Me : Well, Hello guys my name is... I'm a newbie here and this is my first fanfiction... and so Nice to meet you all

Rena : Hi... Nice to meet you Tommy... *Look at Elsword and then giggle*

Elsword: Hey... Rena what are you giggling for?

Rena : Hm... I wonder... *giggle*

Elsword: Hey, Come on tell me Rena...

Eve : Good Morning everyone... ^_^ Oh, new member?

Me : Hi... Eve. Wow you're so beautiful in this morning Eve...

Eve : Muuu... Please this is still morning don't go and flirting with the girl you just meet... /

Me : Ahahahahaha... Sorry. That's because you're my favorite Eve...

Eve : O.o Thank you /

Elsword: Hey Rena, come on tell me why are you giggling?

Aisha : Hush Elbaka... you're so loud in the morning.

Elsword: None your business shortie...

Aisha : Why you...

Rena : Come now you two... stop fighting... Why don't you two call the other two to come down... I can't wait anymore that I'm excited to know what kind of story Tommy would create...

Aisha : Huh...? Who's Tommy? Never heard of him...

Me : Ugh... Even though I'm here she didn't notice me... It looks like I'm transparent for her because I'm a newbie Hiks... T_T *crouching on emo corner and open hard broken song*

Rena : *rubbing my back and comforting* Come on... she didn't mean it... Aisha apologize now. If he like this I can't know what kind of story she will give us...

Aisha : -_-"

Raven :*Yawn* Hi everyone... Huh? Who's that?

Me : Hi my name is Tommy... Nice to meet you.

Raven : Oh, Hi, Mine is Raven

Chung : Guys... Good Morning... Oh, a new face? O.o

Me : Hi... My name is-

Rena : Come now... Enough introducing... I want to know the story already...

Me : Alright, Alright, Fine *sigh*

Rena : Yayyyyyy!

Me : Hey why only Rena the one cheered for me? D:

Rena : Don't mind them... Come On... Come On...

Me : Fine... I'll give the Classes first...

Elsword- Lord Knight (But there will be something more special later on)

Aisha - Dimension Witch

Rena - Grand Archer

Raven - Veteran Commander

Eve - Battle Seraph (There will be also something more special later on)

Chung - Iron Paladin

Here The Story begin...

Prologue. Despair

Four year after the war ended, Elrios was at peace. But the peace didn't stay long. After Five year of peace, Another new Black Organization was rising up. One by one, the town got thrown in chaos. Hamel, Ruben, Elder, Bethma, Feita, Altera, Sander got destroyed and burned down. And our heroes which at Velder are also at pinch situation while protecting the town. But their effort is fruitless. The town still fallen to the Black Organization. Our heroes are fleeing from the town.

Raven : *panting* Hah... Hah... Damn It! How! How come there is endless of them?

Elsword: *Also panting* Hah... Hah... It's not they're endless but it's that they're all like immortal. Even after we slashed them, burned them, annihilated them, minced them to pieces, they keep restored back to lives. There's even have a swarmed of skeleton and zombie. How come there is such a strong magic like restoring them back like there's nothing happened after they have been minced into small pieces?

Aisha : Ugh... I didn't want to think back about what happened back in the town. All my magic should have been released and none of them looks like didn't worked. My fireball, lightning bolt, gush storm, meteor call, screw diver, impact hammer got ignored like it's just being hit by a wind when they come back to lives. It's frustrating.

Chung : Hah... Hah... I'm sorry. Because I'm burdening all of you we... Ugh... Guahhh...

Rena : Chung... Stop talking... You're in the most fatal condition. And you're not burdening us. You have been protecting us all this time. You even have to suffered this fatal injuries just to protecting me. I'm the one who burdening us all. I'm sorry everyone.

Chung which being carried by Elsword retorted Rena back.

Chung : No... Rena. You're not a burden. It's thanks to your arrow that we could saves our own butt from all the demon which chasing us. How come you called yourself a burden. You should stop your self mock-*cough cough*

Rena : Chung! Hang in there Chung! Please... Don't die on me, Chung!

Chung :*cough cough* Sorry... Elsword. Are you tired already? I could run by my own now, so let me on my own feet.

Elsword: ...No. I won't put you down.

Chung : But...

Raven : If Elsword tired already then I will carried you now.

Chung : But you already tired carrying me just back then-

Raven : We already said that we will carried you in turn.

Chung : But...

Elsword: Fine, Raven. You carried him. It's better then let him on his owned. If you tired, then switched me.

Chung :El-


Elsword desperate and frustrated scream echoing in the sky. He's usual hot headed and energetic self has long gone.

Eve : Elsword... It's not just you... All my Attack also had no effect. I'm so vexed. Even though I'm already deleted all my emotion but they still keep appearing. And the real burden is me, Elsword. You keep get tossed around because protecting me. I'm the one who couldn't do anything while watching you get tossed around. It's so frustrating.

Eve which usually showing emotionless face, right now there's no trace of that emotionless face. All could be seen is just a crying face and regret. Eve seemed like she want to shut downed and forgetting all the recent event happened.

Elsword : ...Raven

Raven : Yeah...?

Elsword : Carry Chung for this time.

Raven : Okay.

Raven take Chung from Elsword back, and carried him on his back. Then Elsword slowing his running pace so he matched Eve speed and then without any warning he princess carry her.

Eve : Wha...?

Elsword : Have you calmed down Eve? You're not a burden, Eve. It's a Knight duty to protect a Queen. And for some reason it looks like the demon, dark elves, and the corrupted nasod they all targeting you. This wound is a honor for me because I got this from protecting the Queen. If you want to rest and shut down yourself the do it while you have the time. Don't worry I'll protect you my Queen.

Eve : Hiks...*slamming her fist on Elsword chest* I... I hate you the most. Be... Because of you... Because of you I had developed of this emotion. Hueeee... You Idiot... Idiot... Idiot... Idiot...

While slamming her fist on his chest, Eve keep crying on and then she buried her face on Elsword chest. Seeing this, Elsword couldn't helped but smile wryly. After a few moment Eve shut herself down because she ran out of mana. They keep fleeing from the pursuer, and after they arrived at ruin of Bethma town, Elword surveying around the town. After They make sure that they have shove off the pursuer, they decided to rest for a while. When everyone is asleep, Raven got up from his bed. And then he saw that Elsword not on his bed. Raven get up and go outside the tent that they have set up. Not so far from the tent, He saw a young man with fiery red hair sitting down on some of pile rubble. Then Raven approached him.

Raven : Can't sleep?

Elsword: Ah... No... It's just there should be someone to watch over night right? We don't know when enemy will attack so I'm here guarding you all. So don't worry about me, you just go to sleep.

Raven : Is that really only your concerned? If that really just your concerned then you should just go to sleep, I'll switched with you to watched the tent.

Elsword: *smiling wryly* I never could escape from you, you know? You always see through me.

Raven : I know you to well. And we already travelled together for along time.

Elsword : You still haven't changed huh? Still cold and not much talking. Haah... I give, you won. I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes and want to go dream world, I always saw her face. When I thought I have become strong enough, in front of her I couldn't do anything. In the end I still got saved by her.

Raven : Her? By her you mean your sister Elsa?

Elsword : Yeah... At the last moment, she still opened up a path for us to escaped from that town. I thought that I could protect her, but I'm the one end up being protected by her again. When I going to sleep, I always saw the last of her moment being massacred by demon and dark elves. I'm so pathetic. How can I protected her if I even couldn't protect myself.

While saying that, Elsword eye flowing with tears. He really is strong. He could keep calmed and lead us to safe place without any further injuries. While Raven thinking something to comfort him, Elsword wipe his tears and then he smiled in self mockery.

Elsword : I'm pathetic... I'm envy of you Raven. You're the only one who can keep cool and stay calmed in this situation. I hope I could become like you.

Raven : It's because all my tears are dried up when I saw my family, my friend, and my fiancée being killed in front of my eyes.

Elsword : Ah... Sorry.

Raven : No... I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry to being insensitive for forcing you brought up your worst nightmare.

Elsword : Nah... Its fine. Say, How long has it been we had take a rest?

Raven : Mmmmm-

Eve : It's been 6 hour since we rest.

Hearing a girl with angel like voice, Raven and Elsword turned their head around to the source of the voice. Over there, Eve stand and watching them with smile. Seeing this, Raven and Elsword shocked and step back a bit. And then Elsword smile back at her.

Elsword : Hey, up already? Btw, have your emotion back already?

Elsword asked Eve with teasing tone. Eve retorted back while pouting and turned her gaze away from him.

Eve : I don't have any emotion!

Seeing her acting like that, Elsword couldn't help but feel she is so cute.

Elsword :*clear his throat* Well, it's been 6 hours, Should we moved out of this place?

Raven : Yeah, we can't stay in one place to long. I'll wake the other up.

And then, Elsword and his party continue their journey to find a safe place and a place to build up their power. But when they reached Shadow Forest...

? : Hahahahaha... So you guys are in this place huh?

Everyone: *gasp*

When they turned around they saw a young girl with silver hair downed to her waist and her tail and a man with black hair and horn on his head. They lead a swarm of demon and dark elves army. And there is another nasod girl which looked like Eve leading a swarm of nasod army.

Elsword : Ara...

Raven : Aren...

Eve : Proto...

Aisha : How could this be...

Ara : What's wrong Aisha? What's with the surprised face?*giggle*

Aisha : You should already be dead... You and Aren should have been-

Ara : Well, it shouldn't surprised you anymore, because you had witness the same thing in Velder~

Elsword : It looks scary... Aren't you guys to be overly bullying bringing such a large horde of army to chase after just six of us...

When Elsword snarl with his sarcasm, Ara replied with happy tone and humming happily...

Ara : My my~~ Elsword... You have become manlier than before~~ But they're just my bodyguard so don't mind them~~ How about you join us Elsword? I seriously fall for you~~*wink*

Elsword : I refuse. Why should I join in your army of puppet, you and the rest of your army.

Elsword glared at Ara with resentment, but Ara keep her happy tone and answered...

Ara : My my~~ Even though I'm sending a present for you~~

And then, a person come out from the horde of army- A girl with fiery red hair, with red clothes and similar to Elsword clothes.

Elsword : It can't be... Impossible... Why...

Ara : Hmm Hmm~~ are you denying your own eyes and your own sister?

Elsword: Whyyyyyy! Elsaaaaaaaaaaa!

Raven : Wait Elsword! Calmed down!

When Elsword was about to charge forward Raven successfully gripping his back to stop him.

Raven : Remember what happened at Velder, Elsword! I don't know what kind of power they use but they can even turned the demon who minced into pieces back to lives. There's no wonder they could bring Elsa back to lives too. Right now she just their puppet, Elsword!


Elsword raise his hand and trying to hit Raven with his elbow, but Raven quickly released his grip and doged his elbow. When Raven released his grip, Elsword trying to charge at Ara again. But this time, he was stopped by magic circle. It was Aisha binding circle.

Elsword : Aisha... You-

Aisha : Please... Elsword... Calm down... I don't want to see you charge to your death...

Raven : Nice move Aisha... Put a few layer of binding circle on him until he is calmed down...

Aisha : Right...

Elsword : Release me... Release me... RELEASE MEEEEEEE!

Everyone except Eve was flinched by Elsword Howl. Eve which was quiet until now step in front of Elsword.

Elsword : Eve, help me release this binding spell!

Eve only shook her head and sigh. And then-


Elsword and everyone was shocked. Everyone eyes was wide opened and Elsword glared at Eve with resentment.

Elsword : Eve... You-


Another slap land on Elsword other cheek. This time Eve use her back hand...

Elsword: Why you-


Again, Elsword got slapped by Eve for the third time. This time Elsword loosen up his eyes.

Eve : Have you calmed down? Don't run from reality Elsword! See it for yourself! Is that really the sister you know from back then?

Eve shouted at Elsword while she's trying to hold back her tears but with no success. Elsword turned to look at Elsa. Her face had a hollow expression and her eyes has lost her light. Then he turned back to Eve.

Eve : Please... Elsword... I don't want to see someone I care die in front of me again. This is not the Elsword I recognized.

Elsword :*sigh* Hah... What should I do with you...

Seeing Eve face crying like that, Elsword couldn't help but give up. And he do thing his being idiot. He's fallen for enemies provoking. And then-

Proto : You have show me something boring, Eve.

Eve turned to Proto and retorted back.

Eve : Proto... How dare you defy the queen and siding with the enemy force.

Proto : If you really are a queen, you wouldn't have that unsightly expression right now Eve. For us nasod, Emotion is no use. What we need only power to rule.

Eve : You're wrong-

Proto : Prove me. Defeat me in One on One Fight.

Eve : Fine.

And then, without any sign, Proto charge toward Eve making uncountable afterimage. Eve got startled, and getting anxious. She starting to charge forward with Sky Zapper and clear out Proto's afterimage.

Proto : Not Bad Eve, But that's not enough.

Eve : Tsk...

In a few second, Proto's afterimage surrounded Eve. Eve starting to panic. She starting to shoot randomly.


Proto : Hmph!

It looks like Eve found the right target but Proto managed to dodged it and starting to blend in her after image again.


Then Eve Body generates a force field, in the next moment-


Eve releasing mass quantity of electron and strike at Proto afterimage. Just for a moment Eve thought she saw Proto smile wickedly, but Eve didn't bother and keep releasing electron energy. When Eve's thought she had won because Proto afterimage is decreasing and finally clear out, from behind her Proto suddenly appeared.

Eve : Wha...?

Proto : I've wait for you to releasing that Eve. You still need training with that code. You always leave a gap behind you after releasing all that electron.

Proto spoke in monotonous tone.

Eve : Aahhhhh!

Proto : I won, Eve. Atomic Blaster!

Eve was nearly got direct hit, but Proto's atomic blaster got blocked by Moby and Remy. Although Eve manage to avoid direct hit, but she still got wounded by impact.

Eve : Kyaaaahhhhh!

Eve got blown and got slam to the ground. Proto approaching her to deliver a final blow.

Proto : You're defective Eve. Right now, I'm the Queen. Good bye Eve.

Eve : (Aah... Looks like I'm the one who charging to my death. I've to apologize to Elsword for slapping him. Right now I should be the one who got slapped. I'm sorry Elsword. Good Bye)

When Eve closed her eye, give in on her fate...


Eve :*gasp*

Elsword : SONIC BLADE!

Elsword which had free from Aisha Binding Circle charge at Proto. Elsword spins around and unleashes a circular shockwave at Proto. But she dodged it just like wind brewing on her.

Eve : Elsword!

Elsword : Eve, can you stand? Are you all right?

Eve : Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a mere scratch. But Moby and Remy is-

Elsword : It's okay. They still could be repaired right? Then, took both of them. We're retreating.

Eve : Roger.

When Elsword help Eve stand, Proto suddenly appeared from Elsword back.

Proto : Don't disturb us , human.

Proto said that with emotionless expression and then she attack Elsword.

Eve : Elsword!

Elsword : Gh...!

Elsword manage to dodged with paper margin difference. And then he carried Eve, and took the two drone who fall not so far from their queen after protecting her. And then he ran back to their group. Proto which failed to land an attack on Elsword already back in front of her nasod army.

Proto : What are you doing human. This is just between Eve and Me. You have no reason to take part in this human.

Elsword : Of course I had a reason to take part. She is my comrade, and she is also my queen. It's a Knight duty to protect the queen even if it cost my life.

Eve : Elsword...

Aisha which is worried about Eve she jumped at Eve and crying.

Aisha : Eve...!

Eve : Sorry, Aisha.

Elsword: Aisha, save the crying part later when we escaped from here. Right now, we should retreat first.

Ara : My my~~ Do you think we would let you guys escape that easily?

After saying that, Elsa suddenly appeared in front of Elsword. Elsa used Assault Slash to cut down her distance with Elsword. Although Elsword managed to blocked Elsa attack but-

Elsword : Guaaaaahhhhh...! (This... This is the same technique she teach me, but what's with this destructive power. It's incomparable with mine, how's this possible! How much of a gap we had Sis?)

Elsword got blown away and crash through a few tree. The party chase after Elsword and help him up.

Everyone: Elsword!

Elsword : I'm fine. *cough* This is nothing. Now our chance, Let's Run!

Although He is in bad shape, he still trying to lead them to safety. Raven who saw this and he also noticed that Eve is also trying her best to hold down the wound she suffered. Seeing this, Raven-

Raven : Elsword, take Chung away with you.

Elsword: ...!

Eve : What are you talking about, Raven!

Elsword and Eve who already realized Raven's intention trying to stop him. But-

Raven : I'll buy time for you all. Even though it's just a small time.

Seeing his determination, Elsword could only give up and sigh.

Elsword : Hah... Fine. But make sure you catch up with us back.

Hearing this, Raven could only smile wryly. Elsword know it the best, there's no way someone could survive against that many horde of demon, plus there is Ara, Aren, and Proto. Elsword just trying to ease the tense.

Raven : Sure.

Everyone except Raven: Elsword!

Elsword : There's no choice anymore! At this rate, we will be wiped out! And beside, this is what he already decided! We should honor his decision!

Aisha : NOOOOOO! I won't let him do this! RAVEN! STOP THIS!

Eve : Yeah, Raven! We should be able to get through this if we are together!

Rena : Seriously, have you been infected by Elsword's recklessness? Stop that plan this instance!

Raven : ...

And then, Chung which being carried on Raven's back, whispered something to Raven. And then, he smile wryly.

Raven : Thanks.

Chung : Elsword, Please carry me.

Aisha, Rena, Eve: Chung!

Then Elsword proceed to take Chung from Raven back he carried him on his back, despite the girl are all protested.

Chung : This is all for us girls. We should be alive, and then we take revenge after we're in top condition.

Raven : Now, Elsword. Take them away from here. They're alredy closing in here.

Elsword: Sorry.

Elsword proceed to bump with Raven's fist.

Raven : Don't be. Please take care of Aisha, Elsword.

Aisha : Raven...

Elsword : Okay. Let's go Everyone!

Rena and Eve reluctantly leave Raven alone, but Aisha keep stood still on the spot.

Raven : What's wrong Aisha? Go now. They're already leaving.

Aisha : Will you be back to us?

Raven : I promise I'll be back to you.

Aisha : Liar...

She ran to Raven chest and buried her crying face on his chest. Raven hug her back. Raven could only let her cry until she is satisfied.

Aisha : I hate you, I hate you the most...

After saying that, Aisha kissed Raven on his lips. They entangled their tongue for a few second and then Aisha ran to chase Elsword's party back without saying another word to Raven.

Raven : Good Bye, Aisha.

Ara : My my~~ How brave of you... Standing here alone... I love the you like this you know...

Raven turned to the source where the voice came.

Raven : You won't be able to pass here, Ara.

Ara : Do you really think you could stop me alone?

Raven : We'll see...

Raven thrust his nasod hand forward and yelled out.

Raven : Ignition Crow!

Raven shoots out a flaming crow which was aimed at Ara, but Ara's figure suddenly disappeared. And the next moment, Ara's spear already stabbed on Raven's abdomen. Raven didn't know what happened and he collapsed.

Raven : Guhhooo... *cough cough* H... Ho... How...?

Ara : You don't need to know how I could do that without you noticing it... Because you'll be minced meat sooner.

And, then without any moment for rest, Raven already surrounded by demon and got massacred...

Raven : Guaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...!

Ara : Sleep, Black Crow.

In the mean time, Elsword's party had got caught up Aren's army...

Elsword : Damn... They're persistent...

Aren : Do you really think you guys could escape with just one decoy?

Elsword : Look's like it didn't worked. Chung, from now on , you should run on yourself with the girls. I'll hold them back.

Elsword put down Chung and step forward...

Eve : Elsword... No! Don't do it! We should face him all together!

Aisha : She's right, Elsword! If you're alone there's no chance of winning! If we're together even the chance is slim we still have a chance!

Rena : Stop with this Heroic act, Elsword! What's with you guys! Throw away your boys pride! They're no use in this situation!

Elsword : Chung... Please...

Chung which keep quiet until now, he step to Elsword side. And then using his destroyer, he blow Elsword to the back.

Aisha, Eve, Rena : Chung!

Elsword blown to the tree coughing up blood, and the he staggering to standing.

Elsword : Chung, You Bastard! Why You-

Chung : Elsword, Leave this place for me.

Elsword : ...!

Aisha, Eve, Rena : Wait! What're you talking about, Chung!

The girl all shout simultaneously, while Elsword eye's wide open, because he realize what he whispered to Raven before they leave Raven alone.

Elsword : Chung, don't tell me, you...

Chung : Yeah, I promised Raven that I will protect you all after him.

Rena : Stopped this madness, Chung! I don't understand... I don't understand this at all!

Chung : Rena... Please hear me out for this one time... Elsword... You too... Please...

Elsword : Guh... Fine...

Eve, Aisha: Elsword!

Elsword : Let's go everyone!

Rena : I won't go!

Chung : Rena...

Rena : What can you do with your own condition Chung! Even I could kill you easily with your condition. I would prefer die rather than leave you alone!

Chung : Rena... *Sigh* Fine.

Rena : Elsword... Please go now...

Elsword only nod on Rena words.

Elsword : Let's go Eve, Aisha!

And then Eve going after Elsword, when Aisha was going to chase after Elsword...

Rena : Aisha...

Aisha : Yeah...? What is it? If it was confession of love then you should come back alive first and then confessed to me~...

Aisha which trying to joke with happy tone, then Rena couldn't help but smile wryly...

Rena : It sure bring back old days when you bring a joke like that...

Aisha : Hahahaha... That's true...

And then both laughter could be heard resounding on the forest.

Rena : Please take care of Elsword and Eve... And you too...

Aisha : Leave it to me.

Then Aisha chase after Elsword.

Aren : Are you guys done with farewell? I'll compliment for you both bravery... But you both are a fool if you think you could stop me with just both of you...

Chung : We never know before we try...

Rena : That's Right!

Aren : Then entertain me foolish couple. Don't let me down.

Then Chung start to charge forward. He then leap up above Aren's head and he smash down his destroyer on the ground.

Chung : Land Demolisher!

But Aren's figure disappear. When Chung notice Aren stood at the top of his destroyer. And then-

Rena : Phoenix Strike!

Aren jump from Chung's destroyer to dodged Rena's Arrow which forming a phoenix bird. The next moment without seeing anything, Chung feel something impacting him and blow him away, and hit Rena.

Chung : Guhhhh...!

Rena : Kyaaah!

Aren which already jumped of Chung's destroyer smile wickedly...

Aren : Not Bad. I'll compliment both of your teamwork. But still foolish couple will keep still a foolish couple. Now Disappear Foolish couple... Infinity Thrust!

Aren which still in mid air unleashed a series of thrust. His thrust looks like alive flying to Chung and Rena direction and creating a big explosion.

Chung : Uwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hhhhh!

Rena : Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh hhh!

When Aren land on the ground Rena and Chung disappeared completely.

Aren : Hmph... What a Foolish Couple...

As for Elsword, They keep running through the Shadow Forest. As they keep running, suddenly Aisha feels chills through her spine. As Aisha look around the vicinity to find the source, suddenly Ara appeared beside Eve. Eve couldn't react on time because she didn't sense her presence. As Ara going to stab Eve, she got shoved off aside and fall down to the ground. As she open her eyes-

Eve :!

Aisha : Kahhhaa...!

Eve : Aishaaaaa!

Ara : Fools...


Elsword charge at Ara, But Ara pulled out her spear From Aisha Abdomen and blocked Elsword charge.


Ara showing a shocked face because Elsword displaying unexpected strength. He blow Ara away far enough. As Aisha collapsed Eve quickly hold her.

Eve : Aisha! Aisha!

Aisha : Eve... You're so loud... *cough cough*

Eve : Don't talk Aisha... When should tend to your wound...

Aisha : No Eve... We should keep running...*cough cough* My wound is already fatal... It looks like Raven had failed huh...*cough cough* I don't have much time any longer... but at least I want to do something for both of you...*cough cough* Elsword... Please carry me... to safety place... even just for five minutes...

Elsword : ...Sure.

Elsword carry Aisha on his back, and they keep run away. As they through the shadow forest, Aisha noticed an unused cabin, the she told Elsword to stop at the cabin.

Aisha : *cough cough* Elsword stop inside cabin over there...

As Aisha pointing out the direction, Elsword and Eve rushed inside cabin.

After they go inside cabin-

Elsword : What're you going to do Aisha?

As Elsword asked Aisha, Aisha face already become much more pale...

Aisha : Put me down, Elsword...

Elsword do as he told without asking anything. As Aisha reserved her last strength to stand up, she used her blood to draw a medium sized magic circle.

Eve : What're you doing Aisha... What's this magic circle?

Aisha : *cough cough* There's no time anymore... Please... step in the middle of my magic circle...

As Elsword and Eve unsure to step it or not, Aisha force to quicken their step.


As she yelled with her last strength, Elsword and Eve resolved to step in the middle.

Elsword : And...? What about you?

Aisha shook her head...

Aisha : No... This is my last resort... Right now...*cough cough* I could only transfer both of you... I'll transfer both of you to Eight years ago... when we meet each other for the first time...

Elsword : ...!

Eve : Aisha! Nooooooooooo!

As Elsword and Eve trying to get away from the magic circle, they couldn't move. Aisha has cast Binding Circle on them.

Elsword: Aisha... What's the meaning of this...? You should come with us Aisha!

Eve : That's right Aisha! Please come with us...!

Seeing Eve with teary eyes begging her, Aisha chest feel hurt, but Aisha merely shook her head.

Aisha : *cough cough* with my condition... it's impossible...*cough cough* To transfer myself, I had to be in the best condition and full powered... Please Eve... Elsword... go now... and revenge for our fallen comrade... and for me...*cough cough*


Aisha seeing Elsword in this state well he's showing tears and crying all over make her chest more painful. Eve which beside him also the same. The strong and hot headed brat from the first time they meet had broken. The usual emotionless and clueless queen also couldn't be found anymore. Aisha gathered all her strength and move to Elsword place. Seeing this, Elsword face showing a bit of hope.

Elsword : Aisha...! You're coming too right?

Aisha : *put her palm on his cheek softly and shook her head* No...'s time to go now... Please... Take care of Eve...

Elsword : AISHAAAA!




The red magic circle glowing and then Elsword and Eve starting to begin swallowed by the floor


Aisha : Good bye Eve... My... Best Friend...


Aisha : *cough cough* Elsword... Please... Revenge for us... but... don't be reckless... you should be able to found a new power in the past...

Elsword : Aisha...

Aisha watching Elsword and Eve departed with tears flowing all over her face... After watching both of them disappeared to the past, Aisha finally collapsed and didn't move a single inch a finger. She reach her limit.

Aisha : Raven... I'll join you shortly... We will be together again...

After saying that Aisha finally passed away pathetically...

Me : Well then... My Gosh... It looks like my prologue is longer than the chapter which I'll be writing... Well... guys, what do you think of my story?

Elsword & Eve: *blush*

Everyone except Raven: *Killing Intent*

Raven :*Putting a Heroic pose*

Me : -_-" Wha... What? What did I do wrong? Why three of you had killing aura behind you?


Me :*gulp**step back* Wa... Wait! This is just a Prologue... The real story will begin after this...!

Elsword: *go to the door entrance getting ready to escape*

Eve : *humming*


Eve : O.o" No... it's just I found this piece of paper under the bed... And there is so interesting...

Me :O.o NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Eve! You shouldn't read that first before I publish it! * I jumped to snatched back my script but Eve dodged me*

Raven :*Still putting a Heroic pose*

Aisha, Rena, Chung: *Going to My and Eve place with much more intense Killing Intent*

Me & Eve : *Gulp and step Back*

Chung : Oh well, I actually still want to keep this secret but-*Smile wickedly* Girls... I'll lend you both one of my destroyer...

Me : O.o" When did you had so many destroyer?

Chung : Hmm... I create this just for the time when Elsword want challenge me to fight... but looks like I had to revealed it much sooner.

Rena & Aisha: Most appreciated...

Chung : Where's Elsword?

Elsword: *opening the door*

Me & Eve: *follow behind Elsword*

Rena & Aisha: Ahhhhh! There he is! They're trying to run away!

Elsword: I've already expected this... BUT WHY ME TOO!


Me, Elsword, Eve: Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh hhh! *running outside the room*

Chung, Aisha, Rena: STOP RIGHT THERE AND LET US BLOW YOU GUYS! *chase after us*

Raven : *putting on Heroic Pose in front of the room*

Me, Elsword, Eve: *running away pass him*

Chung, Aisha, Rena: *chasing after us passing him*

Raven :*still putting on Heroic Pose in front of the room*

Aisha :*Twitch* YOUR POSE PISSED ME OFF!*She hit Raven with destroyer blowing him away*


Me, Elsword, Eve: -_-"

Me : And there's that Guys... If you like the Story, Please Review it... See you in next chapter... And sorry for my bad English...