Request: Tori's been in love with Jade since their playdate but Jade got back with Beck so after graduation Tori ran, she lived all over the world doing all sorts of different jobs trying to find a girl like Jade which she never fully did while Jade stayed in LA married Beck and had a kid but she always wanted Tori and they meet again at the 10 year reunion.

Angsty Tori.

I am sitting at my kitchen table and my mother walks in carrying a box of my mail from the past two months. She drops it in front of me.

"How long are you staying this time?" She asks tiredly as she eases into the chair across from me.

"A few months probably." I answer as I open the first letter on the pile. It's from my old high school.

"I need you to stay somewhere else for the week." She tells me.

"What? Why?" I ask looking up.

"Your sister is coming and she's bringing Bryant and the twins. Rachel and Rikka always use your room when they visit." She says.

"But that is my room!" I exclaim dropping the letter to the table. I don't know why I'm so angry but I haven't been home for two months and I thought she'd be happier to see me. She used to love when I came back from different countries but now she seems so indifferent.

"Have you thought about getting a place of your own?" She asks.

"No, why would I?" I shake my head in disbelief. Where did this even come from? She pinches the bridge of her nose before meeting my eyes.

"Victoria, you are twenty-eight years old, you have been living here for far too long. You have the finances to afford an apartment. I think it's time you moved out." She says. Her face is tired and her eyes close as she inhales deeply.

"You're just mad that I haven't settled down and popped out a few grandkids." I accuse. I know it's not the reason but can't believe she's kicking me out.

"Now Tori, you know I support your gallivanting around the world. I wish I would have traveled and seen the world before I had your sister and you, but I think you should look into more permanent circumstances. Have you been dating at all?" She stands and goes to busy herself in the kitchen. She can't even look at me.

"If you think I can stay here with her around…" I pause and she glances over at me before returning to the dishes, "I can't." I say.

"She has a child now. A boy." She tells me. I close my eyes as if it will block out her words. "He is two. His name is Tristen and he looks just like Beck." She continues to talk. She doesn't see my pain.

"Jade is happy, why can't you just let her go?" She asks. I open my eyes and glare at her. Her hands are in the soapy water and she scrubs a plate roughly.

"Do not say her name." I seethe.

"Let her go." She repeats. I shake my head.

"You can't let go of something you never had." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and her chest heaves as she lets out a huff of breath.

"I don't understand you Tori." She goes back to scrubbing at the dishes and I return to the letter in front of me.

"The ten year reunion for Hollywood Arts is this week." I tell her in monotone. She doesn't even look away from the dishes.

"You're not going, are you?" She says. She sounds so goddamn tired.

"Maybe." I breathe.

"I think it would be good for you." She says.

"Maybe." I say again.


I decide to go to Hollywood Art's reunion and I don't know why. My dress is too scratchy and the school has too many painful memories etched into the walls. I know she's going to be here and I don't want to see her. I'm standing in the bathroom and staring in the mirror because I don't want to go into the Black Box Theater. I hear the door open but I can't break eye contact with my reflection.

"Tori?" I turn my head and a woman smiles at me with a grin that almost looks painful.

"Uh – yeah." I say. This was such a bad idea.

"It's Cat!" She comes over and wraps her thin arms around my torso. I halfheartedly hug her back.

"Oh, Cat, it's been so long. You stopped dying your hair." I comment. These are the things you're supposed to say at reunions, right? Talk about time, and appearances, small talk…right?

"Yeah, Robbie told me I had to stop dying my hair during the first pregnancy and I just never went back." She bubbles. She steps back far enough to look me up and down and I watch her.

"You look good." She tells me. She puts a strain on the word good and I know she is thinking I look too thin and probably a little sick. She is thin but her curves are softened and she looks really healthy.

"You too." I say and I mean it. She is still smiling.

"Well, I came in here for a reason; I'll see you in the theater." She brushes past me and into one of the stalls. I nod my head for too long before leaving the bathroom. As I walk into the theater my eyes dart over the room. I don't want to see her, but I really want to see her. It's been ten years and I just want to look at her face. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn to see who it is. Andre stands in front of me grinning. He doesn't look like he's aged a bit.

"Hey Chica." It feels like I've been transported back to high school and I feel myself smile. I haven't smiled genuinely in so long. I thought I forgot how. I launch myself into his arms and he laughs as his arms catch me around my waist.

"Andre!" I am crying because after high school I ran away and didn't stay in contact with anyone and I missed my best friend. I pull back and his hands stay on my waist to steady me. I lean back on my heels.

"Damn girl, I didn't think you could get any bonier." He chuckles as his hands drift over my hip bones. I shrug but my smile stays in place.

"Come on, let's sit down, I've missed you!" I pull him to a table and we sit down.

About half an hour after Andre and I catch up and Cat and Robbie join us Beck walks into the theater. As soon as I spot him my throat constricts and my heart speeds up. I can't do this and I stand up so fast my chair is almost knocked over.

"I'll – uh – be right back." I say. Andre looks up at me with a worried frown but I don't wait for an answer and I rush past Beck. I don't even think he saw me. I leave the Black Box Theater and I intend on leaving the school, but as soon as I step out of the front doors someone catches me.

"Vega." Her voice is deep, deeper than I remember but it still sends chills through my spine. I freeze and I can't bring myself to look at her. She is right behind me. I close my eyes and turn around. When I open my eyes she is frowning. She has a cigarette poised between two fingers and the sleeves of her shirt are pushed up past her elbows. Her skirt is ruffled and it reaches her knees. Her long hair is a soft brown and is slightly curled around her shoulders. She waits in silence and I think she is waiting for me to speak but she exhales smoke and fixes me with a glare.

"You look like shit." She says thickly. I think my throat closes and I can't breathe. One of my girlfriends from Italy smoked. She looked just like Jade except she was tan and her hurtful words sounded more elegant with an accent.

"Thanks." I bite back. I want to leave. I have nothing here. She is married and has a son. Tristen. I step back.

"Where are you going?" She asks. I delude myself to think that her voice sounds concerned.

"I don't know. Anywhere but here." I answer truthfully. Even after all this time I can't bring myself to lie to her. I take another step back. She grabs my arm and pulls me to her. She's kissing me and I have to be dreaming. She tastes of ash but her lips are soft and her body is soft and I don't know what is happening. It feels like falling.

"I always wanted to do that." She tells me when she pulls back. I blink a few times. I can still taste her.

"Jade…" I say. I sound tired, unbelievably exhausted.

"I'm sorry Tori." She only steps back one foot but it feels like a hundred miles are between us.

"I just couldn't live without doing that." She sighs. "I want more now." Her frown deepens. "You're like the forbidden fruit." She pulls me back and I let her.

"And we all know the story. Eve took a bite." She breathes. I am dizzy. Her fingers dance over my bare arm. I do not have the strength to back away. She smells like smoke and Beck and I'm choking on it. When she pulls away again I step back as well. I can't take any more of it.

"I was hoping you wouldn't be here tonight." She says. She crosses her arms, right over left, and her left hand rests on her arm. Her wedding ring glitters obnoxiously and I find myself stepping back again.

"You can't keep doing this to me." I tell her.

"Doing what?" She asks.

"Playing with my heart!" I explode. "You keep fucking with my emotions and I cannot do it anymore." I start crying. My chest hurts so badly and I just want to fall into her arms but she isn't mine.

"You think it's easy for me? Beck looks at me everyday, and he knows, but with our son…" She inhales, "it is too late."

"Why didn't you say anything before!" I scream.

"You fucking disappeared after graduation!" She replies just as loudly. "No one could find you."

"I couldn't look at you." I say suddenly losing all of my energy. I am so tired of doing this. Feeling for her.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" She asks me. I shake my head and think the same thing about her.

"I love you." I say. I sound so defeated. She doesn't respond and I turn around.

"Goodbye." I whisper and walk away. When I go to pull out of the parking lot she is still standing in front of the doors and she watches me leave without even a wave.