"Why is it so hot!?" Inuyasha cried to his quite room. Inuyasha stripped off his boxers, his only remaining clothes, before once again flopping onto his bed.

He had thought it was his anger that had made him so hot, and after all of three minutes of trying to calm down he gave up. Maybe it was just his room? So Inuyasha threw open all the windows in his room allowing the nice spring breeze into the room. When, still, he couldn't cool down Inuyasha gave up and stripped. Even completely naked Inuyasha was still burning up, sighing Inuyasha gave up and just laid on his bed.

Outside Inuyasha's door stood Inutaisho and Jiyuu.

"Well it's started."

"It's only the first wave, it will be over in a few more minutes." True enough, after about ten minutes of standing outside Inuyasha's door the pheromones pouring through it slowed and wavered off, when the smell had almost completely dissipated did both Jiyuu and Inutaisho walk in.

Inuyasha lay panting in his bathtub, having tried to take an ice bath in hopes of cooling himself off. His chest shook with the effort to draw in any breath. If anything the ice bath had made him feel hotter, while taking away his breath. Finally it had taken away the heat but was instantly replaced by biting cold which was almost worst then the heat in Inuyasha's opinion. Pulling himself up to the ledge of the tub Inuyasha swung his legs over the edge.

"Stupid high edge tub." Inuyasha half crumbled half panted. Grumbling he pushed himself off the edge only to crumple to the ground in a heap of wet white hair.

"Screw it!" Closing his eyes Inuyasha was completely ready to fall asleep right there on the floor, but a warm pair of arms interrupted his nap. Mumbling quietly Inuyasha squirmed, till his chest hurt from his heavy panting, never once did he open his eyes.

"Inuyasha what did you think you were doing?" Inutaisho voice was a mix of panic, worry and the bit of anger gave it the final edge.

"Ice…bath. So hot."

"Did you read anything in that book?" Inutaisho barked.

"…not really." Ok this no air thing- really annoying. Inuyasha thought

"Then what was the point of getting it, don't you dare fall asleep!"

"Would you calm down, here give him to me." Jiyuu cut across Inutaisho, it was the first Inuyasha had ever heard his uncle's voice being serious. Inutaisho snapped at his brother/mate, who in return slapped him before taking Inuyasha into his arms.

Inuyasha could feel the tension ease out of him, sadly, thin fingers were pinching him, keeping him from falling asleep- which he was dying to do.

"Have you eaten today Inu?" Jiyuu asked, pinching Inuyasha's side again.


"That's IT?" Inutaisho once again barked.

"Have you not noticed that every K9 demon in your schools eating their weight in almost anything? They are doing it for a reason Inu. So they can keep their energy up and not end up like you." Jiyuu growled.

"Inuyasha, the reason you can barely open your eyes right now, is because one you haven't eaten and two the heat you just felt was your first Heat wave. And the week goes on you will get them more frequently, until they become one solid Heat. By taking that ice bath as you so stupidly did, you forced your body to heat itself up more, by having no food you gave your body no energy to burn, thus you wasted it all and now have none." Inutaisho explained, in a deep growl. He was not happy with his pup, first the mounting now the lack of knowledge his pup was going to cause his own death.

"What he means to say is your body thought you were fighting your instinct so it made your heat more intense. Hey- stay awake! You need to eat something." Jiyuu said shaking his arms to wake Inuyasha up.

"Here you take him. He won't stay awake in my arms." Inutaisho nodded before scooping up his pup to cradle him to his chest. Inuyasha instantly started to struggle again, never once opening his eyes- he still didn't have the energy to.

Sitting down at the dining room table Inutaisho cradled Inuyasha while Jiyuu went to warm up a plate of dinner for Inuyasha. When he came back he noticed Inuyasha lay limply, heavily panting against Inutaisho's chest while Inutaisho cooed soothingly to him.

"Well at least we know which position he will be taking." Jiyuu happily said as he placed the plate in front of himself, gesturing for Inutaisho to hand Inuyasha back to him. Inutaisho nodded, got up and placed Inuyasha in his mates lap before sitting back down to watch.

It was an odd moment. Watching his mate feed his second born as he has once feed his first born. Inutaisho almost chuckled at the sight. Inuyasha lazily and slowly accepted the food brought to him, Jiyuu mumbled to him to keep him awake. When the plate was empty Jiyuu cradled Inuyasha to his chest and rocked till the boy feel into a deep sleep.

"This is almost a dajavu. Except this pup is a little older then the last one I held like this." Jiyuu chuckled fondly.

"We will teach him tomorrow. I'll call the school…wait tomorrow's Saturday. Never mind." Jiyuu said, as he got up and went to tuck Inuyasha in for the night. Inutaisho followed silently behind opening Inuyasha's door and pulling the sheets back for Jiyuu. As they pulled the sheets over Jiyuu had to laugh.

"Poor bugger. Next heat wave just as he's getting to sleep."

"Yes the poor bug. Now what do you say about relieving more heat? How about another pup while we're at it?"

"If you pup me, I'll cut your balls off." This time it was Inutaisho who laughed as the left the room.

It was the next morning before any of the occupants in the house saw each other. Inutaisho and Jiyuu came out of their room looking tired but happy, whereas Sesshomaru came out of his looking tired and frustrated. Inuyasha was the last to come out and only did so when Sesshomaru had dragged him out.

"Inuyasha you have to wake up and eat something." Sesshomaru gently coaxed as he rubbed Inuyasha's bare shoulder.

"No, I'm tired." Inuyasha mumbled, rolling over onto his stomach to attempt to avoid the shaking hand.

"Fine if that is what you wish, then I will do this the hard way." Bending down Sesshomaru flipped Inuyasha over before scooping him and the blankets up and carrying them from the room. Entering the kitchen Sesshomaru sat down, placing Inuyasha on his lap. Jiyuu calmly went around the kitchen setting everything up while Inutaisho fixed breakfast for them all.

"You can put me down now." Inuyasha grumbled, squirming until he was perched on the edge of Sesshomaru's knees. Sesshomaru growled before pulling Inuyasha back against him, holding him tight to his chest.

"You're staying right here Inuyasha." Inutaisho and Jiyuu shared a look that clearly said they knew what was going through Sesshomaru's head before placing a giant plate that was loaded to compasity. Sesshomaru was the first to grab a fork, but instead of eating the first bite like they assumed he would, Sesshomaru feed the sausage to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha didn't think about the gesture he simply ate anything that was put towards his mouth, and not politely, as the first breakfast sausage was eaten in one mouthful. A pancake was eaten in three bits, and apple only took thirty seconds. The plate was refilled three more times before Sesshomaru and Inuyasha had, had their fill.

"Well now that you boys are stuffed like pigs, can we move on with our day?" Jiyuu joked. Sesshomaru growled and burred his face into Inuyasha's hair. Inuyasha just shoved at Sesshomaru's shoulder before giving up, fanning himself with his hand. Inutaisho sighed before getting up to grab Inuyasha from Sesshomaru who growled and bit his father's hand, before the deeper growl made him release it.

"I thought you said I would have time in-between them." Inuyasha whined, attempting to pull away from Inutaisho.

"You did get time, when you were sleeping and then when you were eating, just 'cause you're not awake for the time doesn't mean you don't get the break. Silly boy." Jiyuu again was the one to talk, in a joking manner.

"Well that sucks. Put me down, it's too hot."

"Sorry Inuyasha, but if we put you down, Sesshomaru may just want to in-pregnant you. See the problem is, Sesshomaru is also going into heat now, as is your father and I but the kicker is, Sesshomaru doesn't have a mate so his, need, is as strong as yours. Whereas your dad and I have each other so we pretty much don't feel it anywhere to how you two feel. Get it?" Jiyuu explained gently, petting Sesshomaru's hair in an attempt to calm the angry alpha.

"Wait so you're saying that if I'm left alone with my own brother then he's going to fuck me?"

"Watch your language but yes." Jiyuu said overly happy for Inuyasha's taste. Sesshomaru growled and went to leap at Inutaisho but was stopped by Jiyuu's hand wrapping in his hair and pulling. Growling Sesshomaru turned on Jiyuu. Inuyasha was instantly thrust into Jiyuu's hands as Inutaisho stood in front of them facing a pissed off Sesshomaru.

Inuyasha felt Jiyuu shrug before turning away from the snarling males and walked into the front room or the penthouse, still Inuyasha was cradled to his chest like a small child.

"Jiyuu what's going on? Shouldn't we go and try to stop them?" Inuyasha asked worried for his older brother. Sesshomaru could fight but against their father he was sure to lose.