A/N: This is my first Pitch Perfect fic. I always wanted to incorporate sports into the world of Pitch Perfect so this is what I came up with. Rated T for later chapters. Please review!

Chapter 1.

Beca Mitchell wasn't a big fan of exercise. She had suffered through P.E. classes in high school and even joined the track & field team for a while since she was actually pretty fast at short distances but she had ended up quitting after a while. She felt like she didn't really fit in with the other people who defined themselves as jocks. Beca Mitchell was most definitely not a jock. She didn't find any friends on the team and decided to call it quits.

Music was something she could do on her own and it gave her way more kicks than sports anyway.

Exercising was totally dismissed from her life at the end of high school when Beca participated in a local talent competition where she showcased her mixing skills. She was discovered there by her future manager Luke who eventually went on and signed Beca for his record label. He was amazed by Beca's talent and predicted boldly that she would be the next David Guetta, except that she would do some of the singing on her tracks as well.

The next months went in a haze as Beca first finished high school and soon after moved to L.A. In the next couple of years Beca prepared to release her debut album and made herself a name in the music business as a DJ. When she finally published her debut album it went straight on the top of the charts in US and Canada and Europe followed soon after. The self-titled debut broke the gold record limit in three weeks. Beca's debut was praised for her fresh take on mixing old classics with new chart toppers.

Beca was having more jobs offered that she could possibly take and Luke had to turn down most of them in order to balance the workload the DJ was suddenly getting. They seemed to manage quite well for the first year and so Beca didn't see any reason to change her eating habits that included a lot of take out and fast food. Taco Bell was her especial favorite and when she mentioned the company on a late night talk show once she was showered with gifts from the company that wanted to make sure their biggest spokesperson would enjoy their food in the future too.

After her rise to fame Beca didn't really bother with exercise since she felt like she didn't need to. Walking to her car, on the stage and shopping counted as exercise in her books. It wasn't like she had to exercise for a role like so many actors and actresses did in Hollywood and besides no matter how much or little she ate everything seemed to just fall through her. She remained tiny no matter what.

It only required one night to remind Beca Mitchell that she was just a fragile human-being after all.

It was an opening night of a new club called BRRN in Los Angeles where the owner had personally asked Beca to DJ. It was going to be a massive high profile event with a red carpet and celebrity guest list that other events on the same night could only envy. For Beca this was just going to be a normal working night where she would provide the fuel that set people in flames on the dance floor. That's what she did best.

She even decided to make a rare red carpet appearance before the event because as Luke had reminded her hadn't made any public appearances except for her gigs in months. Usually Beca avoided the red carpet hassle as she didn't feel very comfortable in the spotlight and people yelling her to look at the camera and pose in ways that just made her look awkward. She wasn't a trained model and for her the big Hollywood smile and poise didn't come naturally. That was one of the reasons why most photos taken of her featured her trademark smirk as Beca felt most comfortable doing that rather than a big full-on plastered smile.

The photographers seemed to go crazy when Beca stepped out of her limo on to the red carpet that night. There were so many lights and screaming people that it almost made her dizzy. Luckily she had her assistant Asley to guide her through the chaos and tell her when to stop, smile and keep going. She made it through though and felt more comfortable again when she entered the dim lights of the club.

Her DJ equipment was already set up for her and a there was also a cocktail glass with her favorite drink on the table. Beca smiled to herself when she slipped her headphones on as more and more people were starting to enter the club. After a few hours when the club was starting to get really full Beca queued some songs for the next hour or so and decided to take a break. Ashley had been bringing her all kinds of different cocktails during the night as usual but this time Beca felt like something wasn't right. Her head had started aching after the last few cocktails and she felt her heart beat was picking up constantly like she had been running on a treadmill. All of a sudden Beca felt exhausted like she couldn't lift a limb and leaned heavily on the mixing table. Her heart chose that moment to start beating even faster like it wanted to burst out her chest. The people on the dance floor were now just a big blurry mess in Beca's eyes. Beca felt like she couldn't breathe and then her knees gave in and she collapsed on the floor.

No one on the dance floor noticed though as music was still playing and would play for the next hour as Beca's playlist went on. It was Ashley who found her lying on the floor face down as she was on her way to bring the DJ some water this time and urge her to take a break. Seeing Beca lying on the floor was one of the most horrible moments of Ashley's life as she kneeled down next to Beca and tried to stir her. She then checked her pulse and was relieved to find one. She called an ambulance and quickly texted Luke.

When the ambulance arrived most of the photographers were still in front of a club waiting for some drunken stars to stumble out but this time they got much more than they had bargained for. The sight of ambulance men bringing the famous DJ Beca Mitchell on stretchers with an oxygen mask over her mouth made them crazy. Ashley tried her best shielding Beca's face from the photographers but failed miserably as there were so many of them. Those pictures were going to be all over the media in the next few hours.

They made it through the crowd to the ambulance and Beca was lifted in without further delay. Tears were streaming down on Ashley's face as she climbed in and sat next to Beca. She didn't react to the photographers shouting questions about what happened since she was in such an utter shock. Ashley hoped Luke could do something to calm them down.

When Beca's eyes fluttered open she didn't know where she was or what time it was. As the world began to sharpen she noticed she was lying in a strange bed in clothes other than her own. On both sides of the bed there stood people who looked more than relieved that she was awake. She could make out Luke's and Ashley's faces and on the other side there was someone she hadn't seen for two years: her father.

"Hey", Beca greeted weakly and offered a small smile.

"Beca thank God you're awake! We were so worried about you", her father exclaimed grabbing his daughter's hand on his own.

Beca cringed at the contact.

"Yeah, still here and planning to stay with you guys even longer."

Ashley let out a sound between a sob and a sigh and smiled when Beca turned to look at her.

"It was so scary Beca. I just found you lying there your face on the floor. I thought – I thought you were"

"I'm not dead. Wasn't dead. I just collapsed. I'm glad to hear you thought it was serious enough to organize this family reunion though", Beca said not sounding very pleased to see her father there. They hadn't been very close after Beca had decided to skip college and move to L.A. straight out of high school. For her it was a now or never chance but that her father couldn't quite comprehend.

"I think Ashley did the right thing calling me in. What if it would've been something more serious? I am still your dad you know", her father stated looking still concerned.

"She could've called Amy, Stacie or Jesse or some of my other close friends. They're the ones who I'd like to have on my bedside if it ever gets serious", Beca answered coldly staring at the door to the room.

Her father kept his eyes on Beca's as he offered:

"Beca. I know we haven't really kept in touch for the past few years and I realize you're angry but I will have you know that I will be standing on your bedside again if I have to. You are my daughter Beca and I love you. I wish we could start over."

"I'm angry at you? I feel nothing for you. I've had the best years of my life when I decided to escape the hellhole you and stepmonster call your home. I've achieved so much. All of it without your help. I've never been happier in my life. I've had the chance to get to know people who actually care for me", Beca quipped gesturing to Luke and Ashley who had been silently listening to the father daughter argument. She finally met her father's eyes. He looked sad and defeated.

"I see now is not the best time for this conversation. But I will say this. I am very proud of you Beca. You did the right thing when you followed your dream. I assume you still have my number so I hope you'd call me sometime. I would appreciate it."

With that her father nodded to Luke and Ashley and exited the room. He had left Beca speechless. Her father actually felt proud for her daughter? Even though Beca didn't want to admit it a tiny bit of her felt warm and joyful after the comment but she silenced the feeling quickly and turned her attention to the two people left in the room.

"Now that that's sorted…I'm hungry. Can you find me some lunch in this place?" Beca enquired as she looked around the room like lunch was going to just appear from one corner.

Ashley said she would find her something to eat and left the room. That left Luke and Beca.

Luke looked at her protégée and shook his head.

"I shouldn't have let this happen Beca. I'm sorry."

"Well unless you were in the booth with me for the whole night I don't see how you could've-"

"I don't mean just last night. We should've been more careful. I didn't want to overload you with work now that it's being offered from every direction. But I see now that things need to change. We need to start paying more attention to your well-being. I don't want to experience something like this ever again."

Beca looked at her manager who seemed dead serious. Was it that bad?

"But I'm awake now and I feel just fine. Maybe it was just a one-off thing. Who knows if it's going to happen again?"

Luke shook his head again still looking concerned.

"Well that's the risk I'm not willing to take. And that is why I told your doctor that it would be okay if she wants to run some tests."

"My doctor? Since when have I got a doctor?"

"Since today, miss Mitchell" came a voice from the door. In the door frame there stood a very attractive tall blonde with green eyes. Her smile was warm as she approached the brunette lying on the bed and Beca noticed her legs that seemed to go on for ages under the standard white coat and a sunflower yellow dress she wore underneath.

The blonde reached the side of the bed and introduced herself:

"Dr Aubrey Posen, specialist in food science and nutrition. You can call me Aubrey. Good to see you're awake miss Mitchell."

"Just call me Beca, Dr Posen, I mean Aubrey", the DJ slowly returned as she was still struck by the aura of attractiveness surrounding the blonde.

"Very well Beca. I'd like to run some tests to be sure of what we're dealing with here. It shouldn't take more than couple of hours before you can go home. Is that okay with you?"

Beca nodded and agreed. Aubrey then told them she would be back in a few moments and that Beca shouldn't worry too much as they were just some standard tests. She left the room but not before giving Luke a bright smile on her way out.

Luke had been smiling from the moment she saw Beca's face when Aubrey made her presence known in the room. He couldn't help letting out a laugh when the blonde doctor exited the room.

"You don't mind Aubrey taking care of you now, do you?"

Beca shot her a look but smiled:

"I wouldn't mind her taking a really good care of me if you know what I mean but somehow I got the feeling she's not playing for my team. The look she gave you though was quite promising. You should ask her out. And besides she's not even my type. "

"That didn't seem to be a problem when you were practically undressing her with your eyes when she entered the room", Luke returned and earned the finger from Beca.

"It's just the whole I'm hot but also smart as hell vibe that I got from her which was pretty sexy. But you know that I'd go for red over blonde any day if I had to choose. There's just something so sexy about that hair color."

Luke didn't have time to answer when the door opened and the blonde doctor entered the room again. Beca was able to give her a smirk and greet instead of just staring like the last time.

Aubrey told her that the tests had proven what she had thought in the first place (Beca rolled her eyes but didn't say anything, she just though hot and smart). It seemed that she had multiple vitamin deficiencies that were caused by a bad diet (too much Taco Bell Luke mouthed behind Aubrey's shoulder) and that she should also start exercising in order to balance her irregular working hours and stress that the work seemed to cause for her body. Aubrey offered to take care of her nutrition as her newly appointed doctor but she recommended that Beca would seek the services of a personal trainer if motivation for exercise was something she struggled with. Beca chuckled at the comment and told her that it would probably be the best option.

It seemed that Aubrey had expected the answer since she reached for her coat pocket and took out a business card that she handed to Beca.

"You might've heard of her. She's a good friend of mine and has helped quite a few people in Hollywood after her retirement from professional figure skating. She's one of the hottest names in the business at the moment. I highly recommend you give her a call. I'm sure she'd love to work with you."

Beca looked at the business card in her hand and smiled. She vaguely remembered the woman's face. Beca made a mental note to herself to google the woman. The card read Chloe Beale: personal trainer, Olympic silver medalist, NCSF Personal Trainer, Fitness Instruction, BSc (Hons). On the left there was a close up of a gorgeous redhead with a confident yet assuring smile. Her blue eyes stood out against her light complexion. There was no question whether Chloe Beale was the hottest name in the business. Beca felt her mouth go dry. She'd give the redhead a call the second she was out of this hospital.