To ys- Thank you! And no, his mum isn't Piper, it's Louisa, my OC. Definitely Jasper :D

To Frozen Turbo- I make everyone cry, don't take it personally :P And I was going to keep him dead, but I'm nice, so I brought him back. Best I could in the circumstances :3

To Guest- I'm updating now! Like, for the first time in five months D: Sorry! But thank you! :D

To Guest- Yes, Charlie is going to stay bi, I've an idea for that. Thank you! I'll try and work on this one more often, but I've said that about all the others. I'll have to really knuckle down with these.

To Jake w- Thank you :D but why the British accent impersonation, if you don't mind me asking :P

To Guest- You're the first to ask me to make you cry more :P That's a new one, must put that on my calendar :D And you're not annoying, don't worry :3

I have had ideas for this one for a while, but I've been debating putting it up for a while. Anyway, it explains why Luke and Harvey won't stay dead.

"Dad, where did Mom go?" Charlie asked, extracting himself from his curious friends. Leo just shrugged, mouth full of chocolate cake. He looked about the hall and leaned this way and that to peer into the hallways. Charlie nabbed some of his cake while he was preoccupied, but Leo must have noticed anyway. He didn't say anything about the cake.

"I don't know where your mom's gone. Probably to beat someone up." He frowned, looking at something over Charlie's head. Charlie and his friends turned, as one, and saw Louisa dumping Roxy's large, unconscious boyfriend ln the floor. Those nearby started to question her, but fell silent upon her slamming and icing the door with a strange, sea green glowing substance.

Leo and Charlie pushed through, Leo keeping a hold of his son's wrist. As they approached, they could see her quiver and bow slung across her back and blood streaming down the side of her face from a laceration just below the hairline. Her arms were not as deeply scratched, but enough so to stain the sleeves of Leo's army jacket red.

Percy, Elsie and Alokia reached her at the same time as they did.

"Lou, what-? Here." Percy fished a square of ambrosia from his pocket and handed it over. She accepted it gratefully and they could see how weary she was.

"Mom?" Alokia asked. "What happened?" Louisa shook her head, massaging her temples irritably. The energy blockading the door shimmered and became transparent in places. Percy waved his hand and it strengthened.

"That won't last long." Alvie warned.

"What's out there then?" Leo asked, drawing a clean cloth and a water bottle from his tool belt, soaking the clothing and dabbing at the injury on his wife's head. Alvie didn't reply, giving a tiny shake of the head and turning to the rest of his family. He had them usher people out onto the grounds and as far from the hall as possible. For extra measure, he mentally willed the fire alarm to go off; they all knew to go to the fire point. Two guys carried Louisa's rescued man out, Roxy fussing along behind them.

The last of the stragglers were just disappearing out of view when the Big Twins' power wilted and the doors behind caved in. Those with combat weapons and shields took up a front-line defence; the mother and daughters trio of archers stationed themselves about the hall and prepared to fire; Leo and Charlie started drawing out whatever safety protocols they could.

At first they thought it was Luke and Harvey walking smugly from the smoke. Things became clearer as they stepped into the light.

Bat-like, scaly wings protruded from their backs, their hair were nests of white hot flames, spiked tails loomed behind them and their eyes blazed a ferocious, spine -chilling scarlet. Even the briefest of glances, Leo concluded, brought forth memories, from whatever depths they had been buried- his mother dying, being rejected by his family, running from care home to care home... everything that scarred him growing up to the miscarriages and more. He looked away, careful not to look back.

"They're... they're monsters." Annabeth stammered, holding her knife higher.

"Correction," Luke hissed gleefully, a forked tongue sliding over his lips. Charlie caught a glimpse of fangs, "we are mutations."

"Oh, yeah, 'cos that's so much better." Elsie huffed sarcastically, drawing the string of bow taut. Luke and Harvey just smiled.

Charlie wasn't sure what happened next. He had blinked and then he got a brief glimpse of those things taking out Percy, Tobias and Max in one fell swoop. Alvie's eyes burned with his power and his hands shot up. The two monsters were jerked upwards, like puppets, startled only for a second. Their new manticore tails whipped round and released dozens of spines. A golden-white shield went up, minimising the damage. Only one spine hit home.

"Lou!" Leo sent out a wave of fire and rushed towards her. She backed away, aiming her arrow at him and screaming for him to stay away. He could see she was shaking, a wild look behind her dilated pupils. The spine was still embedded in her shoulder, pulsing eerily with whatever energy powered the two freak shows. "Lou, it's me! Leo!"

"No!" She raged. "Not Leo! Where's Leo?!" Elsie and Alokia were firing with inherited and practised precision, their arrows always striking, either the gruesome duo or their spines. "WHERE IS LEO?" Louisa screamed. Leo ducked in time and her arrow whizzed past his head.

"Leo! Get that thing out of her shoulder!" Annabeth reprimanded, hauling Max to his feet. Tobias and Percy were up, albeit shaky. Alvie was still restraining the monsters, but he couldn't keep this up for long. Sage and the triplets were hurling whatever weapons and powers they had at the still airborne pair, deftly avoiding enemy missiles. Charlie was stranded between helping his parents and helping the others. Sage yelled at him and he seemed to pull himself together, adding his fire to the mayhem.

Leo ducked another arrow and surged forward. Louisa screamed again, shooting to kill. Before she could skewer him, he was too close and had hold of her bow, trying to twist it from her grasp. Her arrow darted harmlessly past his shoulder and she tackled him, expertly pinning him to the ground and digging a knife into his throat.

"Lou!" He choked, squirming away from the blade. She smacked her hand into his forehead, slamming him against the floor and keeping him still. The knife twisted a little deeper into his throat and he felt blood trickle down the side of his neck. "Chica! It's me!"

"You're lyin'!" She shrieked. Leo tried to push her off, the hysterical, raving storm thundering through her eyes scared the living daylights out of him. He couldn't do anything. She was kneeling on his arms, putting her weight on his chest with her hand in his hair, holding him still as she made to slit his throat.

Mind whirling, he tried to think what he could do. The muscles in her left arm tensed and she drew back the knife. Acting instinctively, Leo brought his legs up and knees her in the back. This gave him a few seconds to flip them over and disarm her. She screamed curses at him and smacked him in the face. Leo grabbed her by the wrists and pinned her down as best he could. She kept swearing at him, calling for him and then, when he said he was as here, he was a liar. An effin' liar!

Charlie tried to block out his parents struggle behind him, but it was easier than he had thought. Not a good thing. Whatever Luke and Harvey had turned themselves into, they had no weaknesses. Not fire, water, ice, storms, psychic Apollo-Athena-Poseidon combination, not machines, weapons of enchanted metal or mortal, nothing. They didn't disintegrate like normal monsters, they didn't seem to feel pain. They just laughed and taunted. Alvie had lowered them to the floor, the demand of keeping them as contained as he could registering on his expression. Charlie wasn't sure, but Alvie looked a little green.

He paused, moving out of range to breathe. No oxygen, no fire. One of the first things his father had taught him.

Looking over at them, his heart sunk. Leo had wrested the spine from Louisa's shoulder, but she was still screaming obscenities at him, demanding her knife back to kill him. Something was up with those tail spikes. Fear-inducing tail spikes with a side order of hallucinations and stark raving mad hysteria? Maybe.

Charlie darted back in to help. It was then that he noticed Alvie had been hit. He wasn't sure when. All he knew was that the spine in Alvie's stomach explained why he hadn't endured with his powers for as long, the green tint to his skin and the ebbing glow in his eyes. Seconds after he realised this, Alvie's eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped. Theo and Annabeth caught him.

Luke and Harvey advanced.

"Now-" Luke began. An arrow snapped into his eye and he howled, staggering back as blood gushed through his fingers.

Louisa still looked mad and shaken, but now she was shooting the right enemy. Leo was at her side, knife in one hand and fireball in the other. His lip was bleeding and there was a cut across his throat, but he seemed fine other than that.

Another arrow whistled past and caught Harvey in the throat. Elsie and Alokia reached for their arrows, but Leo waved them down. Louisa pressed something on her bow and the two arrows detonated with a force that shook the ground and knocked them all flat.

"Gits." She said before collapsing in Leo's arms.

Not what I originally had planned, but it'll do for now. I really can't think of how to update at the minute and I'm sorry. My brain feels like mush (not a word Elmlea, vovo611, Lucio BetaBlake and Awesome as Annabeth. Shush).