A/N: SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! BUT I'M BACK ON TRACK AND SHIT'S GETTING DONE. So I have a plan. I know some people don't want to either read a lemon or don't want to read about Danny getting raped so I'm going to cut up this chapter. This one is still a bit graphic towards the end but the next chapter is the one with the lemon. I'll make the lemon chapter without any pertinent information to the plot so you wont be missing anything if you choose not to read it. Enjoy!

"Hello, Daniel." Vlad. Danny's eyes shot open. He was back in the lab, sitting on the examining table, his shirt still missing. His heart almost leapt from his chest. His pulse drumming in his ears.

"No! No! I was at Sam's!" He jumped off the table, kicking the table back several inches from where it sat. His fists curled and his temperature rising; seeing red. His throat constricted, his vision blurred. The closer he got to Vlad the more he wanted to punch that smirk right off of his pompous face. Repeatedly. Wanted to keep punching until nothing was left but faded memories. "What did you do?!" Vlad gave a loud boisterous laugh. "Where's Sam?!" Danny grabbed Vlad by the front of his cloak.

"It seems you really are as stupid as your grades led on." Vlad easily dispelled Danny's hold on him. A heavy hand was brought down across his face, stinging for several long moments. Danny blinked until his vision cleared. His stomach tightened and he felt sick. "I control you're thoughts, your memories. Everything you hold dear lies in my hands." Vlad held out his arms with his palms up as if he was the son of God. Danny thought it was just some sick joke Vlad was playing on him. It had to be. He couldn't control everything... It wasn't humanely possible!

"Come child, you look a little green." Vlad sneered as he tossed a black button up shirt at him and turned on his heel, walking out of the lab. Danny looked down at the shirt. Danny hesitated, he could make a break for it. He could.. "Ah-ah-ah!" Vlad waggled a finger, twisting his torso to face Danny. "You wouldn't want something bad to happen to your dear old friend Samantha, now would you?"

Something bad? He just said it's all in my head... Right? Reluctantly, he obeyed, buttoning the shirt as he walked. Danny looked up and felt a wave of butterflies as he saw Vlad staring at him with a blank look. The shirt fit perfectly, like he had been measured and the shirt tailored. A chill ran up his spine as he kept a few spaces between them. He was led through the same hallway Vlad led him through before, er, in the dream? He wasn't sure how to label that experience just yet. It wasn't reality as Vlad had said but it felt so life like. He felt the warm pulse of Sam's cheek, he saw the curve of her hips, the dreamy look in her eyes when they kissed... He flushed, even the kiss felt so real. I control your thoughts, Vlad's cruel growl rung through his head. Vlad made him kiss her! Or was that him who did that? He made Sam kiss him. This was so confusing.

"What do you mean? Sam is long gone, you can't hurt her!" He meant that to sound a lot stronger than it came out. He was going to call Vlad on his bluff, he just needed to figure out the right things to say. I wish Sam was here, she's a lot better at being manipulative than I am. Another thought crossed his mind. Sam. He can't find her right? He knew he had said she was gone, but.. Was that even true?

Vlad kept walking, seemingly ignoring Danny's question. They made it to the door Danny walked through- thought he walked through- but instead of going out Vlad made a right into a hallway he hadn't realized was there. Danny's jaw dropped at the sight. It was a large, brilliantly lit dinning room. In the middle of the room was a long hardwood table that could sit twenty people. The whole room was elegantly designed, from the expensive carpet to the hand carved italian mold carvings around the room to the luxuriously plush padding on the hand carved wooden chairs.

He hadn't noticed Vlad watching him. With a sharp snap and a crack, his jaw slammed shut when he noticed the cruel smirk curl up into an expression he'd never seen before. "Enjoying the view?" Vlad took his seat at the head of the table. Danny, not wanting to sit directly next to him, sat three seats down. Not giving Vlad the satisfaction of getting under his skin, Danny took interest in a brightly shined and polished fork. He found his fun house mirror look highly amusing.

With a chuckle Vlad unfolded a newspaper that had been previously placed there and began reading. Danny fidgeted uncomfortably, his eyes danced around the room. He fiddled with the fork, tapping it on the table, his palm, back down to the table.

"You'll be surprised what I am capable of doing, Daniel." His eyes landed on Vlad. Vlad's red eyes flicked up to meet his gaze as if challenging Danny. With a gulp he set the fork down. Vlad's eyes lingered on him, not on his eyes but... his lips?

"H-how do you know where Sam is?"

"To be honest, I don't." A sigh of relief. "Yet." Gulp. "But then again who knows. Certainly not you," Vlad chuckled. "Your friends could be sitting in the dungeon starving to death for all you know." He neatly folded the paper back up and turned his focus directly to Danny. "There is a reason taking over the world was as easy as it was. Knowledge is power, dear boy. This is a lesson you are going to live and learn."

"Yeah? And why is that?" Before Danny could even register what happened, Vlad had him pinned to the ground. The chair laid flat beneath him as if he was sitting parallel to the floor. Vlad's powerful arm gripped tightly around his throat, applying just enough pressure to ensure fear but also allowing him just enough oxygen.

"You have no choice but to believe what I tell you. Game over, Danny Phantom. I've won." His grip tightened slightly. "IF you know what's good for you and your little friends, you'll do as I say. I'm not a cruel man, Daniel, but test me and I'll show you how cruel I can be." Danny's hands flew up to grab Vlad's arms, struggling to breathe. Just as quickly as it happened, it was over. Vlad was back in his chair, with newspaper in front of him as if nothing had happened. Shakily, Danny fixed the chair and hesitated.

Vlad looked at Danny questioningly and it was then that Danny knew what he would do. He turned on his heel to make a run for it, throwing the chair behind him and into Vlad as he knew he had gotten up to chase him down. The chair hit it's target, forcing Vlad back several feet and giving Danny more time to get ahead. He bounded down the hallway, trying to go ghost with each time ending up with a sharp shock. He zigzagged left and right, up and down corridors he'd never seen. He flew through doors praying each one wouldn't be a dead end. He reached a flight of stairs and took them. Without out a moments hesitation he ran to the window and looked out. He was on the second story. The window was sealed shut and he couldn't budge it.

In a wild frenzy he looked for any type of blunt object he could use to smash the window, a lamp, a chair, a book, anything! There was rustling outside the room. A loud thud when something- or someone- collided with the locked door. Think Fenton! Think! The doorknob started violently rustling. Danny's heart pounding in his ears wasn't helping his concentration. With a final thud, the door flew open. Nothing but a cool breeze came in.

"Vlad?" Of course it's Vlad... Who else could it be? Geez, I really am so stupid sometimes. "Vlad, I'm sorry, okay?." Danny could barely even whisper.

"Not as sorry as you're going to be." Vlad slowly walked in, turning the hallway like a stalking cat. He stood in front of him, towering over him like a bully in a school yard. "I warned you, and now you must be punished." He had a blank look on his face, as if he was playing poker. He turned on his heel and left the room pausing only to say, "You'll regret it if you don't follow me. More so than you already are," As he turned out of the door way and out of sight. Danny was left to collect himself before scurrying after him. Why did I run? What if he really has Sam? I put Sam's life in danger. What if I doomed her? It's all my fault.

"Vlad, I'm sorry! Don't hurt Sam! Please..." He felt his eyes starting to sting as he followed Vlad down several corridors until he got to a large double doored entrance. With that same blank look, Vlad opened the door and beckoned Danny in. Without hesitation Danny stepped through the doorway. Danny froze when he saw what this room was. Vlad's bedroom. He turned to leave only to collide with Vlad's chest.

"Get on the bed."

"Vlad... You can't be serious!?"

"Get on the bed." He annunciated each word, slowly, putting that sharp edge on every syllable. Danny took a few tentative steps forward, each step putting him and the bed closer and closer. His throat was tightening, each pulse from his heart struggled to push the blood through his veins. The thumping in his ears made his stomach lurch. The light breaths on his neck tickling the fine hairs. A small shove pushed him face down onto the bed. Before he had a chance to recover, a heavy mass landed on top of him, pinning him down. Vlad nuzzled behind his ear, taking a deep breath. "I really am going to enjoy this." His tongue flicked out and licked the length of the boy's ear.

A small sob escaped the young boy's mouth. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Wake up, Fenton! This can't be real. It's one of those memory things... the thing Vlad did earlier! Yeah, it's not real. It's all just a sick, twisted joke.

A hand moved down his legs, down over his thigh to squeeze the meatiest part of his leg. Danny let out a shuddering breath. "Vlad, stop it! Get off me!" A strong hand came down striking Danny. A tear slid down his cheek.

"I warned you boy, if you disobey me there must be consequences." His lips collided with his. Vlad's mouth strong and demanding, teeth gnawing at his lower lip making it bleed.

Danny's mind was swimming. No thought was coherent. THe feeling of Vlad groping him, biting a trail down his neck was throwing him over the edge. He could feel himself cracking. How could he live with himself after... after this?

A hand roughly cupping his balls threw him out of his comatose. He thrashed against Vlad throwing him off the bed. Sliding off, Danny ran to the door.

"BOY! You leave this room and you sentence your friends to death." Danny paused. "Make your choice. Spend the night with me, or have your dear friend Samantha squished like a tiny bug between my fingers. Your choice, Little Badger." He sat against the head board, a wicked grin spread across his features. Of course he had no option. He couldn't put another life in danger just because he didn't want to... He cringed. He was-IS- Danny Phantom. He found his purpose in life was to help people. If he didn't... handle Vlad, someone would die because of him. That's something he knew he couldn't handle on his conscience. With his head hung low Danny slowly turned and stepped towards the bed. Willingly walking towards his own downfall.

"That's a good little Badger. You're making the right choice." Danny crawled onto the bed. His hair covering his eyes. "You know how this would have ended had you chose to run, right?" Vlad pulled him onto his lap, coddling the smaller frame against his wide chest. "I would have caught you, pulled you down to the dungeon and forced you to watch as I killed her." His hand stroked the raven hair back. "Then I would have dragged you right back up here," Soft breathes against his neck. "and had my way with you regardless." He sucked an earlobe into his mouth.

"Can we just get it over with?" He felt defeated. His life was was not what it should have been. He'd be losing his virginity not to the girl he loved but... to some sick fruitloop with a son complex.

Vlad sighed. "This really is too good. I, Vlad Plasmius, single handedly brought the entire planet to it's knees!" He placed a light kiss on Danny's head. "And to think Danny Phantom is sitting here on my bed. Danny Phantom, who was the earth's only real hope and look at you now. No powers, forced to lay civilized next to me on my bed, practically begging me to have my way with him. Oh, it really is too good. Enough gloating, let's get started shall we?"

POLL: Who should the next victim of Vlad's cruelty be? Anyone you want to see get bound and murdered in front of poor Danny? Who ever gets the most votes will surely die in the next chapter. Will it be Dash? Or should we just get straight to the point and kill Sam? But lets be reasonable; Tucker hasn't even made an appearance yet! But who knows, maybe Jazz's meddling might get her right in the middle of Vlad's plans and we all know we can't let that happen. Cast your votes and let's see who dies...