A/N: Hey guys! xShadowxRocksx here! Um, surprised? *Giggles nervously* Sorry for the two-year wait everyone, blame my co-writer not me! She didn't want to continue writing her stories but I finally managed to make her change her mind. :) I hope you guys enjoy the chapter… Is anyone even reading this anymore?
Disclaimer: StH doesn't belong to us!
Wrapping her arms around herself tightly, Amy walked along the quiet streets. She sobbed quietly, thinking about her father and her mother. What would her mother think when she found out that she had run away? What would her stupid step-father say?
What am I doing? I have nowhere else to go to. Maybe I should just go back home. She shook her head when she thought about that. No, she couldn't go back. She just couldn't.
Why can't I be brave enough, and tell everything to my mum? Amy knew why she couldn't. Her step-father would leave them, her mum. She didn't care about that, but she knew her mother would. Her mother was apparently in 'love' with this jackass of a father!
Since she was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that it was raining lightly. A drop of rain on her cheek brought her back to reality. Where do you plan on going to now, genius?
The pink hedgehog looked around at her surroundings. There was no one in sight. I have to find shelter... As she turned a corner, she froze in her tracks, seeing three drunken guys drinking and talking loudly. When she turned around to walk away, one of them called out.
"Hey, what are you doing here at this time of night?" Deciding to simply ignore them, Amy walked away quickly. Letting out a sigh of relief, her eyes widened when she heard footsteps. Looking behind her, she saw the three guys following her; they looked like they were in their late 20s or something. They had dropped their beer bottles, their lustful gaze fixed on her. Not thinking about what she was doing, she broke in a run, the guys running after her.
Oh God! Maybe this was a bad idea after all! The guys were way faster than her, being able to catch up with her easily. One of them grabbed her by the arm, roughly holding her face up to get a better view of her face. "This one's a beauty, who's gonna have her first?" He laughed, making Amy so sick that she wanted to just vomit on him. His breath stank like rotten meat by the way.
"I'm having her first then; she's sexy, just like me." The other guy slurred, grabbing her butt.
"Let me go!" Amy yelled, twisting in his grip. The third guy moved in front of her, trailing his hand from her neck to her chest. He rested it there for a second, and then with a jerk from the rosy female, grinned and moved it to her waist.
"As the leader of the group, I will have her first!" He pulled her forward, crashing her body against his. Having had enough, Amy stepped on his toe with the heel of her boots. Sucking in a breath, the guy let her go as he held on to his foot. Deciding to give him more pain, she hit him in the part where it hurt the most with her knee.
Taking advantage of the situation, the pink hedgehog dashed off since the other guys' attention was on their 'leader'. She was thinking about screaming for help, but then went against the thought. As she was running, she heard one of the guys' yell.
"Hey! She's getting away!" Amy ran even faster, her heart drumming in her chest. She didn't know what they would do to her once they caught up with her. Actually, it was quite obvious what they would do, and just the thought of it made Amy sick. She glanced behind her, a scream coming out of her mouth. They were so close to her! She might as well scream her lungs out, just in case someone heard her and decided to help her.
"Help! Help me!" The pink hedgehog yelled, running as fast as her legs could carry her. Since she wasn't looking at where she was going, she bumped into something that was hard but soft at the same time.
"What the-" A deep and smooth voice said, causing Amy to look up, her bangs falling in her eyes. A tall and dark figure stood in front of her. He, she was sure that it was a he because of his voice. He wore a black hoodie, the hood covering his head and face. On his legs, he wore black baggy pants, and for some reason, he looked intimidating. What if he was with them?! Amy gulped, and as she was about to run away, the other guys caught up with her.
"Hey, we won't hurt you ok? Come with us, you'll have a lot of fun." The leader grinned, the rosy female's face showing disgust. She was frozen, she couldn't run anywhere. The guy with the hoodie was behind her, and the other three had formed a circle around her. The leader brought her out of her thoughts. "I like feisty girls; you gave me quite a bruise there." He pointed to the bulge in his trousers. "Why don't you make it better for me?"
"You're disgusting!" Amy shouted, and as she turned to run for her life, he grabbed her arm and held it tightly. She squirmed, trying to free her arm.
"Let her go." The pink female turned her face, surprised. The guy in the hoodie had just said that. Maybe he wasn't with the other guys after all. "Didn't you hear me? I said: Let. Her. Go."
"What are you her boyfriend or something? If you want her too, we'll share her with you." One of them said. Amy was being spoken about as if she was some kind of toy, and she didn't like that. The guy, whose face she couldn't see, could help her get away from them. She didn't trust him though. No one would if they were in her place. The guy was still a stranger, even though he was standing up for her. What if he had the same thing in his mind as the others, and was just helping her so that he could have her for himself?
"Shut up! I'm not a piece of meat!" Amy yelled, frustrated.
"Oh, but you are!" One of them replied, and before she could say anything else, she got pulled back. Blinking her bangs out of her eyes, her mouth formed a confused frown as she stood behind the hooded figure.
"I know that it's not any of my business, but I'll help you. These guys are dangerous." The guy said in a low voice. Amy had no choice but to let him help her. He was her only hope at the moment. Nodding her head, she stood behind him, noticing how tall he was. "Leave her alone, or I'll make you."
"You'll make us? Um, I think that you didn't notice that there's three of us and only one of you." One of them spoke, grinning widely. He stopped grinning when a punch hit his jaw. He flew backwards, the other two running towards the hooded figure. Her saviour swiftly kicked one in the thigh, and evaded the other guy's punch. Amy placed a hand over her eyes, and when that seemed childish to her, she moved her hand and stared with wide jade orbs.
"How's this?" The mysterious guy said, the pink hedgehog imaging a smirk on his face. He grabbed the two guys' hands as they tried to punch him without succeeding. He twisted their hands, causing them to yell out in pain. She frowned when she saw the first guy get up and try to attack from behind.
"Hey! Watch out!" She shouted. The guy pushed the other two and spun around, punching the guy in his gut. All of them lay on the floor for a few seconds, then got up and ran away. The guy watched after them, not seeing Amy approach him from behind. "Thank You," she said honestly, seeing him turn around to face her.
"No problem." As he turned to walk away, the rosy female stopped him by holding his arm. She couldn't believe that someone had just helped her without wanting anything in return. He turned around to face her, and Amy let his arm go.
"No, I really mean it. Thank you very much. I don't know how to return the favour." She said quietly, watching him put his hands in the pocket of his trousers. "Can I see your face?" She was curious as to know how he looked like.
The guy said, "Why?" Amy shrugged, not being able to come up with an excuse. Shaking his head, he moved his hand to his head, mumbling something under his breath that sounded a lot like, "Girls! Why did I get myself involved?" He removed his hood, the pink hedgehog not being able to keep in a gasp. He was gorgeous. He had glowing crimson eyes, the ends of his quills were turned up and his skin colour was black and red. She found herself attracted to him a little, and that surprised her. She barely knew the guy. "What?"
"Um nothing. Well actually there is something." The pink female paused, wondering if it was too much to ask. "Can I stay over at your place for a while?"
"Are you really serious?! You are a very stupid girl; do you know me well enough to want to stay over at my house?" The handsome guy asked her, his face showing surprise. He was right though. She didn't know him that well, how could she trust a stranger? She didn't know why, but she felt like she had to trust him. He had helped her and hadn't tried a move on her. Plus, he was her only hope at the moment. It was either going back home or going with him. She couldn't go to her friends' houses, just in case they told her parents.
"I am serious. You have no idea what I'm going through. You're my only hope at the moment, please, you have to help me! You are trustworthy, I feel like I can trust you." Amy told him, biting her lip as she looked at him.
The guy looked curious. "What is your problem, and what are you doing out in the middle of the night anyway?"
"Well you see, I get abused by my step father, so that's why I ran away from home." She replied, feeling tears form in her eyes. She couldn't believe that she had run away.
"Why didn't you tell the police? You should have informed someone." The ebony male said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"My mum loves him, I don't want to see her sad. Anyway, can I stay with you? It's only for a little while, I have nowhere else to go to. And one thing I know for sure, I don't wanna be out on the streets by myself." The black and red-streaked hedgehog uncrossed his arms and sighed.
"Fine. I don't think it's okay for a girl to be out at this time of night by herself. You'll stay with me and my roommates, but you are moving out as soon as you have found someplace." He turned around to walk away. Amy brushed her bangs and followed him.
"Thank you very much! Oh and by the way, I'm Amy Rose, what is your name?" She asked, watching him turn around to face her.
"Shadow..." He trailed off, turning back around.
"Shadow..." Amy smiled.
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