"Sorry Plasmius, no map will ever help you find your way. You need therapy for that!" Danny taunted as he sent green blasts directly at Plasmius, sending him flying. Vlad let out a grunt as he toppled to the ground. Grimacing, he stood up looking up at the floating over-confident teen.

"Danny, get in!" The goth girl called, bringing the Specter Speeder to hover just a few feet from the boy.

"Seriously dude, therapy," And with that the teen phased through the Speeder and they sped back out the natural ghost portal they followed Vlad through.

"Devastate my plans, mock my mental health, it's about time I finish off Danny Phantom once and for all!"

It was only too perfect that an asteroid was coming directly towards Earth. It would make taking over the planet and getting his revenge on young Daniel just that much easier for Vlad Masters. He had waited years for this moment to happen and here he was, wickedly smiling at his television as the News reporters were reporting the end of the world. He let out a chuckle, no scientist, as of yet, was brilliant enough to come up with a solution.

"Fools! You'd need some sort of, oh I don't know, ghost power to make this problem... Disappear. Pity," His blue eyes glowed blood red, "Oh wait, that's right! I do have ghost powers!" A pink swirling ecto-field surround him, leaving nothing but his dark laughter in his shadow.

"Attention world! I have news that will impact the entire world! I, Vlad Master, mayor of Amitypark have come up with a solution to save the world! " Vlad announced standing behind his podium facing an array of news broadcasters. Each one scribbling down notes as fast as they could. Flashes from cameras lit the podium.

"However, my plan comes at a price. Many have tried to destroy the advancing Disasteroid but none have succeeded. That's where I come in, offering an alternative solution. One, you may be surprised about!" As he was speaking, he had jumped on top of the podium, a large smirk across his face.

"What is he doing?!" Danny had been watching at the back of the crowd with Tucker and Sam. Panic was clear across his face. If Vlad turned himself in as a ghost, the fact he too was a halfa was bound to arise. Just then Vlad leapt into the sky, two dark rings engulfed his body, revealing his ghost half. There was an audible gasp from the crowd, excited murmurs and shrilled whispers.

"Who are you?" A journalist held out her microphone to catch his every word.

"You may know me as Vlad Masters, the human half I use to walk amongst you but you may call me by my chosen, slightly more evil name, Vlad Plasmius. Or rather soon to be called, King Plasmius." More gasps, camera flashes.

"Vlad's... a ghost?!" Danny heard his parents exclaim. He felt a pit of despair in his stomach. His parents loved and adored Vlad, well his dad at least. It must have been a real stab in the back to watch their best friend crumble in front of them.

"I have a proposition for all the countries of the world. Grant me the absolute new ruler of the world and in return I shall use my ghost powers to save the planet. It's your choice world, be destroyed or be saved, oh and be ruled by me!"

"Oh no, this can't be good!" Tucker whined out loud.

"Jack, get in here! It's on!" Maddie called in the living room. Danny ran from the kitchen to meet the rest of the family in the living room. He had never seen his dad so stressed, his face was wrinkled and his eye brows were knit together. His mother had her hands covering her mouth as she gazed unblinkingly at the t.v. "They're just now signing the agreement to give in to Vlad!"

"And that concludes phase two of mission Ultimate Overthrow," Vlad howled in laughter. Even through the television, he sounded like a complete pompous frutiloop.

Within a few minutes of Vlad being granted evil dictator, the phone rang. It rang three times before anyone even took knowledge that it was ringing. My mother answered it without a greeting. Her face fell as she listened to the other end of the conversation, "Jack," she said with slow measured breathes, "it's for you."

He took the phone into his large hands and held it to his ear. Danny strained his ears trying to catch what was being said from the other side. His dad grunted a few times, probably the best response he could muster. A few moments later he hung up the phone. Mom and Dad silently watched each other, their eyes staring intensely, sharing a look.

"Mom, dad? What's going on?" Jazz finally spoke up. She had been sitting quietly on the couch since they got back from the press conference Vlad held hours earlier. It hadn't taken the leaders of the world long to decide that they were willing to try anything.

"Everything's going to be fine, Princess." Jack said, giving the faintest, far away smile he had ever given. "I need to fly the rocket ship to space with Vlad."