Sorry it took so long. I was trying to be more serious in my writing (that doesn't mean this isn't supposed to be funny and ridiculous), so I didn't get carried away with the dialogue, and I've always had a littlem ore trouble with descriptions. Anyway, read on!


Signing in...

Hades is online.

Artemis is online.

Hermes is online.

Hermes: Good morning everybody!

Artemis: It's not morning...

Hermes: It's not? Oh... I guess I'll throw this cereal I was eating out and have lunch.

Hades: Cereal?! GAH! *Starts muttering incoherently*

Artemis: What's with him?

Hermes: Demeter sent him a loooot of cereal. And I mean, a lot. His whole palace is full of the stuff. I couldn't even deliver the mail the other day. We might even have to get Dionysus to cure his insanity.

Hades: drfh erkrhfgfio

Artemis: Uncle Hades, are you okay?

Hades: hn jcfkfdjhkggvjhk

Artemis: Well, he certainly doesn't seem very sane...

Hermes: Too much cereal could do that to you. I'm going to go have tacos for lunch.

Artemis: Go send Dionysus down to the Underworld when you're done eating.

Hermes: Why me?

Artemis: You're the messenger. It's your job, Twinkle toes.

Hermes: Twinkle toes? Why are we using weird nicknames? I thought that was an Athena and Poseidon thing.

Artemis: Well, we can do it too.

Hermes: I like Kelp Head better than Twinkle Toes.

Artemis: You're not the god of the sea, Speedy.

Hermes: I like that nickname.

Artemis: Of course you do. Don't forget to help Uncle Hades.

Hermes is offline.

Hades: Ugh... cereal... *starts to shiver uncontrollably*

Artemis: Don't worry, Uncle, you'll be okay. And we'll send a janitor to clean out your castle from the cereal.

Hades: ergrtigtrgh

Hades is offline.

Artemis is offline.

"Hey Ares," said Apollo, leaning against a column in the arena, watching the war god hack at a practice dummy.

Ares only grunted in response, too busy attacking the poor innocent armor clad dummy (not Apollo, the other dummy) with his massive battleaxe.

Apollo started humming a song to himself, before he started coming up with his own lyrics, which was making it very hard for Ares to focus as he tried to ignore the horrible lyrics and not burst out laughing while punching Apollo to the other side of Olympus.

"Do you wanna go surfing with me?" Apollo asked. Ares looked up.


"Yeah. I was gonna do it with Uncle P, but he went to Venice with Athena and pretended he had to deal with stuff in his kingdom."

"Poseidon went to Venice with Athena? Why?"

"Duh," said Apollo. "So no one would know he's dating her."

"They're dating?"

"Well why else would they go to Venice?"

Ares smirked. "Oh, I am so going to have fun using this-"

"I don't see what Uncle Poseidon with Athena has to do with us surfing, though," Apollo said. "So, do you wanna come?"

Ares lowered the axe. "Sure, why not?"

After changing out of his armor, he and Apollo flashed down to the beach by Camp Half-Blood to go surfing.

"Where do we get surfboards?" Ares asked as they looked around.

"Oh," said Apollo, looking uncertain. "Um... the... Surfboard place?"

Ares raised an eyebrow at the blond. "What surfboard place?"

Apollo snapped his fingers, and a small hut with surfboards outside of it appeared. "That surfboard place!"

They approached the Surfboard stand, and looked for the person selling the boards.

"Hello?" Apollo called. "Anybody home?"

A woman's head popped up. "Whaddaya want?" she asked in a heavy New York accent.

"Surfboards," Ares said. "We want to rent surboards."

"All of the surfboards," Apollo added.

"All of the surfboards?" said Ares, looking confused. Apollo nodded. "We want to rent all the surfboards?"

Apollo laughed. "No!" he said. "Don't be silly. We want to buy all the surfboards."

"The word surfbawd feels like it's being a little overused," the surfboard selling lady said.

"She's right," Ares said, looking surprised. "It is!"

"Well, we should stop calling them surfboards," Apollo decided. "We'll call them water-thingies."

The other two nodded in agreement. "We'd like to buy all your water-thingies," Apollo told the lady.

"That'll be fifty drachmas," the lady said.

"Pay her," Apollo said happily as he ran off to collect all the surfb-er, water-thingies.

Ares started to search the pockets of his swim trunks for the money, but frowned. "I don't have any money," he called to Apollo. "I thought you were paying."

Apollo shook his head. "I don't have any money. Daddy doesn't let me carry money around, because I spend it really quickly," he said.

"Oh," Ares said.

"Can we just borrow the water-thingies then?" Apollo asked. "We'll bring 'em back at the end of the day."

The lady shrugged and gestured for them to take the surfboards.

"Whoo hoo!" Apollo hollered, grabbing a board and running towards the ocean. Ares rolled his eyes. He flexed his muscles a bit, noticing the woman who sold surfboards was watching him, and sent her a wink and a flirty smile, before picking up a black surfboard with skulls on it and dashing toward the ocean. Apollo got knocked off his board immediately, and somehow pulled Ares into the ocean to, so it was only about ten minutes later they emerged from the water, wet and knowing they really sucked at surfing.

"I'm hungry," Apollo grumped.

"We can barbecue," Ares decided. "How about a steak?"

"Ooh, sounds good! And can we have orange juice?"

Ares stared at him for a moment. "I was thinking maybe a little beer... Hang on, I'll call Hermes and have him deliver stuff for us to cook."

"Okay!" said Apollo happily. "I'll go make a sand-castle in the meantime!" he skipped off to go find some shovels and pails to build a sand-castle. Ares called Hermes, ordering a bunch of stuff, then he called Aphrodite, telling her to meet him there because they would have a nice dinner. Then he looked for a good garbage dumpster so he could get rid of Apollo.

Ares found the sun god stuck in the sand. Somehow, he'd gotten himself buried up to his neck in the stuff, and couldn't get out now.

"Nice sand castle," Ares said, grinning. The sand castle was huge, and covered the area Ares guessed was where the rest of Apollo was buried.

"Thank you," Apollo said. "But can you help me out of here?"

"Nah," Ares replied, turning around to go meet the love goddess who was eagerly running toward him in a red string bikini.

"Did Hermes deliver the stuff yet?" Ares asked gruffly as Aphrodite threw her arms around Ares's neck.

"No," she said. "He said he was getting Artemis and Dionysus for the party."

"Party? We're having a party? Dang, why didn't anyone invite me?"

"You're the one having it," Aphrodite replied.

Ares looked flustered for a moment, before he straightened up, puffing out his chest and speaking with his usual macho-tone. "Of course. Well, let's get the stereo out!"

Er, so I don't know how funny that was. I was actually trying to be more mature about my humor and writing here, but I may have failed, as I didn't let myself get carried away with the dialogue, which is what is the usual source of my chaos that becomes funny because it's so ridiculous (it entertains me, anyway).

Either way, let me know if this is better, or if you liked me being less mature and just letting whatever random thought crosses my mind get typed up...