Safe And Sound

Thank you all so much for the reviews on the previous chapter! They were all fantastic. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the last chapter of this story! It's been so great writing it. Just hoping I do it justice XD

Goodbye old friend. We'll meet again – Escape The Fate

Chapter Twenty

Sunday September 23rd 2012, 10:30 pm, in hospital

When my eyes first fluttered open, I saw only white and immediately thought I had made it to heaven. That was up until memories of yesterday flooded back. I could remember my head getting smashed against a tree trunk. I could remember waking up in an ambulance for a brief moment and I could remember getting wheeled into hospital before I blacked out once more.

I took more time to take in my surroundings. Next to me was a bowl full of grapes and on the table at the bottom of my bed there was a colourful array of flowers. By my side, there was Mason. Mason!? What was he doing here? Perhaps now he had decided to forgive me.

It was then that I remembered the huge gash in my cheek because of the knife.

"So, am I like completely disfigured now?" I questioned, my voice coming out much croakier than I expected. He practically launched from his chair where he was almost nodding off.

"Rose, you're awake" He gushed as though I couldn't already figure that out. "How are you feeling? I'll go get the nurse." Just as he began to scurry away, I grabbed onto his hand weakly and attempted to pull him back.

"Don't. I just want to talk to you" I retorted, pulling him closer to me and letting him sit on the edge of my bed. "I'm sorry for everything."

"You don't have to be sorry" Mason smiled, brushing the hair delicately from my face just like a true best friend would. "I overreacted. I shouldn't have forced myself on you. I'm just glad you're okay."

"What happened to Dimitri?" I asked curiously.

"He's fine" Mason answered with a warm smile. "He took a minor knock to the head, but he's okay. It blows that the educational trip he took you on had to be there."

What educational trip? I had to be missing something here.

"Yeah, it really blows" I agreed, although I had no idea what I was agreeing with. "Mase, could you get Dimitri to come here. I want to thank him properly, but don't let the nurse know I'm awake."

"Sure, I'll see you in a little while" He sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead before leaving the room.

As I lay there in that hospital room alone, I couldn't discern what my emotions meant. I was scared, relieved, worried, and angry all at the same time. What had happened to my attacker?

The door cracked open and Dimitri edged in before closing it behind him once more.

"Roza, I'm so glad you're okay" Dimitri sighed in relief as he took a seat on the edge of my bed much like Mason had.

"What's this about an educational trip?" I asked. "Could you please explain everything that's happened over the past day?"

"Well, I came back for you just as he cut your cheek" Dimitri began, stroking my face gently and I could only see love in his gaze. "I pulled him off you as soon as I could, but you were already unconscious. We got into a little fight. He tried to do the same to me as he did to you, but I got in there first. It was me who killed him."

"Oh Dimitri" I gasped, taking his hand in my own and pressing a kiss to the knuckles. "I'm sorry you had to do that."

"No, I was protecting you" Dimitri sighed. "If that means that I had to kill someone then that's fine. Anyway, by the time I got to the hospital, Kirova was already here and demanded to know the truth. I tried to lie to her, but she knows me too well. So, I told her everything. I told her about the therapy sessions, I told her about how we got together, I told her about your past. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You did what you had to do" I waved off. "What did she do?"

"Naturally she was mad at me…kept threatening to turn me in to the police" Dimitri explained. "But Kirova and I go way back. We're friends. So, she told me that she'd cover me and created this story about how we went there on an educational trip because I thought you were falling behind the others. "We told the police this and because of the circumstances of the attack, I didn't get charged."

"That's brilliant news" I smiled, but his grim look told me that there was more for me to hear that could probably change my mind.

"But, I can't go back as a teacher" Dimitri sighed. "I need to resign immediately. Kirova will only cover for me if I quit and continue seeing you or if I stay and break things off."

"Why didn't you break things off then?" I asked, trying to ignore the flutter in my chest. Dimitri had actually chosen me over his job. That was quite possible the last thing I had expected.

"Because I love you" Dimitri answered, a smile beaming on his face. "If it means that I need to quit my job to be with you then I'll do it."

"I love you too" I whispered, pulling him close to me despite the pain in my head. "So, is everything okay now?"

"Everything's fine" Dimitri answered, hugging me back with grace. "You've got nothing to worry about anymore."

"Mason didn't answer my question" I chuckled. "Am I disfigured?" Dimitri gave me possibly the weirdest look before tracing the cut on my cheek with his thumb.

"No, you look as beautiful as the day I first met you" Dimitri answered. I knew it was a lie. My hair was matted, my cheek was cut to ribbons, my head was all wrapped up in bandages and I could only imagine how deathly pale I looked. Despite all of this, I was still ecstatic by his compliment.

"Why didn't you tell me she was awake!?" A voice snapped and I looked up to see an old nurse barging in with Mason, Adrian, Eddie, Lissa and Christian in tow. All had guilty smiles.

"Sorry, it kinda slipped out" Adrian explained with a cheeky smirk. "How are you feeling?"

"No questions, lad" The nurse snapped, bustling around the room as though her arse was on fire. Watching her was rather amusing. "Miss Hathaway needs her rest."

"No, I'm feeling perfectly fine" I waved off. "I'd like them to be here."

"But it's not even visiting hours" The nurse said shrilly. So, we had all managed to become rule breakers in the hospital as well.

"I know, but it would really make me feel better." I pleaded.

"Fine, you can have half an hour, but keep it calm" She warned. "I want Miss Hathaway relaxed."

The five gathered around my bed as Dimitri got up. "I should be getting back home now." He said as he gave a wide stretch before whispering in my ear. "As soon as you get back home, I'm coming over and I'm looking after you."

"Looking forward to it" I whispered back.

When Dimitri left, the conversation began. "Rose, I was so worried about you." Lissa gushed, tears almost threatening to spill.

"Vasilisa, keep the tears to yourself" Adrian scolded, thumping onto my bed and pulling me into his arms. "Rose doesn't want to see all of that. Let's face it, she wants to see this beautiful face right here."

"That's the last thing I want to see, Adrian" I joked. He feigned sadness before lying back on the bed as though he was at home.

"You know, we really love you" Christian sighed, as though saying this pained him. He had never really been one to share emotions unless he was talking to Lissa. Just because of the fact that Christian had turned deep with me, I began to get teary eyed.

"Guys, I love you too" I croaked, pulling as many of them as I could into my arms. It was difficult and painful, but I managed it.

This was weird. When I first came to this school, I didn't have the intention of making friends. I didn't have the intention of getting into a relationship and I most certainly didn't have the intention of finally getting over the ordeal I had faced.

Now, I have a group of the most amazing friends in the world who I loved more than anything in this world. I have a boyfriend who is quite possibly the most brilliant man I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I don't have to be scared of my attacker anymore.

Although I was in pain and had put myself through a difficult ordeal, I had never been so happy in all my life.

Sunday September 23rd 2012, 11:10 pm, in the hospital

We had talked about nothing in particular for the thirty minutes we had been given, but that didn't matter. It was enough just to be with them. Hanging out was something I had taken for granted for a very long time.

"Your thirty minutes are up" The nurse said as she flung the door open. "Out you go." They all mumbled goodbye's and shuffled out the hospital room as though their parents had just caught them with their hands in the cookie jar.

When they had all left, the nurse turned to me with a warm smile. "Now you better promise me that you're going to get some rest. It's been a hectic day for you."

"I promise" I smiled back, lying back in my bed and closing my eyes as I heard her close the door.

Only moments later, I was jolted from my peaceful state of mind by a loud buzzing on my bedside table. It was my phone. Dimitri must have brought it in with him.

I unlocked it to find a text from him.

I meant what I said. You are so brave my beautiful Roza. I hope you're sleeping well. I can't wait to see you next. I love you. D x

And just like that, I found myself able to relax properly and get the rest I well and truly deserved.

I apologise for this chapter being short! Well, what did you all think? I probably didn't do it justice, but I tried. I hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks again to anyone who has read this story and to anyone who reviewed or put it on story alert. It really means a lot. Well, it's been an excellent few months writing this. Thank you all!

Baby You're My Immortal