hello friends
i obviously haven't written this story in a while and guess what's coming
yep that's right if you haven't already guessed by the chapter name I'm putting this story on hiatus just like i did on my other story yay
i had an epiphany in about may that i cannot hold a story together unless i write the entire thing and then post it little by little because i am a huge doofus who cant write for shit and it takes me like ten hours just to write two sentences down
if im not back and writing by september, most likely this story will be adopted by somebody else as well as my other completely shitty story that i havent even planned the plot out aka torn
thank you for being great and i really appreciate all of your reviews honestly like it makes me so happy that somebody actually clicked and put up with my crappy writing and everything and above that favorited and followed and reviewed and stuff like i don't know if you guys know this but it just makes my heart swell and maybe it might explode but that's okay
anyways thank you and hopefully i will get my head screwed back on straight in a couple weeks and crack a few mediocre chapters out and yeah so ill see you guys later thank you so much