Well, I guess this means I'm still alive, or have at least risen from the dead.
I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm making revisions for now, and will likely continue this story once this semester is over. I'll try to post a revised chapter everyday from now till spring break, though not just on this story. I have backups saved of all the chapters and the originals will be taken down. While chapter one just has a few minor revisions, chapter two onwards has enough changed that I can't post it with the chapters after it making sense. I hope you all enjoy this story.
Also, so we're clear, cannon diverges from season four finale onwards. The castle is an eyesore and I hate how Starlight was handled in the season five finale. Actually, I just hated the season five finale in general. I had an awesome idea for what it should have been and it would have been about the concept of equality and it was just awesome. I'll eventually post that too, but not now.
Oh, and so there is no confusion, the first completely brand new thing I will publish when spring break hits is a guide to the MUG AU so there is no confusion.
I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!, nor do I claim ownership for it's characters, ideas or merchandise. The thoughts displayed in this story do not represent the company (Hasbro's) views and should be not thought as such.
Dedicated to my maternal grandparents, some of the first people to encourage me to follow my dreams.
My Unexpected Gift - Chapter One
A Single Pink Cross
Rainbow Dash looked down at the little white stick in utter disbelief. At the end of the piece of plastic was the most confounding, most terrifying thing she could imagine, a single pink cross. She was pregnant.
It wasn't that she didn't want to be a mom. She couldn't be a mom, or at least not right now. She was a Wonderbolt, a celebrity. If there was one thing Rarity was right about when it came to celebrities, it was that they had to keep up their image.
But that wasn't her main concern. No, it was that she didn't want to bring a kid into the world so the paparazzi could hound the foal the moment after he/she took their first breath. Nopony deserved that, nopony.
'Well, I guess it's too late for that now.' Rainbow silently sighed, self-hatred boiling inside of her.
How could she be so stupid? She hadn't had a colt friend in over ten months, even longer since she slept with somepony, or at least so she thought. Yet again, give her enough cider and she was as tipsy as Berry Punch on a good day. Now she was pregnant and didn't even have the slightest clue as to who the father was.
What would happen when word of this got out to the media? What would happen to her career? The Wonderbolts would be greatly troubled if their star performer couldn't perform for a year, even under the circumstances of a maternity leave. Would she be forced to resign? She forced those questions to the back of her mind in favor of a much more pressing one: how would her friends react? What about her brother? How would he react?
'There's only one way to find out.' Rainbow tried to reassure herself, though failing miserably.
The flight down to the Ponyville library was the longest one she ever took. Not by distance, of course, as she could see Books & Branches Library from her bedroom window. No, rather emotional exhaustion and brain numbing anxiety over the conversation she was just about to have with one of her closest confidantes and best friends.
With her mind preoccupied, she didn't notice where she was going. That is until her head collided with the library-in-a-tree, the surprise temporarily stunning her and causing her to plummet to the base of said library-in-a-tree.
"Ugh..." Rainbow moaned as she rubbed the place where the bark met her forehead, a bump already forming.
"Rainbow!" Twilight called out in alarm as she ran over to her unexpected visitor and helped Rainbow up, immediately taking note of her most recent crash wound, "Let's get some ice for that bump."
"So, any particular reason you crashed into my library today?" Twilight asked, trying to make some light conversation.
The two mares were sitting across from each other in the library's foyer. Rainbow Dash was holding an ice pack to her head while Twilight drank her tea.
"Yeah, but it's about that book we're reading for book club." Rainbow spoke cautiously, using the code phrase for "keep the foals out of earshot".
The whole idea of using their weekly book club to disinterest the young fillies who might be listening came after the whole Gabby Gums fiasco. While the girls had been forgiven, it had finally occurred to their caregivers and mentors that the girls were always listening, and some information might be sensitive or even classified information! Thus, they came up with this special phrase.
"Don't worry, Spike is at Sweet Apple Acres playing with the Crusaders," Twilight assured her friend.
"Ok, that's good. I don't want this out yet." Rainbow replied, a little bit more relaxed.
"Does it have anything to do with those nausea spells you were telling me about the other day?" the student-turned-princess inquired, recalling a conversation they had a few days prior.
"Y-yeah," the cyan mare stuttered momentarily, having completely forgotten about that conversation.
"What's wrong?" the young princess questioned, her concern for her rainbow-maned friend growing by the second.
Tears were beginning to prick at the edges of Rainbow Dash's eyes. What if Twilight never wanted to speak to her again? No, she couldn't do it.
"Rainbow..." Twilight started, caution and concern palliating in her voice.
"I'm pregnant." Rainbow said at a volume barely above a whisper, but just loud enough to reach the Princess of Friendship's ears.
If it weren't for her mouth being open, Twilight's jaw would have hit the floor. She stared her friend in the eye, looking for any sign of doubt, none of which she could find. Instead, they were full of fear and something else, though she couldn't quite place her hoof on it.
After taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Twilight asked the million bit question, "Who's the dad?"
Rainbow looked down at her hooves trying to hide herself as to not look her friend in the eye. That other something was definite in Twilight's mind. It was shame.
"Rainbow," the element of magic asked a little sterner than before, "Who's the dad?"
"I don't know. I had too many and brought a stallion back to my hotel room." the small pegasus admitted fearfully.
Tears began at this point to openly flow down the athlete's face. The magically gifted unicorn was stunned. Her loyal friend crying was as rare as her successfully performing a sonic rain-boom, a feat she had managed only a hoof full of times before. She had to do something, anything, to comfort her.
"Rainbow..." Twilight sighed, stroking her friend's rainbow mane sympathetically, "You're a strong, independent mare. I'm positive you'll be a great mom, whether or not your foal has a dad."
"That's just it, Twi," the pregnant mare cried softly, finally beginning to calm down, "I don't think I can mother a child. I already feel crummy, barely getting to see you guys anymore. You can survive without me while I'm on tour, though. A foal wouldn't be able to. Oh Twilight, what should I do?"
Twi thought for a second before responding.
"You could put it up for adoption," the pink highlighted mare suggested, "but if that's the only reason, you do realize you could always leave your foal with us while your on tour or even take it with you?"
The colorful pegasus wanted to point out the other reasons, but the bump was starting to make her head truly pound so she opted to give a nod, This, unfortunately, made her head even throb more than anticipated and caused a painful wince to follow.
"Well, it's not like the baby's coming tomorrow." the Princess' prized pupil reminded her, "You have time to think over your options."
"Yeah, I guess I do." the sky blue pegasus calmed.
"Have you told the others yet?" the purple mage asked casually as she got up to pour another cup of tea for herself and replace Rainbow's now watery ice pack.
"No, you were the first one I came to." the rainbow maned pony admitted, "I was going to tell them one at a time."
"Well, I would prefer if you would stay for a few more minutes." the purple pony expressed her concerns as she magically switched the old not-so-cold pack with a fresh one, "That was quite the blow to the head."
Glad to know at least one pony in her life was there, Rainbow tossed her friend a very gratified smile, "Hey Twi"
"Thanks for listening"