Me:I making a new story lol but im still working on the others so ya.

Midnight:She finally decided to tell everyone about me for once.

Me:Hehe yay so here your stupido disclaimer.

Midnight:She does not own STH or any others they are owned by SEGA

Me:I only own my oc's and Midnight

Midnight:No one owns me! I am my own person

Me:Whatev so on with the story!


10 years ago in the ark before eggman was arrested:

"I swear on my life I will have my revenge on those mutant rats if it's the last thing I do!" proclaimed a very tall and round man.

"But Doctor," insisted a gray robot, " you have said such things before and failed every time. What is so different from this time?"

The man looked at the robot and he said,"Bokune? Do you know why we are on the ARK right now?"

The robot looked blankly at the man,"No, why are we here Doctor Eggman?"

Eggman looked at Bokune then laughed like the madman he then said,"Because Bokune, I have looked through my grandfather,Doctor Gerald Robotnik's studies and found out that Shadow is not the only artificially made rat in this dump," Eggman stopped at a red vault door that said in neon green" cation extremely dangerous experiments kept in the lab. Eggman ignored the sign and went on in. In the lab the doctor turned on the lights. When the lights went on and there was three test tubes with a figure in each of them.

Eggman sighed and then said," Oh have I waited for this day to come for so long!"

Eggman typed in the code:vault doorlatch#1latch#2latch#3release hatch open hibernation fluid drain

After typing that code the purple liquid drained out of the tubes and you could now see the figures clearly. In the first tube was a black male hedgehog with green streaks with a green birth mark shaped like a sword over his right eye. In the second tube a black female hedgehog with purple streaks could be seen. She had a purple birthmark shaped like a heart on her right eye. Then finally in the third and final tube was a dark pink female hedgehog with a huge red lightning shaped scar on her right eye.

Eggman looked at the tubes and smiled,"Welcome my children,Duece, Debria, and finaly my dear Midnight rise and live again!"

Al the sudden in the first tube green flashes, in the second tube purple flashes, and in the third tube dark emerald green flashes. Then Eggman laughed and laughed then said,"Finaly! Be carefull Sonic watch your back because I'm back and worse then ever!"

Me: So how was it? If u think I should keep going tell me!

Midnight:Humph! She just doesn't like my story. Every time she hears it she cries. I mean really what the heck?

Me:Anyway If you like It just say It so Bye!
