A/N: Boy, has it been a while since I've worked on this. I said the hiatus would be until the school year ended, but I felt the need to work on this now, two weeks before school ends. I'm not completely done with final exams, so yeah. Thanks to anyone who's still reading this. My sincerest of apologies for keeping you all waiting for so long. ^^;

I'm planning on making a soundtrack/playlist type thing for RABWAS, so I'll put the list of songs up on the last chapter, or near the last chapter. There's still at least a few chapters to go after this one, so yeah again.

Reviews are appreciated, as always!

*Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or any of its characters.

The rest of the week isn't too awful. Although Gilbert is suspended, he waits for me outside of the school when each day ends. Antonio and Lovina have, as promised, kept me company during school hours. I learn a lot about their personalities in the short amount of time we get to talk at lunch; Antonio is cheerful, funny, and pleasant to be around, while Lovina is sarcastic and bad-tempered, but just as interesting to talk to as her boyfriend.

Even with these people (friends, dare I say?) looking out for me and keeping me in a good mood, I can't help but think of this Saturday, of Elizabeta. Why is she coming to America? Will she like me?

What is her relationship with Gilbert? Are they good friends, like he says, or something more?

Anyway, the rest of the week passes by, and we are now standing in the busy airport. Since neither of us can drive yet (which Gilbert should learn to do, by the way; my dad hasn't even taken me to get a Learner's permit, yet), Gilbert's mom drove us here. She opted to wait inside the car, to avoid any possible awkward moments with Elizabeta. I can't help but wonder if she knows something that I don't.

Gilbert walks over from the door to me.

"Alright, lets go find her," he says. I notice him fidgeting with the sleeves of his leather jacket.

We start walking around the airport, searching for Elizabeta. Gilbert tries to hide his anxiety (hold up, why does he seem anxious to see her?) by pointing out people in the airport he finds unique or interesting. The most interesting one has to be this one girl with a tattoo of a Pikachu's face on her face. Literally, her whole face.

"Hey, and do you see the guy with the rainbow ponytail? Only the ponytail part is rainbow. That's creative! Almost as awesome as me, don't you think?" he says, laughing.

"What do you want, an autograph or something?" I say, laughing a bit myself.

"Now that you mention it, I do! Hey, mister, can I-!"

He stops.

"Hm? Change your mind?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"I found Elizabeta," he says, pointing to a girl with long, light brown hair. A slender, brunette guy wearing glasses is with her.

"Hey, Lizzie!" he calls.

She looks over in our direction. Lord only knows how she can hear him through all the noise in this place.

"Gilbert, over here!" she yells, waving.

We walk over to where the pair is standing.

Gilbert walks up to Elizabeta and envelops her in a giant bear hug.

"Gilbert, can't breathe," she says, sounding uncomfortable. He lets go, then they both start laughing.

"And Roddy, good to see you, man!" Gil says to the brunette. They squeeze eachothers' shoulders.

"Same to you, Gilbert. Who is your friend?"

"Oh, Mattie, introduce yourself! Mattie, Roderich and Elizabeta; you guys, Mattie." he says.

They smile and say hello, so I do the same.

"So, Lizzie, you told me you were coming to Canada, but didn't say why," Gilbert says.

"Oh, I- I mean we-" she says, gesturing to Roderich and herself, "are getting married!"

She shows off the beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

"Oh, congrats! You guys are legally old enough right?" he says, laughing.

"We're both 18, so yeah, plus our parents gave us permission, so no worries!" she says, joining in with him.

The laughter dies down after a while.

"Alright, you two, my mom's car's out in the parking lot, so yeah, you can go put your stuff in there," he says, motioning towards the door.

"'Kay, guys, we'll see you in a while," she says. She grabs onto Roderich's hand and they begin walking to the exit of the building.

After they've walked away, Gilbert sighs. I look over at him and see a slightly depressed look on his face.

"She was my first love," he says nostalgically.

"I'm sorry," I reply softly.

He turns and looks at me.

"Was, Mattie. The past is in the past."

He laughs, a hint of bitter sadness in his voice.

"You know, after Elizabeta started dating Roderich, I pretty much gave up on love altogether? I mean, like, I just thought, you know, what's the point? Love doesn't really ever last, does it? Is any of it worth the risk?"

Then he smiles softly at me.

"Then I met you," he says.

Holy shit, is this happening?

"You're the only exception, Mattie. You are worth the risk, always have been."

Gilbert wraps his hands around mine, puts them together, and brings them to his lips, tenderly kissing them.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.

He puts my hands down. He moves his hands to my shoulders, then to my shoulders, then to the back of my head, then to caress my face.

Gilbert leans in.

"Please," he whispers.

I give my silent answer by leaning in.

Our lips meet.

His lips are warm and soft.

The moment ends too soon. He pulls back slowly. My face feels hot, and is probably burning red.

He smiles, then starts laughing. His face is a little red as well.

I give him a confused look.


"That's one way to ruin a romantic moment, Mattie; laughing, I mean."

I smile.

Of course he can't even be completely serious during a moment like this. It's okay though. He wouldn't be Gilbert if he was.

"Now kiss me again with that beautiful little mouth of yours," he says.

I lean in again for another kiss.

A/N: Sorry, that may not have been as romantic as you all were expecting. x ) And sorry if this chapter seems a little on the short side.

Next chapter coming soon, hopefully!