As with all fan fiction, this is not for profit, and these characters mostly don't belong to me!
This story is a sequel to my previous Supernatural stories "Happy Birthday" & "Happy Birthday to Me". While this story may occasionally call back to them, I think you should still be able to enjoy it without having read them. I do ask that you be gentle since I'm setting this story in the present, despite the fact I haven't watched season 8! (In case you're wondering why: I didn't get into the show until last year, and by the time I caught up, season 8 was under way.) If it helps, just think of this as an alternative! Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy this, and if you do, please write a review.
The miles and scenery clicked by at a blistering pace as Dean Winchester steered his beloved (and newly repaired) Impala down the interstate. To his immediate right sat his younger brother and longtime road companion Sam. He glanced over at him, taking his eyes off the road for just a moment, and then reached down to grab a tape because the only station that would come in sucked. He fumbled the tape, and Sam sprang into action.
"Let me get that, Dean. You just concentrate on driving. Although generally you don't drive like this unless there's an imminent Apocalypse," he wryly observed as the speedometer inched ever closer to 100. Wherever they were headed, Dean was going to get them there in a hurry. He wouldn't say much about it other than after a series of dreams, he knew that they HAD to get to a little town called Clearwater in Iowa. They had undertaken jobs under weirder circumstances and with even less intel, and so after wrapping up their latest mission, the boys had set off.
The name of the town sounded vaguely familiar to Sam, but when you've traveled back and forth the USA as often as he had with Dean, ALL of the towns started to sound familiar. Look familiar too.
He knew better than to ask Dean for specifics about his dreams. But for Dean to have insisted on making this their next job, and for him to be driving this way told him enough. They had to have been pretty terrible. He only wished Dean would be more forthcoming so he could help him to prepare. Maybe even do some research. But at this point, Sam knew that Dean wasn't in a sharing mode, and when he was that way he'd only dig in his heels more if he pestered his brother too much to give up details. He'd eventually come around when he was ready.
Sam popped in the tape that Dean had grabbed earlier and hoped that the music would help Dean relax a bit. A tense, agitated Dean was not a good thing. Especially if they were about to enter into yet another epic battle. At least, he mused, they were back together. It was always easier to face the creepy crawlies and monsters with Dean by his side. Working alone had never really worked out well for him.
For his part, Dean continued to expertly pilot the car, all the while feeling rather guilty about this trip. He'd been deliberately vague, knowing that Sam would assume that his dreams were of the nightmare variety.
Yeah, not so much.
But then again, he'd been having them for YEARS now, and they'd only gotten more intense and more frequent in the past couple of weeks. Clearly, something was up, and maybe if he saw her again, the dreams would stop.
He'd been wracking his memory, trying to come with a possible explanation for why he continued to have erotic dreams about a long ago one night stand. He pictured her and her little house, and nothing about them had given off an otherworldly vibe. If anything, they had been rather aggressively normal. Maybe she was a witch or something. But that didn't fit with the woman he remembered.
However he did remind himself for the umpteenth time, just because he knew her in the biblical sense, didn't mean he really knew her. They had only been together a few hours at most, and at least a couple of them had been spent sleeping. He'd been wrong before about women (and oh boy HAD he), but he liked to think he could still tell civilians apart from people like himself.
A part of him was looking forward to seeing her again, not the usual emotion he had when he thought about the women he'd been with. If pressed, he might even admit to being a bit nervous. It had been more than four years ago. She could be married for all he knew. She could have a kid.
Maybe it was just the angels fucking with him. Again. Some more. It was just the sort of indirect, cryptic shit they seemed to enjoy so much. And he had to admit, there were worse ways for them to get his attention. The dreams were far preferable to dealing with them in person. He couldn't stand those fuckers. Castiel being the lone exception.
Dean drummed the steering wheel along with the music as it blasted through the speakers. Was there any better driving music than the Black Album at full volume? Not that he'd come across. He kept his foot firmly on the accelerator, propelling them forward into the bright sunshine.
To be fair, not ALL of them had been sex dreams. Occasionally, the two of them had just talked and done normal stuff. The kind of stuff he'd done with Lisa; like making dinner or watching TV. But with the woman in his dreams, it had felt different, more intimate somehow. Sometimes the dreams replayed that night in the bar and later in her bedroom. Sometimes it was just the two of them doing all the stuff he'd never gotten to do but had wanted to do to her. The shower one was a particular favorite.
He tried to remember when the dreams had started, and he wasn't having much luck. They'd been going on so long, he'd grown to expect them from time to time. They'd actually been one of the few things he had looked forward to because without fail, they had been one of the few consistently pleasant experiences in his life. But after a solid week straight of dreaming of nothing but her and dealing with the subsequent morning wood, it was time to do something about it. Thank whatever deity of your choice they were only about an hour away.
It was little after noon on a bright Saturday morning when they arrived in the small town. It looked like most mid-western towns; with a nice little main street area, and on the outskirts had been some farms and a corporate complex that looked like it belonged to a manufacturing business of some sort. A large banner hanging across the center of the main drag welcomed spring and proclaimed the resumption of the farmers' market. On Saturdays, from 10 AM until 2 PM, as it so happened.
It didn't look like the kind of place that evil forces would intrude on, but what place ever did?
"Sam, what do you say we check out the farmers market?"
Dean remembered that she told him that she sold her baked goods there. He figured that was better than just showing up on her doorstep. That might freak her out. Plus, if she had gotten married, she might not even live there anymore.
Sam looked at his brother like he had a second head growing out from his shoulders. "Dean, you realize a farmers market is primarily a place where people sell fruit and vegetables, right?" Sam was immediately suspicious. The chance that Dean wanted to consume non-processed food was about the same as the Powers That Be leaving them alone and letting them lead normal lives.
Thinking quickly Dean responded, "I know, Sam. But I think we might find the person we're looking for there, that's all. In a place like this, I bet it's a big event. Probably the whole place turns out to either sell or buy stuff."
OK, so Dean did have a good point there. It was the sort of thing that people in small towns went to. "Did your dreams tell you to look there?" he asked, honestly curious.
Dean answered truthfully. "Not exactly. But it seems like a logical place to start looking."
"And who or what are we looking for, Dean? Spill it," Sam demanded.
"Let me find a good place to park first," Dean replied as they pulled into the farmers market. There were a lot of cars, indicating it was pretty popular. A little ways off, Sam could see people milling around the various booths. Brightly colored balloons dangled from the wrists of little kids clutching the hands of their parents. All in all, it was a scene straight from an idealized version of an American small town that the Winchesters had little experience with. Monsters they knew and were comfortable with. Normal life was something they only something with which they had a passing acquaintance.
As was his custom, Dean parked a ways apart from the other cars, making sure no one could accidentally ding the Impala when they threw their car door open. Together they walked toward the park where the market had been set up. Once they arrived, Dean and Sam wandered among the crowds; Dean constantly scanning the people to make sure he didn't miss her. And since Sam had no idea who they were looking for, he just decided to check out what was for sale.
While sure enough, most of the people were selling organic fruits and veggies, but there were also small stands where people were selling handicrafts. One lady was even selling pottery and glass art objects. Off to one side, there was one booth he couldn't see very well since there was a wall of people standing in front of it. Eventually one of the patrons moved aside, and Sam was able to get a glimpse of table. It looked like a bake sale!
It was probably a benefit for the local high school or something. He moved in closer to get a better look, figuring he'd pick up something that he could share with Dean. As he approached he realized it wasn't a bake sale at all. Instead of a hand-written sign proclaiming who the beneficiaries of the profits would be, there was a professional one that read: "Kate's Treats – Celebrating 4 Years" listing the address as 15 Western Avenue.
There were a couple of teenagers manning the booth, along with someone he assumed was their supervisor. He couldn't see her very well because at the moment her back was turned to him. Her curly brown hair was drawn into a low pony tail, and she was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that sagged a bit, like they were a size too big. She yanked them up, and turned around catching his gaze almost immediately.
"Can I help you, sir?" she asked politely.
"Just looking for now," he answered. Then he decided to ask a probably stupid question, considering the brisk business the booth was doing. "What's good?"
She took the question in stride, her eyes lighting up behind her glasses. She was pretty, he reflected. Not a knockout or anything, but she had a nice face. She gave him a little smile just as she asked him a question in return. "You're not from around here, are you?"
"You got me. I'm here with my brother. We're visiting, and when he saw the sign for the farmers market, he insisted we stop by to check things out," Sam explained easily.
"Thanks for stopping by. I hope you both enjoy your stay in town. Allow me to be the first person to welcome you to Clearwater, Iowa," she said kindly. She paused a moment and then added, "I hope you guys are staying with someone in town. You don't want anything to do with the motel on the county road."
Sam couldn't help chuckling to himself a bit, knowing that was exactly where he and Dean would be bunking that night. He was about to concoct a story about visiting an aunt for the lady's benefit when he heard a very familiar voice call his name.
"Sammy, what are you doin'? I almost lost you in this crowd, and you're freakin' enormous! You'd think they were giving the stuff away!"
Sam cringed a bit, about to apologize for his dumb ass brother when he noticed that the nice lady seemed to be as perturbed as he was. She quickly pushed her glasses back, and tucked a stray hair that had escaped her pony tail behind her ear. She then dropped her head down a bit, like she was trying to hide it.
He heard her mumble that she had to excuse herself and that one of her girls would help him, and she abruptly turned away just as Dean slid in next to him.
Instead of checking out all the goodies neatly laid out on the table, Dean's sole focus was on behind the counter. He was staring intently at the woman who had just stepped away from him.
That must have been her name because she turned back around, her eyes closed in an extended blink.
"Yes, can I help you?" she replied as sweet as ever, but underneath her words there was a slight edge.
The words just hung in the air between her and his brother for a moment. Sam looked between the two of them. Her face was a mixture of unease and wistfulness. For his part, Dean's face was hard, using the inscrutable expression he always used when he was trying to conceal his real emotions. Clearly, these two had a history.
"Kate, it's me. Dean Winchester," his brother responded, his voice almost willing her to remember him.
"I'm sorry, I'm really busy right now. I don't have time to talk," she replied, her voice flat. She turned away again, signaling that the conversation was over, but then she turned back, like she immediately regretted what she just said. "Why don't you come back after 2 when the market is over?"
Dean nodded and thrust his hands in his pockets, replying "OK. See you then." And then he wandered away. Feeling like a dumbass, Sam had no choice but to follow him. What the hell had just happened there?
Kate Hager's heart was beating about a million miles an hour, and she took deep breaths to calm herself down. The last thing she had expected to see this morning when she had gotten herself ready was HIM. Dean. The man who had so thoroughly rocked her world four years ago.
A lot had changed since then. Not long after Dean had disappeared from her life, she decided it was time to stop doing a job she disliked even though she was very good at it. She quit her job and gathered up her courage and her savings and applied for a small business loan and opened a bakery. The loan officer had initially been hesitant, saying something about be concerned about her "decision making" skills, but she had developed a well thought out business plan, and it had been impossible for him to turn her down.
Her one night stand with Dean had made the rounds among the adults in town, and for a couple of months she endured stares at the grocery store and local Walgreen's. It was like suddenly everyone expected her to start sleeping with every male over eighteen within the town limits. At one point she was tempted to start wearing a scarlet "S" on her chest. But she defied the town gossips and stayed far away from Lucky's, and just went about her business. By the time the bakery opened, everyone had moved on to the far juicier story about the star football player getting his girlfriend the head cheerleader knocked up.
And now he was back, from God knows wherever he had been for the last four years. His last name was Winchester, like the rifle. And it turned out he had a brother. A really TALL brother who had claimed they were in town "visiting". Were they here to see her?
She shook her head. They couldn't possibly be here to see her. Dean had probably been with a lot of women since her. Frankly, she was impressed he even remembered her name. As much as that night had meant to her, she doubted she'd made that much of an impression. Just another in a long line of hookups. Although maybe the fact she'd been a virgin made her stand out a bit.
He looked almost exactly the same. Maybe there were a few more worry lines around his eyes, but aside from that he appeared to be unchanged. His wardrobe was even the same. He was still the most breathtaking male she'd ever seen in person.
"Miss Hager, you know that guy?" asked Emily, one of her assistants, knocking her back into the present.
She nodded, figuring it was better to acknowledge Dean's existence than try to pretend he'd just been a really vivid hallucination.
"You go, Miss Hager. He's a hottie!" Emily enthused.
"And did you see that guy who was with him? I think he said he was the other guy's brother. He's fine too. He's gotta be like 6'5"!" said Rayna, her other helper for the day excitedly.
Their enthusiasm was contagious, and she couldn't help smiling. From their perspective, Kate was a lucky lady. If only they knew how weird this situation was. Even though a good part of her was thrilled to see him again, this was not an expected turn of events. "Ladies, let's just concentrate on the task at hand, and try to get everything sold before 2, OK?" she replied, trying to use her most professional voice, wanting to set a good example for the teenage girls. If she got carried away, they would get carried away, and next thing she knew she'd be spilling her guts to them.
"I don't know, Miss Hager. If I was you I'd be going back home and getting myself fixed up before they come back," Emily said. "Rayna and I can handle the stand while you're gone. Right, Ray?" She elbowed her partner, and she shook her head emphatically in the affirmative.
"That's OK, girls. Dean and I are just old friends," she lied. "He's not worth going to all that trouble."
The two of them looked at her like she had lost her damn mind. And Kate was starting to feel like just maybe she had.
Sam convinced Dean that since they weren't going to be able to talk to Kate for at least another hour, they might as well get something to eat. Normally the mention of food never failed to get Dean's ass in gear. It was a cheap trick, Sam knew, but perhaps over a cheeseburger he could get his brother to open up a bit.
Dean agreed, and they found a small café on Main Street that looked like it would be OK. It wasn't busy, but the aroma pouring out of the place was good. Always a good sign.
A sign said, "Seat Yourself", and they obliged, choosing a booth by the window that also provided one of them an unobstructed view of the front door, and the other a direct view into the kitchen. John Winchester may have not always been the most nurturing parent on the planet, but he had made sure his boys had learned their lessons well. And one of those was to ALWAYS know your exits. Another was to never sit with your back to the door.
A cheery middle-aged and bottle blonde waitress took their order, and Sam was relieved that Dean was with it enough to order his usual. Their food arrived quickly, and his bacon cheeseburger smelled so good Sam was beginning to regret he'd gotten a grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad. Dean's fries looked particularly yummy. Of course, he was completely ignoring them. Sam snatched one, figuring that might get his attention. No such luck.
"Hey, Earth to Dean. Food's here!" he gently chided.
That seemed to work, and for the next few minutes the two of them ate in relative silence. The waitress came back to ask how their food was, and Dean had perked up enough to give her one of his patented grins.
"Everything's great, sweetheart. Haven't had a burger this good in ages," he remarked.
Sam watched as the waitress nearly melted into a puddle on the floor when given the full force Dean Winchester charm offensive. Sam knew he should be used to it at this point, but he never ceased to be surprised at the effect his brother had on the fair sex.
Once she withdrew and they were alone, Sam took the opportunity to finally get some answers to all his questions. "So I take it that "Kate" is the reason we're here. Please tell me Dean, this wasn't just some elaborate booty call."
Dean had the good grace to look the tiniest bit guilty. "Hand to God, Sammy, I swear this isn't about getting lucky! I wasn't lying when I said I'd been having dreams about her."
"Be straight with me, Dean, what KIND of dreams have you been having about her?"
"Fine, I admit it. I've been having those kind of about her. At least most of the time," he concluded. Dean looked across the fading linoleum of the table at his little brother, and sure enough Sam looked pissed. He had to admit, he had every right to be.
In an attempt to reason with his brother, he decided to try a revolutionary tactic: telling the truth. "Look Sam, I've had dreams about her on and off for something like four years now. But in the last couple of weeks, they've just been intense. I thought that maybe there was something behind it."
Sam's eyes softened a bit at his brother's admission. "Yeah, don't think I haven't noticed that you've been hogging the shower lately." That quip got a smile. "You've really had dreams about her for four years? To be honest Dean, she's not really your type."
"And what, dear brother, is my type?" he shot back, offended that Sam would say that.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" Sam asked skeptically. This had to be a trap.
"Have at it," Dean replied, reclining against the cushions of the booth, spreading his arms wide, indicating that Sam should take his best shot.
So he did.
"Short, hot, and frankly kinda dumb."
"Lisa wasn't dumb," he returned defensively.
"But she was the exception, Dean. You have to admit that."
It was true, and to hear it from his brother was like a slap across the face. His taste in women had never been the most discerning. So he was shallow. So were most men. But he had changed in the last couple of years. He'd actually had a real, long term relationship. He'd been a dad for a while. Of course, it had inevitably ended badly, but that was just the way his life worked.
Dean Winchester wasn't allowed to have nice things. Not without paying an absurdly high price for those moments of true happiness.
"Funny how the shoe is on the other foot this time. I never thought I would see the day where you willingly violated Hunter Rule # 1," Sam said, almost gleeful at his brother showing a normal, human weakness. Dean had always been the first one to make the call when a hunter was needed in a town they had already been to.
"Well, smart ass, we're not technically violating the rule. We never did a job here. We just passed through," Dean countered. He loved nothing better than winning an argument with his baby brother. Seeing his beaten expression, he couldn't help grinning.
He glanced down at his left wrist and checked the time. It was nearly 1:30 now. The waitress returned and asked if either of them would like dessert.
"They're all made locally at a bakery in town. They're really good."
"From Kate's Treats?" Dean inquired.
"You betcha! You guys saw her booth at the farmers market, right? She makes the best apple pie in the county."
Any other time, Dean would have been down for big slice, nice and warm, topped with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream; however he didn't want to miss Kate before she packed up for the day.
"Some other time," he promised.
With that, the waitress laid the check face down, and Dean snatched it up before Sam could get to it. He dug out his wallet from his back pocket and paid the bill, being sure to leave a nice tip. The bill settled, the two hunters headed back to the car, and were soon on their way back to the farmers market.
Dean just hoped that Kate hadn't taken off early in order to avoid them.