A/N: Okay, let me apologize and explain why I'm such a piece of human trash. I am so sorry that I've basically been dead for just about a year and a half, I'm part of a magnet program at my school and last year I had entered the first year of actual exams. I had not been prepared for the amount of writing I had to do in such a limited amount of time (and that sounds like bull seeing as my chapters are 3,000 words at a minimum, but 600-900 words without counting words with 4 letters or less in an hour times two?) and I really had no time to write what I WANTED to write while analyzing 60 line texts. I did start something for Soul Eater but that's because I bullshat 'original fiction' essay by writing fanfic and it took off, but even that froze after a week or two.

I am going to do the best I can to make up my time of absence. My time of dying. Let's just compare my education to my future in infant form and I have been on maternity leave. Yes, the baby might take me away again, but by the time I reach college, my future will have been born and have grown up enough for me to handle it way better. College level classes at less than 17 will make it way easier as time goes on.

I hope I'm inspired to write sooner rather than later, but I sadly can't promise anything. Every time I sit down to write just about anything I go completely brain dead. I'm so sorry that I've disappointed you all, I love this story, but Jessi has gone silent. I hope my readers and fellow authors understand.

Thank you to those who didn't give up on me because of my leave, and I promise to try and sprint forwards.


So I was able to grind out something for Hannibal and I'm hoping that helps jolt the rest of the cogs in my head back into action. I'm so behind with my life, I hit a low and I'm only recently (and slowly) crawling out of that hole. Forgive me for being so- out of it. You all deserve better. Loki and Jessi deserve better. The team deserves better... I'm just... I'm sorry.