After both fully recovering, Hermione slid herself off Malfoy's long dick and started to put her clothes back on, in a sort of mad rush as she tried to regain control of herself. She had just had sex with Draco Malfoy.
THE Draco Malfoy. The guy she had been lusting after for years.
She felt dizzy with affection, that was the best thing she had ever experience, and Malfoy must have felt the same, because he stayed lying on the cold floor for quite a while; watching her as she got dressed, a smirk plastered across his cool face. She left him lying there, feeling somewhat sorry for the way he now looked, his sweaty hair plastered to his scalp, his eyelids threatening to close as he tried to stimulate his penis again, wanting to get the intense feeling he had just had. But nothing was going to bring that back.

Standing up, he got himself dressed, his hands somewhat numb as he struggled to do up his flyer.
Still topless; Goyle swaggered up to him,
"Bet you a Galleon you can't get Potter laid." He pointed to the boy, leaning against a far wall, appearing to be getting over some rough sex. Draco smirked, the boy looked so helpless, with his shirt hanging limply open and his hair ruffled all over the place.
"Bet you a Galleon I can get Weasley involved." Malfoy's eyes met with Ron's thick ginger hair, he was standing, somewhat annoyed and fed up, talking to Granger.
"You're on." Crabbe shook his hand, a look of menace on his troll-like face.

Draco made his was smoothly over to Harry, eager to see whether the boy will fall for his avid charm. The alcohol was clearly getting to his head, never normally would he give up his sexuality just for a bet; but tonight, no one seemed to care.

"Potter." He smiled, laying on a thick voice of sophistication.
"Malfoy." The other boy answered, watching as Draco lent his elbow on the wall, his head rested on his hand, his face close to Harry's.
"And how are you?" He dared himself to trace Harry's cheek bone with his finger, smirking as he saw Harry's eyes watch his finger, moving with it.
"Tired." Harry looked back up at Draco, smirking a little.
"I see." Draco huffed, "Me too." He smirked, moving his hand down to Harry's open shirt, which he massaged between two fingers.
"You and 'Mione?" He gave a slight snort, and looked deep into Malfoy's blue eyes; there was something turning him on about the way he was acting.
Draco gave a sly smirk, "You and Loony Lovegood?"
"She does know how to love go-" Harry got distracted from his sentence as he felt Draco's hand touch his bare chest, a feeling of arousal pushing through him.
"And you?" Draco was still looking at Harry's face, loving the way he could control him by the slightest movements; he took his hand away from his skin.
"And me what?" Harry came out of his trance and looked back up at Malfoy.
"Do you know how to-" Draco moved himself closer, and whispered into Harry's ear, "-love good?"
Harry gulped, the feeling of Draco's hot breath on his neck was certainly making him more hard, "Why don't you be the judge of that?" And with one swift motion, Harry had pushed Draco onto the wall behind them and started to kiss his sweet lips, forcing himself closer to him as Malfoy pushed his hands up the back of Harry's shirt, caressing his hot skin, a smirk building underneath Harry's kiss.

Potter moved his hands down the Slytherin's naked back and began to take his trousers off, in the mist getting back changed, Draco had abandoned his underwear, leaving Harry to reveal his hard penis as soon as his trousers where at his ankles. Finally breaking the kiss, Harry couched down so he was perfectly in line with Draco's dick. Kissing the tip gently, he used his hands to take off the rest of Draco's pants, so he stood fully naked in front of him. Malfoy was eager for Harry to take him in his mouth, but suddenly remembered his side of the bet. Moving Harry back up to him by clutching onto his hair and pulling him up to his full height, he nuzzled his ear and whispered, "Get Weasley." Harry looked somewhat stunned, but then smirked as he saw the delight on Draco's face, and quickly went to find one, feeling himself getting harder with every step.

The two boy's returned to find Draco pleasuring himself, to which Ron smiled and glided behind the fully hard boy, pushing his crotch into Malfoy's behind, Ron snaked his hand to his dick and took over from Draco's hand. Harry planted a kiss on Draco's crisp lips before making his way to the back of Ron, where he crouched down and took off his friend's trousers and underwear for him. Smiling as he saw Ron's perfectly plump arse, he gently caressed the folds, and nuzzled his nose into his crack. He slowly licked the insides, riming his hole as he continued to jerk off Draco. Harry stood himself up right, and gently pushed himself inside of Ron, who gave out a low moan of pleasure as Malfoy turned himself around and pushed Ron's fullness into his mouth. As Harry thrust into him, his dick went further into Malfoy's mouth, causing an amazing sensation to surround Ron's body.
"Stop." He croaked, lifting up Draco's head as he panted, overcome with the need to release.
Harry plummeted deeper into Ron, as Malfoy slowly inserted himself into Harry. Ron grabbed the sides of a nearby table as Harry pushed deeper into him, making a loud moan escape from both of them as Harry racked Ron's G-spot; thrusting in time with Draco who was pushing himself sharply into Harry.

Still inside of Ron, Harry ejaculated, the intense feeling overcoming him as his body twitched in satisfaction. Draco felt Harry go limp and slowly pulled out of him, a grin spread across his face. Pulling out of Ron, Harry collapsed to the floor, having cummed for the second time in little less than an hour. Ron and Draco, still not quite done, arranged themselves so Malfoy was leaning on the table, his arse stuck in the air as Ron pushed deeper and deeper into him, them both moaning in complete joy as they fucked; Ron jacking off Draco in time to his thrusts.

"Hey." Neville said shyly to Luna, as she walked back over to him, passing him a drink.
"It's Dragon Juice." The girl smiled, nodding at the cocktail glass she had just handed him, before taking a gulp of her own.
He looked somewhat sceptically at the fizzing purple and silver liquid that was in the glass, but took a small sip none the less; and was surprised to find it tasted quite nice. "Good party." He said, nodding slightly as he looked around the room.
"Neville?" The girl questioned in her squeaky voice, causing the boy to look at her again, "Do you want to have sex?" She said the question so nonchalantly that Neville found it hard not to spit out his drink, and had to gulp it down fast before responding,
"You heard." She stated, looking into his eyes.
"Erm, well," He didn't quite know what to say, "I guess, I mean, I really like you Luna."
"I know," She smiled, and hummed quietly to herself, looking around the room.
Neville cupped her cheek in his hand and brought her mouth to his, planting a soft kiss on her pale lips. "I like you too Neville Longbottom." She chimed, and lent in to kiss him once more.
Neville pulled away and looked at her, she looked so eager, and seeing how much she wanted him made her bolder than any amount of alcohol ever could. She licked her lips. "You should look under my dress." She whispered with a sly smile.
His hands ran up her sides, "Will I like what I find?"
"I hope so."
He reached around her, his fingers finding the zipper at the back of her dress. With agonizing slowness, he lowered it enough that the front of her dress dropped to her waist.
He paused, swallowing audibly before saying one word; "Damn."
The girl grinned, but it dissolved into a moan the second he began to run her hands over her. He felt the lace of her underwear; something which Harry had previously ignored. Neville dipped his fingers between her breasts; lowering his head, he bit her nipple through the fabric, hard enough that she felt the sting of pleasure through the silk.
She arched up, panting slightly, hyper aware of her wetness soaking through the matching panties.
With a growl, Neville palmed her butt under her dress and pressed himself against her. He was already hard, and she could feel the heat of him through his jeans. He wrapped his hands around her hips and pushed into her, burying his face in her neck and gently nipping her, causing her to man as she arched her back against him.
One hand still holding her hip, his other moved up her ribcage and up her bra, closing on her tender breast, squeezing slightly before removing his hand and slowly taking off her bra. Fisting his hair in both her hands, she pulled his mouth down to hers. The kiss became more volatile as he pressed his mouth on hers; she could taste his hunger, as desperate as hers was, and it was delicious. Hooking her leg around his, she rubbed herself against his hardness. He grasped her ass, one cheek in each hand, and roughly squeezed, his thick fingers dipping between her cleft, inching lower and lower until he slipped under the knickers and into her wetness.
They groaned in eachother's mouth.

He lifted her head a little, his eyes were heavy-lidded and burning with intensity and longing. He picked her up and carried her over to a bed that lay unoccupied at the side of the room.
Throwing her down, he looked at her, lying half naked in front of him, this couldn't be real. He pulled his T-shirt over his head without losing sight of her. She was so gorgeous. He popped open the first few buttons of his trousers and kneeled on the bed between her outstretched legs. He ran a finger over the pink flower on the front of her panties, obviously there for decoration.
The girl shivered, her legs fell open a little more, but her eyes stayed glued to the front of his trousers where his cock strained to free itself.
His blood pressure kicked up as she licked her lips. He pulled on his fly and unbuttoned a couple more. With a groan, he lunged at her, catching both her hands in his and raising them over her head. He stared into her eyes for a split second before his gaze fell to her lips.
Pink and shiny, they were like something you would find in Honeydukes, only sweeter. He bit the top, then the bottom, then kissed her deeply.
She arched up and rubbed her chest against his. Transferring both her hands to one of his, he kept them high above her head so he could take in her perfect breasts. Her nipples were the same dusty pink as her lips, and looked just as tasty. He bent his head and took one in his mouth. It was better than he had imagined. He gently sucked before letting it slip with a pop from his mouth and giving the other his attention.

He let go of her arms and rolled her onto him. He gripped her hips and ground himself into her fabric-covered mould. The girl put her knees on either side of his hips and rocked with his motion. Panting, with her cheeks slightly flushed against her pale skin, she looked powerful above him, with her eyes lusted over and steady on his, her blond hair falling into her face. He thumbed a nipple, just to see her eyes grow vaguer as she let out a low moan of satisfaction.
Biting her lip, she rubbed herself against him, forcing him to let out a steady groan. She slipped her hand inside of his trousers and latched onto him. He froze, breathless as he watched her open his fly wider, he was powerless to do anything but lift his hips so she could work his pants down. She squeezed him, making him cry out as reached to stop her, but she only squeezed again so he couldn't do anything to stop her, allowing her complete control.

Pushing her panties aside, Luna got up on her knees and slowly inched down onto him. She scorched him, she was so hot and moist, he hadn't even touched her and she was dripping wet. When she had worked him all the way in, she stopped, panting, and looked into his eyes, "This is good."
He wrapped his hands around her hips and brought his head up to lick her breasts, from underneath the curve to the tip of one and then the other. "This is incredible." He said to her breasts, his lips brushing against her tender skin, sending a shiver down her spine.
He surged into her, thrusting deep inside her, making her gasp at how quickly he pushed himself into her. He pushed again before she could catch her breath. Soon, they both bucked, giving and taking just as easily in a hypnotic rhythm.
"So close." She murmured, her head falling back as her hands braced on his chest. She slammed herself into him again, pushing him over the edge; his shout echoed hers as he sank into electrifying oblivion.