Hero sat down and slowly pulled a diamond blade out of his chest, another one from his gut, and a third from his back. He had to protect the ender dragon. The demigod attempted to stand, but collapsed, coughing blood. He looked up to where the wyrm lay. Despite his darkened and blurred vision Hero could make out the form of something large and black. The demon saw something move but couldn't quite be sure what it was, and a cry that most mobs would have mistaken for a roar shook the air. The ender dragon was dead. He had failed it.

Hero groaned as he sat up. A throbbing pain through his head told him that he had woken up before his body was ready; perhaps because he had had such high priorities when he passed out. A quick look around reviled several women tending to the ender dragon's injured wing. Hero stumbled over to them and pushed one girl aside to heal his friend himself. "You are in no shape to heal me." Claimed the ender dragon, making no attempt to stop the clearly nauseous demigod.

"I'm faster than any mage and you know it. 'Sides, I'll be fine in an hour, tops." The dragon shrugged and stretched his now fully functional wings. "Now where is that bitch, I've got a few things to say to her." Hero growled.

"I think you need to calm down before you can hold a conversation with your enemies." The dragon advised.

"I think you're right." Hero sat down and leaned up against his old friend's side. There was a long pause before Hero sighed heavily. "Why am I so screwed up?"

The ender dragon chuckled. "Wouldn't it be nice to know?"

"No kidding." Several minutes passed before Herobrine got up wordlessly and started walking in a seemingly random direction. His headache was gone; apparently he had underestimated his own ability to heal. Eventually he stopped and slammed his foot down on the block next to him. The block of endstone broke to reveal an open space beneath it. In the small chamber were a torch and two humans. The male human gave a nervous laugh and the female raised a sword, which the male carefully pushed down. "Hero, you sure healed fast."

"Did I? I have no idea how long I was out so I'll have to take your word on it."

The female was done being shocked and was ready to kill the vile beast that had just proven its existence to her. "Fight me Herobrine!"

The demon's reaction surprised her. Rather than a display of power and an attack she got what sounded like concern. "Did you hit your head when I rammed you?"

Natasha thought back to that and found that she couldn't remember hitting the ground at all. "Actually I…" Why was she answering its question?! "What does it matter? Fight me!"

"It matters because you're being uncharacteristically stupid. The bounty on my head has been eternal fame and glory since the first age. What makes you think you can kill me?" The first response that came to the Enderhunter's head was something along the lines of 'I just know it.' and it occurred to her that this really was a stupid answer, so she kept her mouth shut. Herobrine dropped into the hole in their hideout he had created. "Anyway, I want to make a deal with you. You stop hunting endermen and the ender dragon and-"

"Why should I make such a deal with you? Such a vile creature as you is not deserving of contract with me."

Steve was surprised with Herobrine's patience thus far, his willingness to negotiate was a comfort to see, but the demigod was getting visibly irritated. Steve equipped his sword, incase either the warrior or the psychopath became violent.

Hero crossed his arms. "Do you want Simon back or not?"

No, impossible, this thing had the audacity to claim her brother was still alive? and after it had no doubt killed him? Still, the warrior summoned an iron sword to her free hand and swung at the demon with it. As he caught her wrist she pushed her first sword through his abdomen. It all happened so fast that Steve hadn't had time to react, and it occurred to the miner that her was only a miner, and that there was no way he would be able to break up a fight between a minor god and an elite hunter-warrior. It also occurred to him that he was stuck with them in a very small space. "What have you done with my brother?!" Natasha shouted.

Herobrine snarled and tightened his grip on her wrist until she was forced to relinquish both her iron blade and the diamond one in his gut. The demon gave the bloody diamond sword to Steve to replace the stone one he carried. "Stay away from my people and he's yours, pull another stunt like that and I'll burn you both alive." Hero growled through his teeth, still squeezing her wrist. Steve couldn't help but recall that Hero had no intention of hurting either Simon or Natasha, and rather hoped the bluff wouldn't be in vain. "We got a deal?"

"How can I trust you? You-"

Hero cut her off. "I haven't killed you yet." Hero raised his voice, and the humans were terrified. Hero somehow seemed infinitely bigger and more threatening than he really was. "If I'm lying you can go right ahead and decimate my end, and I'll have every reason to kill you." He hissed.

For the second time in an hour Natasha found herself unable to make eye contact with the demon. She quietly replied. "I… Anything to bring Simon home…"

"Good." Hero let go of her arm and sat down, no longer a terrifying demon of the nether and great evil. The second he closed his eyes he seemed about as threatening as a human in the same condition; injured and bleeding. Steve dug his way out of the small space since there was no good reason to keep such a small space impossible to escape. That and Natasha seemed ready to lash out at something and no matter what happened it couldn't go well.

There was a short painful pause before the warrior became impatient. "Where is Simon?" She demanded.

Hero didn't bother opening his eyes, much less looking at the girl. "You thought it would be a good idea to stab me, you can wait 'til I heal."

"And… how long will that be?"

"Well… If I had to guess I'd say about an hour, since it's just one wound. So If I were you I'd sit down."

Natasha remained standing. Time was passed in silence before Hero finally stood up. "Alright, I'll go get him."

Natasha couldn't help but feel that far less than an hour had passed, but it was impossible to tell without the sun and moon. She followed the demon out of the tiny box shaped cave Steve had made. "Simon." It called out. Natasha wanted to stab him again, but she was distracted by the enderman that appeared before the wretch. To her ever diminishing astonishment it spoke English.

"Where the nether have you been Hero? I get word the end's under attack and you're not here!"

The demigod ignored the enderman's scolding. "Simon you remember public enemy number one right?" He gestured to Natasha. "And Natasha, this is your brother."

The human raised her bow to the demon. "I don't take kindly to liars."

The enderman buried his face in one large hand. "Are you crazy? What makes you think she'd recognize me?" He grumbled.

"Yeah I'm crazy. You still wear those hair bands right?" Hero replied in ender.

"How else would I keep my hair together?" Simon took the lowest of the heavy gold plate rings out of his long hair and handed it to Hero.

"This proof enough for ya?" Hero said, handing the object to Natasha. She eyed the demigod carefully as she took the hair tie. The Enderhunter crest was engraved on the soft metal; an eye of ender with two down turned swords crossed behind it, and on either side was the sign of Notch. She took one out of her own hair and compared the two. They were identical, but she couldn't wear more than two since her hair simply wasn't long enough. On the inside was the family name. Before she could figure out a grammatically correct way of saying, 'you lie' Hero spoke again. "Lucky I didn't turn him into a dog, paws are useless for tying hair." Simon couldn't help but think that his huge hands and claws weren't ideal either.

Natasha looked up at the enderman. Rather than hiss in return he just gave a nervous grin and a small wave. His face was unmistakably that of her brother, excluding the fact that his skin was darker than the night sky… what a purposelessly poetic notion. "What did you do to him?" She said in her darkest, most threatening tone. A stark contrast to the demon's playful one.

"I turned him into an enderman. I could do the same to you too. Isn't that right Simon?"

"Couldn't you at least try to be respectful?" The enderman sighed.

"I could, but my self-esteem's been pretty low as of late. I find that feigning arrogance is a good place to start finding my self-worth again." Hero replied, again in ender.

Natasha approached the enderman silently and hugged his thy. Simon got down on one knee so that he was only a little higher than her. She buried her face in his shoulder and started crying. "I missed you so much." She wept. "I thought you were dead."

Simon comforted her as best he could with the searing sting of her tears through the thin fabric of his cloak. "I missed you too." He said quietly, holding her close despite the absurd length of his arms.

Hero ignored the emotional seen and instead located Steve, sitting a little ways off, feeling awkward, and gestured for him to come join the group. The miner complied. "Simon," The enderman looked up at the demigod in reply. "I know you two are having a moment and all, but I think it's time we get back to the overworld."

"You are so sensitive." Simon said with dull sarcasm.

Hero dropped his playful tone and spoke quickly and with purpose. "Simon I only have so much patience. She has spent the majority of it and I need to kill; the last thing I want is for the three of you to get in my way."

Simon vanished, taking his sister with him. He repaired in her bedroom. "Don't leave." She begged. The enderman became nervous at the thought of Hero snapping in the end, but Natasha deserved his attention. "Hey, I'll be right back ok?" The girl silently detached herself from her long lost brother and sat down on her bed.

He returned to the end, took Steve and Herobrine home, and was back with his little sister.

Herobrine equipped a diamond pickax, and by the end of the night his death toll was 83 undead, 112 living night mobs, and an assortment 47 of wild cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, and wolves. As the sun rose he lay on the ground, grinning. The mangled corpses of so many mobs was quite a sight. The red blood of creepers, endermen, witches, and day mobs mixed at random with the blue blood of spiders. The demigod was unscathed, and started laughing again, this time in fear of his own destructive nature.

Simon was startled out of sleep at the sound of a door being slammed open. Suddenly a sword was at his throat and his sister was clinging to his torso and shouting at the weapon's holder. Simon followed the blade with his eyes to the face of… some stranger. Perfect. Of all the people to burst into his sister's room at random, why couldn't it be someone he knew? Then again, the simple act of being there, in a hunting family's home, was something of a death sentence all on its own. Simon glanced out the window from his place on the ground with his back to the wall. It was still night, or maybe it was night again, either way it was raining. The forest was pretty nearby, but it would be preferable to not have to be outside at all, then again, this guy would probably kill him if he stayed. As the enderman decided that leaving was probably the best course of action, someone grabbed his ponytail and his attention was brought back to his shouting sister. "I am the head of house, he wears our crest, I say he stays."

The sword was unequipped and the man who had been holding it crossed his arms. "Fine! see if I care!"

"You obviously care or you wouldn't be arguing with me!"

"Shut up!"

Natasha faced her brother. "Simon this is my boyfriend Max." She turned back to Max. "Max this is my brother Simon. You two are going to get along." She stated, with a tone of 'or else'.

'Oh joy, my confrontational sister has a confrontational boyfriend. Lovely.' Simon thought. Then another unrelated thought struck him. What about the rest of the family? He could always just keep secret and not let anyone know he was ever there. Yeah, that was probably a good idea. Even as the enderman formed thoughts they were one by one decided against.

"Simon, what do you say we go see Dad?"

"I think that's a bad idea Natasha. Dad will kill me."

"Oh, it'll be fine."

Max continued pouting, Natasha smiled brightly, and Simon suppressed a sigh. "Ok…"

"Great!" The girl chirped. "Max, go get my dad."

Max grumbled something about mobs invading sacred places as he left.

Natasha detached herself from her brother's torso and stood up. "You don't seem very happy to see me."

"What? No, just," Simon searched hopelessly for words that could make 'Look, I love you and my family but you all scare the living nether out of me.' sound nice. When He failed to do so he said just that.

Natasha crossed her arms. "Don't you trust me anymore?"

"I… Yes? … but-"

The nervous enderman was interrupted as the half closed door was once again thrown open, this time as the door slammed into the cobblestone it was hinged to it broke, leaving a small, rotating version of itself floating less than a pixel off the ground.

Someone shouted something about his son, and a sword was raised. Simon instinctively guarded his face with his arms, nearly costing him his right hand. As the diamond blade hit bone the enderman tried to teleport away, only to find that he couldn't teleport. Simon panicked. Natasha attempted to wrestle he father to submission, more shouting, she was quickly overpowered and kicked aside. The shouting stopped.

"Come on, can't I leave you alone for even a minute? Honestly I turn my back for one day and you get yourself cursed and cornered." Herobrine jeered, holding Simon's father's long hair with one hand and pressing the blade if an iron sword to the man's throat with the other. "Hey why do you all have long hair? Doesn't it get in the way and stuff?"

"H-Hero… How did you…" Simon trailed off.

"You may have caution the point of cowardice by the end's standards but you're actually pretty reckless." Hero's calm grin seemed rather out of place in the aftermath of battle and panic. "Now," Herobrine addressed his captive. "if you two can't come to an agreement someone is going to die. Simon has my protection 'til the day he dies. You sir, are on my blacklist."

"How did you get in here?" The man demanded coolly.

"I might just tell you, but first you have to drop that sword of yours."

"I'd rather not."

"Is this where Simon gets all that that confidence?"

Simon cut in. "Both of you stop it. Hero, leave him alone."

Herobrine released the enderman's human father and unequipped his sword. "Ah, you're just in a bad mood 'cause you almost got your hand chopped off. Here give me your arm."

Simon complied and Hero ran his hand over the open wound as gently as he could. The cut sealed and the sharp pain overthrowing nearly every muscle in Simon's lower arm vanished. Herobrine spun around and equipped a sword to block the father's attack, who hadn't actually seen Hero's face until this point. The demon grinned at the familiar mix of terror and astonishment that came with meeting new people. "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Herobrine, and you are?"

"What is a demon like you doing in my home?" The father snarled.

"Hm… can I call you Whatis?"

"Hero." Simon growled.

"What? You're the one who let her drag you into this." Herobrine gestured to Natasha. The girl bit her lower lip and faced the floor. "I'm just here to help you out of an awkward family moment, since I am the best person you could ever hope to help you deal with family matters." Herobrine's constant mocking was getting annoying to Simon, and a bit frightening to Natasha. At this point Max returned and immediately fainted when he saw Herobrine. "Hey Natasha you sure you wanna date him? I mean, he seems a bit spineless for you." No one bothered asking how Herobrine knew that Natasha and Max were dating.

"Herobrine!" The highly agitated enderman barked.

"Fine, business it is then." Herobrine unequipped his own sword, ripped the iron sword form the human's hand and unequipped it as well. He then picked up the human and his son by the fronts of their shirts and forced them to face each other. "Make up or I'll poison you both." Herobrine's mocking tone held. When making up didn't happen Herobrine sighed and dropped angry Whatis and fully stressed Simon. "Look," He finally sounded annoyed. "I turned you're kid into and enderman, it's not that hard, humans can do it too. Id est, that guy is the same Simon you think is dead. Don't believe me? Too bad, I'm sick of you people and you can either take him or leave him but I've got better things to do than stand around here and let you all fight it out." Hero crossed his arms and waited for someone to do something so that he could leave.

Devin (Simon's father) looked harder at the enderman. Hero didn't stop the human from stabbing him, and even hid his annoyance at being yelled at. "What have you done to my son!?" The room went from really tense to really, really tense.

"Smart man, attacking an immortal 'demon'. But if you wouldn't mind putting your excessive collection of swords away, I've bled enough for one week."

"Change him back." Devin hissed menacingly, putting more pressure on the hilt of his sword, already up against Herobrine's stomach.

"I can't say I have a good reason to. You people are under my protection so I can't kill you but I can raise nether for you in more ways than you could ever hope to count. And I will if you don't back off." Simon stood up as best he could and put a hand on his parent's shoulder. Devin hesitantly unequipped his sword. "Good, I'm going home to bleed." Hero turned to leave. "Simon you can go a day without teleporting right?"


"Laters." Herobrine left, taking the sharp 'who's going to die next?' tension with him, and making room for awkward silence. The silence didn't last.

"Get back here you bastard!" Devin rushed after Hero.

Herobrine sighed and punched Devin in the face, though not had enough to kill him. "Get off my back Devin. I'm fed up with your family." Herobrine stormed off, leaving Simon to deal with things on his own.

A.N.: If at any point I said I needed a proof reader, I would like to revise that statement. I don't just need a proof reader, I need a proof reader with good grammar, a sharp eye, an at least high school level understanding of the English language, an understanding of survival mode minecraft, ( it's amazing how many people have never played survival,) and time enough to get back to me within a week of posting. Sorry to have so many requirements and sorry to beg, but the people I live around either can't write to save their lives, or don't know nor care about minecraft, let alone Herobrine. That aside, hope you enjoyed! Questions, comments, raving rants about the darkest recesses of human consciousness, and corrections, are all welcome in the form of reviews, while ninja assassins, Harry Potter, and global warming, are not welcome in the form of reviews, and will be met with one of the following emoticons: o_e , :/ , or :(