Sorry it's been a while, I've been very busy. Just a quick note - I was originally going to make 3 chapter long stories for each pairing but coming up with ideas is driving me insane, so I'm writing oneshots instead. I'm sorry if I disappoint people who are looking for a story that doesn't have an abrupt ending, because they most likely will. But anyway, constructive criticism is welcomed.

Altered some abilities in this one. Might be a while before the next pairing is up but I hope you stick around, sorry again!

"..No. No this can't be happening!" Nami panicked, her heart pounding violently in her chest. "T-there has to be another way out!"

She slammed her fists repeatedly against the thick metal that enclosed her and the rooms other occupant, the sound reverberating loudly around their bitter cold prison. The gloves she wore did little to protect her skin from the beating, her knuckles bruising as she continued to thrash out of pure desperation. Coming to Punk Hazard had been a terrible mistake.

"It's no use. We're trapped." A soft voice sighed defeatedly.

The thundering sound of footsteps was almost deafening as they ran; poison gas towering above them like a rolling tidal wave.



Nami ran as fast as her legs would allow, her heels slipping awkwardly on the icy floor. In their sheer panic, all conflict between herself and the marines had been momentarily forgotten as they fled the oncoming wave, the gas lapping dangerously at their feet. But then a sudden blare of an alarm from the left caught their attention, and without warning Nami was gripped by a large hand and yanked towards the closing emergency doors.


Within moments they slipped through the metal gate, the doors shuddering shut as panic washed over Nami with the sudden realization that nobody had followed them inside.

"..My poor men." Tashigi's voice rose barely above a whisper, her eyes welling with tears. "I.. I've let them down."

Nami turned back to the marine with a small sigh, deliberating quietly on whether or not she should comfort the woman who was still trapped inside her superior's massive form. She rubbed her cold arms lightly, the muscles aching from the effort of her pounding. "..It wasn't your fault." She tried to reassure, but her words fell flat. "They could have found another way out." False hope wasn't helping either of them; there hadn't been a single sound from the other side since the doors had closed, and if they weren't already dead then they were surely dying.

The other woman said nothing, turning away to slide down the wall and rest on her thick marine jacket with a soft thump. "The Shichibukai took our den-den mushi's at the factory entrance." She drew her knees together against her chest, looping her arms around them tightly. "..We're on our own."

Her words took a moment to sink in, her heart gripped by an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia despite the sheer size of the room they were in. Fear churned in her stomach like bile, sliding up her throat until Nami found herself panting uncontrollably. She dropped to her knees beside the marine, gripping her thick arm with both her small hands. "B-but you can turn to smoke, right?! You could.. could go through the ventilation?"

"I-I can't! This body is so different from my own." She raised a hand to adjust her glasses, before realizing that she wasn't wearing any. "I can't control Smoker-san's powers."

"But you have to try!"

She let her eyes roam across the ceiling, seeking out the small ventilation shafts that snaked along and through the walls.

"Ok. I'll.. try." Tashigi murmured. She clenched and unclenched her gloved fists, wiggling each finger experimentally before scrunching up her face and tensing violently, her body going rigid. Nami held her breath anxiously, watching intently as the marines face shifted from a light pink to a deep red before succumbing to her body's needs, gasping desperately.

"It's.. no use.." She panted breathlessly, strands of white hair flopping into her face. "I can't.."

They were trapped.

Time within their metal prison was impossible to judge, although if Nami was certain of anything it was that the deafening silence would kill her before the hypothermia did. She briefly wondered, with morbid curiosity encouraged only by Robin, whether it would be better to suffocate from lack of oxygen or freeze to death. Either way, she knew death wasn't coming quickly. She'd long given up hope on the marine beside her being able to transform, although, to give her credit, Tashigi was still making a considerable effort. Crossed legged and hunched over, Tashigi sat determinedly flexing her hands and making small pleased hums when her fingertips gave off small wisps of smoke, and Nami found herself watching the marine intently.
The man's body she currently occupied was remarkably different from what she remembered from Alabasta; He was much larger now, his body thick with hard muscle and his rugged face marred with a heavy scar. He'd always been rather intimidating, even more so now because of his size, but the softness of Tashigi's eyes made his face much nicer to look at. She was never normally taken in by the appearances of men, especially when they usually fawned over her, but the marine was undeniably handsome, and that combined with his gruff voice and no nonsense attitude had Nami intrigued.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hm?" She was pulled from her thoughts by a soft voice. "Hear what?"

Both women held their breath and listened until the silence of the room was broken by a distant explosion, muffled through the thick metal walls that shuddered and creaked. Nami had heard enough explosions within the past few years to know when her captain was throwing himself into more trouble, and she could only hope that they were coming in their direction. "How close do you think they are?" She murmured quietly, listening intently for any other sounds.

"A few sectors down, maybe." She rolled her head back when the sounds faded away, then silenced completely. "..We'll be ok, I have faith in Smoker-san. He'll find us."

Though she was tempted to say otherwise, she knew she would only say the same about her captain. Despite her crews rather regular encounters with marines, Nami would be lying if she didn't admit they'd been let off once or twice, and grateful that she could see eye to eye with the woman next to her, at least when it came to the safety of children. She reminded her of her mother.
The chill of the air soon found its way beneath her jacket to prickle her skin, and she huddled closer to the other woman to tuck herself under the heavy flap of her marine jacket. If Tashigi was bothered by this, she didn't say anything, and Nami curled against her side lightly to leech off her body heat.

"So, you're close to your boss?" She asked curiously, distracting herself from the cold.

"..Our relationship is strictly professional, I trust him completely." She shuffled her feet, looking at the pirate from the corner of her eyes. Or rather, his eyes. "Why do you ask?"

Nami shrugged her shoulders innocently, toying with the corner of the marines coat between her fingers. "No reason, just making conversation." She was being truthful in that she was merely curious, as she always was in private business that didn't concern herself. "..You've never thought of him.. like that?"

"N-no, of course not!" She stuttered, her face flushing from her cheeks to the tip of her ears. Seeing Smoker's normally grumpy face so flushed was quite a sight. "I-I mean, he isn't.. unattractive.. I mean, no!"

"Hey, we're both girls here." She smiled sweetly, though her eyes were full of devilish intent. Nami curled her body closer, stroking a finger teasingly along the zipped up jacket until she reached the collar. "You should take advantage of this situation. Have you never been curious about what he looks like?" She poked her tongue out playfully before yanking down the zipper in one swift motion, exposing Smoker's pale muscular chest to the cold.

"T-that's enough!" She held the jacket together with one hand, swatting Nami's hand away with the other. "I won't be taking advantage of anything! Smoker-san is my superior and I have complete and utter respect for him! "

"You're a terrible liar."

"I am not lying!"

"You can't fool me." She snaked a hand under the jacket, letting her fingers dance against the firm muscles of Smoker's stomach. "You've never thought about running your hands down his chest?" She brushed lower when Tashigi gasped in surprise, tugging lightly at the open top button of his pants, seemingly held together only by a thick belt. "About how big his-"

"Don't you dare!" She snatched her hand away again, her marine jacket falling away when she shifted to tower over Nami in an attempt to be intimidating. "You wouldn't be doing this if I actually wasSmoker-san! Don't take me so lightly!"

"He must be proud of his body to have it exposed so brazenly." She gazed up at Smoker's broad chest, unafraid. "Why shouldn't we admire it?"

"That's ironic coming from a pirate who wears little more than a bra!"

"Anyone who stares at my body will pay a price. Friend or not."

Tashigi puffed out her cheeks irritably, "Whore." She muttered.


"I have decency, pirate!" She pointed a thick gloved finger in her face. "Whereas you clearly do not!"

"Why you-" Nami slapped the finger away, her face beet red in anger as she shoved the other woman backwards onto the hard floor, standing over her triumphantly. Although her victory was short lived, as Tashigi swung out her foot to kick the smaller woman's legs out from underneath her, sending Nami flat on her own back. In their struggle for dominance, Nami was the slower, and understandably the weaker, and was effectively pinned to the ground by a painfully heavy chest. "G-Get off me!" She choked, flailing her legs and pushing Tashigi's shoulders with considerable effort, but she was simply too heavy.

"Not until you stop being so.. so wanton!" Tashigi held her wrists in a firm grip, pinning them beside her head.

Nami fought against the hold, baring her teeth angrily. She wouldn't be bested by a marine, and if she couldn't use her hands, then she'd use her legs. Wiggling them free from beneath Tashigi's thighs, she wrapped them around her hips and dug the sharp point of her heels under Smoker's trousers, catching the skin painfully. The other woman winced, and Nami grinned, wiggling her feet and pushing the trousers lower despite the thick belt, until they were crumpled around his knees. "Who's indecent now?" She said smugly, but her grin faltered when a heavy lump of flesh fell against her, and Tashigi's face drained completely.

"H-He.." Tashigi gasped, shifting from pale white to bright red within seconds.

"He doesn't wear underwear.." Nami said, her face stretched into a wide smile, and despite still being trapped and a door away from poisonous gas, all worry and panic had been momentarily forgotten and replaced with utter giddiness.
Tashigi burned with embarrassment, releasing the others wrist to yank the trousers back up - "Eek!" - Until Nami used her free hand to snake between them and grasp Smoker's unsurprisingly large, limp cock. The marine gaped like a fish, her mind drawing a complete blank from the shock. Her hand was incredibly warm, and when she tried to pull away she only tightened her grip, stroking her roughly. "S-Stop!" She gasped, trying to unhook Nami's legs from her hips.

The pirate ignored her plea. "What does it feel like?" She asked curiously, her cheeks flushed pink. It wasn't often that a woman could feel the pleasures of a man, and she felt it was an acceptable question to ask, given their situation. She let her fingers run along his length, curling them around the base; He certainly was well-endowed, and he continued to grow in her hand."You're enjoying this?"

"No!" She yelled, the touch of the pirates hand being too much. "Please.. stop.." She gasped, short of breath.

Nami was relentless, stroking the shaft from base to tip until Tashigi was breathless, losing the will to fight her hold and bracing her forearms beside the other woman's head. She was completely overwhelmed, her body weak as she let her head hang, sleek white hair flopping into Nami's face, tickling her nose. Her arousal was unexpected, being only attracted to men, but the sight of Smoker's muscles trembling and tightening, erection hot and heavy in such a small soft hand made her heart skip. Smoker would be furious if he saw how pathetic she made him look, panting and quivering like a.. woman. Nami's hand was slick with his pleasure as she pumped, and Tashigi almost choked when she brushed her thumb against his slit. Was she losing her mind?

"That's enough!" She yelled abruptly, baring her teeth and shocking the other woman with the sudden outburst. She held her wrist firmly, erection still in hand. "That's.. that's.. tha.." But then her movements stilled, her grip slacking, and Nami was left staring up confused into half-lidded eyes as her body swayed.


Tashigi jerked suddenly, eyes rolling back as she collapsed, crushing the other woman with her large form.

"H-Hey!" She choked, body flailing under the dead-weight. The pressure forced the air from her lungs, and in her panic she tensed her body and squeezed the heavy flesh she still held in a firm grip - "Nghh.." - And drew out a groan from the marine that was most definitely not female. Nami froze, completely forgetting her body's need for air in her fear and sudden realisation of what had happened, or rather, what had been reversed.
Smoker stirred, his eyelids fluttering against the skin of her neck. He drew himself up on his arm, face scrunched in discomfort until the chill of the air reached his exposed skin and his eyes snapped open, face to face with a terrified Nami. He frowned, mind still foggy as he looked between their bodies and at their joined hands around his - "..What the fuck?"

And Nami did the only thing she could think of - "..H-how dare you! W-who do you think you are?!"


"You pervert! Get off me!"

"..." Smoker looked between them again, his face a mixture of anger and confusion as he pulled himself away to sit on his heels, ears burning red. He hastily tucked himself away, still half-erect as he pulled his trousers back around his hips. "..I wouldn't have done this, and neither would my subordinate. Don't take me for a fool, pirate!" He growled between his teeth, wisps of smoke escaping his mouth as he yanked her forward by the black jacket she wore.

"H-hey! Don't touch me!" Nami yelled, bracing her hands against his chest. She was close enough to be able to count the stubble across his chin, and she kicked herself mentally for getting carried away. In a feeble effort she pushed against him, his eyes flashing dangerously as she fought against his hold.

"What did you do to Tashigi?" He growled, his face burning a deeper shade of red from anger or embarrassment, or perhaps both.

"I didn't do anything! We've been stuck in here for hours waiting for help-"

"Where are my men?" He interrupted rudely. Nami huffed angrily at his rapid firing of questions before his words processed in her mind, and an overwhelming sense of guilt took over her. She averted her eyes, looking towards the thick metal doors they'd entered through and Smoker followed her gaze.

"They didn't make it inside." She swallowed the lump in her throat, her mind drifting back to Tashigi's grief. "..The gas killed them."

He stood without another word, letting Nami fall back to the floor with a thump as he moved to pick up his discarded marine jacket, throwing it back over his shoulders with ease. There were several moments where neither of them said anything at all, and Smoker stared at the doors with an impassive face.

"They were good men." He murmured, frowning to himself as he pulled a cigar free from his jacket and jammed it between his teeth. He gave a heavy sigh.

Nami had pushed herself to her feet quietly, brushing her coat free of dirt until a sudden strong grip yanked her backwards - "Come on, we're wasting time." - Smoker grunted, wrapping a thick arm around her waist and pulling her ungracefully into his bare chest. She gave a small yelp, her toes barely brushing the ground as he held her in a tight grip, her breasts crushed painfully against him.

"What? Too close?" He growled, gritting the cigar between his teeth irritably as he leaned his face closer to her own.

She blushed furiously, pushing her hands against his chest in an effort to put some distance between them. "What are you doing, you brute?!" Her cheeks burned hotter at the feel of his smooth skin, her fingers splayed over the hard muscle.

"Getting us out of here." He pulled away from her, looking around the room briefly before turning back. "If you don't stop fidgeting I'll leave you here, woman."

She made to protest against his method of escape - being so uncomfortably pressed into him - until her feet started to tingle oddly and she gazed down to find that they were no longer there. "W-what's happening? What are you doing?" She panicked, the sensation in her feet seeping it's way further up her body until it had almost completely engulfed her and the marine she now clung on to. "I-I don't like this!" She shrieked.

"I don't care. Hold on." Without another word he launched them into the air, a stream of smoke billowing in their wake as they passed swiftly through the grate of the ventilation shaft high along the ceiling, with Nami's shrill squealing echoing throughout their escape.