A/N: Thank you for reading this. This is my first guide, and I hope to help Prussia help you become awesome. If you have any suggestions for future awesomeness, let me know. I plan on having characters reacting to this as they read it. Also, the music will tend to be what I'm listening to when I write this.

Disclaimer: I in no way am the creator of Hetalia. If I was, it would be all about Prussia, Finland, and Sweden. And Chibi!England. Dead God, I relate to him so much.

Warnings: Pregnant women should not read this due to awesomeness too extreme for the average person. If so, their baby might come out almost as awesome as Prussia. Also, the word no is used a lot.

Date: August 25th

Location: My House

Song: Buzzin - Mann

Mood: Awesome

I am awesome!

But enough about about me! Today I decided to teach you all how to be awesome like me. Of course you all can't be as awesome as me (kesesese) but you all can try.

Your first lesson: Get rid of people who suck.

Sucking is the first thing you want to stop doing. If you suck, you cannot be awesome. You are barred from it. Banned. Stop reading my blog. I don't like you. I don't want you to be reading my words.

Now, I can't expect you all to stop sucking. I mean, it's like asking me to stop being awesome! However, I'm trying to teach you to stop sucking and be awesome like me.

So the first people who you need to reevaluate is the people in your life.

And then you need to stop listening to the people that suck.

You know that person.

"Oh, you'd never be good at being a doctor."

"You'll never be good at math."

"You can't climb Mt. Everest."

"Don't jump out that window. You'll break your leg."

"Women can't have penises."

Well suck it losers!

Being awesome means you can do anything. Do you know what anything means? Anything means that you can do whatever you want. But you can't have those losers nagging in your ears saying, "No, no, no."


You are going to be awesome. Not like me. But pretty awesome.

That means this word called "no" is thrown out of your vocabulary.

I'm not saying it'll be easy, but you can do anything.

And that's what awesome people are all about.

On a personal note, I just started school at the W Academy. Right now, I'm forming a band called the Bad Touch Trio.

Slogan: We are not perverts, just sexually advanced.

Somehow I think that will work.