I have decided that since I have been absent for a while, I need a new start. So that's why I'm starting this new story. I'm sorry for making you wait, all you readers of my other stories and friends, but you'll have to wait longer. Sorry. I've been really busy. I hope you enjoy this though.

Well, this was the most voted on the poll. I'm super surprised 21 people voted. Thank you guys so much. I'm really happy.

P.S. Sorry it's so short. And sorry I don't know when I will be able to update again.


If one were to walk into the bathroom just then, they would have heard the sounds of a girl's sobs.

A blue-haired girl sat in the stalls, slowly shoving spoonfuls of her bento box into her mouth. She gulped down the last of her rice and exhaled, tears still streaming down her face. She looked up at the dim lights of the tiled bathroom. The light was pitiful, as was she.

"Why do I feel like the sun on a stormy night?

The rays have died and will not bring forth light…"

The singing stopped with a tremble as another wave of sobbing hit the girl.

"Hit her!"


"Do you want my daddy to shut down your businesses?!"

"No! Sorry!"

Food flew around the cafeteria, all directed towards one girl lying in a puddle of miso soup. She cowered before the students, an arm raised to block food from her face.

"That'll teach you to get in my way!" A pink-haired girl laughed and sat at her table, clearly different from the rest. It was covered with tablecloth and had a vase of flowers on it while the rest of the cafeteria tables were grimy with food.

"STOP!" A fiery orange-haired girl stood between the girl and the students.

"Girl, do you want to have your parents' business shut down?"

"I don't care because it already is! That's why I'm here at this school!"

The girl looked away. "Wow, how pathetic."

"I will do what my sister's have done before! I will definitely become famous to make money for my family! Stop hurting May!"

The girl laughed. "Ha! Aim for her as well."

Misty yelped, but she spread her arms wider, attempting to cover the girl on the ground. Food was raining down on the two girls. As the food covered her orange hair, her spirit went down with it.

"Eternal rain and merciless lightning

Angry thunder and clashing waves…" The two girls sang together.

A brunette walked into the classroom with her head down. She sat in her desk and placed her bento on top.

A spiky-haired boy walked up to her and slammed his hand on her desk. "What's up, Leafy? Something troubling you?" He chuckled before flicking her on the forehead.

The teacher rushed up to the boy. "Stop it, Gary. Leave Leaf alone."

"Wow, Leafy. Can't even stand up to one lousy flick. You sure are stupid." He laughed and walked away with the teacher, who reprimanded him the whole way.

"But no matter how small, no matter how weak…"

All four girls sang in unison, "We will always look forward, for the sun will rise!"