

She remembered what Scott had warned her about Derek and Peter, they may seem nice on the outside, but they both have tempers. She decided to err on the side of caution when it came to Derek, she did not fully trust him just yet. Derek held out his hand for her to take it.

"I got it thanks." Sarah said with a small smile.

They entered through the back of the house where Peter, Boyd and Ericka await his arrival. Ericka was immediately drawn to Sarah, and not in a good way. Derek seemed surprised to see them all there, and so was Sarah.

"Hey there babe." Ericka said sweetly to Derek. She turned to Sarah. "Who are you?"

Sarah was caught off guard, however she was not in the mood to kick Barbie werewolf's ass. So she decided to play nice, for now.

"I'm Sarah, Scott's older sister." She held out her hand for a nice gesture.

Ericka nodded. "Uh huh." She quickly bit her lip.

You could almost taste the jealousy in the room. You could sense Ericka wanted to pounce on Sarah.

"Really Derek? I am gone for a few days and this is what you bring home?" She smirked.

"Ericka, stand down." Boyd said tapping her arm.

"Back off Boyd." She snarled.

By this point Sarah was absolutely fuming inside, her blood practically boiling. However she remained somewhat calm for now, she was hoping her wound would be almost healed so she could kick some Barbie ass. She couldn't believe Derek was letting her speak to her in that way was this rest of his pack? She thought.

Boyd could sense it, that Sarah was just like them, but Ericka was so caught up in the moment she hardly noticed.

Ericka went over to Derek and hugged him, and then turned to Sarah, and walked slowly around her, inspecting every part of her being.

"And why are you here?" She asked. Looking over at her then at Derek.

Sarah spoke. "Derek is just showing me around. I'm new in town. Sarah said trying to sound innocent.

"What was that? I'm sorry was I supposed to care." She retorted.

"Ericka, stop." Derek said quickly.

"I don't have to, its going to be so much fun to wipe the floor with you." She chuckled.

She turned toward Sarah, whose wound had just about healed, and she was feeling pretty good.

"She has no idea, does she?" Derek whispered to Boyd.

"Nope." Boyd said quickly. "This should be good." He smiled. "She's got what's coming to her." Boyd folded his arms.

Sarah was now face to face with Ericka.

"I think its time you left, you've overstayed your welcome." She said slyly.

"You think so." Sarah said coolly. "Come over here and say that." Sarah came back at her.

"No problem, you are going to be sorry." She started to walk quickly toward Sarah. Sarah waited for the right moment, and held off her shift until Ericka lunged at her. Ericka shifted mid strike at her, however her strike was met with equal force as Sarah quickly counterattacked, still in human form, however bearing all four canines at her with glowing green eyes. She added a growl for dramatics. Ericka was shocked. Sarah completed her shift, however Ericka had hit the floor with such force that she was back in human form. She looked up at Sarah; in awe who was already back to human form. Derek looked really impressed.

"Now what were you saying?" Sarah asked Ericka.

"Nothing." She said quickly in a defeated voice.

"That's what I thought." She smirked.

She had put Ericka in her place, and now it was Derek's turn.

She turned to Derek in a pissed mood. "Take me home." She said sternly.

"What? You just got here." He replied.

"I know. Derek, take me home now." She growled at him.

"Sarah, lets just talk about this." Derek pleaded.

"No I'm done for today, you let Ericka do all the talking for you." She picked up her cell and dialed Scott.

Scott and Stiles were in the middle of a heated Halo 3 game, when he answered his phone.

"Scott, come get me now." Sarah said sounding pissed.

"What did he do?" Scott asked quickly.

"Its not what he did, its what he didn't do that pissed me off, and when I get pissed off, well lets just say I don't think Ericka will ever challenge me again." Sarah responded in a harsh tone.

"I'm on my way." Scott hung up the phone.

"What's up man?" Stiles asked.

"I guess Ericka challenged Sarah, and got her werewolf ass kicked." Scott said with a smirk.

"Aw man, and I missed it." Stiles said loudly.

"Lets go, were going to pick her up." Scott said grabbing his keys.

"Sarah, please don't, go lets just sit down and talk." Derek said following her outside.

"No Derek, leave me alone. Don't make me put you down too." Sarah said aggressively.

Derek stopped walking. "Are you challenging me?" He said angrily.

"Not directly, but I wouldn't push it if I were you." Sarah came back at him.

Derek looked pissed, but the last thing he wanted was to piss her off more, he was trying to win her over, and he was failing miserably. Scott drove into the driveway.

"Stiles, stay in the car, and don't get out." Scott instructed. Scott went over to Sarah.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked hugging her.

"I will be once we get out of here." Sarah said trying to calm herself down. Scott faced Derek.

"Derek, I am only going to tell you once, stay away from my sister." Scott said firmly.

Derek stepped closer to Scott, both of whom had shifted.

"Make me." Derek said.

Sarah knew she had to do something.

Derek lunged at Scott, and Sarah quickly intervened, pushing Derek with her hands, she put him down flat in his back. She growled at him. Scott and Derek both looked stunned. Sarah was a lot stronger than they both had anticipated.

"Scott, I think it's best if we leave now." She said walking towards the car." Scott followed Sarah.

Derek got up off the ground, and looked over at them in the car. He looked defeated, and angry at the same time. However, sadness came over him, he just wasn't sure what to do next.

"That was freaking awesome Sarah! You are my new best friend." Stiles said giving her a high-five.

Scott looked over at Stiles. "Well you can be my second best friend." He said quickly.

Scott looked over at his sister, and she looked over at him.

"Thank you, but next time, please don't get between Derek and I." Scott said with a small laugh.

"Alright, I won't, I just needed to make my point." She confessed.

"Point well made." Scott said in return. "Now lets go home."