AN: Hello everyone! I've really started to like the Law x Nami pairing lately.. so much it's pretty much my otp! I had this idea for an AU fic, where Law is a teacher and Nami is a student. Hopefully this fic will be fairly long, with some drama here and there.

Obviously, I don't own One Piece, it belongs to Eiichiro Oda.

"Nami... Nami! Wake up!"


"Nami! Come on!"

A grunt escaped from the lump under the duvet on the bottom bunk as it moved around slightly. With a swift movement, the blue haired young girl grabbed the duvet and pulled it off of her friend completely, leaving the sleepy girl cold and exposed to the intrusive bright light.

"Vivi! I was gonna get up!"

Vivi grinned and watched as her orange haired room mate hauled herself up on the side of her bed, shaking her head a little, trying to wake herself up.

"Listen Nami, I've already had a shower so it's all yours. I'm going to do my hair and makeup and then wait for you, ok?"

Nodding, Nami stood up, perhaps a little too fast, and staggered towards the doorway.

"What's the time?"



"I tried to wake you! I really did!"

Nami was already sprinting off into the bathroom, leaving Vivi giggling at her companions morning antics. This was pretty much how every morning went in their dorm.

Managing to shower herself and do her hair and makeup before 8:15 (her hair only needed a brush through anyway), Nami grabbed her uniform and quickly dressed herself. The uniform the girls were wearing consisted of a plain white shirt, a wine red v neck sweater, a black tie, a black skirt and black shoes. Despite the fact that Nami and Vivi wore the same uniform, they still looked very different from each other.

Vivi neatly fastened all but the top button of her shirt, with her tie tied fairly thin and placed slightly lower than that. Her crisp, creaseless shirt was neatly tucked into her black pleated skirt, which matched nicely with her tights and dolly shoes of the same colour. Lastly, her fluid azure hair was tied perfectly with a thin black bobble, falling gracefully down her lower-back.

...Nami on the other hand had most of her shirt buttons unfastened, revealing her chest a little more than necessary, her tie hanging very loosely below that. The edges of her shirt could be seen peeking out from beneath her sweater, casually overlapping her tight pencil skirt, which was far shorter than school-standard. Her grey knee high socks slotted into her polished, and slightly heeled school shoes. She never really was one for conforming to school policy.

Confident that they both looked presentable in their own wat, they grabbed their bags and made their way to the cafeteria to meet their friends for breakfast.

"Oi Nami, you think maybe I should set a few more alarms so you wake up when I do?"

Nami chuckled and beamed at Vivi.

"Could do, but I doubt it would work! I wouldn't wake up if it weren't for you, you're my personal alarm!"

She linked her arm with Vivi's and walked into the cafeteria. Looking around, they quickly spotted the distinct green hair of one of their friends, Zoro; If it hadn't been for his unnatural hair colour, they would never find the group of friends each morning.

"Oi Nami, Vivi!" screeched Luffy, happily clapping his hands.

"Luffy, you should be quiet! What if a teacher hears?!" Usopp hissed, shoving some toast into Luffy's mouth.

Luffy's older brother, Ace, simply laughed at his younger siblings yelling and waved at the two girls.

"Nami-swaaan!~ Vivi-chwaaan!~" Sanji cooed, "You both look beautiful today, as always~!"

Groaning, Nami seated herself next to Ace, pulling Vivi down with her. "Yes, yes, Sanji, thanks." It was flattering, of course, but when it's almost the only thing he had to say to her, it got old pretty quickly.

Zoro glared at the blonde's fawning and huffed, muttering some insults directed at the love struck fool. Overhearing this, Sanji bit back at Zoro, which caused them to bicker amongst each other.

Having already ordered their breakfast for them, Ace slid two plates of pancakes and fruit towards Nami and Vivi. Always responsible, of course; you'd have to be with a reckless brother like Luffy.

"Nami, did you hear? We have a new home room teacher."

Nami took a bite of her pancakes and tilted her head, her fork still between her teeth.

"Eh? Since when?"

"Ms Doctorine retired, our new teacher's gonna be teaching science as well, probably."

Slumping in her seat, she let a miserable groan escape her mouth. She prodded her food dismally, and pouted.

"I hope our new teacher's not an ass."

"I hope our new teacher's a hot chick."

Ace quickly received a sharp elbow in the side from Nami.

"Ha! Well, in that case, I hope it's not a hot girl, just so I can see the disappointment on your faces!"

Ace frowned. "We'll see. Me and Zoro might get lucky!"

Zoro paused during his argument with Sanji and responded to his name being mentioned with a dim "Eh?"

Usopp gasped suddenly, making the room turn to him in surprise.

"Class starts in five minutes!"

Quickly getting up from the table, the group disassembled into two smaller groups to go to home room. Nami, Ace and Zoro went to theirs, the rest were in a different class and made their way in a different direction. Nami felt bad for Vivi having to put up with Sanji by herself, as well as Luffy, but at least she could deal with them. Nami really couldn't understand how she managed. At least Usopp was...somewhat sane.

Ace and Zoro had decided maybe running to class would be a good way of getting there on time, but Nami reluctantly rejected the offer, not too keen on the idea of breaking a sweat. Of course, she didn't, however, want to be late, so she made Zoro carry her on his back as he ran, making Ace laugh at the moss head's miserable scowling.

Amazingly, they had managed to reach their class on time, a new personal best for all three of them. Going to sit in their designated seats, Nami parted from the two boys. Unfortunately, the previous teacher had seated Nami away from Ace and Zoro, who still got to sit beside each other.

"Lucky bastards." she thought, as she dragged her chair out and slumped down. The new teacher wasn't here yet as far as she knew. Picking her notebook up from out of her bag, she started jotting down random doodles as she patiently waited for the new teacher. She was sincerely hoping that their teacher wasn't female because she just loved to tease Ace..

A few more minutes had passed, and Nami was beginning to wonder where the mysterious new teacher was. Just as she had finished a scrappy sketch of an island, the door creaked open and the classroom was ushered into silence.

Adjusting her hair quickly and closing her book, Nami curiously glanced at the figure that began walking into the classroom.
For starters, it was definitely a guy. A tall one at that. She couldn't see his face, due to the fact he had immediately turned to face the white board upon entering the room. He lazily walked to the desk and carelessly dropped the books he had been carrying onto it, returning to the white board, picking up a black pen.

Nami balanced her pencil between her finger and thumb, and slouched over the desk a little so she could see his writing clearer.

The pen had scrawled 'Mr Law ' pristinely upon the board.

A smile spread across her face. "No hot Miss for Ace to gawk at, then." she thought to herself and glanced at Ace and Zoro, who were staring at the board a little dumbfounded. Returning her attention on Mr Law, he turned and began to speak.

"My apologies for being late. My name is Trafalgar Law, but to you it's Sir."

His face was in clear view now, and a cocky smirk perched upon his lips. Nami's eyes widened as she gazed at him. She was going to love home room. The man was gorgeous! Tall, tanned, and handsome. His hair was short, dark and messy, his eyes were grey, and he had numerous tattoos on his knuckles, hands and arms (his sleeves were rolled up so she had a nice view of them). He casually leant against the board and folded his arms.

"I'll be your home room teacher from now on. I'll also be teaching those of you who take advanced science." He pushed away from the board and lifted one of his hands to his jaw, rubbing it gently as he scanned over all of his pupils.
Nami took advanced science, which meant he would be teaching her more than just home room lessons. Result.

"But sir, you don't look old enough to teach!" some random classmate called out.

A chuckle left her teacher's mouth.

"I only recently finished studying at university. Originally I had planned on being a surgeon but due to the current job availabilities open at the moment I've decided to gain experience in teaching. So here we are."

Nami grinned. 'So he was still pretty young. And he might not even be around for long.'
Chuckling as she opened her notebook again, Nami tore out a page. She crudely scribbled down her thoughts.

"Hehe! New teacher's a hot guy, lucky me!~ Think I have a chance? LOL ;)"

Scrunching the paper up, she patiently waited for Law to turn around, and quickly tossed the paper at Ace, giving him a smug look of victory. Zoro and the other in question turned their heads.

"And that's detention for the three involved in note passing after school today." He turned around, and glared at Nami, then to Zoro and Ace. He walked over to Ace and took the scrunched-up note before Ace even had a chance to open and read it. He walked back over to his desk and put it into his desk drawer. Law turned around and placed himself in front of Nami's desk. Without even looking at the two boys, he stared directly at Nami, her jaw dropped slightly in shock.

"What are your names."

It wasn't a question - it was a demand.


"I'm Ace, and that's Zoro."

"Oi, I'm not even involved!" Zoro grunted in a half asleep daze.

"I hate to do this upon our first encounter, but regardless, Ace and Miss Nami, you two will be the first to understand that I will not tolerate any misbehaving in my class." He put a hand down on Nami's desk and lowered his head.

"Do I make myself clear?"

Nami was now looking away, still embarrassed by the fact that the new teacher had possession of a note she had written, confessing that she found him attractive.

"Yeah, sorry sir." Ace mumbled, slumping in his chair.

The corner of his mouth twitched downwards in annoyance, "Well, miss Nami, do I make myself clear?" He repeated.

She scowled at him and nodded. Up close he seemed somewhat terrifying. Terrifying and handsome.

After the best first impression the three could give him, he went back to his desk and began taking register.

Nami was fuming on the inside. How did he even notice her passing the note? No one ever noticed her passing notes. She was always so sly about it. For the first time, she was caught. Not only that but it was the most awkward note he could have caught her passing.

As the bell chimed for the next lesson, Law stood up and gave his class a sarcastic smile.

"There's the bell for next class. I'll see Ace and Miss Nami today after lessons for detention."

He focused his glare on Nami who pouted right back at him and huffed.

"I advise that you don't try avoiding the detention either."

Although there wasn't much else a teacher can do apart from issue another detention, Nami became somewhat scared of the threat. Quickly slinging her bag over her shoulder, Nami stormed out of the class behind some of her classmates, followed by Ace and Zoro.

"Oi Nami. What was that?" Zoro asked, rubbing the back of his head.

She shook her head and went red again.

She grumbled, "...Nothing. Just leave it for now, okay?"

He shrugged and looked to his side, seeing Vivi making her way over.

"Nami, we have gym so I thought we could walk there together!" she beamed, not noticing her friend's blushing face.

"Yeah, of course. See you two later."

Ace raised an eyebrow as Nami walked away with Vivi, a troubled expression clearly on her face. Law walked out of the room and walked in the same direction as Nami, until he turned a corner into the teachers lounge. A crafty observation made by Ace, he noticed that the new teacher hadn't locked the door behind him. He had a free period too. Ace figured Nami was obviously bothered by the note being taken. In that moment, an idea struck him. Simultaneously, he noticed his brother Luffy running over to him and Zoro.

"Oi Zoro," He smirked, "How about me, you and Luffy skip gym and get rid of that note?"

AN: Well theres chapter one! I hope you liked it. Please leave reviews and feel free to message me about anything relating to the fic :) I have so much planned for it, I can't wait to keep writing it!

Also to anyone who's reading my other fic, "The princess and he Marimo" I've lost all interest in that pairing and fic, so I won't be updating it any more. Sorry!