I lay on my bed. Depressed. Ezra and I had just broken up. My heart was shattered to pieces and by the look on his face when I broke up with him, he was too. It was the right decision. I know it was, he can't have a "new" son and a complicated love life at the same time. I had to make sure his son could have all the attention in the world from his Dad. I could feel tears fall silently on my face leaving a trail of water. I rolled over and cried as hard as I could into my pillow until I fell asleep. This was harder than I thought it would be.

I wake up the sunlight streaming in through my window. My eyes were crusty from crying so much last night. I walk over to my mirror and see yesterdays mascara all over my face. Then I check my phone 6 missed calls and 6 voicemails. They were all from Ezra. I sigh and ignore them then take a shower getting ready for the school day ahead.


I can't believe Aria broke up with me. I thought what we had was meant to be. All I want was her to be happy. Luckily, Malcolm is coming over tonight. He'll probably mend a little bit of my broken heart. I pick up my phone to see if Aria called back. Nothing. Maybe I will see her when I go to the school to decline the offer of the teaching job.


I walk into school hoping no one will notice the dark circles under my eyes.

" So then I see a bag to match the shoes and my mom still wouldn't let me get them!" I hear Hanna Marin say.

"Hey." I say walking up to the lockers

"Hey babe, what up with the dark circles?" Hanna asks.

Shit, she noticed. "Uhh nothing." I lie.

"Ar, whats wrong?" Spencer asks with concern.

"Uhh." I feel tears starting in my eyes and dash to the bathroom.

"Aria?" I hear Emily knock on the door. When they start getting impatient they bust the door open. Damn those stupid cheap locks.

"What happened you look like godzilla!" Hanna says which doesn't make me feel better at all.

"Ezra and I broke up!" I scream with anger when I know its really not their fault.

"I'm so sorry." Spencer wraps her arm around me and I bury my head in my hands.

"Hey how about we play hooky and have a girls day!" Hanna throws out the idea. I nod my head.

"Lets go." I say wiping the smeared mascara off my face.


We walk out and bump into the last person I want to see.

"Aria!" I hear Ezra say and rush over to me. "Can we talk?" I motion my head yes and walk away from the girls so we can have this conversation in private.

"Why did you break up with me?" A confused Ezra asks.

" Because, you can't have a son and a complicated relationship at the same time. He needs all your attention! ALL OF IT! I'm doing whats best for him." I tell him.

"Well what good is it giving him a depressed, lonely father? Huh?" Ezra angrily says.

I think about what he says then my body moves toward him. As close as I can get until my lips reach his. How could I ever leave this? "I'm sorry-." I mumble before going back to kiss him some more.

When were done he asks if I can come over tonight and I say yes. We part our ways. Me happy I have him back.


Takeout in my hand I walk over to apartment 3B. I open the door with my key and let myself in. "Hello?" I ask seeing as Ezra is nowhere.

"BOO!" I hear Malcolm scream behind me. "Did I scare you?" He asks.

"You sure did!" I say rumbling his hair. "Wheres your Dad?" I ask.

"In the bathroom. Ooh whats that?" Malcolm takes the bag out of my hand and starts going through it.

"Hey Aria." I hear Ezra say. He leans down and kisses me.

"Hey babe. I brought Chinese!."

"Yum." He starts looking in the bag also. Malcolm is definitely Ezra's son.


I sit on the couch with my girlfriend snuggled up next to me and Malcolm staring at the television while cartoons were on. I kiss Aria's forehead and she leans her head up and lightly kisses my lips and snuggles even closer. We watch for a couple of minutes until we look over and find Malcolm fast asleep. Then Maggie knocks and I pick him up and give him to her. As soon as I close the door. Aria turns me around and starts kissing me. She jumps up on my hips and I set her down on the bed. I enter her mouth and she plays with my tongue for a while. "Not- tonight." I say.

"Uggh fine." She says and gets up and puts on one of my shirts.

We fall asleep in each others arms. I'm so happy to have her all to myself.