AN: Boy it feels good to finish writing something.

Disclaimer: Hasbro's. All of it. Except that random name I made up.

Megatron. I will not let Vos fall in Autobot servos. I can help you. Contact details below.

… "You must be Megatron."

"The very same."

"I've heard a lot about you." Pause. Smirk. "You look different to what I imagined."

"Maybe so, but we're not here to talk about me."


"No, we're not. There are much more important matters to discuss."

Optics flash. "Indeed..."

"As you are undoubtedly aware, Vos, if it is forced to participate in the War, will play an important role in ending it. The Seeker population may be smaller than that of any other race on Cybertron, but that's exactly what makes them more valuable." Wings flick. Optics glow. "This is something that Opimus Prime is also aware of. It is only the foolishness of the High Council, or what's left of it, that's holding him back. From the Decepticons, however... " A pointed look. "... There's been no movement. To be honest, I was beginning to grow worried."

"And why are you so adamant that Vos should come to the Decepticons? Unless I am very much mistaken, neither you, nor any other Seeker has made a decision yet."

Smirk. "On the contrary, I had made my decision vorns ago, except now is the perfect time to make that decision clear."

"Oh? How so?"

"The Seekers are not keen on joining the War. After all, the War is not affecting them, at the moment, anyway, and, if it does happen to draw close, they are confident they can hold off any invaders." A nod of the helm. "They need someone to take the lead. Someone who will declare their alliance and encourage the others to follow." A steady gaze. "I can be that Leader."

"You believe that that will be enough?"

"... No. They need to hear my story."

"Your story?"

"Yes. There's a reason that Vos has its own, individual society from the rest of Cybertron, only I had to learn it the hard way." A bitter smile. "They charged me with murder, despite the lack of evidence. Destroyed all my work. I was a scientist in the Science Academy of Iacon."



"... So you join us only out of vengeance? How can I be sure that your loyalty to the Decepticon cause is unwavering and secure?"

"I will prove my loyalty to the cause, Lord Megatron. Like I said, I had made my decision vorns ago."

"...What is your designation?"

"Starscream... My Lord."

"Starscream, enter."

"Lord Megatron, you wished to see me?"

"Indeed. Your superior, Windrider, has filed a report to me, suggesting you be promoted to the position of Air Commander."

"... Really, my Lord?"

"I won't deny, you have played an important role in recruiting the Seekers, and you are already in command of your own squadron, are you not?"

"Yes, sir."

"I had half a processor to place you in the position of Air Commander for quite a while. However, your age and possible inexperience had forced me to hesitate. Frankly, I had doubted your skills in leadership, but now..."

"My Liege... I would never fail you."

"Many have uttered these exact words to me, Seeker. Most of them end up off-lined, either in battle or by my own servo. Watch your step carefully. The higher you climb, the harder you fall."

"... Of course, my Lord."

"One chance, Starscream. One chance. Take down Praxus, and I promise you... The rewards will be great."

Optics burn. Wings flare. Fists clench. "You will not be disappointed, my Lord."

"Good luck, Starscream. And when you return, I want to see you covered in the energon of our enemies."

"Rest assured I will be, my Liege..."

"Lord Megatron! The Autobots, they...!"

"Starscream! Do not barge in without authority!"

"Lord Megatron! The Autobots...! They must be crushed! Those slagging, Pit-spawned glitching sons of Unicron...!"

"Starscream! Explain to me what is going on, now!"

"There's no time to talk! I'm-!"


Growl. Vents whirr. Wings taut. "... It's the Autobots, my Lord. They've destroyed Vos."

"... Is that all?"

"What do you mean 'is that all'?!" Snarl. Optics flash. Servos shake. "Vos... My home city, annihilated! It's gone... Everything's gone... I... I..."

"Starscream, compose yourself. It's not fitting for the troops to see their Second-In-Command in this state."

"My home city is lying ruins! They've destroyed my home! They will pay! I swear...!"

"You swear what? That you'll crush them like the cowards they are? That is what we all want, Starscream."

"You don't understand...!"

"I understand too well, Seeker! You want revenge, you want to obliterate your enemies, unleash your anguish, yet you're not thinking rationally. The Autobots have just destroyed Vos. They will be triumphant, confident..."

"... Their guards will be down!"

"They will be preparing for another victory! If we act now..."

"My Seekers are furious. They desire revenge just as much as I do! We'll be able to achieve victory. Those accursed ground-pounders, we can-"

"Know your place, Starscream! I will not allow you to act on your emotions! I promise you, the Autobots will be obliterated. I will let you slaughter them as you wish. However, you will not ruin my plans! Your wishes will be satisfied, and we will have our revenge when the timeis right. Do you understand?!"

Glare. Teeth grind. Sigh. "... Yes, my Lord."

"Excellent. Return to your duty. Go and fly if you must, clear your processor and be ready in precisely four cycles for energon scouting. you and your trine; energon is running in short supply, and we must secure the Sonic Canyon,s by the next stellar-cycle at least, if this War is to continue for our victory."

"... As you wish, Lord Megatron..."

"... Energon is running in short supply, Lord Megatron. I have dispatched several Seekers to search for abandoned energon depots, but I doubt they will return successful. I suggest that we act quickly; the only, remaining Autobot forces are situated in Iacon, their supply of energon noticeably larger than ours. If we remain in impasse, then-"

"Don't tell me what I already know, Starscream! I'm thinking!"

"Hmph, you've done nothing but think lately, and I'm trying to help you! If you think much longer, energon will run out, and the Autobots will obliterate our forces completely! War is about action, Megatron."

"Don't tell me about 'war', when I have been fighting it longer than you have! In fact, if I had allowed you to act so recklessly back when Vos fell to the Autobots, we would have lost the war already!"

"... I didn't think it would ever come this far... I had believed the war to be over by now... You promised me."

"You're not a sparkling, Starscream. We will win this war, but it's not easy... Scrap, nothing is easy here! Every battle we fight, we're losing lives. We're losing our planet, and I can do nothing but continue. I don't need you constantly yapping down my audios too!"

"I am giving you advice, like any other decent Second-In-Command, I am trying to give you solutions, for Primus' sake! Slaggit, do I have to explain everything to you?!"

"But your solution won't work! So we launch an attack at Iacon, they are rich in energon, strong, refuelled, confident... In the unlikely chance that we do win this battle, so what? We win a barren, wasted planet unable to support life?! Is this the kind of victory you want, Starscream?! Is it?!"


There is no answer. The door slams.

"... incompetent fool! How dare you?!"

Smash. Break.

"... Heh, I-I was just doing what was... ugh, what was right..."

"Don't talk to me about right and wrong, traitor!"

Slam. Shriek.

"... Y-you're not fit to... to be a leader-ah! You can't poss-AAAH! L-let go! Argh...!"

Tearing. Burning.

"You betrayed my trust! You believed you were a Leader Starscream?! You believed I would die so easily, by your servos, of all mechs?!"

"Meg... Megatron..."

"Remember! I am your Lord! I am your Commander! And you are nothing but a useless pile of garbage. Beg for your life! Come on, do it, like the coward you are! Beg!"

Shattering. Dying... Energon... So much energon...


"I can't hear you, garbage!"

"I'm sorry! I... I shouldn't have tried... I kn-knew it was useless... Megatron... I... ugh..."

"Weakling. You can't even plead for your own life! You disgust me!"

Tightening. Gripping. Killing...

"Megatron! No...!"

Ripping. Crushing. Darkness...

"... Be grateful your vocalizer is the only thing you lose, Starscream, because next time... You won't be so lucky..."

And silence was his only answer. The silence of mangled perfection.

AN: Uh...? Thoughts? Reviews? Weird, un-understandable ending? How did I do? You understood what I was trying anyway, right, right? Thanks for reading! :)