Mass Effect: The Force Unleashed

Summary: Instead of dying when the first Normandy was destroyed Commander Shepard was saved by an unlikely being wandering the galaxy with his rebel pilot how will the galaxy fair with Commander Shepard being trained in the ways of the force by the infamous Sith turned Jedi Starkiller? Parings Male Shep/Tali, Starkiller/Juno

A/N and disclaimer

I do not own Mass Effect or Star Wars any of its franchise; characters or places Bioware EA Lucas arts and Casey Hudson and George Lucas own it all

"_" Talking

'_' Thinking

"_" Flashback

Chapter I: A Rogue Shadow Descends

Along time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Mass Effect: The Force Unleashed

Commander Shepard came into contact with an ancient beacon that showed him visions of ancient machines called the reapers who wiped out all life in the galaxy 50 billion years ago

With his loyal crew and the most advanced ship in the alliance fleet Shepard stopped the reapers from entering the galaxy through the citadel that was in actually a trap to wipe out the leaders of the galactic community and send the galaxy into disarray

But Commander Shepard saved the council at the cost of human lives and earned humanity's place amongst council now Shepard stands ready always on guard for when the reapers return.

But unbeknownst to Shepard, his true destiny is about to begin…

The far rim of the milky way

At the edge of the Milky Way a small ship then appears out of lightspeed. its design was small and sleek with black and gray paint and an orb-like cockpit in the center separating the ship halfway

Its name is the rogue shadow and its crew consist of a former Imperial pilot, a blind Jedi master, a holographic disguising droid and a former Sith turned Jedi their names are Juno, Rahm Kota, Proxy, and Starkiller.

They were sent on a mission on behalf of the newly reformed Republic under the orders of newly appointed Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and General Leia Organa, who after sensing a disturbance in the force sent the team to explore the forgotten zone at the furthest edges of the galaxy hoping to find the source of the disturbance.

"Coming out of lightspeed, cloak engaged and cruising at relative speeds very nice" Juno analyzed as the rouge shadow systems as it made it to its destination

"What are we even looking for out here? No one has been here in centuries not since the time of the old republic and even then no one has even dared come to here what are we really here for?" General and Jedi master Rahm Kota was silent before answering the pilots question

"Master Skywalker said he felt a disturbance in the force way out this far in the forgotten zone and he advised that we investigate it in case it could be sith activity. But I am curious about this mission myself because the disturbance I felt was powerful as master Skywalker said… but to be felt all the way out here? Something enormous must have happened to shake the force as it did"

Juno stared at the blind general for a moment trying to comprehend what he said while she did not fully understand the ways of the force she knew when to trust the man's words about visions and feelings its saved her before.

"Anyway, here we are nothing but a few uninhabited planets and stars but I'll keep scanning if something comes up; by the way where's Starkiller"

Ever since he came back into her life she has been keeping an eye on him and staying close by his side in case he decides to disappear again and she would not let that happen

"What you miss me already?"

She spins on her chair to see Starkiller leaning against the frame grinning at her dressed in his Jedi robes, the same ones he wore when he boarded the Death Star to save the senators from the emperors grasp and ensure the rebels survival that would save the galaxy; he then casually strolls his way towards her as she smiles back at him.

"No, but you have a bit of a habit of disappearing from time to time now where were you?" He looks confused and moves his head from side to side as if looking for something.

"Where would I go there's nothing out the but space and I kind of don't want to die out there…again?" he answers her with a slight amount of amusement in his voice.

She chuckles slightly at his lame attempt at humor and then leans in and kisses him on the lips before parting

"You know what I mean"

"Ok I was training with proxy he's still determined to kill me even though I already died and then…cloned" he said the last part with a hint of depression

She catches his depression and then leans in and kisses him again with little more passion and vigor before staring into his eyes

"Now you listen to me clone or not your still the man I love and nothing will change my mind" staring into his eyes as got lost in each others eyes as they leaned in for their third kiss till

"AHEM" They turn to the source of their interruption only to see a bemused blind Jedi master grinning from ear to ear

"So should I just leave or what"

And just like that, the romance was sucked right out like air in a vacuum leaving both lovers blushing bright red while Juno did her best at trying to disappear while Starkiller was trying to glare the old man to death

"No, we're fine, let's get back to work"

Far rim Normandy SR1 location

The Normandy SR1 disengaged slip space as it entered the far rim for 2 weeks after the destruction of the Reaper Sovereign, the Normandy had been on patrol for any more pockets of Geth resistance but had found nothing. But the crew knew the real reason why they were stationed out this far; it was to keep them as far away from the public as possible so the council could cover up the whole reaper conspiracy theory and claim it was rouge geth and the traitor Saren.

Shepard sat in his captain's quarters looking over a data pad in his hands sorting through information gathered so far on the geth he was a soldier in the alliance navy and the first human spectre and now proclaimed hero of the citadel but he never let that fame and power go to his head; he always believed in getting the job done with minimal casualties.

But he had his own way of doing things he could persuade anyone to lower their guns or listen to his words and they would he couldn't really describe it but it was like he felt the emotions of whoever he'd meet and could play in to match that emotion like…


"Shepard its Tali can I come in?" Shepard paused in his thinking and turned his head towards the door as he heard one of his favorite crewmen asking permission to enter.

"Sure come on in the doors unlocked"

Tali walked in and observed her surroundings the room was medium in size but standard to alliance military captains she still couldn't get used to so much space; as a Quarian she is used to small spaces back on live ships and shuttles to see so much empty space still confused her on human characteristics.

"You wanted to see me, Shepard?"

"Yes I did I just wanted to say thank you for staying with me even though you could have left anytime now, it really means so much to me that you stayed" The honesty in his word caused Tali to blush bright red under her helmet not that Shepard could see underneath but her body language gave her away.

"It was nothing Shepard you helped me find my pilgrimage gift something that could change the way we fight the geth it would be very useful to my father it was the least I could do"

She was so honest and selfless with anything she did and she never asked for anything in return even asking for the geth data had taken a lot of courage for her even though it went against everything she was taught and would feel selfish for asking for one thing from him.

And that's why he loved her but he was afraid that saying those words to her would ruin their friendship so he kept to himself and hoped they could remain, friends if she didn't feel the same way.

Oh the poor fool

If only he knew that she felt the exact same way about him but like Shepard was too afraid to tell him in fear that he would reject her feelings.

But she had to risk it even though it could risk their whole friendship and if it did then she would have to return to the flotilla and never see him again so taking a deep breath and mentally prepared herself she put everything on the line

"Actually, Shepard there's something I wanted to…tell you" Looking slightly, confused Shepard gave her his full attention

"Yes, Tali?"

This was it now or never 'the big plunge' as the humans would say



Suddenly the whole ship shook as the two occupants were tossed to the floor from the shock of the Normandy sudden course change

"Joker what's happening?"

"Unknown ship just appeared out of nowhere and started firing on us we've already lost 50% kinetic barriers, hull breaches on deck 3 and weapons are offline and Pressly's dead sir!" Unknown ship appearing out of nowhere just his luck but he could debate his luck later right now he had to get the distress beacon online and get the crew off before the ship blows apart.

"Tali get everyone to the escape pods NOW!"

"On it Shepard! What about you?" the fear in her voice was evident but composed

"I'll be fine now go I got to get the distress beacon online"

And with that Shepard was suited up and running out into the mess hall to the stasis pods where the beacon was located fire had already compromised most of the air onboard so he equipped his helmet and started to breathe comfortably.

"Shepard!" Kaiden Alenko shouted as he made his way to the commander as more of the ship fell apart around them

"Distress beacons been engaged"

"Will the alliance get here in time?" Kaiden asked with a hint of doubt in his voice at the likely chance of an alliance ship rescuing them.

"The alliance won't abandon us we just need to hold out till then" Suddenly more fire exploded out of and exhaust vent so grabbing an extinguisher Shepard ordered Kaiden to put it out

"I need you to get everyone to the escape pods now"

"Jokers still in the cockpit and I'm not going anywhere" Kaiden was remiss to leave Shepard behind having a strange feeling that something bad will happen to the commander if he left but Shepard just turned to the Lieutenant and said

"Kaiden go…now!" Kaiden stared at his commanding officer for a short time before solemnly leaving the room saying

"Aye-aye" After Shepard was sure Kaiden was gone he initiated the evacuation orders in hope of getting his people out alive

'I just hope the alliance does come'

Rouge Shadow same time

In the cargo bay Starkiller was meditating becoming one with the force while he was doing this his two light sabers were floating around him disassembling and reassembling as he tried to gain a vision of the future in hopes of finding whatever they're looking for

He saw two ships of unknown origin engaged in combat one larger than the other and the smaller one was losing; he saw a man running down the hall to the cockpit in zero-g gravity, he saw the man arguing with the pilot helping him to the escape pod.

He saw the enemy ship as its cannon charged and fired on the smaller one, he saw the armored man sacrifice himself to launch the escape pod while he slammed out into space and drift into the unknown void but he was able to catch the name of the man who sacrificed himself for the pilot.


And like that, the vision was gone while everything else in the cargo bay slammed back down due to being suspended in the force he held his head in his hand as he tried to contemplate what he saw in his vision.

'Two ships of unknown origin this far out in the forgotten zone is that even possible?' Suddenly his comm. Channel sparked to the voice of his master Rahm Kota

"Boy! hurry up and get to the bridge! We just picked up a distress beacon on the emergency channels! Get up here now!"

"On my way Master" he dashed his way to the bridge and when he arrived he found both occupants hunched over the console listing to a distress signal.

-'Mayday, mayday this commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy we under attack by an unknown enemy if you can here this respond immediately repeat this is commander Shepard of the SSV Normandy-

'Shepard that's the man from my vision' Starkiller thought with a look of astonishment on his face

"We'll what should we do?" Juno asked the two experienced Jedi's in the room on how they should handle the situation slightly torn at choosing to stay out of the fight or help whoever's being attacked.

"The man Shepard was in my vision I had he seems important I think its best we save him first because that ship seems more focused on killing Shepard then the rest of the crew," General Rahm Kota thought this over carefully before coming to a decision

"Agreed if we get him out of the system the ship might stop firing on the Normandy and with cloak engaged we might fool them into thinking he is dead" Kota spoke as an experienced tactician

"Roger that changing course to the SSV Normandy but I can't pinpoint Shepard" Juno acknowledged after plunging the Rogue Shadow straight into the fray

"Don't worry Juno I can sense where he is…his connection to the force is strong almost as if-"

"THERE HE IS!" Starkiller cut off his master as the crew turned their gaze to see a man in a strange EVA suit as he began to plummet to the planet below

"Juno bring the ship close enough and open the Hanger door!" Starkiller ordered as he put on an EVA suit and helmet and turned towards the cargo bay

"What are you going to do?" Juno questioned but still followed orders as she watched the man she loved suit up in a space suit before he turned to her and smirked behind his transparent helmet

"Going to play catch"

With Commander Shepard as he plummets to the planet

After he rescued joker from the Normandy commander Shepard was thrown out into space severing his spinal cord and couldn't move his legs on top of which his suit had sprung leaks and now oxygen was escaping fast and he was plummeting towards the planet.

"No! I can't die! Not yet! I have to stop the reapers!, I have to warn everyone!, I have to tell Tali…that…I…love her" he screamed to himself as he struggled against the pull of the planets gravity. But no matter how much he struggled he knew it would not change the predicament he was in his last regrets were that he never told the woman he loved how much she meant to him and how much he loved her so he closed his eyes and waited for his fate…

Suddenly he feels a pulling sensation drawing him away from the planet and towards another ship that he could have sworn was not there a moment ago but because of the serious injuries that he sustained he could not keep conscious and eventually faded into sleep

"Juno I have him! get us out of the system right now!" Starkiller screamed as he grabbed Shepard's body with the force and dragged his body to the medical bay hoping that there is still a chance that he could survive only time will tell as the rogue shadow entered light speed.

Yavin 4 the newly formed Jedi Temple 2 weeks later

Blinding light was the first thing that Shepard was aware of as he regained consciousness he also felt a strange liquid cover his body like he was suspended in floating jelly. Suddenly the liquid started to empty from the chamber and he felt his body descend and felt a pair of arms grab him and drag out and on to a stretcher bed then wheeled into a separate room

"Who are you?" Shepard managed to speak finally after that whole ordeal "and where am I?" he said as he surveyed the strange temple-like room.

"Relax you are among friends" a smooth voice answered him he turned to see a blond Caucasian man wearing black robes and one black glove on his right hand he had an air of calm and wisdom around him yet by his looks he was around about 30 years of age.

The man next to him had short shaved hair and wore similar robes but seemed more fitted for combat the man's eyes also seemed to hold a hard past and pain but with a sense of hope.

"My name is Luke Skywalker and I am the leader of the new Jedi order and you commander Shepard were terribly injured we brought he to heal you using our special bacta tank you have nothing to fear" For some strange reason that was beyond Shepards understanding, he felt that he could trust the two strange men before him as he got a strange vibe throughout his whole body. He didn't know why he felt this way, but he knew that he could trust in his feelings, they never steered him wrong before.

"Ok I trust you but next time don't make me feel like a piece of fruit in a jelly cup now where am I and what's a Jedi? And where is my crew?" Luke kept a composed face as he answered the man's frantic questions

"To answer your questions first we are on Yavin 4 a planet outside of your galaxy far away from what you know, I doubt your galaxy is even aware of out existence given the gear you were brought in with," he said as he looked over to the remains of Shepards weapons and armour.

"As for who we are my name is Luke Skywalker Jedi Master of the new Jedi Order and this is Jedi Master Starkiller, we are Jedi Knights who are charged as peacekeepers of the galaxy who wield the powers of the force," he said as Shepard looked at them strangely.

"The force? what's the force? is that a form of biotics?" Shepard asked having never heard of such a thing. Luke shook his head as he chuckled slightly at the man.

"No the force is a metaphysical power that exists all around us and Jedi's can wield it to do just about anything," he said as he raised his hand to the left as he demonstrated the force by lifting the cup of water that was beside the Commanders bed and making it float around his head before settling it down in its original place as the commander was awed by this.

"Wow" was all he could say

"Yes it is and about you crew they are fine the ship that attacked left immediately after you were presumed dead they are alright," he said as Shepard sighed in relief at the news that his crew was safe at least they didn't all die.

"Why am I here exactly?" Shepard asked now that all formalities were out of the way and need to ask some more pressing questions.

"About four weeks ago there was a major disturbance in the force that centered around your galaxy, so I sent Master Starkiller to investigate the disturbance and came upon your ship in peril. After they saved your life and brought you here I was able to read your mind and see that you were at the center of the disturbance taking down the Reaper called Sovereign quite a feat for someone who didn't use the force" Luke answered him with a slight hint of praise commenting him on his accomplishment

"When we rescued you from the wreckage of the Normandy General Kota noted you have a strong connection to the force, far stronger than those of your age," he said as the man crossed his arms.

"I too can sense this in you and after much deliberation have decided to train you in the ways of the force" Shepard was shocked, to say the least; train him in the ways of the force could he really learn to use that power and master the ways of the force but he needed to get back to his galaxy and prepare for when the reapers come

"I'm honored really but I can't accept I need to get back to my galaxy I need to get ready for when the reapers come," he said as the blond haired man shook his head at this.

"Shepard with what is to come you will need all the power you can get if you want to have any chance against the reapers please consider this offer with the force on your side you can protect the ones you love" That seemed to pluck a string in him as he thought about Tali and how she could die if he wasted this opportunity.

The power they wield might defiantly give him an edge the Reapers won't expect. But he wondered if it would be enough to defeat them, seeing as how it took an entire Alliance Navy to take down one Reaper.

Was it enough he had wondered?

"This power? Will I be able to stop the Reapers and save my Galaxy?" the man only shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at Shepard.

"That is up to you Shepard," he said as closed his eyes as he thought about the one thing that mattered the most to him in the galaxy, the only thing he had left to fight for.


"Ok I'll do it" Shepard answered as Luke smiled at his determination

"Very well welcome Commander Shepard to the Jedi Order Master Starkiller will be you trainer and mentor your training begins soon" and with that he and Starkiller left the room as Shepard laid back and started to contemplate on what he just signed up for

'Wait for me Tali I'll be home soon'

Cerberus Headquarters

The illusive man stared off at the burning sun that glowed an eerie orange color as he sorted through more information on the series of operations that Cerberus was accomplishing.

An assassination of a Turian politic here, the rise of a human leader over there and more experiment on the remains of the Reaper Sovereign that was recovered during the battle of the citadel all was going well for Cerberus.

Behind the man, a QEC came to live as an image of an attractive woman wearing a white leotard, black boots and gloves with raven black hair, hazel colored eyes and an attractive face as she appeared behind the man.

"Miranda" the Illusive man acknowledged as he turned on his chair to face her.

"How goes the Lazarus project? Has there been any significant developments since we recovered Shepards body a month ago?" the man said as he sipped at his favourite brandy and smoked from his cigar.

The Lazarus project was designed to bring back Shepard from the dead a feat that would be deemed impossible to most but with the latest technology and Cerberus funding anything's possible only one small problem

"Illusive man I...I regret to inform you that the body recovered was not that of commander Shepards but that of one of the Normandy's dead crewmen and we still have no reports on his actual location it may be possible that his body had burnt up on re-entry"

The illusive man gave Miranda a deep frown, as the information was unsettling

"That is…disappointing...relay any available operatives to search the planet again and double check for any remains. If Shepard can not be found, then have a team extract the DNA samples kept on file at the alliance HQ we can then initiate Project: Mirror Image" The illusive man ordered to his most loyal operative.

"As you wish Illusive Man" and with that, she disappeared leaving the man alone with his thoughts as he turned back the orange burning sun as he clenched the glass in his hand as his blue eyes glared at the sun.

"Most disappointing indeed..."

Chapter 1 end