Prometheus Discoveries and Answers Chapter 1

A/N: I don't own anything Prometheus. People are wondering about a Shavid relationship from Prometheus, and people have complained about their not being many fanfics of that story, so I decided to write one. Can't say how often I'll post chapters since I am in college, but here's the first one, which takes place after the movie (have no idea what future movies will have in store, this is just for the imagination) :)

The bag sits on Elizabeth's lap unzipped, with David's head in it, and David's body in the back of the little expedition kart.
"Are you sure this is the right way David?"
"Yes I am, it seems as if we are almost there, just a bit farther."
For the next hour, Elizabeth drove, making few turns until they finally arrived at their destination. She zips up the bag, dragging David's body with her, and heads towards the ship. Once inside, she finds a sitting area, puts the bag and the body on seats, and takes off her oxygen helmet. She looks around and finds it's just like the other ship, no difference at all. She puts her helmet on the ground and takes David's head out of the bag, holding it.
"We're here David, you said you could operate the ship, but how do you expect to do that being decapitated?" David stayed quiet for a moment, looking at her.
"On the other ship,I remember their was a repair room, if we can find that on here, I believe it'll be able to fix me."
"Do you remember where it was?"
"I believe I do."
Elizabeth sighs, cradles David's head, and grabs the body.
"Well, lead the way."
"Go through that door to your left, and continue straight."
She dragged the body, went through the door, going straight and did that for ten minutes, until they reached a door to her right.
"Their it is, Elizabeth, through that door."
Reluctantly, she enters. In the room their was a gurney looking bed, with a small table next to it, a bunch of tools on another table, and the robots that performed procedures.
"Put my head on that little table, and my body on the gurney please."
Elizabeth puts his head on the table, and with a bit of a struggle manages to put his body on the gurney, and strap him in.
"Now what?" She walks over to an operating screen.
"You should be able to figure it out, you're bright, look at it closer."
Concentrating harder, she realizes it shouldn't be too difficult.
"It's a lot like the one on Prometheus."
"Very good Elizabeth."
"How long do you think it'll take?"
"Hard to say, surely for a while." She nods, then starts working on the screen, setting it for connecting lost parts. Pain starts to rise in her abdomen. She walks to the wall and slides to the floor.
"Are you alright Elizabeth?"
Her breathing becomes heavier. "I'll be fine, I'll just wait where we came in from." She gets up and walks towards the door as the machines start working on David. For a brief moment, she thought she saw something in his eyes. She barely made it ten feet from the door outside, when the pain became unbearable and she passed out.