"...Hey, kid, what's up?"

Over the last few days, Ralph had been trying desperately to regain his little President's usual self. Ever since Vanellope's discovery, it seemed as though a piece of her had left to find better fortune elsewhere. She stayed in her bed a lot or just wandered the castle, her large, dark eyes full of thought.

This wasn't her usual and it was concerning him.

"Hey, Ralph. I'm just..." She trailed off as if not fully knowing exactly what she was doing and glanced down at the floor.

The wrecker didn't know what to do. He wasn't experienced with this kind of thing, "Uhm, you've seemed upset." He got to the point.


"...You wanna talk about it?" He coaxed, hoping she'd give him something.

"Not really..." She began to lumber away, arms swinging limply like deadweights at her side.

He sighed, "Hold up, kid. I-I just hate to see you like this! Could I do anything to help?..."

She paused and looked up over her shoulder at him, almost apologetically, "Nah, it's ok, fart-brain, I'll be ok." She mustered a small smile.

Well, that sounded more like her, that was for sure, "Well, if ya need anything, I'm here."

She gave him a half-hearted thumbs up and continued her treck down the hall. Ralph felt the urge to follow her, but didn't want to possibly pester the girl and drive her away from him. He shook his head and wondered if he should retire early and go back to his game for the night.

"S-so gLad wE could comE to An agreeMEnt..."

The Queen flinched and glared as the beast's head neared her own, "The feeling is mutual."

Turbo laughed and tucked his long neck back into his shell and settled down on the cave floor, "You wiLL bE HeadIng oUt S-soon, i AssuMe..?"

"Well, ya know what assuming does." She scoffed dryly, brushing at her dress distractedly. At the low, menacing growl pointed her way she jumped and nodded, "But, yeah, I will be!"


She watched him for a moment, "As much as I distain you, it's a pretty clever plan, i'll give ya that."

He chuckled and nodded at the praise, closing his eyes. Feeling her stare still upon him, he stretched open his mouth into a wide, unnerving yawn, showing off every gristeled fang unfortunate enough to be attached to his slobbery gums.

That, for sure, averted her eyes, "Ok, i'm gone." She shuddered and left, not wanting to stick around in a dark area with this guy for too long. Who knows what could happen.

After some time of getting used to the light and wandering in search of a pathway of a sort, she spotted the tips of the castle and headed the direction. As she got closer, the Queen became more nervous, wringing her hands and keeping an eye on everything at once.

Make the introductions quick, be sincere. STOP SHAKING. She mentally slapped herself. Why am I so upset? This'll be easy. Just gain their trust! She doesn't remember anything, anyway. It'll be a fresh start...

She arched her back straight and flung her head in the air proudly, nearing the entrance. Firmly grasping the two large handles on the massive front doors, she tossed it open and stepped in, allowing the breeze to ruffle her hair and outfit.

The dazzling silhouette caused the girl on the throne's jaw to drop in astonishment as the figure drawled, "Hello, sweetie..."


The weary monarch dragged his furious wife back into the castle, "Now, jus'tht calm down, darling...let's tal-!"

She ripped herself away from him and blew a loose strand of hair out of her face, "Talk?! All we ever DO is talk! I want an EXPLINATION!"

"W-what explination?" King Candy held his hands up towards her in a half-shrug, "I thought you understood all this! Ya can't race because you'll be you'll be unlocked soo-"

Yet again, she cut him off, "You've been saying that for THREE years, dear! I'm starting to think that you don't give a heck about me! You and that brat go out and while the day away together, having the time of your lives, while i'm stuck in this forsaken rock, rotting away and doing chores like a servant!"

"B-but, honey...You never let me or Vanellope get near you anymore when we come home! You're making yourself lonely! She was s'tho upset last night when you threw thos'the flowers she picked for you..."

"Spare me the details, please."

The king stared at her sadly, "You know that I love you..."

"Then prove it!" She spat, "You will never let me race, and you toy with one excuse after the other. Well, i'm sick of it! I want the truth, now!"

He stared at her with heartbroken eyes, mouth opening and closing slightly, "Please...calm down, it's nearly dinner."

Her eyebrows raised, "So, that's it, huh? Never mind about dinner, i'm going to sleep."

"B-but don't you want to wait and see Vanellope off ta bed...?" He asked defeatedly.

"Think long and hard about what my answer will be." She growled, stomping up the stairs to her room.