It was another day on Fiore's noisiest guild: laughs, fights, drinks, screams... Really normal. But there was a girl, a blue-haired girl to be exact, which was beyond sad. This girl was Levy McGarden, and the reason of her sadness is unknown. She could be sad because the end of a book, because she has run out of good books... Books were the main reasons of her mood swings. Yes, this girl was a bookworm, but this sadness was different, because she wasn't even paying attention to the 'super interesting' conversation that her friends were having about something 'super interesting' that she really didn't care.

Her blonde friend, Lucy, noticed this and interrupted her 'oh-so interesting' conversation and (finally) looked at her sad blue-haired friend. "Are you ok, Levy-chan? You seem depressed" Lucy asked, before taking a large sip of her strawberry milkshake. Levy wasn't paying attention to her busty friend, so she didn't bother to answer her question.

"Levy-chan" the blonde said louder so the bluenette heard. Levy tilts her head towards the blonde's direction "huh?"

"I asked you: Are you ok? And you didn't answer me" Lucy explained "Gomen' Lu-chan, I'm a little distracted today" Levy tried to smile but failed. "Does that distraction have a name, maybe which rimes with 'Tajeel'? Mirajane asked and giggled along Lucy, but Levy didn't respond them, she just stayed silent with her head down.

"Spit it out, Levy-chan. What did he told you?" The blonde asked, but once again, she stayed silent. "Did the cat cut your tongue? Or Gajeel did?" Mira asked and giggled with Lucy. Levy was getting more annoyed until she exploded.

And that was no good.

Levy stood up and walked away. She didn't tell anyone anything; she just walked away. But something caught Lucy's eyes.

A tear

Why was she crying? She was always cheerful and happy. Being sad and depressed was so not her. But, why was she sad? Lucy started to think on anything that could cause sadness on Levy:

'Maybe her book ended tragically, Levy-chan likes happy endings; or maybe she wanted a book from that new writer and she didn't get it, yeah that must be'

Lucy was thinking pretty hard, until she realized something: it was Thursday. She gasped and remembered her girl talk with Levy:


"Lu-chan, you know I like Gajeel, right?" She asked timidly to her friend. Lucy and Levy were on Lucy's house. It was a Saturday night and Levy decided spends the night at her best friend house. "Levy-chan, everyone knows that. Well, everyone minus Gajeel" Both girls giggled at Gajeel's density. "Well, I-I w-want t-to c-c-confess t-to h-him" Levy started talking about her plans to get her and Gajeel alone, and how she was going to confess. "Oh, my God, I'm so happy for you Levy-chan. I'm sure he will return your feelings" Lucy assured. "You really think so, Lu-chan" The bluenette asked filled with hope which the blonde respond with a simple "Yes"

End of Flashback

Lucy gasped once more. 'I'm such a bad friend' she kept repeating it. Even worst, she gave Levy false hope: Poor Levy!

'Well, is better for me to leave her alone, she must be heartbroken'

The sun was high and there were no clouds, but though it was sunny, Levy couldn't feel the heat of the sun. Tears were streaming down her face gracefully. She was sitting under a Sakura tree, all by herself. Her hands intertwined and her head down.

Levy was surrounded by happy couples, because the Sakura tree was one of the most romantic places to go in this season. She took a deep breath and let the sweet smell of the tree fill her lungs. She has liked Gajeel for a long time now. No, scratch that. She has love Gajeel for a long time now. But, Levy was not going to die. Yes, she was hurt; yes, she still loved Gajeel, though he doesn't love her back. But this was not the end, it was the beginning.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a little exceed with a frog suit. "Fro is lost, please help Fro, fairy-san" Levy looked down and saw a little exceed. "Do I know you?" Levy asked softly. "Fairy-san doesn't remember Fro. But Fro does remember fairy-san from the Grand magic games" he said crying. That was it! He was from Sabertooth, Fairy Tail's biggest enemy. It is ok to help the enemy? She asked herself that and then she looked at the poor cat, she couldn't leave him there alone.

Levy picked up the little exceed "don't worry, I will help you!" She said with a bright smile on her face "Arigatou, Fairy-san" He said.

"What's your name, Fairy-san?" The little exceed asked. Levy had taken him in her small arms. "Levy McGarden, and yours?" They have been walking for about 20 minutes. "Fro's name is Frosch, but he likes been called Fro because is shorter" Levy giggled at his cuteness, he was so adorable! "And what's your favorite color, Fairy Levy-san? Do you like fish? What's your magic? What do you like?" She giggled even more. He was the definition of cuteness! "Well, I like orange and purple, I do like fish and I'm a Solid Script mage and I can also translate ancient books or stuff like that; and I LOVE books"

"Fairy Levy-san, you must be really smart!" He chirped "Fro once tried to read a book but he got bored" He said sadly. She smiled down at him and giggled "Reading is not for everyone, you know. But if you try and find interesting books I'm sure you can learn to love them" She said honestly and he nodded. "Fairy Levy-san" The cat said. Levy looked at him, still with her bright smile.

"Arigatou, Fairy Levy-san, for being nice to Fro" the little exceed said.

"Look Fairy Levy-san, those are my friends!" He squealed and set free from the hold of Levy "It was nice meeting you, Fairy Levy-san. Fro is going to miss you" He said while turning his head back at her with his kind smile. "It was nice meeting you too, Frosch-kun. Farewell" She said, still smiling, but when she looked at his friends they do not looked friendly at all.

Oh no.

The blonde one, Sting Eucliffe, send her a really mean look; and the other exceed, Lector did the same, but less intense. Last but not least, the owner of Frosch looked at her right in the eye. It sure was the more intense, though it only last a nanosecond. It was filled with hate and disgust. He had the same eye-color as Gajeel: a deep red.

"Take care, Fairy Levy-san" He yelled at her, which was running to her guild. Levy turned her head at the little cat; Levy was giggling at the last comment of the exceed. "You too, Frosch-kun"

She saw how the four Sabertooth members walked off.

'Well, today was an interesting day; it even made me forget about Gajeel for a minute'

"Wait, Gajeel who?" She said to herself with a smile