June 19 FA

The morning of Elfwine's initiation had arrived and Edoras was full to the brim with dignitaries, soldiers and well-wishers. Eomer unknowingly had created a spectacle in his attempt to pursue his sons development. Now he thought on it, he marvelled at the idea and believed he had created a tradition that would pass on throughout the generations.

The proud King greeted and conversed with his friends inside, but felt slightly foolish wearing his ceremonial outfit and crown. Though he had worn them before when on official state business, he was accustomed to more simple livery. Eomer glanced around the room and laid eyes on his wife; he admired how stunning and regal she appeared in her fine clothes and coronet. She was most befittingly a great Queen of Rohan.

Outside in the atrium of the hall, going over the words he would have to recite before all those inside, Elfwine paced nervously. He muttered under his breath as he desperately tried to remember the full account and did not notice his mother creep silently behind him,

"Are you ready?"

The Prince turned on his heels and looked at his mother face on. The delighted woman grinned at Elfwine and grasped her son by the shoulders. He smiled but Lothiriel could tell there was something that troubled him,

"There's no need to be anxious, Elfwine. You will do fine." She soothed.

"I'm not anxious Mother. I just want to know, do you approve?" The man sounded troubled.

Lothiriel cupped his face in her hand and smiled warmly, "Remember this my love; you will always have two parents who are incredibly proud of you."

Elfwine hugged his mother tighter than he had done in years. As a young boy he had been irked by her overprotective nature, but in that moment fully understood her notions,

"Come you will be late." Lothiriel kissed his cheek and left him alone a final time.


"My Lords, Captains, Ladies and Gentlemen; Today I here present unto you Prince Elfwine,
your undoubted under-King. Wherefore all you who are come this day to pay homage and service, Are you willing to do the same?"

Tumultuous shouts rose from all the voices in the hall, only Eomer and Lothiriel remained silent. The King looked down on his son as he knelt before the throne on the dais and said in clear commanding voice,

"Elfwine, Son of Eomer, are you willing to take the oath?"

"I am willing," Elfwine responded.

Eomer then questioned his son intensely in front of the witnesses,

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of our land according to our laws and customs?

"I solemnly promise so to do."

"Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I solemnly promise so to do."

"Will you follow your King in time of need and great peril, and if providence prevents him, fulfill his laws in his estate?"

Elfwine hesitated at this question. He was prepared to do what his father asked, but feared the day it would come to fruition. Eomer's expression changed and he grew softer as he looked on his sons worries, but regained his composure when Elfwine answered,

"I solemnly promise so to do."

"Then receive the King's sword, brought before you now. With this sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, help and defend widows and orphans, restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order: that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue."

With that Elfwine grasped the hilt of his father's sword as it was offered to him, raised it to his face and turned to face his subjects. The room erupted for a second time with the shouts and cheers from the assembled onlookers and continued as the Prince regent took his place on the King's right hand.


The celebrations lasted long into the night. Elfwine and his friends drank heavily and at length and enjoyed their raucous games. The young Price truly had become a man that day but it pleased his parents to see he hadn't totally lost the innocence of his youth,

"He will regret this in the morning." Lothiriel said knowingly as she watched her son engaged in a drinking game.

"I believe he will," Eomer agreed and laughed as it reminded him of his own youth. The King held his wife's hand tenderly, lifted it to his lips and kissed it softly.

Lothiriel looked pensive and weary and Eomer grew concerned, he squeezed her hand in reassurance and asked,

"What is it my love?"

The Queen looked from her husband to her son and sighed melancholy, "I fear I will be lonely when he is gone."

"It won't be long, and you still have me" he replied comfortingly,

"Yes I have and I am blessed to have you." She answered.

Eomer laughed as she repeated the words he had said to her all those years ago, "And I you. Come let us retire, these young things do not need our chaperoning," he faltered, "Well maybe not."

Lothiriel laughed as she escorted her husband from the hall back to their room and rest.


The following morning was bright and airy, the sun shone fiercely and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The host that was travelling from Edoras to Aldburg were readying for their leave and the courtyard of Meduseld was busy with man, horse and equipment for their journey.

Eomer tarried amongst them, tying up tackle, livery and issuing orders to Elfhelm's men. Lothiriel giggled, no matter how hard he tried, the King could not shake off his soldier past and enjoyed nothing more than showing the younger men how things should be done.

Elfwine kept a close ear; despite the fact he knew well how to ready a horse and prepare a pack for a long journey, he subconsciously wanted to spend a last few moments with his liege, with his father. As the likely pair hurried about their business the Queen watched from the top of the stairs.

"Are you ready boy?" Eomer said seriously,

"I think so father?" The young Prince replied,

"Say goodbye to your mother then." The father said as he batted him on the shoulder.

Elfwine nodded and took to the stairs two at a time towards the top. Lothiriel held out both her arms and hugged her son one final time,

"You will remember to write won't you?"

"Of course mother, every day." He soothed,

"Liar," she retorted, "I wish you a safe journey and a swift return." The tearing woman kissed her sons head and waved him off as he trotted back down the step. As Elfwine swung his long legs over his horse, Elfhelm gave the call to move out. By the time they reached the outer gate, Eomer was stood side by side with Lothiriel and they watched as their sons silhouette grew smaller over the horizon.